Extraordinary David (Transcendent David)

Chapter 1320 - Become a god

Star Federation, President Biddle and General Marshal Andre are talking.

“President Biddle, I have an urgent matter to report to you!” General Marshal Andre opened an emergency communication. Otherwise, President Biddle had to deal with the special affairs that were happening at this time, and it would be impossible to spend time picking up Marshal Andre. Communication.

“General Marshal Andre, the entire Federation is in panic at the moment. I have two minutes to give a national speech to calm people’s hearts. If your matter is no more important than this matter, wait until my speech is over. Contact me again!” President Biddle said in a hurry.

“President Biddle, what I am reporting to you is exactly about the current shock that has occurred in the Interstellar Federation!” General Marshal Andre said in a deep voice.

“The military knows what happened? Why didn’t it report to me?” President Biddle sharpened his voice and exclaimed.

“Just now, the gods were found approaching near the battle star. We can’t stop the gods from entering the battle star. The current overall vibration of the interstellar federation is due to the gods entering the battle star and triggering the consequences of the battle star’s energy explosion!” The Marshal ignored President Biddle’s questioning and continued to report.

President Biddle thought of the top-secret information that he had the power to look through after he was elected President of the Federation, including information about battle stars.

The reason why successive federal governments have to invest astronomical military expenditures on the federal military, and the federal military maintains absolute autonomy, is because the federal military needs to protect the battle stars.

Battle Star is the meeting point of the three worlds, not only producing a steady stream of resources, but also related to the safety of the three worlds.

After the three worlds converged, there was a similar vibration, but it stabilized and formed a star field centered on the battle star, and the confluence of the three worlds also stopped.

But the three major worlds are in a fragile balance because of the existence of the battle star. Once the battle star has energy fluctuations, it will affect the three major worlds.

This theory has always been in the simulation of a super-intelligent system, and no one wants such a situation in reality.

But obviously, the’Reaper’ sent the small world into the range of the battle star, causing the most unimaginable explosion of battle star energy.

“Is there a solution?” President Biddle asked, suppressing the fear in his heart.

President Biddle knows the final outcome of that information. The three major worlds will suffer huge disasters in the shaking, the balance of countless planets will be destroyed, and life will be extinct on these planets.

If the energy shock of the battle star continues, the three worlds will either separate or continue to converge together.

The separation is better. If you continue to converge and look at the vicinity of the battle star, the rest of the planets will be annihilated. This is the result of the full intersection of the three worlds.

“Start the Ark Project and save the human genes in the Doomsday Fortress. In addition, I also notified Admiral David, I hope Admiral David can have a way!” Marshal Andre said bitterly.

The Ark Project is a final plan for mankind in case of extinction.

The so-called doomsday fortress is a huge sphere made of multiple layers of special materials in which human genes are stored. This multilayered sphere of special materials will protect itself through countless special materials during destruction, so that human genes can avoid extinction disasters.

“Have you reached this point? Has Admiral David responded?” President Biddle was obviously a little gagged.

General Marshal Andre did not answer President Biddle’s questions, and his silence said everything.

Admiral David retreats normally, even using the most special channel, and there is no guarantee that he will receive the news in time. Even if he receives the news, it is difficult to solve the disaster at the battle star.

God belongs to the big world, and the five great spirits jointly put together an energy shield to block the barrier of the big world, in order to reduce the impact on the big world of the gods.

The home planet of the Zerg world, David, who was meditating in the Dragon Sovereign Palace, suddenly received news of multiple clones. There was news from the legendary lord clones of the gods of the great world, and there was the fifth-level bishop clone at the Interstellar Federation security point. The news came.

From the legendary lords clones, there was a sudden abnormal shock. From the fifth-level bishop clones of the Star Federation, there was urgent news from Marshal Andre and David’s own subordinates. Gods entered the battle star. Caused serious consequences.

Especially Marshal Andre passed a top-secret information to the fifth-level bishop clone.

It records the study of the consequences of the energy explosion produced by the battle star. This top-secret information makes David feel heavy.

David has relatives and friends in the Interstellar Federation and the Great World of Gods, and he controls the power in the Zerg world. If the three big worlds really have annihilation in the research report, he can’t imagine how to face it.

He was determined in his heart to see the situation for himself, he had too many secrets, and he might be able to solve the trouble.

David didn’t use his own talent ability of “Break the Air”, but let the combat body clone directly open the space channel, through the space channel, he appeared in the barrier between the Zerg World and the Battle Star World.

This is a three-hundred-meter-high and wide channel. The Zerg world has the smallest channel to enter the Battle Star, and it is on the surface of the Battle Star, deep in the Zerg control zone.

When David came here, the spiritual clone of the’Mother Queen’ was also standing here.

“Half-god Arthur, you are here too!” The’mother emperor’ looked helpless, and was helpless with what was happening before him, and did not expect David to have a way. It was just a polite attack on David. Hello.

“How is the situation?” David asked in a deep voice.

“It’s terrible. It is determined that the small world of the gods is above the battle star, which triggered this energy explosion. Once this explosion cannot be stopped, the Zerg race may become extinct!” said the’Mother Queen’ bitterly.

David nodded. After reading the top-secret information given by Marshal Andre, he guessed.

There was only a big world barrier, he used his spirit to pass through this barrier, perceiving what happened on the battle star, the small world was clearly visible in his spiritual observation.

Around the small world, a terrifying energy explosion is about to spread to the ground, and the battle star will be annihilated in the energy explosion.

The power of the energy explosion does not require much judgment. David’s mental perception has a crisis of death to explain the terrible energy explosion.

“Emma, ​​I have prepared the most beautiful wedding dress for you, and you will show it to me when I go back this time!” David said to Emma through the Eternal Guardian.

David asked the ‘Mother of the Forest’ to make a wedding dress. It was an artifact that mortals could use. It had no practical effect, only a dazzling effect.

This is the gift that David officially proposed to Emma after he was ready to become a god.

His next decision will be the biggest risk he will take in his life. If he succeeds, he can save the three big worlds. If he fails, then let this beauty be left to Emma.

David only hoped that the ‘Eternal Guardian’ would protect Emma.

After receiving the news, Emma couldn’t help feeling flustered. She quickly wanted to connect to the Eternal Guardian and wanted to talk to David.

But the connection that has never failed, today is not successful.

Emma has never been in the panic today. She constantly uses her spirit to connect with David at the other end of the ‘Eternal Guardian’.

In the surprised gaze of the “Mother Emperor” spiritual clone, David passed through the barrier of the great world and entered the battle star.

The energy on the ground is still able to withstand it, but it is explosive energy at a distance of 100 meters in the sky, and it will be pressed to the ground after a few breaths.

“Today I, David Kerr, became a **** here!” David said, looking at the sky firmly.

For a long time, David wanted to achieve the path of becoming a god. He didn’t want to hide in a small world like a tortoise.

Look at it as powerful as the ‘God of War’ because he is a **** who believes in and becomes a god. He clearly has strong melee combat capabilities, but rarely uses the body to fight, which greatly affects the combat power displayed.

So long ago, David set the path to become a god, but today he has to go against his choice, he will choose to believe in becoming a god.

And, in order to prevent the destruction of the battle star, he chose the road of faith and godhood that no one has ever walked~www.mtlnovel.com~Get cash] Follow vx public. Public number [Book Friends Base Camp~www.mtlnovel.com~ You can also get cash!

This is an adventure, taking his future and everything to risk.

Seeing the explosion of terrifying energy that was about to fall above his head, David’s heart moved, and the small world of soul space moved out of his soul space.

His soul space only left the core soul fortress, and the small outer world descended on the battle star. Not only the battle star, but also the surrounding star fields, as long as the outer space belonging to the battle star was shrouded in the soul space small world.

The small world of David’s soul space can no longer be said to be a small world. This world has a perfect system of rules and is extremely stable.

Even the phantom humans were born, plus some believers who were transformed into entities with the help of the world tree. According to normal development, one day the small world of soul space will evolve into a big world.

But today David regards the small world of soul space as the small world of the gods, the first step to become the gods, lift his small world into the air, and let the small world merge into the big world.

The reason why David is not sure whether he can be successfully promoted to the gods is because the small world of soul space is so different from the small world of gods.

He had read many books of gods, and understood that his adventure was unprecedented.

The five gods who were observing the situation of the battle star, the’mother emperor’ and the Union army, Qi Qi found that the battle star had disappeared, or something blocked their observation.

At the same time, the vibration of the three worlds also disappeared, and the spatial energy of the three worlds stabilized again.

“What happened?” Not to mention the federal military who didn’t understand the situation of the gods. Even the five gods of the great world didn’t know what happened.

Only the’mother emperor’ stared at the disappearing battle star. It knew that this was the work of the demigod Arthur, but it couldn’t imagine how that kind of terrifying energy burst that could not be controlled by any god-level or **** could be affected. Demigod Arthur solved it.

After David released the small world, he felt the beginning of the change in his body, which was a change towards the divine body, but he was a little unwilling. He took out all the’world spar’ and the top’spiritual wine’ .

The top’spiritual red wine’ was poured into the mouth, and the’world spar’ was inhaled into his body. The majestic energy made him jump from 99% to 100% of energy in his body. At this time, the final transformation of faith into a **** was also Finished on his body.

Almost at the same time, David completed his belief in a **** body and a **** body that he cultivated into a god. He didn’t understand what he was now, whether he was a **** or a god, or both.

Contrary to David’s expectation, the test of the rules of the great world he had imagined when he became a **** never happened.

The world he was in was his own world, and this world even provided him with help when he became a god, otherwise the **** body who believed in becoming a **** would not condense so quickly.

David has a strange look on his face. His process of becoming a **** is a matter of counting breaths. His god-level clone clone, his Zerg god-level clone, in the Zerg world, in the god-general world, and in the interstellar federation. Such a smooth promotion has not been so short.

David felt that his promotion was like standing outside the door. The door was open. All he needed to do was walk through the door.

After walking through the gate, he became a god.

God body and God body, David didn’t know what his body was at this time, but an extremely powerful feeling arose in his heart.

David looked towards the sky. At this time, the energy burst in the sky seemed to be fixed, and the whole world was in a state of static time.

When he was promoted, he thought in his heart that the energy explosion would stop. When he became a god, the ‘speed rule’ made the energy explosion in his eyes relatively static.

Originally, David looked at the burst of energy that was enough to annihilate himself, but at this time it was so ordinary in his eyes.

He waved his hand, and the burst of energy quickly disappeared. This is his world, and everything here is under his control.

His world wrapped the battle star, and the battle star became a part of his world.

David saw the small world in the sky, and it was precisely because of this small world that he was allowed to take risks, and that he almost lost all his relatives and friends, and everything he liked.

David was angry, his body suddenly became huge, and soon exceeded the kilometer, in his own world, he can change the size of his body at will.

He stretched out his right hand and grabbed the small world, and countless gods in the small world flashed, trying to resist his right hand.

“My name is’Destruction’, nothing can’t be destroyed!” David said coldly.

Then with a bang, the small world of Reaper, which had suffered the explosion of battle star energy, was crushed by David.

The “Reaper” who had lost the small world appeared in the air. He looked at David like a giant in horror. Even though his body was three hundred meters high, he was still short in front of David.

What makes the ‘Reaper’ even more desperate is that after he was destroyed in the small world, he was severely damaged, his foundation was destroyed, and the power of faith in his body continued to fill the wounds.

This kind of injury cannot be healed at all. When the power of faith in the ‘Reaper’ is insufficient, it will be the end of the ‘Reaper’.

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