Failure IS An Option

Arc 1 – Now or Never: Chapter 16

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1 - Now or Never: Chapter 16

30 minutes later*

In hindsight, I wonder if Erza's background as a former slave and growing outside of slavery while joining Fairy Tail Guild has to do with anything of wanting me? Or it's because she is just one horny girl who is dying for some dick but is held back from jumping at any random man. Maybe she got some standards of who she wants to be with? Then again, she had a difficult childhood, and being a former slave would no doubt cause some mental problems to develop from a child and into adulthood.

I pause for a moment, then wonder if she was touched as a child when she was a slave. I pale a little at that dark thought appearing in my head, then quickly think up of something else to distract myself from going any deeper into that hole of twisted cruelty that no doubt makes me go on a killing spree.

Moving on. It has been like half an hour now, and Juvia and Erza are still arguing with each other about who gets to have me sleep with them. Although, anyone would know for a fact that this includes sex as well. At least that is what I'm guessing.

Not going to lie, but if it wasn't for being in public right now and a ghost still out there, waiting for the chance to jump us. I would gladly use my cheat to make it possible to have a threesome with both Juvia and Erza. Well, I can make it possible to make it so everyone for some odd reasons not being able to return to the town square for some time and making the ghost unable to come here during the time I have sex with two sexy girls, but again, I have standards and I got to keep my lower brain in check.

After all, I rather not end up dead with my pants down. Literally and figurately.

Therefore, sex can be placed on hold until the ghost is taken care of.

"Girls, there's no need to argue with each other. I'll be the one doing night duty while you girls sleep first, then after sometimes, either of you girls could change with me." I said to Juvia and Erza before they begin fighting with each other via magic. Hell, I can already sense their Magic Power's presence being released and would have affected the townfolks early on if they didn't remember where they are currently.

"Renato-sama, there's no need for that!" Juvia looks at me with shock. "Allow Juvia to take the first shift for the night."

"If anything, it should be me." Erza gives Juvia a side glance before focusing on me. "Seeing how I've many experiences in doing jobs alone; therefore, it's best for me to take the first shift."

"Okay, both of you are going to sleep right now and I'll be the one to take watch first since this whole thing is my idea. End of discussion." I glare at both Juvia and Erza, with the former pouting at me but accepting my words. While Erza, on the other hand, glares right back for a few seconds before backing down. Something I'm glad that happen, because I rather not end up using my cheat to forcibly make her do as I said.

Not giving them the chance, I walk away and pretend to check the Magic Cards that Erza has placed down. While thinking about many things that could go wrong and using my cheat to prevent those bad endings from happening. Whether they come true or not doesn't matter to me. Just the thought alone is enough for me to feel like I've jinxed myself like those main characters that had to go through many events due to messing with murphy's law.

Afterward, I check over to where Juvia and Erza are, to see them already in their sleeping bags with one empty placed directly in the middle between them.

Well, I'm glad to see them not fighting with each other anymore. Although, I bet they will again once it's the time for the second shift.

I grin.

If there is a second shift that is. Because I wasn't really going to wake those two unless the ghost is almost here.

Looking at the people slowly return back to the town square and set up camp, along with a couple of family making a late-night dinner.

Good thing I've already eaten along with Juvia before getting off the train. A good amount too in case something like this happens.

Glancing around one more time before I use my cheat to temporarily make it so people would ignore me until I finish doing what I'm about to do.

I pull out the Beyond Card, which is the exact same Magic Card I nearly used on Machio if had been someone else. A serial killer, I mean.

The Beyond Card allows me to manipulate the concept of the "beyond", the ineffable state that's out of reach of something or further than the common world, that's the unknown and the unknowable; being capable of creating, destroying, and molding anything on said domain. In addition, with the help of my cheat, I've made it so it could go beyond universal to even surpass multiversal/omniversal where the physical laws do not apply or the concept or ideas, in general, are profoundly different as it transcends those laws and boundaries and axioms. Making me temporary beyond the lineaments of truth, reality, and even things that exist beyond everything.

Also, what helped me gain instant mastery and combat experience of a fighting style to go with Teleportation Magic. Including surpassing the original user of the fighting style by mixing it with another to make it even more dangerous than it already is. Even though I could easily use my cheat to do the same, I wanted something as a medium to make it happen straight away instead of leaving it to my cheat to find a way to make it happen. And now, I'll use it to help me with one of my problems. Not the ghost, that could easily be solved by the Evil Cleansing Cards and Binding Cards.

No, it's to see if anyone from on a higher level of existence is watching over Juvia and Erza, and through them, they should be able to 'see' me even though my cheat makes it impossible for them to do so. It doesn't mean these beings have many methods to bypass this. Then again, what would one expect for these beings to have powers similar to or exactly like my cheat? They have better experience in using it compared to me, who has it for less than a month.

Channeling my Magic Power through the Beyond Card and throwing it in front of me, where it enlarges itself to the size of an average door. Before stopping in midair and not too far away from me. Then, the front of the 'door' change to something else. Something I can't describe with words and just know it's completely wrong and incomprehension. Yet, just barely enough for me to 'understand' what was going on and I made sure to use my cheat to prevent anything bad happens to me in the process of using the Beyond Card.

Quickly, I aim to get what I wanted from the Beyond Card before shutting it down. Having it active for too long is bad. As the surrounding of the 'door' has already begun to warp reality itself.

Shaking my head at the information that was 'downloaded' into my brain from the Beyond Card. I close my eyes and wait for the headache to disappear before reopening my eyes and letting out a sigh of relief, that my cheat's influence still working. No one could spy on me and anyone related to me is being influenced as well, without me having to do anything about it. As my cheat has included the factors of whatever beings are trying to spy on me to make it impossible to use Juvia and Erza as a medium to watch me.

Also, on a side note, the ghost isn't something brought around to deal with me by the outside force of this world that may or may not throw me into this world. In addition, I don't know if it was a subconscious thing, but it seems like Juvia and Erza had made a bet related to being with me. Well, more like Erza made a bet with Juvia in order to be with me while Juvia bet against her in order to make it Erza would leave us alone after this job.

I gave Juvia a small prayer in the hope she would forgive me later on, as in my moment of muddlehead/horniness during the usage of Beyond Card. I used my cheat to make it so Juvia would lose the bet and have an easier time getting along with Erza once she become my lover. Making it so I have both Juvia AND Erza.


But at the same time, my lower brain is pretty much jumping with joy, figuratively that is. In hindsight, maybe my lower brain has fully awakened thanks to having sex with Juvia finally and starting to push its thoughts over the upper/main brain to have more sex with Juvia and Erza too from the look of it.

Nonetheless, I begin to recreate another Beyond Card. As it's too useful not to have on hand right away. Of course, I'm only making one and always have one at hand. It's both useful and dangerous. As well as using the space field to watch over the entire town for any hidden dangers while keeping track of the ghost that's still moving at a snail's pace.

Afterward, I'll take this chance to train and prepare myself for the incoming battle tomorrow.

The next day*

Well, I guess my worry about the ghost appearing in the middle of the night was a bit of a waste of time, then again, I could easily just make the ghost unable to touch this town forever with my cheat. Something I should have done yesterday instead of wasting so much time when we could have dealt with the ghost on the same day arrived in town.

"Okay, I've placed down other Magic Cards to prevent the ghost from coming into town nor would it able to teleport directly in the middle of town or anywhere within it." I said to both Juvia and Erza, but that's a lie as I just use my cheat to make the ghost unable to teleport in general. Therefore, if it had the ability to teleport, now it doesn't. "Now, that the townfolks are protected. We can go hunt down the ghost. I've already recovered plenty of Magic Power to teleport all three of us directly to the ghost right now. It isn't that far away from where we are."

"That's fine and all, but we got something we need to talk about, Renato." Erza said coldly, as she glared at me.

"Juvia needs to talk to Renato-sama as well." Juvia gives me a small smile, yet her eyes are so cold.

"Is this because I didn't wake either of you girls up last night?" I ask them, knowing exactly how upset they are because of this. But, I'd still do it either way, because unlike these two. I can stay up forever without causing any harm to myself in doing so. Not that they would know this.

Both Juvia and Erza glanced at each other, then look at me and spoke at the same time. "Yes."

"Would it make better if I said that I did this because I wanted the two of you to have a well nice sleep for the night and be fully awake the next day for the incoming battle with the ghost?" I smile at them.

"No." Both Juvia and Erza said at the same time again.

"Well, we can talk about it later once we finish dealing with the ghost." I said to Juvia and Erza, as I create the Magic Circle underneath our feet to teleport us to the ghost. While secretly, I use my cheat to make it so the girls would temporarily forget about this until later on today. As well as not making it into a big deal, which I'm sure it would if I let this conversation go on. Even though I know why Juvia and Erza are mad at me, I rather not go through that if possible.

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