Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 16 - Surprise

Seeing that Li Qinglin suddenly returned to normal, the owner of Shao Zhuang changed his face slightly: “You … how are you all right?”

Li Qinglin spit out a water arrow and said, “The wine was wrapped in my throat by my qi, and it didn’t fall at all. Pretending to be poisoned, I just wanted to see what truth the spit could spit out when I was confused. Here … “After a pause here, I continued with annoyance:” I never thought that this jade was so restrained by monsters. The noise was too loud, which was not my wish. “

Dao tightened her lips outside, and the change was twists and turns, she couldn’t have expected it.

“No wonder Master said to ask Hongchen, this person is so cunning, and it really isn’t visible in the mountains.” She thought for a while and whispered to herself: “This city of Li Qinglin, it’s possible that he will do that thing. A few minutes. “

As if in response to Dao’s aspirations, a voice came from outside Zhuang, and several horses came galloping straight into Zhuang.

When he saw the person headed by him, the owner of Shao was surprised and saluted, “Xiamin participated in Wang Junshou.”

Jun Wang Jun Shou hurried down the horse, pushed the owner of Shao Zhuang aside, and knelt down on one knee: “Xiaguan Wanghe, see the second prince, see princess Zhaoyang.”

The whole Zhuangzi stayed like a wooden chicken, and the face of the owner was as pale as earth.

青 Li Qingjun sneered: “Willn’t it be for the farmer to come to the platform? This guy can actually make your county guard come in person, but it is amazing!”

King Wang He wiped his sweat: “The princess misunderstood, Xiaguan didn’t know this person. I only heard someone say that I had seen two people at the city gate in the evening, and Xiaguan happened to be looking for two before they came here.”

“Oh?” Li Qinglin said, “What happened?”

“Prince …” Wang He paused, and said, “Prince was stabbed to death last night.”

瞳 Li Qinglin’s pupils narrowed slightly, Li Qingjun’s face turned white.

In front of the big event, naturally there is nothing to say about the farm. The owner of Shao Zhuang did not wait for the county guard to show his authority, and he recruited everything like a bamboo tube.

Zhuang Ding, who had died for no reason before, died when the corpse monster sucked away his vitality, and the owner of the Zhuang was on the list to catch ghosts, but he never thought it was a good thing for his wife.

So the landlord wouldn’t have died … But unfortunately, a son with a stumbling block came out, and in order to stay with his stepmother, he quietly poisoned his father with the background of Zhuangzhong’s “haunt”.

In other words, there are both evils and man-made things in this place. Everyone’s judgment was wrong before.

Of course, this matter is no longer in the attention of the brothers and sisters of the Li family. Their minds have long been occupied by the death of the prince, and they returned to Beijing overnight. There were no longer three people on the way, but the county sent troops to escort. Obviously, the south prince who died of the prince could no longer make the second prince accident.

Because the king has these two sons in total.

This is no longer the time for training. I’m afraid that Li Qinglin will never be able to travel alone in the future.

On the way, the brothers and sisters of the Li family were very serious and lost any nonsense. From a larger perspective, it is the south that is going to change the sky, and from a young perspective, they have lost their brother.

Especially for Li Qinglin, these two emotions must be mixed together.

Xi Qin Yi Zema was beside him, and was very silent.

Contrary to the brothers and sisters of the Li family, how does it feel that the prince is too far away from him? The farm thing touched him a lot.

Such a beautiful woman is actually nothing more than a painted skin with extremely disgusting corpses in her bones. This is the pink skull that monks see. No matter how bad it is, it’s nothing more than a skin.

I can abandon the skin and look, and not be fascinated by the appearance, is the necessary process of the avenue.

In order to fight for such a skin, Xun Ke’s father-in-law happened … and the tenderness and sweetness came to the end, after all, he could not resist the temptation of a piece of jade.

So are monsters more vicious or popular?

He hung far behind the team and quietly talked with tassel.

“Don’t practice such a mystery at that point of practice. You now think that you are really attracted to the real evil and beauty in front of you, can you really not be attracted? This is easy to know and easy to do.” Liu Suyou said: ” Anyway, if you see more of it, that’s it. When you live for thousands of years, where will you feel ripples about this kind of thing? If you don’t participate, you will realize it. “

Qin Yi whispered: “Since you are not involved in self-awareness, what is the essence of Xiuxian?”

复 “Fu … Oh, the essence of Xiuxian, but ask your heart.”

“Why ask?”

“Red dust rolls over, you know.” Liu Suyou said: “You hide in Xianji Mountain for a lifetime and think that you were born, but it is a big fallacy. Where did you come from before you entered the world?”

所以 “So you urged me to pick up girls?”

Tassel laughed: “Don’t experience anything, don’t make a fool of it, that’s all. Even if you do n’t need to go through it, you have to see it. Anyway, you think I have a vicious idea about everything? It ’s nothing more than that, but it ’s like this What can be true about the earthly rules and regulations? “

Qin Yi did not talk with him, but said earnestly: “I want to be taught.”

Tassel froze and shifted: “Since you see a monster that can paint skin, don’t you wonder about the common sense of monsters?”

因为 “Because I know you can’t help but say it yourself.”

“…” Tassel hated it: “I won’t tell you if I die.”

“Oh.” Qin Yi seemingly casually said: “Anyway, a jade pendant has made people indifferent to ghosts and ghosts. This lady may not be as powerful as that demon tiger.”

Tassel sneered: “You know a fart!”

After abusing this sentence, he said all the common sense of demon cultivation like a bamboo tube.

The demon cultivation, the lowest level is called the psychic period, that is, animals and plants have just started basic spirituality, and have a little strange ability. The corresponding most probably is the human training period, and there are also nine layers of practice. . The psychic period has come to great consummation, and there is no difference between human beings and human beings. It is for psychics.

“Of course, most psychic monsters are wild roads. Under the same practice, there are no various methods for human beings. The whole is not as good as the monk’s inheritance. Even the more powerful human warriors are not afraid of them and can only scare them. Mortal. “Tassel added:” Refer to that spider demon. “

“Uh …” Qin Yi scratched his head: “That lady has passed this stage?”

“No, UU reads www.uukanshu.com. She got stuck at this stage.” Tassel sneered. “You don’t underestimate the monsters at this stage, just like the peak of human energy training, they can often claim to be gods. Mrs. Zhang’s grade was actually made like that by a piece of jade by Li Qinglin, this piece of jade is very doorway. “

Qin Yi nodded thoughtfully.

When the psychic is complete, you can try to shock the metamorphosis period, that is, normal human shape. There are so many little monsters stuck at this level. Each of them is trying to break through in a lot of messy ways. Madam Zhang is one of the ways to dress people with painted skin. This is a helpless choice when the psychic period has not yet broken through.

“You can also see people who peeled the human skin and refined it, and you can also see yourself trying to deform and become nondescript. The face with blue teeth and fangs knows that it is a monster.” Liu Su added: “Mrs. Zhang is relatively gentle. In this way, she absorbs the anger of human beings, and also hopes to be completely solidified, but unfortunately the means are too rough, and most of the wild roads are like this. “

原来 “That’s it.” Qin Yi sighed: “In other words, if you see a monster that really becomes like a human, is this a more powerful monster?”

“It really broke through the metamorphosis period. The surface is really no different from people, but it is often difficult to hide some of the ontological features in some places, such as leaving a tail? Or it is very strong and requires many ways to cover up. What kind of stimulus may also expose the original shape. “Liu Su said:” However, such a slight concealment can also mingle the world, and it is rarely seen. Take your brain full of qi training to build a base comparison, this can also be called building base.”

“What’s up?”

“Going up?” Liu Su sneered: “With your current means, seeing it means you can’t live, what else do you ask?”


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