Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 29

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 29

The next day*

After yesterday's incident, I start using Beyond Card after another to get information that isn't available to the public. And hot damn, I am deeply shocked! But at the same time, I should have expected something like this to happen sooner or later.

Machio? The guy is a secret agent of the Magic Council, scouting for possible recruits. Willing to use physical force if needed AND have done so in the past. Blackmailing is also an option. He was willing to do emotional manipulation if he wasn't too busy working out.

Erza? Also, a secret agent of the Magic Council, scouting for possible danger to the Magic Council and the world. She has done numerous kidnaps to bring the danger to an isolated area before calling the Magic Council to decide if said danger would be allowed to live or die. Furthermore, if she can't do so, she uses many means to lure the target into a trap to be taken down. If all options aren't working, she will secretly inform the Magic Council of all her findings before she is permitted to kill the target.

Both Machio and Erza know each other. Therefore, both could help each other if needed, so I had to get Juvia and myself out of there immediately as they were planning to attack us along with the people from the Magic Council just a few minutes before we left. They have already decided to aim to kill after a series of failures to get Juvia and me to join the Magic Council.

Overall... damn!

Wendy and Carla are innocent and pretty much like their canon version. Other than being a bit more unlucky.

Roubaul is the same as canon but cares more deeply for Wendy as he sees her as his grandchild. With Carla, he sees her as a pet, a talking cat pet of Wendy's.

Quite honestly, I should have expected this when Machio moved next door to Juvia's place out of the blue. As for Erza, I'm a bit more speechless than anything else with her case. To think she would use sex as the best way to lower my guard in order to take me down, along with Juvia. Sadly for her, due to many variables have made that impossible.

No wonder Erza keeps trying to have sex with me alone and I guess Juvia's woman intuition must have noticed something wrong with Erza. Not that it matters since my cheat ensured Erza would never take me down during sex, which would be considered a cuckblock.

Well, damn. I guess I should thank Machio for that since there is a high chance of Erza attacking me at my weakest point, which is at the critical moment of the climax.

Now that I think about it more. Suppose it wasn't for having the Failure Manipulation and using it early on. I would go through many dangerous events and wouldn't be where I am today. Hell, it would be a little harder to make Juvia fall for me if I didn't remove the rain she conjures subconsciously. Along with having such an easy time creating so many Magic Cards. Powerful at that, especially the Beyond Card. Not to mention the other magic I have learned together with Magic Card.

"Renato-sama! Lunch is ready!" Juvia called out from the kitchen, then walked out with just an apron and holding a ladle. "Afterward, Juvia will take care of Renato-sama's sexual need." She licks her lips in a way that just makes her more sexy than she already is.

I stare at Juvia, then smell the delicious food made by her in the kitchen, waiting to be taken out and placed on the dining table.

Okay, time to use my cheat to make there won't be any interruption during lunch and then sex afterward. I can continue using the Beyond Card later today or tomorrow.

The next day*

"Let's move." Juvia stares at me with determination.

"Why...?" I ask while ignoring the people outside, trying and failing to spy on us inside the house.

"I don't like being watched like criminals." Juvia frowned, then glared at the people hiding outside. "I feel like they're mocking us by watching us out in the open, not even trying to hide at all."

I try to suppress the urge to laugh because I forgot that Juvia doesn't know that it's under the Failure Manipulation's influence making these spies make many mistakes that someone like Juvia can easily find.

"Alright, I don't mind us moving. You got an idea where for us to go?" I didn't bother to close the curtains since there was no point. In addition, I've already used my cheat to prevent any 'reinforcement' from arriving to deal with us. So these people will be spying on Juvia and me until we leave or something forces them to leave.

"Ah, Juvia didn't think that Renato-sama would agree." Juvia looks at me blankly. Then she throws herself into my arms. "I'm happy you agree to move somewhere else with me, Renato-sama!"

"Of course, I would. Why wouldn't I? I will be stupid to leave someone as precious as you, Juvia." I lean in to kiss Juvia's lip, causing her to giggle. "So you have an idea where for us to move to?"

"Juvia does not have an idea to where." Juvia smiled at me.

I can feel a drop of sweat going down the back of my head. Then disappear a few seconds later—still a weird feeling.

"I guess we can just take this time to research to find our new home." I replied while using my cheat to prevent anyone else from knowing we would move soon.

A few hours later*

Okay, so I might have underestimated the power of money at Juvia's disposal. So many housing for high prices would require an average group of Mages to work for years of saving to stay for a single night at these houses.

Hell, I didn't even know that you're required to have a certain status even to be allowed to buy one of these houses. In hindsight, I guess these things were not that important to mention when I looked into Juvia's background via Beyond Card. Or maybe it's because I didn't ask for a deep background check and just the essential bits.

"And done! Juvia has purchased our summer home, Renato-sama." Juvia smiled proudly as she showed off the new recently brought summer villa close to a popular area next to a water resort.

This is the fifth purchase she has made so far. It is going into the millions price range. Juvia just spent over nearly a billion jewels at this point.

"Do we really need that many houses?" I asked Juvia while using my cheat to make it so Juvia would fail to run out of money. In hindsight, I should've done this in the beginning, even made myself rich by finding something valuable to pawn off instead of relying on Juvia to pay for everything.

Well, lesson learn. I don't think more about the many possible things I could do with my cheat.

"You can never have enough." Juvia replied with a smile.

Note to self: If I end up in another world with Juvia. Make sure to have lots of money, because she seems to be the girl to spend more than needed.

"Okay..." I didn't have the gut to deny Juvia because she spends her own money and can easily earn all that back in time. My recent use of Failure Manipulation has made her never worry about money. After all, everything and anyone would make sure that happens. Unless I made it so money appears out of thin air, which I won't, so money would 'naturally' appear in Juvia's bank account every time she needs them.

"Oh! How about we open a restaurant of our own? Unless Renato-sama wants to join another Magic Guild?" Juvia changes the image on her lacrima crystal to bring up a list of restaurants on sale before pausing to switch over to a list of potential Magic Guilds nearby that are recruiting.

Huh, so that's how Juvia knows where it is where located. I wonder if the lacrima crystal she holds costs a lot and is rare to own. Especially it seems to be able to connect to an unknown network similar to the internet back on Earth, and no doubt this unknown network could only be used by selective people and groups since I didn't see many people doing the same with their own lacrima crystals.

"Either way is fine with me as long I have you in my life." I hug Juvia higher, giving her a deep kiss on the lip, causing her to moan and making her blush. "We can even do both if you want."

"Juvia rather have us do stuff together." Juvia smiled while putting her thinking face on. "Juvia's casual mention of restaurants is because Juvia is getting hungry, sorry. As for joining another Magic Guild; well, maybe not any time soon. Juvia doesn't feel like dealing with another potential case like with Machio and Erza." The temperature in the room started to lower by the time she finished speaking, and Juvia's eyes became sharp and cold.

"Well, for now, we can just do whatever we want. We just have to deal with them and the Magic Council when the time comes." I give Juvia another kiss, causing the temperature to return to normal and bringing Juvia back to a positive attitude. "We can just go out to eat or cook at home."

"Yup, just the two of us, and I can cook us something real quick after this." Juvia pushes herself against me more, smiling at me with love. Then, a thoughtful look appears on her face. "By the way, what will Renato-sama do with the Phantom Sword?"

"I was close to doing something idiotic purely out of entertainment, like hanging it against the wall in one of our new houses." I try to keep my face normal, which is a bit hard by the look on Juvia's face. I nearly laugh right there and then. "However, I'm not that bored, and having you in my life will never make it boring. Plus, I have a better sword than the Phantom Sword. So it's useless in my hands."

Juvia sighed in relief, "Juvia was worried for a second there, Renato-sama."

"I'll just seal it away for the time being. Maybe I'll figure out something for it later on." I don't have the slightest clue what to do with the damn thing. "Now, how about we go back to finding a place for us to stay until someone from the Magic Council comes after us? I'm willing to bet it would be Machio and Erza."

"If those come after us. Juvia will make sure they will regret the day they met us." Juvia said coldly, then instantly became joyful a second later as she showed off the houses she recently purchased to stay first. "How about this one? It has a balcony and a basement."

I looked at the house Juvia picked out and nodded, "Sure, we can stay at that one and take this time to have fun at the nearby water resort." I haven't gone to a water resort in a long time; well, in my previous world before coming to Fairy Tail.

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