Fantasy Lord: Starting with Daily Information

Chapter 34: The Dwarf Tribe

Chapter 34: The Dwarf Tribe

The value of mithril is extraordinarily high, and the conditions for its formation are extremely demanding. Generally, only super-large iron mines may produce it, and even then, it’s not guaranteed. Thor didn’t expect that the large iron mine he had just acquired had the potential to produce mithril.

After his initial surprise, a smile of joy spread across his face. He was so elated that he didn't even bother to pay attention to the fifth piece of information.

However, before he could do anything about it, Steve came running over.


Steve's respectful voice carried a hint of uncontrollable excitement.

"What happened?"

Seeing the joy on Steve's face, Thor was puzzled and shifted his gaze away from the daily information.

"Sir, we found a group of dwarfs."

Steve licked his dry lips, barely able to contain his excitement and joy.


"Are you serious?"

Thor, initially unconcerned, jumped up at Steve's words, unable to contain his surprise.

"Yes, sir! It's true!"

"Come with me!"

Steve nodded vigorously, speaking urgently.


"Let's go and see!"

Thor hurriedly agreed, feeling a surge of excitement.

Dwarfs! They were dwarfs, after all.

Dwarfs are considered the lowest rank among orcs, technically part of the goblin race but different from typical goblins. They were once slaves of giants, forced to mine Kaga stones for long periods. Their prolonged contact with these stones made dwarfs exceptionally intelligent. They are renowned worldwide for their engineering and alchemical creations.

Human blacksmith developed from what was learned from dwarfs, and even now, human blacksmith cannot match dwarf craftsmanship.

Every dwarf is a born craftsman and weaponsmith.

Thor never expected that the real gain from today's daily information was not the sixth piece of information but the fifth: this unexpected surprise.

Especially when he reached the depths of the cave and saw those strange blue-skinned creatures that looked very much like goblins, he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

The value of a large iron mine is beyond imagination.

Even without considering mithril and mithril, the sheer output of the large iron mine itself is highly valuable.

Selling raw iron ore and selling crafted black iron armor are entirely different matters.

While he and Rachos Assad had established a trade channel, large-scale raw material transactions often lead to issues. The best solution would be to sell to the Habsburg Chamber of Commerce, but iron ore prices are heavily suppressed by them, making them quite low.

Thor had initially considered purchasing blacksmiths from the Habsburg Chamber of Commerce or tinkering with something himself, relying on his memories from his previous life.

However, the former option would be costly, as the prices for skilled personnel from the Habsburg Chamber of Commerce are staggering, and the latter option seemed unreliable, given that the fundamental laws of the two worlds are different. He doubted he could create anything useful.

But now, all these problems were no longer concerns.

Dwarfs—there are no more suitable blacksmiths than Dwarfs.

They could not only forge black iron armor but also white silver armor. They might even be capable of crafting golden armor.

"Honorable knight, we can work for you. Please, do not kill us."

An elderly dwarf stepped forward, bowing respectfully to Thor, speaking with a mix of fear and hope.

The dwarfs had been captured by cowardly goblins and forced to forge weapons. They hadn't expected the cowardly goblins to be killed by humans so soon.

They had considered fleeing, but the heavy chains on their feet prevented them from escaping. Now, they were trapped in the cave by humans, filled with fear that they would be killed as if they were goblins.

After all, they were also part of the goblin race.


"I can guarantee your survival, even provide food and a place to live, but you must work for me."

"How about this: work for me for thirty years, and I will grant you freedom."

Thor's mind raced, then he turned to the elderly dwarf and spoke slowly.

Unlike ordinary goblins, dwarfs are useful, so Thor intended to keep them. The best approach would be to use a slave contract, but considering the importance of weapon forging, it was better to be somewhat lenient.

As for the thirty years, Thor believed that once they experienced life in the Eagle Ridge, the dwarfs would be reluctant to leave such a stable and peaceful environment. The northern lands are chaotic, where dwarfs are often slaves wherever they go. Even cowardly goblins could capture them, not to mention other orcs and ferocious magical beasts.

In contrast, falling into the hands of humans is the best outcome for dwarfs. Most dwarfs are willing to work for humans.

Upon hearing Thor's offer, the elderly dwarf was elated.

"Honorable knight, your mercy will surely be blessed by the god of dwarfs."

"I, Asak, am willing to work for you!"

The elderly dwarf quickly bowed, showing his humility.

"A wise choice!"

Thor nodded with a smile. For him, this was an unexpected and significant surprise.

Although the dwarf numbers were not large, there were a dozen or so of them, enough to meet his initial needs.

More importantly, these dwarfs could forge a large amount of iron ore into high-quality black iron armor. Then, selling this high-quality black iron armor through the trade route established with Rachos Assad would be highly profitable.

Thor's territory would have a complete economic industry chain, not just barely getting by. There would even be a considerable income, which could further invest in the territory's development, creating a virtuous cycle.

In this moment, Thor realized that even he hadn't anticipated the immense benefits of acquiring this large iron mine.

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