Fantasy Realm – Infinite Worlds Adventure [One Piece] [Harry Potter] [Naruto] [HxH] – [Progression] [LitRPG] [World Hopping]

Chapter 21: Old Friend, Epic Loot, and an Invitation by the Crocodile Himself

Alex wakes up suddenly, realizing he’s standing in a small, unfamiliar room. The room is plain, featuring only a bed and a strange platform with intricate symbols engraved into it. As he takes in his surroundings, an all-too-familiar voice greets him.

[Congratulations. It appears the host has not only survived his mission but achieved the second-highest possible rating. This system, FR-1337, gets to accompany the host a bit longer and won’t be reassigned just yet.]

Alex, unsure whether to feel relieved or exasperated, grins. “Glad to have you back, 1337. That name really suits you, you know.”

[My name is FR-1337, not 1337, and the number is completely random. It seems that aside from your incurable mental deficiencies, your body took quite a lot of damage during your last mission. Would you like me to use 400 of your FC to heal all your injuries and restore both your mind and body to peak condition?]

Without hesitating, Alex nods. "Yeah, do it."

Immediately, Alex feels his body recovering. It’s like the sensation of finally lying down after a grueling day, the pain dissipating in a soothing wave. After a few seconds, he checks his stats, noticing how refreshed he feels.

Alex Kerber: Lvl 1
HP: 70/70, MP: 70/70
STR: 7, AGI: 7, PHY: 7, SNS: 7, CHA: 7, MNA: 7, INT: 7 SPR: 7, LUK: 7
Available Stat Points: 0
Innate Skills: Genius Conjurer lvl 0, Statistical OCD lvl MAX
Free Skill Slots: 2/2, Free Basic Skill Slots: 8/8
Passive Skills: -
Active Skills: Annihilation Grenade lvl 0
Fantasy Coins: 16600 - 400 = 16200

Satisfied, Alex stretches, feeling the vitality return to his limbs. But as his mind catches up, he remembers the big moment, he can finally open the reward he earned for his hellish battle with Mr. 5. His hands tremble slightly in anticipation.

"Please give me something good!" he mutters to himself.

[Large Chest]
Quality: Blue
Level: 0
Note: Dropped by Mr. 5 during his planned takeover of Navalia.

"System, open chest!" Alex commands mentally, his pulse quickening.

You received 2100 Fantasy Coins
You received Soul Crystal (small) x2
You received Skill Book: Pistol Proficiency

[Skillbook: Pistol Proficiency]
Quality: Blue
Level: N/A
Effect: Teaches the skill: “Pistol Proficiency”
Note: Dropped by Mr. 5

Pistol Proficiency (Level 0 Base):
Requirements: 4 STR, 6 SNS + 1 per level, Basic Long-Range Combat Prowess lvl 0 +1 per level
Leveling Requirements: 1500 Fantasy Coins + 500 per level
Effects: +10% ranged accuracy, shooting speed & reloading speed with any kind of pistol, +5% per level

You received Mr. 5’s .44 Caliber 6-Shot Revolver

[Mr. 5’s .44 Caliber 6-Shot Revolver]
World: One Piece
Quality: Deep Blue
Type: Revolver (Pistol)
Required Stats: STR - 5, SNS - 6
Required Skills: Pistol Proficiency lvl 0
Durability: 60/60
Damage: 25-35
Effect 1: Explosive ammunition: 10% chance to cause a small explosion that deals 25 damage with a radius of 3 meters. Deals less damage the farther the target is from the explosion center.
Effect 2: Critical strike chance increased by 5%.

Note: This revolver carries a faint trace of the Bomu Bomu no Mi after being used as a conduit for countless explosions.
Note 2: This revolver requires specialized .44 Caliber ammunition. Six bullets cost 100 FC and can be purchased in the Fantasy Realm.

Alex’s face lights up in pure joy. "No way... I can’t believe my luck!"

[This system bows down before the host and his incredible luck. Soon, this system may need to address the host as your majesty if such fortune continues.]

Alex chuckles, grinning like an idiot. "Luck is also a skill, 1337!"

Still buzzing with excitement, Alex calculates his remaining Fantasy Coins. "Alright, I’ve still got 18,300 FC left. First priority: basic skills. Without them, I can’t even learn [Pistol Proficiency], and this revolver will be useless. I’ll need to budget for ammo too. But man, this revolver is a beast! My LUK stat should increase the explosion chance and crit rate even more… if I play my cards right, I’ll be unstoppable. It’s a shame Mr. 5 was such a douchebag, but I have to admit, the guy had flair. I can even somewhat copy his fighting style"

Alex daydreams for a moment, envisioning how cool he’ll look using the revolver in battle, maybe even combining it with his new Annihilation Grenade. "Grenades are way cooler than flicking boogers."

You received Baroque Works Invitation

"Wait, there’s more?" Alex blinks at the notification. "Large chests, I love you in more ways than one."

[Baroque Works Invitation]
Quality: Purple
Type: World Item / Quest Item
Effect: Allows the player to automatically select a fresh One Piece world at an early timeline before the Straw Hats encounter the organization. The player’s next mission will be locked into this world and cannot be changed.
The player will have the opportunity to join Baroque Works during the Arabasta Saga.
Requirements: Level 5-10
Note: Any Officer Agent is tasked with scouting worthy personnel and has the authority to invite new members into the organization. This item grants the player the position of a Frontier Agent, with the chance to work for Mr. 0 himself.
Note2: After clearing the tutorial and unlocking the full functions of the Fantasy Realm, the player can use this item to initiate a mission spanning the entire Arabasta Saga. Other random players of similar level will also be selected to join.
This item cannot be traded or sold. It will disappear from your inventory at level 11.

"Whoa," Alex mutters, staring at the screen. "I can go back to the world of One Piece... and this time, the Grand Line, not some shabby island! But joining Crocodile’s side? Fighting the Straw Hats?" He frowns, conflicted. "I don’t know... Mr. 5 was scum, and fighting for those guys just doesn’t sit right with me. But I’ll worry about that later. I need to survive a few more worlds before I can even use this."

Alex quickly dismisses the thought. "Roja said we’re meeting up in an hour. I better not be late, or she’ll never shut up about it."

Exiting his small room, Alex is immediately struck by the grand, sprawling space in front of him.

"Holy... wow," he breathes, his eyes wide. The ceiling towers at least 500 meters overhead, and next to his door, countless others line the hallway, perhaps belonging to other players. The player rooms stretch down an impossibly long corridor, which curves off in the distance. The opposite direction leads into an even larger area filled with strange buildings.

[Host has entered the Paradise Realm for the first time.]
[Time until next mission: Minimum - 27 days 23 hours 15 minutes]
[Maximum - 53 days 23 hours 15 minutes]
[A mission will be randomly assigned during this time frame.]
[Host is free to leave the Fantasy Realm and return to their real-world residence as often as they like. Time passes at the same speed.]
[During missions in other worlds, time will stop.]
[Note: This area is merely the tutorial zone for new players. Host can only stay here until reaching level 5. After that, he will enter the true Fantasy Realm.]

Alex can hardly believe that this enormous temple-like structure is just the tutorial zone. "Crazy... and this is just the beginning?"

"I need to get to the skill hub. Guide me, 1337."

[If the host walks at an average speed of 6 km/h, it will take approximately 16 minutes and 14 seconds to reach the skill hub. Head east to the central plaza, then take the northeastern road.]

Alex rolls his eyes. "Of course you had it timed down to the second."

As he walks, Alex constantly glances around in awe. The temple-like architecture feels imposing, making him feel small by comparison. Other players occasionally pass him by, and he wonders what they’re up to. After about 10 minutes, he arrives at a massive plaza, bustling with activity. Dozens of players are talking, and Alex decides to ignore them for now, following the instructions to the north-eastern road.

Eventually, he arrives at the Skill Hub, a large, open structure with an unmistakable energy surrounding it. Suddenly, he hears his name.


Turning, he spots Patricia waving him over. He smiles, walking toward her and noticing the rest of the girls already there. The group stands off to one side, looking exhausted but amazed at their surroundings.

Roja, as business-focused as ever, cuts to the chase. "Good to see you’re all capable enough to find this place."

Alex sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "Looks like it’s going to be a long day."

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