Rescue Mission II

"This whole compound is going to tragically disappear from the face of the underworld and everyone in it is going to die, those two sisters included, you feel me?" He asked.

"Y-You! You want to erase everything just for that!?" Lord Naberius questioned with outrage but also fear, Jun's words carried weight that the devil could not deny and he felt Jun was not boasting in the slightest.

"Well that and I've been wanting to test this on an actual target for a while now." Jun replied with a mad grin behind his mask and insanity gleaming in his eyes.

He summoned his armor and his weapon, turning it into its lance form which resembled Rhongomyniad and pointed it at the sky, intending on calling down a powerful strike like Goddess Rhongomyniad's Holy Judgement right on top of himself.

Jun felt all of his magical energy being drained as he buckled and nearly fell down before it was recovered almost instantly by his Dragon Heart magic core.

Lord Naberius looked confused at the fact nothing was happening but he felt a feeling of foreboding, a discomfort in the very air around him.

Outside the compound, high in the sky, a giant lance of light was descending to render Jun's judgement upon the unworthy devils inside and in the vicinity and there was no escape.

'This way I can test the armor too.' Jun thought.

He then activated his armor's invulnerability ability adapted from Avalon, shielding him in the Root of Akasha as the lance of light fell to the ground and erased everything in a 10 km radius.

In the middle of a giant crater, Jun stood, perfectly unarmed as his absolute protection deactivated.

'Hmm . . . That was a good test indeed!' He thought.

'I learned a few flaws in my usage on the Phantasmal Origin as well . . .' Jun added in his mind before disappearing into the Imaginary Number Space to return home.

As for the flaws he had learned of, they were simply but not easy to fix.

One was, that the attack he had just used was his upper limit in terms of area destruction, any more and the power would be lower to cover more area. The reason for this, was not the weapon's limit, even in its sealed state though.

The simple truth was that the weapon could only use as much magical energy as Jun had stored in his own body and his full tank could only do that much.

This led to another discovery. By suddenly draining all of the magical energy in his body for an attack, he would be defenceless for an very short instant before the Dragon Hear magic core kicked in and restored his spent magical energy.

Jun then thought about Ea. Its destructive power was impressive but Gilgamesh did not feel pressed using it at all. It was incredibly efficient and easy to use.

Meanwhile, Jun's own weapon form of Phantasmal Origin was the exact opposite in terms of ease of use. Right now, he was only using the weapons magical energy amplification ability to attack which alone resulted in such destructiveness.

But, if he released the restraints on the weapon's natural power, then with just a fair bit of his own magical energy, he could tap into the weapons innate power to unleash untold destruction. The problem was that the weapon itself was being uncooperative.

Jun could only improve himself until he was worthy of the weapon's power, until then, it was already plenty powerful on its own with just its basic abilities.

Another thing Jun had previously noted, was that despite the multiple parameter enhancing effects the weapon and armor had, he could not use them all, hsi body could not handle the enhancement without bursting apart.

In fact, when he wanted to attack seriously with his weapon, he needed to lower the level of the enhancement first because his body could not tolerate it.

Jun could still self destructively use it by relying on the self healing abilities he had and his armor provided but it was still not an enjoyable thing to do. Once again though, the only solution was to grow even stronger, and create a stronger vessel.

Returning home, Jun found he two confused sisters waiting for him.

"Didn't make you wait long did you?" He asked.

"No, what happened after that thing took us away?" Kuroka asked.

"That thing, is called Nyx, remember the name and use it." Jun admonished.

Kuroka was a bit taken aback but apologised nonetheless.

"I am sorry."

"It's fine as long as you understand. As for what happen after Nyx took you way . . . I erased that whole place from the face of the underworld, leaving only a giant crater behind." Jun said.

Kuroka freezed up and even the little Shirone realized the gravity of that statement as well as the power needed to make it happen.

"For all intents and purposes, two nekoshou sisters died in there and you two have nothing to with that place, you feel me?" Jun said.

'He wiped out that entire place for us?' Kuroka thought, being moved by how far this person would go for them.

"I got it!" She responded and reminded herself to teach Shirone, who was a bit confused now, about the situation later, she hid things from her sister long enough.

"Great! Now Kuroka will have to come with me down to the workshop, Shirone can just do whatever you like, there are snack in the kitchen you can eat if you want." Jun said, making the little neko loli's eyes shine.

He then led Kuroka down to his worksop and pointed at a table and said.

"Just lay down on the table please."

"What for?" Kuroka asked, not liking the situation as it reminded her of some of the experiments.

"I'm going to remove your Evil Pieces and turn you back into a nekomata, human hybrid rather than a reincarnated devil." Jun explained.

"You may get weaker but it will allow you to say you truly have nothing to do with any devils and you can just train to be strong again." He added.

Kuroka took a deep breath and gathered her determination.

"Okay, let's do it!" She exclaimed.

"No need to hype yourself up so much you know, it's not like it will hurt." Jun teased, making the young nekomata blush from embarrassment.

Removing the Evil Pieces was not hard, Jun's Dragon Eyes could see it, all he had to do was seamlessly extract it which he did and the used the spacetime boundary of the workshop to undo several of the effects the experiments left behind on Kuroka through localized time reversal.

Lord Naberius had increased her power by robbing her of her potential, he was just giving her another opportunity.

By the time Jun was done, Kuroka, despite losing a significant portion of her power, felt shiny and new, as if she was reborn into a much better version of herself and to her, it was yet another big debt she owed to the individual before her.

The pair then returned to the living area to find Shirone happily munching on some snacks. She was the very picture of cuteness and both Kuroka and Jun felt as if their souls were being healed when they smilingly watched her.

"Nee-sama!" Shiroe spoke up once she saw the both of them.

"I see you found the snacks alright." Jun commented.

Shirone just blushed and shyly hid behind Kuroka.

"Well then, now that the urgent business is taken care of, the first order of business would be to introduce myself." Jun said.

"Haikami Jun. At your service." he gave out his name as he removed his disguise.

Both sisters immediately froze at the sight of Jun's current appearance. Much to his distaste, he was still a pretty boy with a face that could move a stone cold female veteran and a powerful Charisma Skill to help.

Now both blushing at their poor showing, Kuroka gathered herself to introduce herself and her little sister as well.

"I suspect you already know but I'm Kuroka, this here is Shirone, my little sister." She said.

"Alright Kuroka, I'll cook up a nice meal for us and a friend that will probably come by later and you both can have a good night's sleep in one of the spare rooms. We'll discuss the future tomorrow so just enjoy my hospitality for today." Jun declared.

Kuroka took a deep breath and replied.

"Thank you very much then."


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

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You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

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