Fate weaver’s convergence

C63 Opening breeze, fading flowers 10

Here's the next chapter for ya folks! Thanks for reading, and please enjoy~

"Listen, Beryl, we have to keep moving!"


A younger Vaughn pleaded to his friend as she looked down at blood-covered hands. In truth, half of Beryl's length was covered in blood. Vaughn just watched her crush one of their attackers to death on instinct. The girl for all intensive purposes was in emotional shock, but not for that reason. Vaughn looked down at a gruesome scene. Two strangely mutated men, and the bisected body of their friend lay before them. Vaughn was just in time to run one through with a spear, but the other-


We were too late…




Beryl moved towards her friend, calling out to her.


"Beryl, she's gone. We have to get to your Ma's, now!"


Vaughn grabbed Beryl's arm, pulling the distraught Lamia towards him.


"We have to go no-"


"There's more here!"


Vaughn was cut short by voices just outside the house they were in.


"Crap. Beryl, look at me."


Vaughn grabbed Beryl by both arms and forced her to face him.


"Nod if you understand me!"


Beryl nodded faintly, unable to even whimper.


"You need to run, I can distract them. But you need to promise me that I'll see you with your Ma at the wagons! Do you understand?!"


Once more, Beryl nodded faintly.




"There's two here- you little curs!"


"Beryl, go!"


Vaughn pushed Beryl out of the way as a sword swung through where they'd been standing. With Vaughns's demand, Beryl turned and slithered as fast as she could. As she ran through the house, heavy thuds could be heard echoing against the structure. Both from her own sizable body, and what she assumed was Vaughn running throughout the house as he distracted whoever chased them. 


Please, don't leave me too, Vaughn.


The thought repeated itself until she slammed through the door to the rear of the house that led to an alleyway. 


I've gotta find Mamma!

"Vaughn! Helloooo! Dangit, is he not here?"


Beryl stood outside the house that should've been Vaughn's temporary home. 




The door Beryl had been knocking and calling through opened suddenly, cutting her short.


"Would you quiet down? Pa's asleep and they've been workin him ragged."


Vaughn was in his night clothes and rubbing his eyes, obviously just roused out of bed.


"Kiyomi just left with some adventurers!"


Beryl whispered, a hint of panic in her tone.


"Hmm? Wait, slow down. What?"


Vaughn looked to Beryl, confused suddenly.


"It wasn't her Ma's team?"


"No, it was some random trio passed out at one of the tables at the guild."


"Ya sure she's goin with'em?


Vaughn asked, his brow raised at Beryl's matter-a-fact tone.


"I'm sure, she had her sword and satchel and everything."


Vaughn leaned against the door frame, exhaling for a moment out of exhaustion. Looking back at Beryl, Vaughn noticed the Lamia herself had on a jacket, as well as a rather loaded bag strapped to the tail just below her waist.


"Oh no, no no no. Don't tell me we're following her?"


Vaughn gave an expression of concern, noticing Beryl wasn't exactly opting for her usual choice of notifying her parents. 




"And why? May I ask?"


For his age and maturity, Vaughn was responding in a rather attentive tone.


"She looked so sure. I could hear her tone but I couldn't make out a word."


Beryl looked worried, but Vaugn would take that over the disheveled state she'd been in earlier as her composure was breaking. He stood there staring at Beryl for a few moments, simply receiving the sad eyes she was attempting to give him.


"Puppy dog eyes don't work well when they're yellow and slotted, just a hint."


Vaughn sighed, looking down as he shook his head.


"Give me half an hour, let me fill a bag with some rations. I'll get my sword and shield… shit, I should bring a coat."


Vaughn turned around, closing the door as he walked away. 


What are these girls getting me into?


Beryl's last plea could be heard faintly through the wood door.


"Please hurry."

"Holy cow, that was a rush. Do you think they saw us?"


"Quiet down, do you want them to hear us this early?"


Vaughn berated Beryl, holding a hand to her mouth as he quietly reminded her that they were following a little close for comfort. They'd just managed to sneak through the main gate after tailing Kiyomi. Shaking his head, Vaughn whispered.


"If they did, we would've been dragged back home."


Releasing his hand, the two continued their pace, keeping to the side of the road to further avoid being spotted.


"So why do you think Kiyomi's sneaking out?"


Vaughn asked, looking to Beryl who was staring ahead as they followed.


"I dunno, really. But she snuck out, that's all I know. Apparently, she got a lot of money too, because she dropped a whole bag of gold on the table in front of those three."


Vaughn stopped in his tracks after receiving her reply.


"One last question, why are we following her?"


Halting in his tracks caused Beryl to jump slightly, urgently slithering back to him.


"What are you doing? We're going to lose them!"


Vaughn shook his head, glaring at Beryl for an answer.


"Why are we following her?"


He asked once more, with Beryl looking back to Kiyomi and the people she was with.


"Vaughn, come on! Now?"


Beryl asked in an exasperated manner, looking back as if the four in the distance might disappear at any moment.




Vaughn responded, sounding more serious as Beryl drew out the answer. Worrying about losing their tail, Beryl breathed for a moment through clenched teeth. 


You have to talk about it eventually… to someone… and you failed with her. But he was there, and he's here now.


Beryl moved close to Vaughn, clenching her fists as she did.


"Because I don't want to not be there if she needs me, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?"


Beryl whispered in an aggravated tone.


"What stopped you from beating that pride down earlier and talking it out?"


Vaughn rebutted.


"Because… I was afraid. Afraid she would look at me as if I would just mess up again. Or that… I followed her not for her, but for…"


Vaughn shook his head as he finally relented, nudging Beryl's shoulder and signaling her to stop.


"For your friend… I figured it was about Aisha… let's go."


Beryl bit the inside of her cheek as Vaughn passed her as if he'd brushed her feelings aside.



Vaughn spoke up as they continued walking, it had been roughly five minutes since their conversation on why they followed Kiyomi.






"For what?"


"For mentioning her… In that way."




The two were stuck in the throws of revisiting their past, as awkward as it was for them. Their current standing, as well as their situation, are all tied back to the same thing.


"I- she reminds me of her."


Beryl replied quietly. In most cases, if Beryl wasn't next to Vaughn at the moment, she would've been drowned out by the sound of crickets.


"The more time we spent together, the more I felt I was talking to Aisha. They just-"


Beryl sighed, the stress wearing on her like earlier. She wanted to cry at the thought, but she couldn't will herself to. 


I feel like I wronged her somehow… she was pushing something she shouldn't have, but she at least cared.


"She acts as Aisha did, she has similar mannerisms when she IS'NT swearing like she's a trouble maker, and-"


"I know Beryl."


The two were similar in mindset when it came to their new friend. The only difference is in Vaughns's own personal feelings for her. He was sure he liked her, but something felt off to him personally. With the exchange in the open, Beryl took her opportunity to respond to Vaughns's initial words.


"Thanks, and… there's nothing to apologize for. You were there."

"I can't believe that actually worked. By Nyx, it worked."


Adrian was congratulating herself with a content smile as she walked.


"Graf, I've been practicing that spell on you for so long it actually paid off. It doesn't look like I smudged someone's face up anymore!"


"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You've been on this for over an hour now. You'd think the high from success would've worn off by now."


Graf said, rolling his eyes.


"Well, figures. Her pranks and practice finally paid off. C'mon bud, just congratulate'er. I know you're proud."


Alick poked at the Goblin on his shoulders as he prodded at the smaller man's side. With a blush, Graf mumbled something to himself under his breath.


"What was that Graf? I don't think she heard you."


Alick continued in a mocking but friendly tone.


"I'm proud the trick I taught you bore fruit."


"There ya go ya, little bugger."


Alick's teasing spurred Graf on as the two began arguing.


"That reminds me, Adrian, I never asked what exactly your party composition was. I probably should have asked that as your employer first."


I looked up to Adrian, awaiting her answer. She responded by looking up as she placed a finger on her lips.


"Hmmm, so how do I explain this?"

Adrian tapped at her lip a few times before smiling.


"Well, I a mage that specializes in illusions and makeshift weapons. I can summon solid objects that manifest from my mana, and distract monsters or people with CLOSE to life like decoys. You're my first success at diverting someone so close though."


Next, Adrian motioned to Alick.


"Alick is a very skilled fighter and has an exceptional breadth of supportable knowledge."


"Not that it makes him as useful as my arse hares."


Graf interrupted Adrian amidst his own argument.


"And Graf is the resident nuisance."




A smile crept across the mage's lips.


"I'm just kidding."


Adrian giggled at graf's complaint


"Graf is a scout that specializes in Magic versus using physical means, he's also our leader."


So that must explain why they originally complained about healing materials or something when I first met them. Could be that they're extremely short on healers.


My brain filled in the blanks from prior conversations as Adrain talked her team up.


"Together we've captured all kinds of small-time monsters alive, and at least five standard hunt monsters. Most of the time though, it just results in a flat-out kill."


Alick spoke soon after, prompting the attention to fall on himself.


"We're from the Empire's primary eastern territory. No frontier, no threats of conflict. Just monsters and bandits. Adventuring is work that fewer and fewer people are taking up anymore. So much so, our guild tried locking us as a stay-in team."


The next to speak was Graf.


"A lot of good that did us though, we're in unfamiliar territory here kid. That's the reason we're broke. Suffice to say, you couldn't hire a worse team."


He's beating himself up too hard. From my position, they're about to make a great payday. I guess I chose right? I mean they're helping out of desperation sure, but they're helping.


I couldn't help but yawn as I thought, the exhaustion finally getting to me. It must have been one am at the least. Graf looked over his shoulder at me, probably greeted with the sight of a dozing child as I swayed back and forth next to Adrian by now.


"We'll walk another mile or two and settle down for camp." 

"This is where we stop."


Vaughn whispered, sliding his back down against the rock he was peaking over.


"They're setting up camp and Kiyomi's already passed out."


Beryl nodded as she quietly placed down her bag.


"This is gonna suck, it's not like we can set a campfire."


 Vaughn lamented at a thought he only just had. If they were following Kiyomi and not wanting to be seen, they couldn't set a fire for warmth, nor light. 


"Not necessarily."


Beryl whispered as she pulled out a softly glowing stone from her bag. 


"What's that?"


Vaughn asked out of curiosity.


"For Lamia and other reptilian beings, there's these enchanted rocks called warming stones. We use them if we're sleeping alone or during the winter."


Beryl poured a small amount of mana into the stone, causing it to emanate a soft warmth. It wasn't much, but as long as the two slept next to each other then it would be sufficient at keeping them from being cold.


"This should stay activated just long enough for us to sleep. Let's just hope we wake before or at the same time as them."


Beryl said as she began curling her body, leaving just enough room within her small loop to give Vaughn a space to lay his bedroll.


"Wait you say that, but what about you?"


He asked, placing his bed roll and sitting on it.


"As long as you lay your back against my body, your heat will bleed off onto me." 


Beryl casually wrote off the fact she'd have to nearly wrap around Vaughn for them to keep warm. Thankfully it was more akin to them laying on the couch at the same time. As she layer down, Beryl yawned.


"G'night Vaughn."


There was a pause as Vaughn joined her, laying the rest of the way down onto his bed rolls. As he felt himself drifting, he could have sworn he heard her say something under her breath.


"Thanks again, for everything."


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