Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 4

30 minutes later*

"Renato-sama, if you don't mind Juvia for asking. How did Renato-sama make it so the rain disappear and allow Juvia to finally see the blue sky?" Juvia asks me out of the blue after half an hour of silence, going by my Local Time Card showing me the time.

"I use Breakdown Magic." I already got a cover for my Failure Manipulation. Plus, it would make things easier for me when I use Failure Manipulation out in the open. Plus, people would think my cheat run on Magic Power, which it doesn't and can make people underestimate me in doing so.

"Breakdown Magic?" Juvia blinks, "Does it have anything related to Crash Magic?"

"Kind of. Crash Magic requires physical contact while Breakdown Magic doesn't, but in exchange requires some time to use unlike Crash Magic could be used straight away." I explain, and technically I can even use Failure Manipulation to replicate Crash Magic.

"Renato-sama is so amazing to learn such a difficult Magic!" Juvia looks in awe.

"Thanks for the praise." I smile at Juvia, who begins to blush again. I'm still not used to this who easily seeable blushing of anime style. "So Juvia. Have you been traveling on your own this entire time in the search for a Magic Guild? No other companion before me to meet up after finding a Magic Guild to join?"

"No, there isn't anyone waiting for Juvia." Juvia gives me a sad smile. "Juvia has been traveling alone."

"Well, now you have me as your companion from this point on." I wink at Juvia, causing her to blush once more.

Okay, seriously. Is Juvia that easy to seduce or she is very weak to any type of seduction due to lack of human contacts due to her rain? I won't be surprised if that is the case.

"Anything you want to do to pass the time before reaching our destination?" I ask Juvia because I got nothing else to do besides working on Magic Cards and getting better at using the other magic I've learned that could be used inside the train. "Maybe come up with a strategy for us to take care of those goblins without getting in each other ways?"

"Sure." Juvia nods.

And so, we begin discussing strategies we can use on the spot or use with a couple of practices to make up for the lack of cooperation experience between us for the time being.

Also, on the side, I've created the other two Magic Cards and tweaks a bit here and there, to make them more controllable. Like determining how cold I want and how hot I want it to be. Later, I should figure out how to create a single Magic Card to do both of them for daily uses and convert those two into something more combat style.

3 days later*

Note to self: Get better at using Teleportation Magic. Train ride. Very boring and frustrating due to having such a sexy girl like Juvia with all the time and continue to subconsciously seduce me every moment. And here I thought I was the one seducing her instead.

It's only due to extreme self-control and knowing Juvia's past that made me not move things between us in a hurry. After all, it will be easy to make Juvia my girlfriend with how she is similar to her canon version, love and loyalty wise.

Hell, I even caught Juvia once during the train ride where she was breathing heavily while looking in my direction, think I was asleep at the time. Yeah, we stayed in that private room where the seats themselves work as beds. Not that comfortable, sadly. And the reason why I manage to catch Juvia looking at me with lust in the middle of the night.

I'm willing to bet if I give a 'hint' or something. She will pounce at me and will never let go. Might go even crazier compared to her canon version. Yeah, better if I take things slow with Juvia. She seems stable, but I can tell by looking at her plenty enough to know she is eager for human contact and is at the stage of snapping if nothing is done soon.

So, I can see how she was mentally unstable when first shown in the canon and being so bipolar throughout the series whenever it's come to Gray. Plus, unlike Gray, I'm willing to get in a relationship with Juvia and make her happy.

Anyway, as I'm getting off the train with Juvia. We begin heading in the direction of where the last location the goblins were and if they were not there. We will talk with the locals.

Well, that would be the normal case if that happen. But, my cheat made it so these goblins wouldn't leave the place we're heading to anytime soon. After all, I want to get this job done and quick to leave back to Oak Town, for us to put some of our plans into action. Mainly visiting a couple of Magic Guilds before picking which one to join.

And I thought about it. There is a 70% chance of me not joining Fairy Tail Guild for many reasons. One of them is being too cliche and I'm experiencing many of those situations too much for my comfort and want something new...ish.

Okay, that's a lie. I just rather not deal with countless random fights that are bound to happen both during at the scene and outside of it. Plus, I

"Hey, Juvia." I glance around, as we're walking through a small village. People wearing worn-down clothing that looks old and needs to be replaced with new ones. Of course, I see some kids running around the place and adults moving around and working. "I'm noticing how the people here are not that concern with their life when there are goblins nearby."

"Well, from what the receptionist told Juvia more details about the job. The goblins are causing more problems around the locals' crops than harming the locals themselves. Renato-sama and Juvia just need to either push the goblins to leave or outright kill them." Juvia explains to me, as well as the reason why it's a subduing monster type job and not a monster hunting type job.

"Huh, I guess that's why no one here is that in a panic." I continue to look at the locals while walking along with Juvia.

"That and there are guardsmen here too, but their main jobs are to protect the locals and that's it." Juvia said in a casual voice.

Okay, that is kind of weird logic I just heard from Juvia's mouth. Like, what? Are guardsmen only sticking around to protect the locals AND NOT chase those goblins away or kill them to prevent future problems? Unless these guardsmen are those types of people that are corrupted and doing the very, very bare minimum requirement of their job and nothing else or until someone gives them the 'enough' money to make them do their jobs as they were supposed to do.

A few minutes later*

Juvia and I are currently hiding behind a group of brushes and up ahead. We can see a bunch of goblins. Around a dozen or so. There might be other goblins out to hunt for food or something while the rest are here guarding the campsite.

"Okay, let's start." I said to Juvia, who had already created a blue Magic Circle above her right palm. Yeah, Magic Circle is a thing in this world that has some use other than a visual special appearance in the anime.

For one thing, Magic Circle could be used for either or both as a medium to control one's magic until they are no longer need it. While at the same time, there many versions of Magic Circle for people to use and could act as an amplifier to make their magic stronger. Of course, this comes with the downside of increasing the consumption of Magic Power in exchange for the extra boost. Unless there is one of those very expensive Magic Circle that doesn't have the downside of increasing the Magic Power usages.

Although, from what I've learned from Juvia. Most people don't bother buying those Magic Circle due to how rare it's to get one crafted to match other magic besides specific ones.

And among other things that I didn't find out about Magic Circle due to lacking books about it and Juvia doesn't pay attention to them after getting her own. Just enough for me to summarize all I have read about it. It wasn't that much in my honest opinion. But, all I know is that some Mages could even create their own Magic Circle from scratch, not that easy, or just purchase the preset designs from others for a heavy price.

Another thing is saying the spells out loud do something similar to amplifying the spells themselves as well. But, also something on the line of having an easier time casting one's magic. Just like with Magic Circle.

Nevertheless, I didn't need a Magic Circle nor calling the name of my spells, and just form a 'gun' with my right hand. As a sphere made out of Magic Power form at the 'barrel' of my 'gun' in the color of black spin rapidly, then with my other hand to point at the 'bullet' as I use Spinning Magic to make it spin in high speed. Giving the 'bullet' an increase in the piercing factor. Afterward, I begin aiming towards one of the goblins.

Loading the 'bullet' that takes 3 seconds to complete, need to work on that later, and take aim for a brief moment before 'firing' the 'bullet' at the goblin.

The 'bullet' pierce through the side of the goblin's head, killing it instantly and the other goblins as well in the firing range.

Well, I underestimated how strong Bullet Magic is or maybe it's due to possessing a godlike talent for it. Either way, 2 goblins are dead. As well as creating a crater too.

A couple more goblins to go.

"Water Slicer." Juvia swiped her right arm, causing the Magic Circle to expand before disappearing to release the spell. As she creates a single wave of multiple blades that resemble scythes that are used as projectiles. The enormous pressure emitting from the blades is strong enough to cut through whatever they may encounter. This includes countless trees and literally slicing multiple goblins to pieces.

Juvia alone killed more than half of the goblins while I take down the leftover with precise shots.

And just like that, Juvia and I have killed all the goblins. Well, the one before us. All done in last than half a minute.

"We didn't even use any of the many plans we come upon the train ride." I said dryly, and I shouldn't have done that because now Juvia looks at me with panicked eyes.

"Ju-Juvia is sorry!" Juvia looks ready to cry. "Renato-sama came up with these strategies and-!"

I pat Juvia on the head, cutting her off from trying to cheer me up in her own way.

"Calm down Juvia. This is fine. We can just use them in future jobs. It's better than nothing went wrong, even if we didn't use any of the plans we've come up with together." I find it a bit sad that Juvia would think she is automatically at fault. But, that is what would happen when one's life is filled with sadness and depression. And for Juvia, many people would point at her being the fault in question due to her rain making the mood so depressing.

"Right..." Juvia sighed in relief. "Renato-sama, do you want to collect the ears for our proof of completing the job or should Juvia do it?"

"Er..." I glance at the corpses of goblins and I got nothing to cut their ears off. "I don't have a knife."

"That's fine! Juvia can do it!" Juvia reaches into her coat to take out a knife, brand new from the way it shines under the sunlight.

Seriously, was there a general store nearby or something for Juvia to get all these?

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