Fantasy: Goddess Wangfu, I Plundered The Opportunity

Chapter 266

Chapter 266: Immortal Machine Backlash, Terrible Dao Injury, Golden Destiny


As he began to deduce again, a mysterious glow appeared on his body, and a terrifying aura swept the whole world.

Even more shocking is that.

Behind him, there are countless visions faintly appearing. Among them, there is a long river phantom rushing non-stop, filled with the rich and extreme aura of the years, as if from the very ancient past across all ages~ time and space.

If Chu Mo were here, he would definitely exclaim in shock.

This long river phantom, it is time-long river!


Such a terrifying vision only lasted for only a moment, and the old man suddenly trembled, as if something terrifying had happened. Suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body was even cracked, exuding viciousness. , strange breath.

No matter how the blood and Dao rhythm in his body were intertwined, he still couldn’t make up for the injury.

With the formation of the crack, the old man’s breath is also rapidly falling, and the death aura is also rising, and the whole person seems to be able to fall along with it.

If there is a powerful person here, you can see it at a glance.

The old man was severely injured and could be called a medicine without a doctor.


The old man turned a blind eye at this moment, but his face was like golden paper, showing panic and panic.

“This, this turned out to be…”

He was sluggish on the spot, murmured in his mouth, and made a sound of unknown meaning.

just now.

When he deduced, he wanted to speculate on the ownership of Xianji, but he suddenly saw an extremely terrifying scene – it was the fall of countless gods and demons, the sky and the earth were all bursting, and the heavens were instantly covered by darkness.

Countless bright stars rushed into the darkness, trying to disperse them, but they were all covered up.

And that fairy machine also poured in, even though it bloomed with infinite light, and there was boundless luck swept away, dispelling a lot of darkness, but after all, it was difficult to support, and it was gradually covered.

“This is… a major event that will bring disaster to the heavens!

“Countless gods and demons have fallen, and the heavens have fallen for them… What happened to have such terrifying results?””

“Could it be that in the near future, these three thousand Dao Domains and even Immortal Domains will be buried for it?!”

He was stunned, unable to hide his surprise.

He really can’t guess what kind of disaster will happen, which will make both the Three Thousand Dao Domain and the Immortal Domain fall.


“In that day, it’s not without life!”

“When the heavens were eroded by darkness, only the fairy machine was still rushing left and right. Although it was eventually covered, it obviously still has a certain ability to resist. If it is planned properly, maybe there are still three thousand Dao Domains. Chance!”

“During the deduction, we will continue to deduce it, and we will definitely be able to find that silver lining!

The old man completely ignored the Dao injury on his body, and in the murmur, he fell into the deduction again, to pursue the life in the dark.

The Holy Land of Absolute Beginning, on Taihua Peak.

The moon is in the sky.

Chu Mo, who was experiencing the fate of “Looking for Immortals”, was immersed in the mystery, but suddenly gave birth to some kind of feeling as if being spied on.

at the same time.

The air luck on the top of the head also stirred up, and the air luck golden cauldron appeared in waves.

“This is……”

“Someone is secretly spying on my fate?”

“who is it?!

Chu Mo’s expression froze, and his face changed.

He wanted to fight back with luck, but before he could act, the feeling of being spied on had disappeared, and at the same time, Chu Mo had a feeling that the person who spied on had been attacked.

There is no such backlash, it is not the backlash of luck, but the backlash of Dao!

In other words.

The opponent has been severely injured!

This is a more serious injury than the backlash of luck.

If the luck is backlashed, there is still a chance to repair it, but if the Dao injury is backlashed, even a true immortal will be difficult to repair.

“This seems to be Xianji’s feedback. From this point of view, it is Xianji who has backfired on it!”

“In this way, no matter who the other party is, suffering from such a serious injury, it can be called a medicine stone that can’t be cured!

Chu Mo thought to himself.

Since the other party was injured, Chu Mo naturally didn’t pay too much attention to it, but a vigilance was raised in his heart – someone was spying in secret, no matter what, Chu Mo needed to be more careful.

What’s more, it’s even better to be vigilant at this time of chaos.

Thinking like this in his mind, Chu Mo turned his attention and put his attention in front of him.

“Make a top fate draw!

Chu Mo commanded secretly.

“Top Fate Extraction Qualifications, the lowest cyan fate can be obtained, and the highest gold fate can be obtained, of which the cyan chance is 50%, the purple chance is 30%, and the golden chance is 20%!

“Because you draw for the first time, you will definitely get a golden fate!

“Extracting, please wait!”

Watching the prompt emerge, Chu Mo looked expectant.

He is very curious, what kind of golden fate he will get!

The previous high-level fate extraction gave him the golden fate [Seeking Immortal]. Now that he is qualified for the top fate extraction, what kind of fate can it bring him?

While Chu Mo pondered, it didn’t take a moment for a hint to emerge.

“The extraction is complete!

“You got the golden destiny [Son of the Beginning]!”

[Sacred Son of the Beginning]: As the contemporary Sacred Son of the Sacred Son of the Beginning, your achievements have surpassed all the Sacred Sons in the history of the Holy Land, the oldest Taoist tradition of the human race. When you are in the sphere of influence of the Sacred Land of the Beginning, you will be blessed by the luck of the Holy Land. , and the strength has been greatly improved. The farther away from the sphere of influence of the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning, the blessings obtained will gradually shrink and eventually disappear completely.

Looking at the introduction of the new destiny, Chu Mo couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

The fate in front of him is also golden, which is beyond Chu Mo’s expectations – two chances to draw, but all of them appear golden!


The fate [Prince of the Beginning] obtained this time is rather special.

It is blessed by the luck of the Holy Land, and the strength can also be increased, and it will also be limited by distance.

“I just don’t know how big this blessing can be?”

Chu Mo thought so.

As the thought arises, the next moment, the prompt appears.

“The new destiny has been assembled, please pay attention to check.



Chu Mo felt an invisible force surging.

How vast and heavy it was, almost instantly made Chu Mo’s body tremble.

He subconsciously cast his eyes on the void.

It was a shocking sight to see.

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