Fantasy: I Chose the Jade Lake in the Beginning. I Just Want to Sign in Silently!

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Truman? The life of puppets and chess pieces!

“back door?”

“What does it mean……”

Chu Yang looked puzzled, and didn’t know what Bai Xiaopang was looking for, he was so sneaky.


Chu Yang hadn’t seen this Bai Xiaopang for a month, and the two sides only had the fate of the last time, so they just said a few more words.

With doubts.

After Chu Yang finished eating, he still walked towards the back door of the spirit dining room.

He wanted to see why this Bai Xiaopang suddenly came to him.

With Chu Yang’s current strength, he is not afraid of whether Bai Xiaopang will “pit” him.

Say it again.

He was so “low-key” in Luoyue Xianfeng. Up to now, there is not even a familiar disciple, and almost no one “knows” him.

Naturally, no one will “pit” him.

The spiritual food room is very large, and the back door is not small. After all, this is the place where the spiritual food room carries all kinds of “foodstuffs” on a daily basis.

Chu Yang came to the back door of the spirit dining room, but found that there was no one here, there was no Daoist shadow, and it was empty.

“Where is this white fat man?”

Chu Yang glanced around, but did not find the figure of Bai Xiaopang.

Just when Chu Yang was a little speechless and was about to leave.

He suddenly looked at one place – Chu Yang sensed that Bai Xiaopang’s Spirit Power fluctuated from there, and he was obviously coming here from there.


After a while, Bai Xiaopang’s two-hundred-jin figure appeared sneakily from there.

As before, Bai Xiaopang was still cautious, and deliberately glanced around…

“Don’t look, there is no one else here except me and you.”

Chu Yang said helplessly.

Hearing that there was no one, Bai Xiaopang breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked towards Chu Yang, holding a small food box in his hand.

In Chu Yang’s keen perception, in this food box, there are Spirit Power fluctuations unique to Ling Mi, but it is much stronger than Ling Mi’s Spirit Power.

A serving of ling rice?

But why did you bring it to me specially?

Although somewhat confused, Chu Yang didn’t care too much about this.

Instead, he looked at Bai Xiaopang and asked his own doubts: “What are you looking for? Why are you so sneaky?”

Bai Xiaopang whispered helplessly: “I can’t help it. Isn’t that afraid of being seen that I am with you? I am looking for you because I have something to give you.”

Speaking, he raised the food box in his hand, but did not open it directly, as if he wanted Chu Yang to guess what was inside.

Chu Yang had already sensed that there was a high probability of Lingmi inside, so he didn’t care.

What he cares about is another problem.

“Why should I be afraid of being seen that I am with you?”

Chu Yang frowned, looked at Bai Xiaopang and asked.

Hear the words.

Bai Xiaopang looked at Chu Yang in surprise, and said: “Don’t you know?”

Chu Yang asked back: “Why would I know?”


Bai Xiaopang was even more surprised now.


He looked around carefully again, hesitated, and whispered to Chu Yang: “Actually, I am not very clear. Just a month ago, the law enforcement senior sisters suddenly came to the door and told us that it is strictly forbidden to go deep with you in the future. When you come and go, you can’t approach the spiritual field where you are at will…”


Hearing what Bai Xiaopang said, Chu Yang was stunned at the time, and then frowned and asked, “Wait, why did Senior Sister Law Enforcement suddenly look for you, and then forbid you to communicate deeply with me, and not let me get close to my spiritual field? ”

He thought it was strange.

Bai Xiaopang shook his head and said: “How do I know, I only know that Senior Sister Law Enforcement is not just the disciple in our spiritual kitchen, but the entire Luoyue Xianfeng disciple.”

Chu Yang asked again: “In other words, Senior Sister Law Enforcement told the entire Luoyue Xianfeng disciples that you are forbidden to have in-depth contact with me, and you can’t go to Lingtian?”

Bai Xiaopang nodded and said in a low voice, “Yes, so even though I was in the spiritual dining room this month, I didn’t dare to see you.”

When he said this, a trace of apology appeared on his face, as if he had deliberately avoided Chu Yang for the past month, and felt sorry for himself.

And this time.

Chu Yang didn’t care about his expression, but fell into thinking.

At this moment.

Chu Yang thought of the ordinary life of farming, which seemed to be calm and peaceful, in the past month.

No one disturbs oneself, quietly…


Similarly, no one came to contact him, and he didn’t even say a few more words.

Most of the places he passed by were no one left.

And there are often law enforcement disciples outside Lingtian…

All this seems normal, but if you think about it, it is completely abnormal!

No one comes to contact yourself, not even to speak to yourself?

This is all about avoiding yourself deliberately, and you have to hide ten meters away when you see yourself!

Therefore, when I walked back and forth, no one was seen on the road, and when I went to the spiritual kitchen to eat, not many people were there.


Chu Yang remembered that the window that the Lingshan Room had deliberately set up for him alone was also a month ago!

Everything was due to the orders of the law enforcement disciples, so everyone deliberately avoided him, and even did not dare to communicate with themselves in depth.

Well, don’t talk about in-depth communication, just stay away from him, when he doesn’t exist anymore.

What I thought was the “ordinary life” of this month, it turned out to be the order of those law enforcement disciples.


Those law enforcement disciples still “guard” outside their own spiritual field, seeming to be patrolling, but in fact they don’t let people approach them?

Chu Yang suddenly felt that the whole person was not good!

A little frightened!

A burst of goose bumps suddenly appeared on his back.

Is this…being watched? Still imprisoned?

However, personal freedom is not restricted, and he can still walk around at will, and it seems that everything is business as usual.

If it weren’t for today, Bai Xiaopang found himself.

Chu Yang estimates that it won’t find any problems for a long time, because he won’t think about it in this direction at all!

This reminds Chu Yang of a classic he has seen in his previous life…


“No, no…”

Chu Yang shook his head and denied the idea of ​​own.

Own encounter is still very different from Truman.

Moreover, I have not been restricted personal freedom, basically no one hinders what I want to do, and my life is as ordinary as usual.

It’s like…

Does the other party hope that he can maintain the current ordinary life?

“Who is it?”

Chu Yang frowned, fell into thinking, thinking crazy, and began to calculate.


No one disturbs own farming Life, which is what Chu Yang hopes.

He just wants to grow the land in a quiet spiritual field, and then maintain it like this, until a year later, sign in the task is completed, and then get the reward “Idols’ Prison Restraining Power”!


Chu Yang does not hope that this kind of life is arranged by others.

This made him feel like a puppet, walking according to the other party’s arrangements every step of the way.

Like a chess piece! *

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