Fantasy villain: Get 100 billion spirit stones at the beginning

Chapter 492 Small goal, earn enough 1 billion

Lin Bei was quite surprised. Didn't Xuanwu forget many things, so he asked curiously, "Old turtle, do you know him?"

Xuanwu folded his arms, with a look of embarrassment: "When I met Ao Xiao, he was still a small caterpillar."

Dare to make such a comparison, you have to be an old tortoise. It seems that Xuanwu just forgot some important events.

In fact, no matter whether it is Xuanwu or gods and demons, it cannot be called death, it should be called deep sleep.

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The same goes for the demon who was just killed. It can only be said that he has honestly returned to the tomb of the gods, waiting for the opportunity to wake up again.

Dragon God was a little flustered at this time, even the magic yuan in his hand trembled: "I have seen God Zhenwu."

Can you believe that No. 1, who is now rivaling Emperor Zhou in the mysterious world, is actually bowing respectfully to an old tortoise? !

"You don't need to be too polite, but you surprised me. The little guy who Pidian followed behind Zhuyuan turned out to be a dragon god."

Zhu Yuan is the dragon god of the previous generation, a few periods earlier than Zhou Tianzi, Zhou Tianzi saw him and treated him with courtesy.

But even Zhu Yuan, seeing the Xuanwu True Spirit, would not dare to offend him in the slightest, let alone the current Xiao Xiao.

Besides, the four surnames of Zhu, Yuan, Long, and Ao in the dragon clan are actually quite confusing. The main reason is that the dragon clan adopts inbreeding marriages.

Due to the scarcity of the number, it has to be like this. If it is combined with other clans, it will not be able to give birth to a real dragon, and the things born will also be strange.

Not long afterward, the whole body of Xuanwu was radiated with rays of light, and his body swelled thousands of times, turning into a real body, which was even more majestic.

This is the original appearance of Xuanwu, it can even be bigger, the whole body is pitch black, the spirit snake dances on the back, and it is grinning.

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The Dragon God was trembling, and he didn't dare to neglect at all: "God Zhenwu, why not lead the way to the Dragon Palace?"

In the eyes of Yaozu, even if Xuanwu's strength has not yet recovered, the four holy spirits still have absolute authority.

Almost [-]% of the Yaozu will treat Xuanwu with respect when they see Xuanwu, as if they had faith.

It is certain that the four great holy spirits will not do anything to harm the monster race no matter when and where, on the contrary, they will do their best to protect all living beings in the mysterious world.

"No need, your palace god is not interested." Facing the Dragon God's invitation, Xuanwu directly refused.

"Since the God of True Martial Arts is not interested, the little god doesn't dare to force it." The Dragon God smiled awkwardly, and even had a hint of joy to himself.

Xuanwu's appetite is extremely strong, and they are going to the Dragon Palace, they must treat them well, maybe they will be eaten by Xuanwu on a small island.

Of course, if Xuanwu really wants to go, Dragon God will never hide it, but if the other party refuses to go, he will not lick his face and forcefully send it away.

"By the way, you can give the magic yuan to this little guy Lin Bei. With your current strength, the magic yuan is of little use to you."

Xuanwu turned back into a little turtle again, which can better reduce consumption. At the same time, he saw that Lin Bei was interested in Moyuan, so he didn't mind mentioning it more.

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He knew that Lin Bei was not simple, so he deliberately cultivated it, and wanted Lin Bei to absorb the power of law within the magic element.

"This..." Once the treasure is involved, the old and unrefined Dragon God will show a painful expression.

Even if it is left by the demons, the demons can still grow back with the deep sleep.

Due to too much energy consumption, it really doesn't mean much to the Dragon God, but it is also a high-quality treasure, so you really want to give it away?

But Xuanwu had spoken, Dragon God didn't want to offend, and then he said in a daze, "Are you Lin Bei?"

Seeing Xuanwu appearing just now, Dragon God didn't pay attention in a panic, recovered, and began to look Lin Bei up and down.

Lin Bei nodded and said, "It's guaranteed to be true."

"How about this..." Dragon God thought for a moment, and said: "It is said that you can use the Zhuxian Sword Formation to deal with the inner demon, but how can I say that it is me who kills you, and you can exchange something?"

"The Dragon Clan is really pissy, no wonder it can cultivate the best of Long Jiaojiao." Lin Bei thought secretly, his expression turned pale.

Obviously, Dragon God has heard of his name. After all, he sold a ninth-level cultivation pill to the dragon clan in the chaotic city, and then he took out the Jade Immortal Formation and the Jade Immortal Four Swords to deal with the inner demons.

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With the character of the Dragon Clan who loves money like their lives, it would be strange if they didn't care about him.

"What do you want?" Lin Bei asked.

"You should have a ninth-level cultivation pill on you, which can be used in exchange."

The Dragon God itself has the power of law, and what he values ​​is the energy in the magic element, and the loss of the magic element is too heavy, so it is not a loss to change to the ninth-level cultivation pill.

Lin Bei was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and immediately agreed to the conditions: "Yes, I will give you a ninth-level cultivation pill."

"One... boy, although it is true that the ninth-level cultivation pill is precious, but my dragon clan has a very long lifespan, and it is not impossible to get it if I really want it, so I only have one..."

Hearing this, Lin Bei's face darkened: "That's two."

"Two seems to be..."


With three exits, Xuanwu was a little unhappy: "Boy Xiao, don't go too far!"

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The three ninth-level cultivation pills are rare treasures for today's Xuanjie, and Xuanwu also covets the pills on Lin Bei's body.

If all of this was taken away by the Dragon Clan, he probably would really go to the Dragon Clan to eat and drink, because the pill can make him recover quickly.

"It's easy to say, three is three, and everyone will not suffer." Seeing Xuanwu was slightly angry, the Dragon God hurriedly responded, and directly handed the magic yuan to Lin Bei.

He also knew that if Lin Bei hadn't taken out the Jade Immortal Formation, the inner demons would not be so easy to get rid of, and it would be a great hidden danger for the Dragon Clan.

Originally, the Dragon God was just trying to find out whether Lin Bei had any extra ninth-level cultivation pills and how much they were.

Even if Lin Bei really couldn't get it out, for Xuanwu's sake, let alone three or two, even if it was one, he would agree.

But I didn't expect Lin Bei to be so generous, he didn't negotiate the price, and kept raising the price without saying a word, which made him completely confused.

"I heard that little brother Lin Bei and Long Jiaojiao know each other. Since they are friends, little brother can come to Dragon Palace more often."

After receiving three ninth-level cultivation pills, the Dragon God completely changed his face, and even invited Lin Bei.

If he speaks, it is estimated that Lin Bei is really going to the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas, and the four Dragon Kings will regard him as their guest.

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"I don't have time now, let's talk about it later." Lin Bei put the magic yuan into the space ring, and prepared to take Xuanwu away.

"Wait, does the little brother still have a ninth-level pill?"

Lin Bei paused and asked, "Yes, how much do you want?"

The Dragon God was overjoyed, and immediately blurted out: "Of course, the more the better, we Dragon Clan can buy as many little brothers as there are."

Lin Bei waited for the words of the Dragon God, and then said: "Really, if you really want it, I promise to take care of it. How about it, I will go to the Dragon Palace to discuss in detail after I finish my work."

Taking out three ninth-level cultivation pills to exchange, in fact, Lin Bei wanted to let the Dragon God see his background.

Lin Bei knew that the dragon clan was rich, very rich, and the wealth accumulated over millions of years was definitely much more abundant than that of the royal family of Zhou, even rivaling half of the mysterious world!

Almost every dragon, if they really want to buy it, has the strength to take a ninth-level cultivation pill, or even multiple pieces.

Not to mention that there are other powerful sea tribes in the Quartet Sea Territory.

Converting the value of a ninth-level cultivation pill of 2000 billion, selling 2000 is equivalent to [-] trillion, and the dragon clan can definitely consume it.

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As long as Lin Bei is given 2000 million small goals now, he can directly buy the Chaos Body!

The reason is very simple, two diagrams of Jade Immortal Sword and nine Jade Immortal Four Swords can be recovered, half of which is 450 trillion.

Adding the 100 trillion in his hand, it is equal to more than 500 trillion. You only need to sell the elixir to get the Chaos Raiment!

As for the principal, it is not worth mentioning, so it is easy to distinguish who is the prey and who is the hunter.

Now it seems that it is definitely faster to set up a cooperation line with the Dragon Clan and buy the Chaos Body than to do the task.

Even if you don't buy the Chaos Body, you can buy other parts. Anyway, any part of the Chaos God's Clothes has terrifying abilities.

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