Faraway Survivor

Chapter 46/ Interlude 18: The Revenge Born From The Fire-1

Sorry for the short chapter. I have to work 12 hours straight today so I'm unable to edit the rest of this chapter by myself 


However, I promise there will be a double release tomorrow. The two next chapters tomorrow will finish Yua past and Ahma Interlude.

Thanks for reading.  ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ


I was born into an extremely happy family. My family has been a knight's family for many generations. My ancestor was given private land to manage due to the active participation in the war. We continue living happily until the day my dad received an order from the king to investigate the "Death Forest". There is rumored that once a person goes into the "death forest", they will never be able to come out. Because of this problem, the atmosphere of our house has become considerably heavy. In one case, I overheard a conversation between my dad and mom.

-Can you just decline the king's order, dear? (Mom)

-You know we will receive heavy punishment if we do go against king order, right? (Dad)

My mother looks at my father with a gloom face:

-Is this order happening due to me decline the offer to be a king's concubine? (Mom)

My father scratches his head:

-I don't think so. I think he knows how to differentiate between private and public work. (Dad)

My father starts hugging my mother.

-It's not your fault that you are one of the most attractive people in the kingdom, dear. (Dad)

My mother strikes his chest weakly:

-Moh, you idiot. You must return safely and witness our son born. (Mom)

-I promise. (Dad)

However, My father with his army never come back since the expedition to the "death forest." With the disappearance of my father, my mother gradually becomes very gloomy. I try improving her mood in many ways.

-Mom, mom, look at this squirrel. It's so adorable. (Yua)

My mother looks at the squirrel and throws it away:

-Don't give it to me. Leave me alone! (Mom)

I try many methods, but I always fail to make her smile.

It has been 6 months since my father went missing. My mother's condition keeps getting worse. She is shutting herself in the room and not going out. The servant can only put the food tray in front of my mother's room; she will eat her food when no one is there. I start feeling lonely since I have less chance to communicate with my mother. Sometimes I can't stand it and start crying at night. I look at the bunny the doll my mother and father gave me on my birthday.

-Bun-chan how can I make my mom happy?(Yua)

I continue talking to myself.

-How about getting the blue rose that mother likes most, Bun-chan? I always see my father give it to my mother on an anniversary. Furthermore, I think I will have a brother soon. I think it's the best idea to buy something for him and my mother tomorrow.(Yua)

I keep hugging Bun-chan and look at the moon:

-I hope this time mother will happy about my gift.(Yua)
-Sword check.(Yua)

-Clothes check(Yua)

-Shoe check.(Yua)

-Let's go to the village and buy the stuff I needed!(Yua)

I start running toward the village. On my way to the village, I recognize a massive crowd of people walking toward my house direction. Their face looks so gloomy, and they are holding some kind of torch in their hand. I don't pay attention much to the and continue running. When I arrived at the village, I discover out that no store is opening.

-I wonder where are the villagers?(Yua)

I wander around the village for a long time and wait for the store to open. 1 hour has passed since I arrived at the village, but there is no sign of the store will be opened.

-Moh, I want to get presents for my brother and my mother.(Yua)

I tap my cheek slightly and try encouraging myself.

-No worry, Yua. You can buy gifts for your mother and brother tomorrow.(Yua)

At long last, I give up and start going back home.

-Let's go back now.(Yua)

I never know starting from tomorrow, I will never have a chance to give them my presents.

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