Fate weaver’s convergence


Hey there! Sorry about the wait! Consider this the official wrap-up for this arc! Gonna write up the next arc this weekend, so expect Monday's chapter Tuesday or Wednesday!


"Yep, this is close to what I expecte- urk"


"Enough! What are you doing here Marcus?!"


The muscled body of a fully grown Lamia pressed Graf's throat against a lone redwood, standing just to the edge of the road they'd rested upon. Sophia, a former Centurian within the Imperial legions took immediate notice of Graf, given they'd known each other once before.


"Do you know them, Sophia?" 


Hatsumi asked aloud, looking to the former as she cradled Kiyomi up into her arms. Looking from Graf to the other two adventurers, Alick was pinned to the ground by a disheveled and sleepless Stannis, while the Elf, Chessa was flanking Adrian.


"Just this one…"


Sophia hissed through her teeth as she glanced back up at Graf.


"I'll repeat myself, what are you doing here?! And why were our children with you!"


Graf gasped at the air as the muscle pinning him to the tree let up its pressure. Coughing at the reintroduction of air, Graf muttered back.


"I should be asking you the same thing! Weren't you the Legate's little watchdog last we spoke?"


Sophia pressed her tail back against the tree for a few seconds before letting off again. With Graf desperately gasping for air as his teammates watched hopelessly, he answered eagerly.


"Deserted- urk- territories to the west are a bloodbath! Empire struggling there- Legate Caelin was killed! Had to- urk- Had to desert! Was gonna die!" 


With Sophia's temper still high, she continued pressing as Graf spoke.


"Kid hired us- GASP- to escort to- to the pass and back!"


Graf clambered to loosen the strain by grabbing onto the tail and attempting to push it away.


"Why is there a collection of Dire wolverines here?"


Sophia allowed her tail to falter, giving Graf room to gather himself.


"She was ambushed when she tried to pick some flowers, we had to hold off the Wolverine that ambushed her cause it was dead set! When we sent her to hide for safety, we didn't anticipate a pack of them! Those things are supposed to be solitary, aren't they? And can you please let me down, we make for better interrogation when we aren't in fear for our lives!"


Graf pleaded.


"What about my daughter and the boy?"


Sophia asked, earning an expression of surprise from Graph.


"Wait- the Bitch of Krava has a dau-"


Graf's exclamation was met with a slap as Sophia rose to meet him at eye level.


"You will NOT refer to me as that in the presence of good company! How did they get here?"


Beryl and Vaughn kept some distance next to Callum as he berated them himself. Standing next to a wagon that undoubtedly hauled Sophia herself along, and meant for the children themselves. Just barely overhearing the questioning, Beryl broke away from Callum’s own scolding and spoke out.


"Mother we- I snuck out and dragged Vaughn along! We wanted to make sure Kiyomi was alright!"


Sophia clenched her jaw and looked away from Graf, cursing under her breath.


"Beryl, We'll discuss your involvement in this later." 


Sophia looked back up to Graf, awaiting an answer from the Goblin himself.


“The first I saw of those two was when we found them at the cabin after all the killing was done! I know nothing, I swear!”


At Graf’s words, Sophia hesitated for a moment before cursing. 


“Damnit! I wanted an excuse!”


Sophia loosened her pressure on Graf, allowing him to fall to the ground.


“Wai- Ah! Shit!”


Graf cursed as he landed on his rear. Looking up to his interrogator, he faced the point of a spear. 


“I know you aren't lying, but you're following us.”


Graf silently nodded, causing Sophia to pull her spear away as she turned to join Callum, Beryl, and Vaughn. With the tail of Sophia now far enough away to give Graf pause, he looked to his teammates that were now being released. Stannis was helping Alick up, apologizing under his breath whilst Chessa walked away from Adrian, leaving the girl be. Looking back down to gather his breath, Graf thought about the impossible circumstances that may have led to him running into his former colleague. 


She was dedicated to her Legion, almost unmoving… what happened?


 As the stray thought crossed Graf’s mind, two feet planted into the ground ahead of him, with a furred tail settling around them. Looking up, Graf met what he would call a wrathful gaze staring down at him. A woman emanating what could be called a true sense of hatred for him, holding a girl that he was foolish enough to accept money from. 


“We’ll talk over this later, with the Guild Master.”


The beast woman that stared down at Graf simply turn her heel and walked away toward the cart alongside Sophia.


Hatsumi sat in the cart alongside Sophia, Beryl, Vaughn, and her sleeping daughter. She’d spent the previous half hour inspecting her daughter's condition but was still stumped for some time until she found the small vial in Kiyomi’s pocket. It wasn't until the tail tip of a particular snake was caught intertwining itself with Kiyomi’s tail that Hatsumi thought to ask.


“Did she actually use this Beryl?”


Beryl jumped slightly in her seat as Hatsumi spoke to her. 


“Ah, y-yeah. She took one just as she was about to pass out after falling through the cabin’s roof.”


Beryl replied hesitantly, looking repeatedly from Hatsumi to something she was cradling in hand. Looking back to Kiyomi, Hatsumo grimaced.


You really had to go that far? Kiyomi you-


Hatsumi sighed audibly, looking over her daughter once more before sitting back in the free spot next to Sophia. She knew what it was her daughter came all this way for, and she succeeded. Whilst Beryl and Vaughn could both have done numerous things to avoid the current situation, one is informing the parents immediately, they still saved Kiyomi's life. Without them present, it was likely she would have woken up to find she had no daughter at all.


I doubt those two will have as much of a hard time as I'll be giving her when she wakes.


Hatsumi looked from the corner of her eyes to the young Lamia across from her. Occasionally shifting her hands, it was clear that Beryl was holding the flower Kiyomi wanted to retrieve for her. Additionally, from their impression, the revelation of danger to Kiyomi managed to give Beryl the nudge she needed to actively use destruction magic effectively. 


She at least didn't make this fruitless… I'll have to think of something for her punishment though… ugh, making her stand in a corner wouldn't work the same as Yui. 


As Hatsumi pondered, the question was brought up of how exactly the fight took place by Sophia. Vaughn recounted the events, given Beryl explained them before, and she was too meek to talk forwardly to her mother at the moment. Instead, the two chose to let her be while Vaughn talked.


"With her strength, I wouldn't doubt she could do that. Usually, Kiyomi takes our warnings and advice seriously. You wouldn't think so for her age, but she does. The surprising part is a Wolverine knowing mana-break. More often than not the culprit is reptilian, birdlike, or much more intelligent mammals."


Hatsumi looked at Sophia. 


"The arrival of more monsters capable of self-enhancement was inevitable. I just never saw it coming so soon. Our reconnaissance pointed to a full migration within five years, this must be the first wave."


Sophia nodded in response, adjusting herself right after.


"More than likely, we're close enough to the borders that scouring and driving out wildlife should be relatively easy."


A look of concern was passed between the two before Hatsumi sighed, returning her attention to her daughter.


Well, Kiyomi, you may be rash, but at least you're strong enough to make up for it. Let's hope you keep taking your learning approach seriously.


With her thoughts clear, Hatsumi moved on from her worry now that she knew Kiyomi was simply exhausted. Curiosity now took place of concern as she looked to Beryl.


"I understand you might want to guard the flower Kiyomi gave you with your life, but may I see? I've never gotten a chance to see an Azure-lace up close."


Beryl looked at her hands in response, holding out the flower with hesitation.




"Thank you~."





The comforting sleep I’d faded into began fading as my mind slowly woke, a discomforting sensation greeting me.




“Mmmmm-rrr sto-”




“Ow! I said stop-”


I sat up immediately, opening my eyes to glance at the source of what was now clearly pain from my horns.


“Oh, you’re finally awake. It’s been about two days now, hmm?”


Ah… here comes the not-fun part.


“So, how is my daughter doing after her first adventure, hmm? How was it scaring me half to death and giving me my first grey hair?”


Looking up, I was greeted by Hatsumi. Her face was terrifying as she smiled down at me, apparently, I was clean and underneath the covers in our bed. The situation felt inescapable for a moment considering I was in my underwear.


Options are staying here and facing a terrifying cat lady… or running outside to escape her wrath in my underwear. This risk assessment is bad. Welp…


Lifting the covers to the side as I stared up at Hatsumi, I readied myself to get into position.


I accepted this reality when I decided to sneak out… this is the path I have chosen. I must dedicate one hundred percent.


My muscles tensed as I prepared myself for my next move, the woman over me letting out an intimidating aura as she stood smiling, her tail swishing from side to side.


Alright… move!


“I’m so sorry Mama! I didn't mean to make you worry! I just really wanted to help Beryl and cheer her up! I know I shouldn't have assumed it would be safe! And I know I could have gotten myself killed and - ooooow! Let go let go let go let go pleeease!”


I scooched back onto the bed and planted my face into the bedding, laying my hands forward of me and clenching them together. I was basically prostrating myself to my mother as my tail pointed straight over and slouched over me. Before I’d even completed my begging, I felt her hand clasp around my tail and squeeze as she pulled to my rear and forced me to sit up. 


“Sit up dear, and get dressed.”


“I’m up! I’m up!”


Planting my butt into the bed, I was met with a flick to the horn once more. 


“Ow, for-”


Fuck’s sake that hurts!


“Kiyomi, I know you didn't do it to spite me. It would be helpful if you’d realize the inherent danger in the things you do though. We need you to eat and drink something, get dressed.”


Mother exhaled and continued to where a content smile as she moved to the closet. Opening it, she pulled out clothes for the day. We spent the next hour getting prepared for the day. Apparently, I'd awoken two days after passing out, waking up just after breakfast.


How could I have been that exhausted? Was it really that bad? Granted I think I ran my mana pool down twice.


Walking about for the first half of the day, Mother asked for me to recount my end of the story. Silently nodding for the majority of the story, we found ourselves taking seats at the fountain in the center of Brenton plaza. With its water trickling constantly, it felt calming enough to not be drowned by anxiety for the coming punishment. The only parts I chose to leave out were the strange alerts I received near the end with the exception of the skill and level updates. 


“So from there, thanks to using the supplements, you blacked out? Nothing else?”


“Mn-mm. Nope.”


I shook my head after swallowing the last bite of a skewer. 


“Well, I guess that accounts for all sides of the story. It was hard to believe the story the people you hired gave us. Everything lines up, and I will say, It’s depressing you used that money for it.”


Hatsumi sighed as she tossed her own skewer to the side into a barrel. 


“Well, our next stop is checking on your friends and Callum. Avery and the others might be there too.”


Mother shrugged as she stood, stretching as she did. 


“Mnnnn! Hah~”


Motioning for me to join her, we continued. The walk was uneventful as ever, following the secondary roads, and seeing the warehouse with the forges. The day was nice, especially given we wouldn't have much of any summer or autumn left with winter coming in. Birds flying overhead, people walking around, and even the rats and other pests showing themselves as they were chased along the edge of the road by a cat. I even got to see some of the other blacksmiths as they waved at us. Turning the corner of the warehouse, the sound of people training finally could be heard over the fire and yelling from the workers.


Turning the corner, I was greeted by the sight of multiple people running about. Avery and Chessa were sparring, blade and spear meeting randomly as the larger Arachne brought her force down to bear upon the scout of the Revenants. To the side of them, Stannis could be seen watching as he stood idly drinking water. Much closer, Beryl and Vaughn could be seen standing at odds themselves, awaiting some kind of signal. 




Callum was heard yelling, signaling whatever event was about to take place. 




Beryl audibly yelled, bringing up her arms as electricity immediately crackled out and the bow of lightning manifested instantly.

Wait, what? It looks like she’s-


Beryl began tracking Vaughn as he ran, doing her best to keep aim on him. Moving back and forth, Vaughn drew a wooden sword from his belt as he sprinted forward in his approach.


What's going on here? Hey, hey, hey! They're sparring, right? But she’s using-


For some reason, I felt the need to intervene. Moving forward to do something, Mother stopped me with a hand on my shoulder. 


“Just watch real quick, they're a real show now. Even just after a day.”


Mother sounded relaxed in her tone as if she’d been accustomed to this. 


Vaughn continued sprinting forward, dashing to the left before rolling suddenly. Releasing her lightning, a bolt shot where Vaughn had just been, searing the ground and throwing up dirt as the force dug into the ground. The exact spot Vaughn had just been before rolling out of the way was completely scorched. 


“Crap! Come on!”


Beryl immediately readied another shot as Vaughn was getting closer. Now within a few meters, Beryl readied another bolt, and Vaughn raised his shield in response. Within the flash of a moment, a blue light engulfed his shield as it was set in place and Beryl once more released a bolt of lightning. The bolt struck home, releasing a bright light as it impacted the blue aura surrounding Vaughn's shield. Forced to avert my eyes from the brightness of the light, I was afraid of the sight that would greet me from looking back at the two. I imagined all forms of burn or wound for just a moment before looking back up and seeing the results. Beryl and Vaughn were both panting, covered in sweat as a wooden sword was shaking and held just close enough to Beryl’s neck to illicit a victory, all the while the once glowing shield simply smoked slightly. Each of the two was staring at the other they attempted to catch their breath, only relaxing after a slow audible clap echoed out from Callum. 


“Good job you two! Vaughn! You actually managed to get within swinging distance AND managed to land a killing blow.”


Beryl and Vaughn lowered their guard as Callum approached, Vaughn posting on his knees after planting the wooden sword into the dirt and Beryl sitting back onto her coils. Bringing a hand to her shoulder, Callum addressed Beryl next.


“Beryl, not only were you able to keep up your arc bow at a maintainable level until now, you even managed to fire off your Arc-bow twice in one run AND managed to lend a direct strike on his shield.”


Beryl and Vaughn both could be seen smiling weakly in response.


“Thanks, Mister Callum. Definitely feeling more confident with offensive magic thanks to the sparring.”


Callum gave Beryl one more soft pat before pointing at us. 


“In the meantime, you two have spectators.”


Looking our way, Vaughn and Beryl’s faces lit up with happiness.




“Hey, you're awake!”


Vaughn and Beryl both yelled in order as they ran toward us.


“Easy you two, weren't you just sparring? It’s cool out but you two were still just excerciaaa- ah hah, haha, put me down! Hahaha!”


Beryl wrapped her arms around me and raised me off the ground as she hugged me, only letting me down as Vaughn caught up.


“You really were out cold for a hot minute. It’s relieving to see you back up after that last part of the fight.”


Beryl and Vaughn both shivered at the mention of the moment. 


What, how bad was it- Oooooh yeah, that last Wolverine probably opened me up bad.


“Well, I mean, with you two to back me up things turned out great! I’m healed up tip top!”


Vaughn smiled confidently in response. 


“And with your muscle, we should be unbeatable! The shield, the spear, and the arrow! All three of us are shaping up to be pretty strong!”


Vaughn leaned onto Beryl, throwing an arm over her shoulder then my own.


“Keep bragging all you want Vaughn, we just don't have anyone to compare to yet. Just wait until we can start hunting for real.”


Beryl responded, still allowing herself to be taken in by Vaughns's arm. With the three of us together, it probably looked like we were finally celebrating our victory. 


“Hey! Kikiiii~”


Oh gods, the booby spider.


Avery yelled as she and Chessa finished up their own sparring session with the two now walking towards us. 


“Heyyy-hehe. How’s the little monster holding up? I saw what you did to that one wolverine! To think that was what you had in ya!”


Avery leaned in and picked up the three of us in one monstrous hug. Surprisingly, she even managed to lift Beryl.


“It’s good to see you all up and kicking together now. Oh! Kiyomi, hey come’ere.”


Avery let us all down, pulling me to the side by my arm.


“So this was what that was all about.”


Avery leaned down, talking into my ear as quietly as she could manage. 


“I knew it was something important but you pulled out the big guns didn't ya?”


Avery was smiling from ear to ear as she asked.


“Wha- I’m lost here, what are you talking about?”


I was confused given I had no real context.


“The Azur-lace Kiyomi! You sly fox! You know what it means to give a girl a blue flower, right?”


Avery was almost laughing as she tried to contain her laughter.




Avery shook her head.


“You’ll find out eventually.”


Avery patted my back before turning me around to look back at the group. Looking at them, Callum and Stannis stood arm in arm as they watched Beryl and Vaughn play. Beryl had Vaughn’s head in a lock while she ground a knuckle into his scalp. Chessa and Hatsumi were each talking themselves as well, the two laughing over something. Just after some gold was passed between them and tossed to Stannis.


“More gold for the bet?”


Stannis asked aloud, earning a laugh from Callum.


“Fuck it, I’ll toss five more too!”


Callum fished out some gold from his pocket. 


“Damnit, I still have to add to the pool!”


Avery scuttled over, abandoning the small talk we’d been having.


What the hell are they betting over?


A note on the flowers, it's not uncommon to give them to someone you like. In a lot of cases, they have different similar meanings depending on the flower.

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