Fantasy Realm – Infinite Worlds Adventure [One Piece] [Harry Potter] [Naruto] [HxH] – [Progression] [LitRPG] [World Hopping]

Chapter 23: Bad women, Bad workers, and Bad Manners

Roja stares in shock. "You… how… eight basic skill slots? Reduced normal skill slots? Last time, all your stats were 5. How are they all 7 now? And what's up with those weird innate skills? They’re insane... I see, that's how you did it..." She trails off, deep in thought.

After a moment of silence, Roja suddenly says, "Alright, that settles it. You're joining my guild when you hit level 5, no exceptions. Your innate skills are too rare and valuable to pass up. Our leader will definitely agree. I’ll personally vouch for you. You've proven we can trust you."

Alex, stumped, thinks, "Pfft, so now that you've seen my greatness, you want me after all? Roja’s so damn demanding and bossy, and the actual boss is probably even worse... I already feel like I’m back at the fucking office."

Alex thinks, "I’ve got to come up with some bullshit excuse to politely tell her to fuck off. No way I’m joining this angry Amazonian club just to be their manslave."

Roja, oblivious to Alex’s reaction, continues, "Your innate skill has crazy potential. Your grenades alone are almost as valuable as my crystals, and that skill is what guarantees me a high-ranking position with plenty of perks in the guild, since my crystals can be traded. Your grenades, even though they only last a few hours now, could eventually last for days, making them insanely valuable. Imagine giving one to someone entering a new world, it could massively boost their combat power and survival chances. It makes sense that you're limited to 10, plus 1 more per level. Without that cap, you could stand around in the Fantasy Realm all day selling grenades like hotcakes and get rich.”

Alex cuts in, “That was the plan! Sell them to people heading into a mission and get rich. Who wouldn’t want a grenade that could instantly kill an enemy if they can’t block or dodge?”

Roja raises an eyebrow. “Who’s going to buy them if they could disappear at any moment, once you create a new one, huh? As soon as you make the 11th grenade, the first one vanishes. Nobody’s going to trust something that unstable… but our guild will. They’ll trust you!”

Alex, now more annoyed, thinks, "That would limit me from making new grenades, cutting down my own stock! I need those for myself! This is getting worse. I’ve got to put my foot down now, or I’m going to get dragged even deeper into this mess."

"Also, thank god you told me first. NEVER reveal this skill to anyone. You’ll be hunted down by other guilds, and trust me, they won’t be as nice as mine. When that happens, you’ll either comply… or be dealt with. What other guilds can’t get, they destroy."

Alex gulps. He had been planning to sell his grenades openly and would’ve probably revealed his skill to the public without thinking, inviting potential disaster. It’s clear now he needs to hide his abilities, or he might end up forced to join worse people.

Roja, sensing something off in Alex’s demeanor, bluntly says, "You’re joining, right? Surely you are? If not, I could always send a few messages to some people at the Trading Hub. I’m sure it would attract quite a bit of attention if a dozen players and hundreds of Fantasy Realm workers swarmed you, asking for your grenades."

She pauses, then smiles slyly, "Just kidding. Of course, I don’t need to do that... you’re joining, after all… right? Right?"

“Damn bitch, fuck you!” Alex thinks bitterly. But he forces a smile and says, "Of course…."

"Great," she beams, grabbing his hand and shaking it. "You wouldn’t break your promise, after all, right? Now, since that’s settled… you should go to one of the workers and grab your basic skill books. Since you need to learn every single basic skill, you might as well buy all eight books in one go and head to one of the empty skill stations to learn or upgrade them."

Roja smiles with a happy, slightly smug expression and waves goodbye to Alex, who feels both annoyed and scammed as he heads toward one of the nearest workers in the Skills Hub. The worker appears to be an older gentleman, perhaps around 60 or 70 years old. Yet, there’s something off about him—he doesn’t look like a normal human. Dressed in a neat, expensive robe, he resembles a medieval butler, but he’s almost too good-looking for a simple worker.

Alex thinks to himself, “These workers are strange... they have an ancient, almost divine vibe, like they don’t quite belong here. Then again, when I look at this giant, crazy Realm, maybe they’re the ones who fit, and we players are the odd ones out. Yeah, that makes more sense.”
“I’m quite the philosopher, I have to admit! The world really missed out by me not becoming a famous professor and enlightening the masses.”

Alex’s thoughts are rudely interrupted by the worker, who greets him sternly but politely.

“Good day, sir. How can I assist you today?”

“I’ll take all 8 basic skill books, please,” Alex says.

The worker gives him a polite but slightly puzzled smile. “Are you sure you want all 8, sir? You only have 5 skill slots and can learn up to 5 skills.”

Alex, slightly annoyed, replies, “I’m buying for myself and someone else, of course. I know what I’m doing. Just give me the 8 books... NO, wait. Actually, just give me the CHA skill book for Basic Eloquence! Haha, almost paid too much there. Didn’t expect that, did you?”

“Sir…” the worker begins slowly, “while [Basic Eloquence] may reduce some, and I repeat some, vendor prices, it will not affect the services of the Fantasy Realm. So, if your plan was to learn Basic Eloquence first to save money on the other books... I regret to inform you it won’t work. Perhaps just buy them all now and spare both of us this unpleasantness.”


One minute later and 800 FC poorer, Alex walks away, defeated. “I shall get you back ... somehow.”

Alex looks at one of the books, probably the one he needs the most:

[Skillbook: Basic Long-Range Combat Prowess]
Quality: White
Effect: Teaches the skill Basic Long-Range Combat Prowess
Note: If you want to become a sniper, you better pay attention on how to throw this stone, kid.

[Basic Long-Range Combat Prowess:]
Effect: Improves accuracy and handling for ranged attacks.
Requirements: 5 SNS to learn +1 SNS per additional level
Leveling Requirements: 500 Fantasy Coins + 250 per additional level
Provides a 5% boost to ranged accuracy and ranged damage for some weapons (bows, throwing weapons) at level 0, with an additional 1% per additional level.

Alex grumbles to himself, "Trash quality… no wonder my innate skill is rated as a bane. Eight trash skills I’m forced to learn and level, and I lose 3 real skill slots. This is bullshit. The pistol skill alone is twice as good, and the level-up effects are five times better. Damn, 1337, you were right... my innate skill is really awful in this regard."

[This godly system never makes mistakes. Like I told you, unlocking that skill came at a heavy cost. Without it, you wouldn’t have survived the first mission, so you had no choice. Don’t dwell on what you can’t change. Besides, I didn’t expect you to get an S rating. If you keep earning high ranks, I might reconsider my initial assessment. Your skill might turn out unexpectedly useful after all.]

Alex, not paying too much attention, remembers the effects of the skills and what they do... just raising basic abilities and stats like 10% HP, MP, or 5% more melee/ranged damage and accuracy. He isn’t really excited to learn it. Some, like the HP increase, will be useful, especially since he can level them, but others... even 5% ranged accuracy with his pistol sounds rather mediocre. "I’d rather use my FC to buy cool stuff. I can’t wait to see what kind of insane loot I can buy," Alex thinks, his mind wandering to cool items from different worlds.

"Wait... focus. Don’t distract me, 1337!"

[Host is really without any hope…]

Alex, with 8 basic skill books and of course his real treasure in hand, walks toward the skill learning station, grateful that it doesn't require a worker to operate.

[Skillbook: Pistol Proficiency]
Quality: Blue
Level: N/A
Effect: Teaches the skill: "Pistol Proficiency"
Note: Dropped by Mr. 5

Pistol Proficiency (Level 0 Base):
Requirements: 4 STR, 6 SNS + 1 per level, Basic Long-Range Combat Prowess lvl 0 +1 per level
Leveling Requirements: 1500 Fantasy Coins + 500 per additional level
Effects: +10% ranged accuracy, shooting speed & reloading speed with any kind of pistol, +5% per additional level


Alex, now that he acquired his new skills, asks 1337 to finally show him the effects of the other basic skills.

STR-Related Skill: [Basic Close Combat Prowess]
Effect: Increases melee attack damage and accuracy.
Requirements: 5 STR to learn, +1 STR per level.
Provides a +5% boost to melee damage and accuracy at level 0, with an additional +1% per level.
AGI-Related Skill: [Basic Footwork]
Effect: Improves dodge chance and movement speed.
Requirements: 5 AGI to learn, +1 AGI per level.
Provides a +5% boost to dodge chance and movement speed at level 0, with an additional +1% per level.
PHY-Related Skill: [Basic Endurance]
Effect: Increases HP, energy, stamina, and HP regeneration.
Requirements: 5 PHY to learn, +1 PHY per level.
Provides a +10% boost to HP, stamina, and energy and a +5% boost to HP regen at level 0, with an additional +5%/1% per level.
SNS-Related Skill: [Basic Long-Range Combat Prowess]
Effect: Improves accuracy and weapon handling for ranged attacks.
Requirements: 5 SNS to learn, +1 SNS per level.
Provides a +5% boost to ranged accuracy and ranged damage for some weapons (Bows, throwing weapons) at level 0, with an additional +1% per level.
CHA-Related Skill: [Basic Eloquence]
Effect: Improves social interactions and trading ability.
Requirements: 5 CHA to learn, +1 CHA per level.
Provides a +5% boost to speech checks, reputation gains, and vendor prices at level 0, with an additional +1% per level.
INT-Related Skill: [Basic Concentration]
Effect: Improves spellcasting speed and mental capacity.
Requirements: 5 INT to learn, +1 INT per level.
Provides a +5% boost to spellcasting speed at level 0, with an additional +1% per level.
SPR-Related Skill: [Basic Meditation]
Effect: Trains willpower and defenses against mental and charm-based attacks.
Requirements: 5 SPR to learn, +1 SPR per level.
Provides a +5% boost to mind-based ability effectiveness and resistance at level 0, with an additional +1% per level.
MNA-Related Skill: [Basic Mana Control]
Effect: Increases MP pool and regeneration.
Requirements: 5 MNA to learn, +1 MNA per level.
Provides a +10% boost to MP and +5% boost MP regen at level 0, with an additional +5%/1% per level.

Alex smiles, drunk on happiness. Having endured the harsh tutorial mission without any combat skills, he’s elated to have acquired such a vast and varied array of abilities.

"Time for some upgrades!" he rejoices.

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