Exploring the Gateway

The following days

John returned to his home after the date the same night, where he finally let himself think about what happened more seriously, and processed it all. John’s finally clear mind let him fall into another of his favorite mental exercises. Trying to figure out how badly he had screwed up. Luckily for John, he didn’t think he had screwed up too much on the date, though the stuff with Ember was far less clear to him.

Once he stopped thinking that through, he opened the quest screen, wanting to hand in the date quest. Conveniently finding himself faced with a fancy new hand-in button, which was placed next to some quests in the list. It was gray and white next to the ones he had already completed, but the date quest also had one which was blue and purple. He still didn’t know what prevented him from using Psychic Connection exactly, so he couldn’t hand in that quest. That was a mystery that would stay in the back of his mind, bothering him incessantly until he solved it. John wondered if it would be wise to investigate that sort of thing, but he wasn’t quite sure he had the time or resources to do it. Regardless, he pressed the hand-in button for the one quest he could complete.


The XP awarded by completing the date was nice, but that item was far more interesting. It made John as curious as he could be about what it actually was. Luckily, he didn’t have to wait long to answer his questions.

Item reward obtained: Spawning item

A bracelet suddenly appeared in his hand. It was one made out of some kind of metal that was not completely obvious, though John guessed it was silver. Drawn on it was a strange design that John couldn’t decipher. It looked a bit like a snake eating its own tail. Even more curious, John used Observe on the bracelet right away, and was met with an interesting popup.


What was strangest of all about the bracelet was that it suggested Alice or her father had some connection to the Abyss.

’That can’t be right, there’s no way Alice has magic… But her father? Maybe he did? He did die of some mysterious disease…’ John wasn’t sure what the truth was anymore, but he needed to find out. So he clicked on the three aspects of the bracelet, hoping to get more information.

The first aspect was obvious, it told him it was magical, but not in what way or how. Forged was just as clear, as it simply told him it was made in a forge. Sealed, on the other hand, was less evident. When he clicked on that aspect a simple popup appeared.

Attribute description hidden, Observe skill level not high enough

’Shit, I guess I’m going to have to wait on that one. I guess that just means something about the magic or it’s abilities are sealed? I wonder what it is…’ John thought, knowing he would have to take a look at the bracelet again later. For now, however, he placed the bracelet inside his inventory.

He went to sleep soon afterwards, determined to spend the next day with Alice, and ignore the wondrous events that have been surrounding him for as long as he still could.

The next day, Wednesday, John went to school like normal, but an uneasy feeling had set in. It was mostly like any other day in spring. A beautiful, bright and sunny day with clear blue skies and fluffy white clouds, and it even wasn’t too warm. The sort of day that was perfect for a date outside. How he felt and the world around him contrasted ironically. It was easy for him to worry about the situation, but the atmosphere around him was almost aggressively happy. Before school started, the couple met up and John asked Alice to skip school with him.

The previous day’s experience was good for both of them, and John was quite unsure of when they would have the chance again, so he decided to ask. Ember would be coming back, after all. Alice luckily agreed to do something more interesting than school. When the two of them wondered where they could go on a date since they had already gone to the Arcade yesterday, they reached a strange conclusion. One that was somewhat railroaded by a certain plan of John. A plan to kiss Alice during sunset near a secluded lake they had gone to when they were younger. He was determined to do that when he could, and this was his best opportunity. She didn’t know of that plan, but the lake was a beautiful place and one they had been to a lot, so she happily agreed. The first time they were there was a day unusually like the current one. It was a spring day just as bright and sunny as today, with a sunset so beautiful he doubted today’s would match it. A romantic silence had been had there that went unanswered, and the Gamer refused to let that stand.

Regardless of John’s desire, they decided to go on a nostalgia tour of the city. First, they would head to The Arcade once more. Then, to the old parks and green places they had used to visit, and finally, to that secluded lake.

The plan went into motion when John met Alice just below the small staircase to her house and was interestingly met with a reciprocation of what happened the previous night. A kiss that even Alice was not expecting she would actually have the courage to give. One with just as much, if not more, passion and emotions running through it as John’s own attempt. Just like John’s attempt it also soon ended, but instead of them walking away from each other this time they began walking together towards their first destination, The Arcade.

When they reached The Arcade, they spent a few hours enjoying each other’s company and the games themselves. Finishing Golden Axe and playing some more of that strange ninja game. Until John realized if they continued they wouldn’t make it to the lake by sunset. Something that he was quite firm on keeping. When he reminded Alice of that, she agreed and they continued on to the parks. Simply walking around or sitting in them for a few hours until it was clear the sun was starting to set. They had a nice picnic meal which they had managed to get from a small restaurant nearby, and they enjoyed their time together. Now talking about whatever came to mind, whether it was video games, their studies, or their past.

It was quite a lovely time for both Alice and John, the mixture of nostalgia and new memories created by the now strange yet familiar locales being an experience they both cherished. While their time didn’t stop being enjoyable once they reached the lake, the magic that was felt during it was broken somewhat.

The two of them reached the lake and found themselves charmed and enchanted by the amazing view. Light shone through the trees, glowing bright orange and red and also painting them in the same colors, which awed the couple. Rays hit the water, making it glow like a beautiful gem and reflect the same colors in a way that would amaze anyone. Especially the likes of the two nerdy teenagers that were now standing and basking in that glow. Waves across the lake and the breeze moving the leaves and bushes made the place seem peaceful, but also like it was given purpose. All of these sights made that secluded place quite magical, almost like it was whimsically taunting the teenager, who had his own magic and found himself there. That magic did not last, however, due to the appearance of a mysterious figure at the edge of the lake.

The mysterious figure was actually a teenager just like themselves. She was quite a beautiful one at that, with auburn hair, bronze skin and a slender frame that all radiated something John could not grasp. As if her body was built or trained with purpose. It was with that beauty being revealed, that he saw her eyes gleaming with the light of curiosity, but her face twisting with surprise.

“Hey!” She began with a half cheery shout, wanting to draw the couple’s attention. She continued a moment later, “Who are you guys?” she said, and her hand went to her back, as if trying to grab something that wasn’t there. John, who was at this point confused, curious and slightly worried all at the same time, wanted to respond but had no idea how. It seemed that the lack of response didn’t help the situation either, as a moment later the stranger began to back away from the lake and with a quickly uttered and somewhat less joyful “see you,” disappeared into the trees.

John’s mind raced, trying to understand what had just happened. The stranger’s reaction to the couple felt weird to John, as she was clearly expecting someone else. In and of itself that wasn’t so strange, but something in the back of John’s mind bothered him about the entire situation, and he couldn’t place it. Soon after, however, Alice drew his mind back to their time together with a small kiss on his cheek.

“You’d really rather think about that girl instead of spending time with me?” she said, in jest, almost reading John’s mind. He quickly responded, which was only because he didn’t know that the same questions were running through Alice’s head too.

“No, of course not. That was just weird is all, who else even knows about this place?” John asked in response.

“Does it really matter?” Alice asked, with a slight bit of annoyance in her voice, while trying to figure out if it did in her head too.

“No, you’re right,” John said, returning Alice’s kiss after doing so.

Apart from that strange incident, the two spent the rest of their time in that clearing in the only ways they could think of. They kissed some more, they spent some time talking about the memories they shared there, and some time in silence. While the rest was enjoyable, the romantic moment that John had planned was crushed by the tanned girl’s strange appearance. The break she had caused having settled in their minds. Eventually, they walked back to the main town and then to their mutual neighborhood. By then the sky was already pitch black, and they were standing beneath the stairs leading to Alice’s house once more. They promised each other that they would meet two days later at the lake and went their separate ways.

The next day, John woke up, ready to go to school as usual. Nothing made him think it would be anything but a normal day. But that was simply because he couldn’t possibly predict what would happen next.

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