Failure IS An Option

Arc 3 – Choices We’ve Made: Chapter 5

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 3 - Choices We've Made: Chapter 5

A few days later*

Akane Beach is a town very popular among tourists in Fiore. Among its many attractions are the giant amusement park, the five-star hotel, and the huge sandy beach adjacent to the sea. The hotel houses a casino in its basement where visitors can enjoy themselves. Akane Beach is located in the southern part of Fiore.

I have underestimated Juvia's rich background once more. I didn't expect to find out that many restaurants are owned by her, which she obtained because she has a specific type of food she likes to eat whenever she wants to relax in Akane Beach—especially owning one of the top-tier hotels here, among other things.

"I got to say, you invest in many things, Juvia." Matsu stares at Juvia in awe.

Everyone else enjoys the meal sent to our room in the hotel without needing to go to the restaurants ourselves. All for free, thanks to Juvia.

"Well, when you don't have many friends and are isolated by many for the most part. I've decided the closest thing to having any sort of friends was to purchase many lands, buildings, businesses, etc., and spend time around the workers to form a bond. Still, I'd underestimated how people continue to avoid me." Juvia gives everyone a small, sad smile.

Seeing this, I grab Juvia's hand.

"Hey, you got us now." I smile at Juvia, causing her sad smile to turn bright and cheerful again.

"Yes, Renato-sama, you've improved my life." Juvia leans over to kiss me on the lip, showing off her affection to everyone. "And I'll always be grateful for that."

"You know, I feel like we're missing something here." Kazehana said to everyone after she took a good mouthful from her drink.

"Did we forget to order something for our lunch?" Musubi asked before she took a big bite from her chicken drumstick, making her cheeks puff up while chewing.

"No, it's something else." Kazehana narrowed her eyes, determined to figure out what was missing.

"Did you forget to wear something important?" Miya raises an eyebrow.

"Maybe you forgot to wear a pantie?" Matsu wiggles her eyebrows.

"How about training for a specific move you'd forgotten to do?" Karasuba finished slicing all the food on her plate into bite-size cubes.

"Do you need to take a cold bath?" Akitsiu seems to be very excited if that were the case, even with her blank facial expression. But, all of us could tell by her tone of voice alone.

"Are we missing someone?" Yume begins looking at everyone and counting off that are here.

"Did you finally decide not to drink so much alcohol?" Tsukiumi wipes her mouth with a napkin.

"Pretty sure she forgot to order more alcohol instead, Tsukiumi." Uzume grins.

"I think she is just saying this to mess with us. Right, Hibiki?" Hikari glanced at her twin.

"Right." Hibiki nods in agreement.

Before Kazehana can make a remark, her face turns red, and a second later. Her face slams onto the table. Nearly causing everything on the table to knock over if it wasn't for everyone to react quickly to prevent any accidents from happening.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot that the alcohol she drank was specially crafted by me, which would make the drinker unconscious after drinking for a minute. They'll stay out cold for an hour without being able to wake up by any means." I said to Juvia and the Sekirei.

"I guess Kazehana forgot about that, which was why she thought something was missing." Miya looks at the unconscious Sekirei with a deadpan expression. "By the way, why would you give her something like that, knowing it would knock her out cold in the end, Renato?"

"Mostly because it would stop her drinking further for an hour, even if her body being a Sekirei, is stronger than the average human's liver. Eventually, she will reach her limit, and we can't have her sick. Then she might need a liver replacement and, at worst, death." I answered. "Although I can use the Dispel Card to prevent that, what would happen if I wasn't around then to use it? Other than maybe handing a stack of Dispel Cards over to Kazehana."

"Plus, I got the feeling Kazehana going to need that one hour of nap." Uzuma joke with everyone, grinning as she pokes the unconscious Sekirei with her spoon.

Lucky for Kazehana, the spoon is clean and unused.

I shake my head, amused by the nonsense happening in my life.

Hm. This steak needs A1 sauce.

2 hours later*

"You want me to what?" I stare at Karasuba with confused eyes.

"Fight me without relying on your bullshit magic!" Karasuba shouted with mad glee.

"I'll die." I stare at her with lifeless eyes.

Fuck, pretty much all I use is magic and, among others, that are recreated into magic with Failure Manipulation.

That's... kind of sad now that I think about it.

"I'm sure someone like you has something up your sleeve in case you are unable to use magic." Karasuba takes a stance with her sword covered in dim red light.

"Er." I stare at her sharp sword and feel dread spreading throughout my body. However, I remember something vital.

"Here I come!" Karasuba was about to rush at me, only for her to collapse onto the ground before she could.

I wipe the cold sweats off my forehead as my geass does work on Sekirei. Then, I thought about it and quickly used my cheat to make it so that my geass could affect anyone and anything.

Well, other than my cheat. Having this powerful geass would do wonder for me as long I keep an eye on the targets.

Deactivating the geass and allowing Karasuba's brain functions to become active again. It took a few seconds before Karasuba was 'awake', and she struggled to get back on her feet. In fact, she can't even hold her sword without dropping it upon trying to pick it up from the ground.

Huh, I guess her brain functions weren't all back in working order. Then again, this is the first time I have used my geass on anyone.

"Wh-?" Karasuba was about to say something, but something stopped her as she blankly stared at me and slowly blinked a few times.

Creating a Dispel Card, with a slight modification and using it on Karasuba, caused her to blink faster, and the next thing I knew it. Karasuba was in front of me with her sword, ready to split me in half.

Multiple Magic Circles appear around and within my body, enhancing beyond what I had done in the past, and I can see the whole world come to a stop.

I sighed in relief that I'd placed multiple backup protection features on my magic with the help of Failure Manipulation to trigger whenever I'm in danger that, if I was a second too slow, could lead to a bad ending. Otherwise, Karasuba's sneak attack would have been fatal.

I rub the back of my head in frustration at how crazy Karasuba is, but I can't fault her for wanting to have an epic fight with someone powerful. Too bad she is asking the impossible the moment she demands me not to use my magic.

So, moving at the speed that Karasuba will never match nor be able to comprehend. I stole her sword right from her hand, carefully though with Failure Manipulation to make it so I didn't rip her fingers in the process and walk around her until I was behind her. Afterward, I slow some of the Magic Circles' speed, bringing the frozen world back in motion.

"Ha?!" Karasuba looked around in shock while her hands grasped empty air where her sword was.

"Seriously, you went for another strike after I healed you?" I shake my head at Karasuba, taking a few steps away when she attacked with a back kick. "Again, with the attacking."

"Hey! I said no magic!" Karasuba growl.

"Well, that was before you attacked me after I healed you." I pointed out as I kept her sword out of reach and continued to avoid her hands from getting the sword back.

"Yeah, because you used magic on me in the first place!" Karasuba continues trying to regain her sword while attacking me with fast punches and kicks.

"I did not use magic in the beginning." I weave around her attacks, even going far as to switch hands to hold the sword to make sure she can't get it and slap away any attacks I couldn't avoid in time, or more, as I miscalculated how much distance I needed to make.

"Then explain how you beat me without even touching me?!" Karasuba narrowed her eyes as she stopped attacking me to give her an explanation.

I'm starting to see why Miya ignores Karasuba's challenges, and sometimes only Yume accepts them. Along with Musubi whenever Yume wasn't around to stop her.

Nonetheless, I explained to Karasuba what I did by giving her a gist of what my geass could do and what a geass is in the first place.

However, I didn't expect the side effects she had gone through after being released by my geass' influence.

"First your magic, and now you got bullshit eyes?!" Karasuba looks at me with envy. "What else do you have that makes you damn overpowered?"

I toss Karasuba her sword once I see that she won't follow up with any more attacks, which, much to my relief, she didn't upon catching her sword.

"Too many for me to count." I lied because I had no other combat methods other than magic and geass. Of course, that wouldn't be a lie once I use my cheat to gain other means for my future fights.

"It will be impossible to defeat you, let alone Miya unless I learn other things to increase my fighting ability." Karasuba frown, then smirk. "How about you teach me magic?"

And suddenly, I figured out why Karasuba demanded a spar while everyone else was having fun at the beach.

"Sure, do you have an idea what kind of magic you want to learn?" I pray that Karasuba doesn't pick one; that just makes her more deadly than she already is with her sword alone.

"Not really. That's why I hope you can pick one to help me further develop my swordsmanship." Karasuba sheathed her sword. Then she folded her arms under her breasts. "So, got any magic you could think up on the spot for me to learn?"

Ah, this isn't good. Like seriously bad. Karasuba is already dangerous as she is now. Adding magic would just make things worse for many people. If that wasn't bad enough, I'm sure the other Sekirei would also demand to learn magic.

Honestly, I'm surprised it took them this long after coming to Fairy Tail world. Then again, they were too busy taking in all the new places and things run by magic. Nevertheless, these Sekirei are already more powerful than the average Mages of this world. Giving them access to their own magic would for sure make the Magic Council pull out all their hairs upon seeing the Sekirei going on a rampage to test out their magic.

Eh, I can just use my cheat to prevent them from causing too much trouble. And if anything, I'm sure I can fix everything with Magic Card.

Now, to figure out what kind of magic for Karasuba to learn...

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