Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 891 God of Myriad Machines

In the vast starry sky.

A huge head is slowly floating in the starry sky.

After careful inspection, it was discovered that this huge head was made of a precise steel carapace.

The streamlined mechanical armor is wrapped layer by layer, reflecting a very perfect mechanical beauty.

Take a look at the pair of pupils on the front that look like energy spars, and the eye sockets wrapped by the mechanical structure on the outside.

The mouth is undergoing changes in its mechanical structure, and then it becomes a whirlpool, and a strong suction is generated in the starry sky.

A meteorite in the distance flew over along the suction force, directly entered the mouth, and then melted into fragments in the spiral blade.

at this time.

He suddenly sensed something, and the entire huge mechanical head froze suddenly.

Shuang understood a strange light, and the mouth that had been turned into a pulverizer also transformed back.

There was a gap in the starry sky in front of him, and he looked into it from the gap.

It was a square sealed space, and the already dim sealed space was flickering at this moment.

The wall is still glowing, undulating like the surface of water.

The mechanical head just watched quietly, and after an unknown amount of time, he suddenly opened his giant mechanical mouth.

Various mechanical structures and a huge furnace can be seen inside.

All kinds of materials gathered from its mouth, turning into a head the size of his pupils.

He's doing some sort of fabrication.

The shape of this head is not much different from his current appearance, but it is very dilapidated as if it has experienced various destructions.

Then the head's eyes shone with light, and flames spewed out from the bottom of the head, and it quietly flew into the sealed space.

At this time, the cracked space gap was closed again.

But even if it is closed, you can still see the huge head of the machine penetrating through the starry sky on the surface, precisely exploring the interior of the space.

Watching the broken mechanical head he made stay in the sealed space.

He just watched quietly, motionless.

The meteorites and planets in the starry sky are moving slowly.


In the outer sea of ​​the Land of Platinum, an empty and uninhabited island.

It has been almost 10 days since they came back, and Kane is also ready during this time, and is about to link the two spaces.

Kane's team and Raphael, a total of 7 people are staying in the center of the island.

At this time, there was another humanoid robot in front of Kane, which was completely constructed from a mechanical structure.

If you look closely at his appearance, you will find that it is exactly the same as the omnic from the Platinum Kingdom.

This thing was built by Kane and Kobo in imitation of their race, an absolutely perfect stand-in.

Can take over Kane's will, as Kane's clone.

Except for not having its own intelligent core module, the others are exactly the same as the omnic, like a clone without a soul.

Kane has now entered the state of divine power of the God of Myriad Opportunities, and his flesh and blood body is transformed into a mechanical structure in an instant.

Then he spread out his mechanical palm, and an unknown mechanical ball appeared in his palm.

It can be seen that the ball has an extremely precise mechanical structure, and its core is completely composed of universal energy and magic runes.

Kane handed the mechanical sphere to Lilulu who was on his shoulder.

Holding the magic wand in her hand, Lilulu tapped the mechanical sphere, and colored energy poured into it.

In an instant, colorful brilliance burst out from the gaps in the mechanical sphere, and rainbows sprayed out one after another.

The mechanical sphere itself has also changed from the perfect iron-gray mechanical texture to a plastic texture composed of white and various light colors.

From mechanical toys for adults to plastic toys for children.

The mechanical structure has also become extremely simple.

But the energy has become even more surging, from a high-energy core to a strong-energy core.

Lilulu's fairy tale energy is relatively advanced.

Looking at the core in his hand, Kane opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say, so he stuffed it into the bare chest of the omnic in front of him without saying a word.

Then he sat on the ground, his originally shining energy eyes dimmed with the sound of mechanical cooling, and his head drooped.

In this way, Kane maintained the divine power of the God of Myriad Opportunities, and closed his body with a mechanical body.

At this moment, the extinguished eyes of the clone omnic in front of him burst into light.

He started to move his body like a human being, twisted his mechanical neck, and made a clicking sound.

Then he couldn't help raising his legs, stamped his feet, and waved his fists.

"Is this what an omnic feels like? It feels so interesting."

Kane couldn't help but said.

Sighing, Kane immediately cut through the space, looking at the huge, headless, tattered mechanical body inside.

"You guys are ready, when my body wakes up, I'm preparing for how to deal with it."

After speaking, the omnic Kane walked into the space.

Claire and the others are already waiting outside.

The reason why Kane sent a fake mechanical body in was to prepare for the first meeting with that mechanical head.

After all, it is a head with multi-colored strength, and it is also the God of Myriad Opportunities with magic technology.

It must be detected clearly.

He believed that this God of Myriad Realms would not be so reckless as to directly enter with his real body, after all, he was a mechanical god.

Being calm and using your best judgment is what he will do.

When Kane re-entered the sealed space through the mechanical body.

The link of the sealed space has entered the final juncture.

The walls of the surrounding space have begun to fluctuate like the surface of water, and the walls that were originally emitting a faint light are now more dazzling than ever.

Even the iron chains that tied the body began to sway, and the body sealed within it was already shaking.


There was a crisp sound as if something was fitting together, and finally connected to the last piece of sealed space that had been disconnected.

Violent water ripples began to appear in the space above, until finally the oscillations became faster and faster, and suddenly disappeared.

A new expansion area appeared above the sealed space.

A mechanical head floated down.

The size of the head just matched the body, and the head was as tattered as the body.

Most of his face has been broken, and he can see the precise mechanical structure inside, as well as the light emitted by the cave and energy circulation.

The mechanical head floated down quietly like this. Some kind of sparkling spar eyes were embedded in the mechanical structure, staring at the omnic Kane in front of him.

At this time, the strength reflected by the omnic Kane is roughly at the level of the half-step three-color.

"You are the God of Myriad Machines?"

Hearing Kane's words, the broken mechanical head slowly floated in front of Kane.

The strength reflected by this mechanical head is at the top of the three colors.

It is not much different from the strength reflected by this body, and it can even be said to be an abnormal match.

The broken head of the machine opened its mouth and made a sound like it was stuck.

"You linked the space together and attracted my head here, why?"

Kane replied: "My strength has stopped at this stage and I can't improve it any further. I can improve it to the current strength, and it depends entirely on studying the broken body of this god."

Kane's words are not fake, because his omnic body really uses a lot of core and advanced technologies.

And this technology is the technology he deduced from the body of the God of Myriad Machines.

The broken machine's eyes flickered, and it was very simple to confirm the correctness of Kane's words.

"But even so, my strength is stuck here, and I can't really go to the last step, the ladder of gods.

I need a higher energy than his. "

Having said that, Kane tapped his chest.

The chest opened, revealing a core glowing with fairy-tale energy, and then closed again.

Obviously this energy is strong enough, but not enough to match the mechanical body.

And the body of the God of Myriad Opportunities, which itself was sealed, has no energy core.

"And you, the real God of Myriad Opportunities, may be my only chance. At the price of helping you lift the seal, I beg you to give me enough knowledge."

The mechanical head just looked at Kane quietly, and time seemed to freeze between them.

After an unknown amount of time, the mechanical head nodded.

"Unlock the seal."

Hearing this, Kane's energy eyes were fixed on the head above.

After a while, he waved his mechanical arm and the energy chains locked around the mechanical body collapsed one after another.

It wasn't until this time that the mechanical head slowly flew to the neck, and slowly nested together downwards.

Link to the moment.

The huge amount of magic power moved the entire space, as if it was going to be blown away.

These magical powers converged into the broken and exposed core, surging energy appeared in the core, and began to flow to all parts of the body through various channels.

Afterwards, the core was transformed, and their respective energies gushed out again, and began to flow along other pathways.

Only ten seconds later, the whole shattered body came back to life.

The body sealed here has taken his first step for tens of thousands of years.

The howl of mechanical movement and collision.

The God of Myriad Opportunities raised his arm and brought it in front of him, opening and closing it.

Checking all parts of his body, he found various traces of his body being researched and dismantled.

After adapting to his immobile body for thousands of years, he squatted down and stretched out his hands.

A light spot condensed on the mechanical finger, and slowly pointed towards Kane.

Kane raised his arms like this, quietly waiting for the blessing.

The light points on the head of the machine.

In an instant sparks blazed.

Before Kane's omnic body had time to react, he immediately fell to the ground as if the power had been cut off, and sparks and energy continued to emerge.

Two huge fingers picked up the corpse and stood up, threw it into the machine's mouth and began to chew.

There was a crunching sound.


An energy core shining with colored light was spit out from his mouth.

At this time, Kane's body, which seemed to be turned off outside, made a buzzing sound as if it was turned on, and raised his head.

The body instantly changed from a mechanical state back to a flesh and blood body, and stood up.

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