Failure IS An Option

Arc 2 – Vacation Time: Chapter 5

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 2 - Vacation Time: Chapter 5

A few hours later*

So, Juvia and I got a room in this nice hotel run by the MBI, no doubt. Not that it matters since they won't know about us. We don't exist in this world, nor would they be able to spy on us.

Anyway, Juvia went off on her own to hunt down the Sekirei to check if they were suitable to tag along with us.

The idea of destroying the Sekirei Plan before it could start is very tempting, especially when all the Sekirei has yet to be winged by anyone.

I let out a yawn, then headed out after leaving behind a note for Juvia to see. Of course, I made it so only she could get it and no one else through Failure Manipulation, including that she would get the note instead of having it ignored, with the possibility of some weird luck that the note disappeared somehow. This made the possibility of that happening nonexistent.

I exit the hotel's front entrance, ignoring the many people around me. From a distance, I can see the familiar figure. Therefore, I begin with what many people have done in my position.


Even better is using Teleportation Magic to always switch to a better hiding spot without losing track of the target without being seen.

In no time, we're getting further and further away from the crowd until the one I'm stalking has led me to an open area near a river.

Right, I guess I was found already, but not completely. Let's make that happen.

100% failure rate of me being noticed by the one I'm stalking now, but I wasn't seen until I revealed myself in the open willing.

As cliches as they could get, this is good for me in this open area, especially when a fight is bound to happen.

In addition to using the Beyond Card before stalking the Sekirei before me. I'm a little excited to see how much I can do against a powerful alien girl, even if their true strength is currently suppressed.

At first, I thought being an alternative universe of Sekirei would be somewhat complicated, but this is fun in a way.

Sekirei #01 Miya, the Sekirei Queen, and a master in swordsmanship. She was able to sink several ships with just the shockwave from her sword in the series, and this Miya did much worse going by her background after checking through the Beyond Card. In addition, she is still the leader of the First Disciplinary Squad in this world, as the first squad has yet to be disbanded like in the canon.

Unlike in the canon, who left the MBI after the death of her husband. This Miya doesn't have a husband, nor does she change into her canon version after meeting the one that would become her husband—enabling her to learn about the people and the world, which changed her view on life. Furthermore, her supposed husband's death indirectly thanks to her actions which resulted in her leaving MBI and maintaining the Inn that her husband built, where she would never refuse anyone who needed shelter does not exist.

So with that said, I can say that if I don't use the full might of the Aries Swordsmanship or my other magic. I will die under Miya's sword, no question about it, if I were a normal human.

"Are you going to come out, or do I have to force you to come out?" Miya asks calmly, staring in my direction.

100% failure rate of Miya being able to kill me.

100% failure rate of any Sekirei being able to kill me.

Now, I'm ready to walk before Miya.

In hindsight, I should have done this early on.

Okay, I should be ready to face Miya if we get into a fight.

As I step out of the shadow and into the light, I finally allow Miya to see me.

The moment I did, I saw something I wasn't expecting.

Miya blushed upon seeing me while continuing to have a calm look on her face.

Now, normally this is great to see her blushing, which means she likes me. In other words, love at first sight, but with Sekirei, it is because they are reacting to their destined ones called Ashikabi.

The problem is that I'm not a native of this world; therefore, I should not be an Ashikabi, nor should I be the one that causes Miya to react. Hell, she never found her Ashikabi in the series, and her husband wasn't even considered once, which means she was never winged.

Or maybe that is a fanfiction thing? Being unable to wing a Sekirei due to not being an Ashikabi in the first place. Unless all humans can be ones just by kissing a Sekirei and winging them?

Even then, how Miya reacts to seeing me should not be possible.

Unless it's due to her being too powerful for this world that she can't find anyone to be her Ashikabi?

A quick use of the Beyond Card secretly, and I'm speechless at what I've found out.

To think Miya-

Multiple Magic Circles cover part of my body as explosive Magic Power courses inside my body, increasing my physical aspects beyond what the average human body from the Nasurverse could handle. This includes Aoko herself.

Suddenly, Miya appeared before me as if she had teleported, already midswing her sword towards my neck.

I duck straight away, with barely a few strands of hair cut.

It's only due to the space field I've created for a while now that made it possible for me to react in time and in time to enhance myself because there was no way I was going to be able to dodge that speed in my base form.

I teleport behind Miya with a swift kick to the side of her head, but I pull back right away when Miya counters with a fast sword strike at my leg—nearly cutting my foot off if I had continued with the attack.

I start increasing the amount of Magic Power through the Magic Circles by spinning them even faster.

I teleported back to the previous spot while Miya was halfway turning around and attacking her side with an elbow strike, the sound of bones breaking as I sent her flying.

Once more, I teleported in the direction where Miya was flying and slapped a Binding Card on her before she could react. Then, I moved out of the way as she crashed into the ground harshly, forming a small crater.

I calmly walk over, pick up Miya's sword and crouch next to her, with the sword resting on my shoulder.

"So, want to tell me why you attack me? I didn't even get to say anything." I pause for a moment to let my words sink in. "Which is rude, by the way."

Miya tried to say something, but her mouth was shut tight due to my Binding Card, and now that I looked carefully. Miya is tied up in a very sexy bondage that made me dumbfounded because I don't recall the Binding Card having such an effect in its creation.

So, going by how Miya is breathing heavily, her face becomes redder by the second. I think I might have accidentally caused Miya to develop a bondage fetish.

I think about it for a moment, then use my cheat to make it, so Miya doesn't think about attacking me, nor would she when I release her from the Binding Card. After all, even if the fight was short and quick. We've already caused damage to the area, and I think many people are coming here soon, mostly the people from the MBI.

Undoing the Binding Card, I quickly moved out of the way when Miya tried to tackle me to the ground.

"Hey!" I stared wide eyes at Miya in shock, but also I realized she wasn't trying to attack me. Since my cheat has made it impossible for this to happen. So, I have a few guesses why it looked like she was going to attack, but she wasn't and more like wanted to grab hold of me. Maybe pin me to the ground with how her eyes are now filled with lust.

"To think I would find you...!" Miya continues to breathe heavily, staring at me like a slab of meat to devour.

I am speechless; well, I better just get this over with.

I use my cheat to make it, so Miya fails to react to my speed in time and slaps a newly created Binding Card onto Miya, binding her once more. Afterward, I pick her up and teleport us back to the hotel room where Juvia and I are staying.

"Renato-sama! Juvia is glad to see you're back and you brought Miya with you! She was the last one I couldn't find anywhere." Juvia greeted me, not caring how I have Miya tied up and carried over my shoulder. "Juvia hopes Renato-sama loves our new companions!"

Say what now?

I stare at Juvia in doubt, then look at the so-called new companions and find myself more speechless than ever.

A quick use of the Beyond Card, not caring if everyone saw me using it at this point. I need answers right away.

I take a deep breath before exhaling slowly.

Okay, time to check who's here before I use another Beyond Card for a deeper search for answers that weren't given to me from the previous Beyond Card.

All the First Disciplinary Squad but Mutsu, among the few male Sekirei, is here.

Sekirei #08 Yume is supposed to be 'dead' and live through Sekirei #88 Musubi is here. Alive and well at that. Also, the leader of the Second Disciplinary Squad, which is another group that's active instead of the first squad being disbanded.

Sekirei #07 Akitsu is part of the second squad and isn't broken like in the canon.

Sekirei #09 Tsukiumi is also here, part of the second squad with Yume. Along with Sekirei #10 Uzume and the twin Sekirei, Hikari and Hibiki. The former is #11 and the latter is #12.

Finally, Musubi is here too, which makes her and Yume almost like twins, with how similar in appearance they are.

In total, there is ten Sekirei here. All of which are very powerful. This includes Musubi, who Yume trained for years.

"I'm surprised you didn't try to kidnap all the Sekirei." I stop looking at the Sekirei and look at my girlfriend, Juvia.

"It's because we sacrifice ourselves so the others would have the freedom to find their Ashikabi without being under the control of a madman." Yume said firmly with pride. "Even if it means we've to give up our freedom to find our Ashikabi."

"Say you; I'm reacting to this guy here." Karasuba said to Yume, causing the latter to look at her in shock. "Yeah, I'm shocked too, that I would find my Ashikabi here. Although, I don't think that's bad, not when he defeated Miya over there."

And just like that, the other Sekirei realized their strongest had been defeated and lying on the ground tied up without being able to break free.

Well, I guess my existence alone is just causing more changes to this world before I could even do much. This makes me question what would happen to me if I was sent into this world of Sekirei instead of Fairy Tail.

Would I have many Sekirei as a harem? It would make things interesting in more than one way; furthermore, I won't have to worry about any of them trying to betray me for whatever reasons.

I look at each Sekirei for a few seconds before looking at Juvia, smiling at me brightly.

It looks like I won't be having any sleep tonight.

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