Fantasy: All my disciples are the protagonist template

Chapter 54: Ghost Cultivator

Chen Ge looked strange. He was worried about encountering a tough guy. He might encounter some powerful characters and try to get them involved.

However, according to visual inspection, it should be an ordinary ghost. After all, it is king and hegemony in a small place, which is nothing special.

"This is practiced with yang energy and blood essence. It's really pitiful, but at this late hour, the woodcutter came here to do something serious."

Monk Kong said.

"This is none of our business, let me give him a ride!"

A mummy would be quite scary if placed here.

Chen Ge released a burst of real fire and burned the mummy. He didn't have the leisure to dig a hole and bury the corpse.

The real fire was not fire in the ordinary sense, but was transformed by magic power, and it quickly burned the mummy to ashes.

Then I visited again with my spiritual consciousness, and found nothing strange.

"It's not hiding underground, right?"

Chen Ge frowned.

"It's possible, but it's also possible that a magic circle or something has been set up so that the gods can't peep into it, but we just have to wait, they will show up."

The empty monk smiled.

The two began to stroll around the area. Chen Ge kept releasing his spiritual consciousness. He was worried that he would be suddenly attacked and the boat would capsize in the ditch. Therefore, he had to use his spiritual consciousness to be on guard.

Only about half an hour later, a figure in white appeared nearby.

Chen Ge and Monk Kong looked at each other, and a beautiful woman appeared. To be precise, she should be a beautiful ghost.

Both of them were very satisfied. This time, it didn’t look like a pink skull!

This guy was going to trick someone. She landed on the ground, pretended to fall to the ground, and then shouted for help. Apparently she discovered the existence of Chen Ge and Monk Kong. This was done deliberately to attract them over.

This little trick, under the consciousness of Chen Ge and Monk Kong, was naturally invisible.

The two walked over, and Monk Kong took a step forward, grinning, showing his bright white teeth.

"Girl, aren't you afraid of danger if you run into the forest alone this late at night?"

The empty monk laughed very cheaply.

This guy looks good and fits Chen Ge's aesthetics, but it's just too cold. It's his corpse, with no breathing or heartbeat.

The female corpse glanced at Monk Kong and felt a little weird. Who is this woman? It looks so ugly, it would be scary to see it out at night!

"Sir, my foot is sprained. Can you come over and help me?"

The female corpse looked pitiful, so she naturally set her sights on Chen Ge. In her eyes, Monk Kong was just a woman.

"Don't you know that men and women are not close to each other? Why should I help you?"

Chen Ge is not stupid. What if the other party suddenly attacks him? This risk cannot be taken.

Besides, the other person is not a human being. He just comes to see something new and doesn't have much interest.

"Let me help you!"

Monk Kong was not afraid. He walked over carelessly, helped the female corpse up, and touched her body with both hands.

The other party was confused.

"Girl, you are so cold, you don't have any body temperature at all! You shouldn't! You just robbed the Yang Qi and blood essence, you shouldn't have no body temperature! There is no body temperature, there is really no feeling at all."

The empty monk commented.

Hearing this, the female corpse felt something was wrong and immediately stepped back.

"Who are you?"

The female corpse's expression darkened.

"We are here to care for you! Think about it, you are alone at night, don't sleep well, and come out to mess around. We are here to save you! Amitabha, let this poor monk come to save you!"

Monk Kong is kind-hearted.

The female corpse felt something was wrong and was about to run away. Monk Kong quickly offered a string of rosary beads and hung them around the female corpse's neck.

The female corpse screamed and fell to the ground, being restrained by the rosary beads.


Monk Kong Kong took out a piece of yellow cloth and spread it on the ground. He also took out a wooden fish, and while banging it, he chanted sutras. It seemed that he really wanted to save the other person, which made Chen Ge speechless.

What a waste of effort! Just destroy it, it's a waste of time.

He was about to take action when the female corpse spoke.

"Master, have mercy on me, this little girl is forced to do nothing, she can't help herself!"

The female corpse began to cry, but she was not a living person and had no tears.

oh? This thing is also coercive.

"What does it mean to be forced and helpless?"

Monk Kong blinked his eyes and stopped chanting, obviously showing some interest.

"The little girl was originally from Wangjiazhuang. On the way home with her husband, she was brutally killed by bandits. Her husband abandoned me. After being insulted by the bandits, I died in the wilderness. I was later rescued. It was she who forced me to do this. Yes, if I don’t obey, my soul will be shattered.”

The female corpse was pitiful.

"What? There is such a thing. Your husband is so shameless! He actually ran away alone. I have to say something about you. Why are you so blind? Who are you looking at? ! What a pity you are."

Monk Kong made a serious criticism.

Is this a story? Using this to win sympathy, Chen Ge frowned, it didn’t sound like it! I can come up with a story so quickly and it makes perfect sense.

"Who forced you to do this?"

Chen Ge asked if there could be a big fish behind this.

"It's an old woman. We all call her Granny Si. She asked us to come out to lure men, capture Yang Qi and blood essence, and then give it back to her."

The female corpse said.

Then, she said that her name was Wang Jing, and as long as the two of them went to Wangjiazhuang to check, they would know that what she said was true.

"You still have a gang! Where are the people?"

Chen Ge was a little surprised.

"I'm the only one around here, the sisters all act independently."

Wang Jing said.

"What do you think?"

Chen Ge looked at Monk Kong.

"It doesn't seem to be fake. If that's the case, then the old woman took the path of ghost cultivators and it was inconvenient for her to take action, so she used these corpses."

Monk Kong said.

"Well, you're right."

Chen Ge nodded. He also thought that what Wang Jing said was true. He was indeed a pitiful person!

However, it is still a corpse after all. Isn't it a disaster if it is left in this world?

"Two masters, please save us? The sisters are very pitiful. Please show mercy, two masters."

Wang Jing begged, she saw that the two of them were not ordinary people.

The two hesitated.

Chen Ge was reluctant. What did it have to do with him? If that ghost cultivator was a powerful character, they would go and jump into a pit!

"It's really unreasonable. Kidnapping and selling the bodies of women from good families is simply a heinous crime. We will make the decision for you in this matter."

The empty monk seems to have an overwhelming sense of justice.

Chen Ge said nothing and did not express his attitude. Although he felt that it was his responsibility to rescue women from good families, these were all corpses!

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