Fast Wear: on the Correct Posture of Counterattack

Chapter 288

Chapter 283: Princess And Dragon

At night, the castle of the Principality of Purin was brightly lit.

Because of the Necromancer, the entire castle was enveloped in a panic.

The soldiers patrolled more intensively, and the servants did not dare to walk around at will, especially those places where there was no light, and everyone was more reluctant to set foot.

Suddenly, an unheard of roar came from above the castle, and the majesty contained in the roar alarmed everyone in the castle.

A knight looked up to find the source of the cry, and saw the huge black shadow above his head.

“Then…what is that…”

The knight stared blankly at the black shadow with giant wings hovering over the castle, then flicked his long tail, and the flag on the top of the tower was broken by the waist.

The black shadow uttered a long groan again, and then suddenly pulled up and disappeared into the night.

Soon, everyone in the castle knew that the shadow that had just appeared was the legendary dragon!

“It’s really a dragon? You read that right?!”

Rita sat on the bed and asked anxiously to inform her companion, but she never thought that a dragon would really come when Alex was away.

“I saw it. Although I can’t see it clearly, it should be correct in appearance, just like the dragon drawn in the book!”

“Why is the dragon here?”

Did they know that they broke into its lair a few days ago, so they came to take revenge?

“I don’t know, it seems that it flew twice in the sky, then broke the flag of the Principality of Purim and left.”

Everyone was at a loss until the maid reported to the king that Princess Dina could not be found, and everyone realized that the black dragon had kidnapped the princess!

Rita was first surprised when she got the news, and then she couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

Originally, she still wanted to let Dinah find out about her own interests and take the initiative to withdraw. Wouldn’t it be better for her?

Without Dinah, Alex shouldn’t reject himself anymore…

Two days later, Alex came back with people from the Mage Association. After learning that Dinah was kidnapped by the black dragon, he swore that he would definitely save Dinah!


In a quiet small village, several peasant women were chatting while washing clothes by the river, when two people in cloaks came from outside.

Seeing strangers, they immediately became vigilant, clutching the laundry stick in their hands tightly, staring at the two people who were getting closer.

The person walking in the front stretched out his hand to lift his hat, revealing a young and beautiful face.

Seeing that it was a young girl, the peasant women breathed a sigh of relief, but they did not put down the things in their hands.

Dinah smiled at them, and asked warmly, “Hello, I want to ask, is Lifeishan nearby?”

Hearing Liefei Mountain, an older woman hurriedly asked, “Girl, are you going to Liefei Mountain?”

Dinah nodded, the woman patted her thigh and said anxiously: “Oh, there is no way to go there! Now it has been occupied by a group of robbers, it is very dangerous!”

This place was originally the territory of a viscount. The viscount died in a fight with another noble two years ago, and most of the territory was occupied, and this land was left in the aside.

Later, a group of robbers who did not know where they came from ran over and occupied the nearby Lifei Mountain.

They robbed caravans passing by, harassed the villagers, and kidnapped the young women and young men of the village.

Since there is no lord, they don’t even know where to go for help.

I heard that there are powerful mages among the robbers. The mercenary union once issued a mission to destroy the robbers, but no one completed it. It is said that there are people behind the robbers.

Over time, the robbers here are left alone, and there are even many people who come here to join them.

Seeing the little girl’s beautiful face, the woman remembered her daughter-in-law and daughter who had been kidnapped, and couldn’t help but persuade her to leave quickly.

Dinah agreed, then turned her head and asked Xingyun excitedly, “March, are we going to take down that robber’s den?”

“Yeah.” Xingyun nodded.

How can we become a legend in the mainland and be remembered and sung by the world?

In addition to having sufficient strength, we must also do great things.

Xingyun took Dinah around a city, focusing on the bandit group.

Before they entered Lifei Mountain, they were surrounded by a group of people.

This group of people wore various armors, weapons were attached to their waists, and they were riding Breeze Beasts under their crotch. Two of them were holding fifth-order Warcraft in their hands.

The person in the lead whistled and laughed at the surrounding brothers: “I just said today is a good day, let’s see what we have met? Two beautiful young ladies!”

He reached out halfway and tried to pull Dinah’s cloak, but Xingyun pulled it apart with a sword.

Looking at the scabbard inlaid with gems, a trace of greed flashed in the man’s eyes.

Xingyun pulled Dinah behind her and told her that she wanted to see their leader.

The man raised his brows slightly, he looked at Xingyun up and down, then looked at Dina who was hiding behind Xingyun, and greeted his brothers to bring him.

Because of Xingyun’s toughness, they gave them a Breeze Beast.

After passing through several outposts, they finally reached the robber’s lair.

The buildings here have begun to take shape, and the mountainside has been flattened. There are young and middle-aged people who are shirtless to build houses under the supervision of supervisors. There is no woman in the entire camp.

“Are all your people here?”

The leading man was about to take Xingyun and the others to meet the leader when he heard this inexplicable question.

“Of course, we originally planned to go down the mountain for a vote, but since we met a beautiful lady, we naturally had to **** her up.”

Xingyun nodded in satisfaction, very good, everyone is gathered.

The man wanted to urge Xingyun to hurry up, but he saw the leader walking towards him.

He stepped forward quickly, just as he was about to tell the leader that he had brought two fat sheep from outside. Seeing that they were obviously noble ladies, it would be great to make meat tickets or keep them, but he saw The leader looked behind him in horror.

The man was inexplicable, but soon, he found that there seemed to be a huge black shadow behind him, and that thing blocked the sunlight behind him.

He twisted his head stiffly and slowly, and what came into view was a huge monster he had never seen before.

Where did this monster come from?

Why has no one noticed the warning?

At the moment of being swallowed by the flame the man did not want to understand.

This was the first time Dinah saw Xingyun fighting as a dragon, and she could spew hot flames from her mouth, and the flames had a strong corrosive effect.

With a single black wing, the storm caused by it can send people flying, and with a flick of its long tail, it can shatter boulders.

The mage in the robber appeared, but the spell he unleashed could not cause any damage to Xingyun at all.

Is this the power of the dragon?

Looking at that powerful and casual figure, Dinah’s eyes were full of yearning…


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