Fate weaver’s convergence

C66 Opening breeze, fading flowers 13

Thank you all for your patience, this one took a while to get out but I imagine it's worth it. Please forgive any spelling errors for now, ill be able to amend them Sunday night/Monday morning. This chapter was worked out entirely on mobile. As always, thanks for reading, and please enjoy~


Ps oh yeah, seeing a lot of these mistakes

A fuckin coward to the end! I can kill a Bulette, but I'm still scared shitless!


My pace fell to a jog as I continued pushing myself forth. Endurance had just kicked in, thankfully keeping me from stopping and puking my brains out from the exertion. The rocky terrain turned back to grass and dirt as I was making my way back to the pass. Looking to the corner of my vision, I could see vague information about Graf, Adrian, and Alick. Graf sent me a party invite soon after I'd run off, possibly to keep my worry at ease. It helped, but not much thanks to the occasional drain on their health signaling one of them was hurt. 


Don't think about it, they're a team versus one big ass Wolverine. They have magic, they'll be fine.







"You heard that too, right?"


Beryl looked to Vaughn with worry after the roar of a monster could be heard just over the hill Kiyomi and the adventurers disappeared behind. 




Shortly after, some yelling could be heard as well as the onset of what must have been a fight. With worry in their hearts, the two began moving from the woodline just as Kiyomi could be seen cresting the hill in a panic.


"Holy cow she's fast when she wants to be!"


Before the two could even intercept Kiyomi, she'd already bound between rocks until her feet began hitting the dirt as she continued running.


What even is it that's got her spooked?!


Beryl thought, glancing back to the hillside. The only hint being the yelling of the adventures, a roar, and a stray projectile of fire flying into the mountains.


"Beryl, concentrate! We need to link up with Kiyomi!"


Vaughn grabbed Beryl's wrist, reminding her of their next move. Kiyomi was making ground fast, and it wouldn't do either of the two any good to try and find her later. They needed to meet up with their friend now, the time to follow was over given she'd be by herself.


"Kiyomi! Wait!"


Vaughn tried yelling as the two ran as fast as they could, barely able to keep up with the terrain. Beryl was especially worse for wear given the length of her body was forcing itself along the uneven ground at a pace she'd easily hurt herself at.


"She's not gonna make it easier for us. I doubt she can hear anything over her breathing!"


Beryl managed to squeeze the words out as she matched Vaughns's pace.


"No but the grounds clearing and she just started slowing down! Ugh, this bag isn't helping!


Vaughn dumped the bag he'd had slung over his shoulder, a cluttered thump could be heard as it dropped. Now only weighed down by his sword and buckler shield, he was able to at least hold his pace. Beryl soon did the same, her own bag bouncing off of her tail beforehand. The two gave chase to Kiyomj for nearly ten minutes before she began slowing to a jog and began spitting something out of her mouth. With the opportunity at hand, Beryl called out between labored panting.


"Kiyomi! Wait! Hold up for a second!"


Kiyomi stood up, looking around with a surprised expression before bringing her gaze to Beryl and Vaugh.


That's right! We're here!


Beryl thought triumphantly. At first, she expected a face of happiness to follow, but instead, Kiyomi's expression morphed into concern, then fear as she looked down at her hands. Quickly shoving whatever she'd had into a pouch along her waist, she took her sword in hand by its sheath and jogged towards us.


What was that over? 


The thought came and went for the Lamia as Kiyomi was within a couple of meters.


"What even are you two doing out here?!


Kiyomi questioned in a confusing tone.




A roar could be heard in the distance, from the same direction the three had just come from. Looking to the corner of her vision, Kiyomi let out a sigh of relief.


"Come on, it's not safe here."


Isn't the monster already being taken care of? Whatever it is?


Kiyomi seemed panicked as she looked along the hillside toward the Ridgeline, then back to the woodline below.


"Just- follow me."


Kiyomj motioned for Beryl and Vaughn to follow as she continued her jogging pace, falling slightly in speed to ease the burden on the two that'd been trailing her.


"What is it they're fighting?"


Vaughn asked as he moved to Kiyomi's left.


"Dire- ha- Wolverine. Going to the cabins at the pass."


Beryl and Vaughn thought back to the wooden structures that Kiyomi mentioned. They passed then when they first came to Brenton. 

The pass serves as their final reprieve from the enemies that assailed them within Morus. 


"Going for shelter?"


Beryl asked aloud, earning a sideways nod from Kiyomi.


"Concealment. Not much protection."


"From what-"


Vaughn was the last to ask anything as the three slowed their pace to a halt. Rocks tumbling down the hillside ahead of the three were their signifier for Kiyomi's worry. Looking up the mountainside, two burly, furred monsters stumbled awkwardly down its rocky face.


"More of them?!"


Kiyomi clenched her teeth as she unsheathed her sword.


"I went out myself! I didn't want you two at risk!"


But would we want you sneaking off and getting hurt either?! 


Beryl snapped a look to Kiyomis back as the three hesitated on what they should do next.


"We should keep moving, go for open ground. If we can she should uh-"


Kiyomi paused as if she was trying to assess the situation.


"We need to get to those cabins, shit."


Kiyomi's grip shifted on her sword.


"Okay, you two."


Beryl looked up in surprise.


*Party formation requested. 

Subject Kiyomi Jormanr


Ah, join.


The system display within Beryl's periphery was updated. No longer showing the nearly invisible state of her own health or mana, but Kiyomi and Vaughn's as well.


Not even a second thought, Vaughn joined too.


Beryl had only seen the systems notifications a few times herself. Never having used it to much of an extent, it always threw her off. 


She's already taking charge and she's the youngest of us…


Kiyomi looked to Beryl, nudging her forth.


"Beryl, you take the front. You have the least to carry and you can't fight readily, okay? Remember the way to the cabins?" 


Beryl nodded as Kiyomi began walking backward.


"Vaughn, take center element. You're our defense and Beryl's main defense. Keep them off her if they get past me, okay?"


W-wait a minute! What is she-


Vaughn nodded, soon nudging Beryl along ahead of him.


"Kiyomi, wait! What about you?"


Beryl sensed something of her friend's current aim. She talked like Beryl's mother, Sophia once did. More calm and collected compared to before with the Bulette. Beryl was beginning to worry.


"Beryl, you need to get there first. You're still kinda shaken from before, right?"


Kiyomis's tone took one of concern as she followed behind Vaughn, glancing back to the mountainside.


Ah… that's what this is about…


"Kiyomi, I-"


Beryl was about to voice herself before Kiyomi muttered something under her breath, then yelled.


"Run, now!"





They seemed unsure at first, but after a few minutes of running, it was confirmed to all of them that the two Wolverines moving along the hillside were after them. Their panting wasn't for nothing thankfully, as they slowly approached the entrance of the pass. 


What's her plan? We could wait out in safety but what if those adventurers she paid never come to retrieve us? Are we on our own? Why was she even sneaking out here with them?


Question after question went through Beryl's mind as she followed Kiyomi's instructions. 


I never even got to apologize, but- we're outside the walls. Go figure we'd run into something.


"Beryl, hold up."


Vaughn called to Beryl from behind her, appearing to have slowed his pace slightly. Looking past him, Beryl saw Kiyomi once more surveying the hillside for the monster tailing them.


Somethings wrong, she's looking serious.


"What's up, why are we stopping?" 


Beryl asked.


Kiyomi looked back down to the wood line, then back to Vaughn and Beryl, then the mountainside once more.


"One of them is gone."


Kiyomi seemed tired but, no worse for wear as she looked back ahead of them. With the sudden sound of weight slamming against soil, Beryl felt her weight instinctually shifting as the hair on the back of her neck stood on end.




"Beryl- shit!"


Not a moment after Kiyomi looked to Beryl, she'd suddenly kicked off of the ground and shot past the lamia. 




Turning around, Beryl saw Kiyomi slamming into the Dire Wolverine. With Kiyomi having launched herself with just enough force, she slammed into the Wolverine with enough force to toss it onto its back. Flipping over to its line of sight, Kiyomi screamed as a thin aura of mana coated her.


"Run, now! I'll cover you!"


Beryl felt something push on her shoulder from behind.


"Listen to Kiyomi, I'll be between you both!"


Vaughn yelled, pushing Beryl forward.




Beryl's mind couldn't help but travel back to that time when Vaughn sent her away as he led their attackers away before.


I don't want Kiyomi to-


"Beryl! Now!"


Kiyomi looked back, yelling through gritted teeth as she unsheathed her sword, the Wolverine righting itself as she did. 


"Vaughn, I'll try and backstep as much as I can. We shouldn't be far away. Look out for-"


Kiyomi's orders were cut short as she turned to catch the Wolverine's paw that was shooting down at her. With the sound of metal on metal, the three were astonished as something they never anticipated occurred.


It can block Kiyomi's blade?! No- it-


The Wolverines claw was hooked onto Kiyomi's sword, a light yellow aura emanating from its paw.


"Move, now!"


Kiyomi barked one last time, pushing the other two into running as she swung her blade skyward. The last thing Beryl saw before turning to run was Kiyomi dodging the maw of the Wolverine as she pivoted on her heel and swapped stances.


Why can't I just protect them instead? 


That was the thought revolving over in Beryl's head as she ran for the cabins.








What the fuck were they even doing here?!


I was worried. Furious, but worried.


They fucking followed me! Me I can handle, but now they're in danger again! And with Beryl in her unstable state?


"Move, now!"


I yelled back, hoping that in their stubbornness they'd at least follow my direction. With what force I could muster, I forced the Wolverines paw away with a swing to the side and downward. Pivoting off of instinct, I just barely avoided the monster's jaws as it snapped at me where my stomach was a moment before.


Fucking things are faster than they look!




With what force I could muster while off balance, I tried kicking its snout away, earning a sufficient yelp.


Okay, back step!


Kicking off, I was able to buy a little more time to dump more mana to bring up mana-burst. Once more the drain was slightly higher than usual, but it was manageable at the least.


How did the thing not slice off its own claws?


Getting a second look, my question was vaguely answered as the yellow aura moved from the Wolverine's paw to weakly cover its body.


Oh, you've gotta be shitting me.


I continued to slowly back up, changing my guard with each step back.


Lorn said some monsters can use mana-burst, but an oversized weasel?


I slowly shifted back, glancing to the side as I did.


So that's how-


From my periphery, the location that the second Wolverine managed to ambush us from came into sight.


A weaker draw, just large enough for something to travel along it out of sight. But the first one-


Bringing my gaze back to the Wolverine, I readied myself for another pounce.


Is the first still on the mountain?


I glanced once more, attempting to catch a glimpse of it.


 Nowhere in sigh-




The second Wolverine took advantage of my split attention, closing nearly all the ground I gained.


Oh no you don't!


Swinging my sword to the left, I managed to parry its opposite paw and diverted it just enough to avoid coming under its full weight.


Fuck you!




The wolverine snapped once more, this time pressing its approach instead of resetting. 


Damnit, I need to gain some ground here!


With just enough room to jab outward, I slammed my fist into the Wolverine's neck. 


Please, give me some ground here!


I took the opportunity to run for what must have been a hundred meters or so before the sound of the Wolverine caught up with me.


Let's hope this works!


Working with my momentum, I swung my sword to my side, pivoting my body with it.




The skill activated, forming a faint red edge to the sword. With the Wolverine mid-stride, the blade found purchase along the left side of the creature's head, neck, and shoulder.


Did I land it?


I asked myself as the beast tumbled slightly downhill. Taking the reprieve for another head start, I was sadly mistaken as the Wolverine slowly began to collect itself before attempting to close again.


We need to regroup! I can't do much out here, and neither could they if both Wolverines struck at once. Where's the other one?


I glanced about as I ran, hoping the monster would come into view at some point. A sense of hopelessness encompassed me thanks to the situation. I couldn't bring myself to expect Beryl to pull a miracle as she had before, it was unfair to her. Let alone the fact that she couldn't act in her current state of mind. In truth, I wished the two would have simply stayed safe within the walls while I was the one being reckless. I wanted them to be safe, and thanks to my poor decision-making, they were very much in danger. As I thought, I was just about to crest the final hill in time to break the line of sight with the pursuing monster.


Here's my opportunity! Please let me be wrong!


Forcing myself over the last few steep steps of the hill, there they were within direct view. My heart sank as my fear was realized. A sense of fear was now eating at my thoughts, trying to dictate my next course. The two were yelling something from within one of the cabins as the first Wolverine slashed at wood and empty air. It was trying to force itself in through a window, but thankfully Beryl and Vaughn were managing to keep it at bay. The sounds of splintering wood and frustrated, hungry growling were nearly enough to distract me from the now quickly gaining threat of my own.


Shit, okay, think! Tactical advantage. What can I do? 


I continued into a jog as Looked around frantically for something, anything to turn the tables.


"Ah, shi- the crags! Maybe I can get some ground and-"


I began running for one of the paths traveling along the crags to the cliffs just over the pass. Hoping that this plan was sufficient enough, and the Wolverines were simply stupid enough to fall for it. Almost immediately after clearing the hill and running at least another seventy-five meters close to the crags, the second Wolverine reappeared.


Come on, work! At the least, this will buy the other two time. 


In line with my hopes, the Wolverine locked its gaze on me. As expected, the monster moved with speed that was uncanny for its size. With my hook planted, I kicked off myself and sprinted through the last ten meters to the side of the crag.


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast- if I fail here, this is it. No pressure, right? Ahahaha- ah, holy fuck Iet this work, Solah.


Thinking under the pressure, the stress somehow brought the thought that the Bulette may have been somehow easier than this. At the very least, we had the element of surprise. We didn't have that here. I sure as shit knew that given I stumbled into these things in the first place. 


Ah, shit… one more thing.


I berated myself in my thoughts as I climbed as carefully as I could without letting my frantic thoughts force me to slip.


If they got hurt for following me, I don't think I could live with that. I need to take care of them too.


Some feeling of latent attachment formed at that moment. I was sure that I cared for them to some degree, but at this moment it was a very true concern for the two. But as friends? 


Come on, focus-




Vaughn could be heard yelling momentarily, and the succinct sound of metal slapping hard against something could be heard resounding from within the cabin. Almost immediately afterward, the Wolverine trying to force its way inward shook its sought and snorted. Possibly realizing its lack of leverage on its current approach, the Wolverine backed up slightly before squatting, then forcing its body into the air with a heavy grunt, landing on the roof with a heavy thud 



-focus, don't think about weird shit, Kiyomi, we have a job to do.


With my thoughts collected on my goal, I climbed and awkwardly stepped along the narrow pack headed up to the cliff. Looking over my shoulder, the Wolverine tailing me was thankfully maintaining its hunt.


How much further?


I looked up along the path as I went, only a few meters left, and the path opened relatively wide. Reaching the top, a relatively open and flat rocky area was presented. Granted it was littered with the occasional fern or bush, but it was relatively sparse.


This seems good enou-


The sound of rocks could be heard breaking loose and suddenly falling. Turning to check for the Wolverine once more, I was greeted by the flying body of the beast leaping at me with all its force.




The monster's weight fell on top of me, slamming me onto my back. All the while the only defense I could muster was dumping more mana, and bringing my sword between it and myself to block its teeth.


*Alert, maximum load stacking capability achieved. Mana production reaching critical levels, please limit further use*


What the fuck? 


Almost immediately after the notification, something happened that was difficult to comprehend. The sword from its inside outward began to glow a faint yellow itself before managing to somehow break the Wolverines mana burst around its own mouth.


I need to move! 


Just as the Wolverine was moving to release its bite and aim for a much more tender target, I forced the blade with as much horizontal force as I could. It was a risk, but the reward seemed to be sufficient for the risk. With a move, the Wolverine yelped frantically whilst stumbling back towards the wall.


Take that, fucker!


Not long after, the beast's yelping ceased and was replaced with rabid snarling.


"What even- fuck me, they know how to auto-heal?!"


I was greeted with the growling face of a Wolverine that now dribbled blood from a freshly healed wound. The sudden dump of mana through my sword somehow broke through its mana burst, cutting off the beast's tongue, through its upper lips, and sufficiently broke a few teeth.


"Anytime, Beryl!" 


"I'm trying dangit! I'm trying! Just, don't let it grab you!"


Beryl and Vaughn could both be heard just over the scraping of wood and the labored efforts of their own attacker. 


Shit, hold on you two. I'll be there soon!


Looking to the sword faintly glowing in my hands, then to the state of my mana to the top left of my sight, I was given a grim picture.


Any more than this and I'll succumb to mana exhaustion, shit. 


Looking back over the cliff, I could see the Wolverine circling on the roof, pulling free sections of tile and straw just to have Vaughn cut at its arms and maw. It was enough for now, but not forever.


Hold on!


"Come on ugly fucker. Want me? Come get me!" 


My strategy balanced on the hopes of the Wolverines being stupid enough to leap without anticipation for the cliff behind me. 


"Come on!"


It was roughly six or seven meters from the Wolverines wall to my cliff. I need to anticipate it perfectly.


Come on ugly bastard, your move.


The air was tense, filled only with the sound of growling, and wind buffering off of the crags. With my hands tightening around the grip of my sword, I anticipated its jump. And after a few tense moments, the Wolverine lurched forward. 


Wait, some things off-


The wolverine lurched forward, but no to leap. It was running for me, controlling its pace.




Attempting to brace myself for whatever came, I brought the sword to my next guard. Unfortunately in my case, the Wolverine seemed smarter than I'd given it credit. When I raised my sword, I made a fatal mistake in anticipating a swinging paw, or it's going for my neck or gut. Unfortunately, I was dead wrong, and the sudden crippling pain in my leg was the price. 


"Ahhhh- hah, fuck-"


Broken teeth and the force of muscled jaws clamped down on my left leg. The feeling of cracking bone and its teeth tearing at muscles wracked my mind as it yanked me back towards secure ground and brought me away from the cliff.


Shit, I'm fucked if I don't at least get help from them- fuck, I-




With its maw occupied with rending my leg, I found the strength to swing my sword overhead and managed to land a blow with the sword at what must have been a full load.




The wolverine yelled in surprise, stumbling once more after letting go of my leg. It wasn't immediately fatal, but from what I could tell I at least flayed the skin and muscle from its front left leg near the bone. With my leg released, and sufficient adrenaline coursing through me, I clambered for some sort of balance as I stumbled to the cliff. Looking over, the Wolverine assailing Vaughn and Beryl was close to breaking through the roof.


Fuck, they need help-


I looked back to my own leg, the leg of my pants was torn, and quite a bit of blood littered the ground and my own clothes.




Looking up, the Wolverine I'd been facing was glaring at me with what seemed to be hate-filled eyes. It was healing, slowly but healing nonetheless.


Awkwardly standing myself up as I barely managed thanks to the pain, I stood on the cliff's edge with sword in hand.


"Two for- hah- two."


I clamped both hands around the grip of my sword, one at the base of the crossguard and the other securing the pommel.


"Look out below, I'm coming through."


I muttered those words to myself, possibly out of delirium from the loss of blood, or possibly the need to loosen the grip the stress had on me. But with those last words, I pushed off of the cliff's edge with my one good leg. With the blade aimed for the center of the Wolverine below's back, I silently gritted my teeth and let gravity do its work.






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