
Chapter 17

Chapter 17

I rested for one day on this day. The next day, Su Qingbai went to the county as usual.

Because I had a day off yesterday, I didn’t earn any money. So today, Su Qingbai didn’t listen to Jiang’s, but he’s less, but he’s more than the last time. He’s back thirty-two pounds, and he’s stuck in the back, and plans to This is the case in the next few days, and we must make up for yesterday.

Stopping for a rest, wiping sweat, he has slowly adapted to such a life. I thought that there was not much food in the ground. I was almost unable to supply it. After selling the food, he would go back and plant some food as soon as possible. Su Qingbaifu hurriedly rushed to the road.

Jiang Wei was there for a long time. When he saw Su Qingbai’s back was pressed against the camel, his face was black. He handed the breakfast he had prepared to Su Qingbai, took over the back of Su Qingbai, and sipped it.

When he sold out, he did not say a word with Su Qingbai to express his dissatisfaction.

Su Qingbai’s lack of mind, did not notice, waited for the afternoon, sold only one or two pounds of vegetables. He hesitated again and again, “You will not buy me breakfast tomorrow, I will give you back the money you paid back, and you have lost a lot.” Jiang Wei asked him to eat more than a few of them. The dishes were given to him these days.

“I said, I don’t miss that silver, you don’t have to pay back.” Jiang Yan pointed at him. “You haven’t settled with you for 32 pounds today.”

Speaking of this, Su Qingbai is also very entangled. If he owes money to others, others have to say that they don’t have to pay back. He wants to be debt-free. But this person is Jiang Yan, he really has a feeling of selling.

“I am a man at home, I have to work hard to support my family.” He really can’t do anything to sell vegetables. At present, he doesn’t have any craftsmanship, he can only sell a dish. In the past few days, he just started, if possible. If he wants, he wants to order more.

After looking at Jiang Wei, Su Qingbai thought about it, or he thought about it. “I also know what you are doing, but… it is completely impossible.”

“Impossible?” Jiang Yan approached him. “Why not? Can’t you try?”

Su Qingbaiguang was afraid when he thought about it. “My old man will kill me.”

Seriously, in fact, the future partner is a male woman, he does not care. Before the cooking of Su cuisine, he did not develop very well. All his energy was used in two things: gambling and hiding from Laozi, and he almost never thought about women on weekdays.

Before the birth of Su cuisine, Su Qingbai was quite self-aware. He knew that he could not find his wife by himself. He could only rely on him.

After giving birth to Su Cai, Su Qingbai was even more busy, and there was no time to think about it.

So at present, the only requirement for him to find a wife is to have his son can see it.

As for Jiang Wei, joking, he could not kill him.

Jiang Wei looked at Su Qingbai’s look and was scared by his swearing. He was speechless. He heard that Su Shixiang was a gentle and kind person, and he used to be a scholar, the most gentle one, and he was very ordinary on weekdays. He has never heard of his hobby of hitting people casually?

Not to mention the impression of Su Lingchuan in Jiang Xin’s heart, Jiang Yan listened to Su Qingbai, and asked him, “Would you like you?” After seeing Su Qingbai, Jiang Wei did not care that this was in the vegetable market. He bent over to get close to Su Qingbai, almost all of them had to kiss Su Qingbai, and asked: “What about you? Leave your opinion aside, what do you think of me?”

Su Qingbai’s face was red, not thinking, “Impossible!” How could he not swear at him, thinking that he had a Su vegetable, his reaction, he still remembers, and the feeling of the rest of his life.

As for the second question, Su Qingbai chose to ignore it. He glanced at the man who always fed him, and threw the next sentence. “I have something to do in the afternoon, I will go back first.”

Jiang Wei looked at the figure of Su Qingbai’s escape, and looked at the remaining two pounds of Su Qingbai, a headache and a temple. Finally, helplessly sighed, picked up the two pounds of vegetables, today he also tasted the dishes of Su Qingbai.

When I got home and hugged the Su cuisine, Su Qingbai remembered that she had forgotten the money of Jiang Si.


Lying in bed at night, Su Qingbai looked at the roof and thought about Jiang Wei. He felt that he refused Jiang Si and Jiang Si was a literate person. Shouldn’t he be entangled again?

Sure enough, the next day Jiang Yan did not come.

Su Qingbai took a sigh of relief, and his heart was inexplicably awkward. He was not able to come to him by saying so, and he was too reluctant.

Today is better than yesterday, forty-two pounds, sold out at noon.

Su Qingbai’s stomach that was already hungry, but he was not happy at all.

Today he brought 32 pounds of vegetables to sell, tired to die, no one said him.

For the next few days, the Jiang Si did not appear again.

Su Qingbai felt that Jiang Si could not see the money in his hand anyway. Jiang Si must have been rejected by him that day, and there was no hope. He left.

Su Qingbai always knew that Jiang Si was not the person in this city.

Thinking of this possibility, Su Qingbai is inexplicably empty, he still does not know the specific information of Jiang Si, only knows the name is Jiang Si.

The name was not a real name at first. He didn’t like Chiang Si at that time. He didn’t want to have too much intersection with him. He knew that the name was a pseudonym and he did not intend to ask.

Su Qingbai’s heart was a glimpse. He regretted it. He knew that he had asked clearly, even if he only knew the name.

Now I only know that his surname is Jiang. This day, the land is big, can they still have a chance to see you again?

It’s really hard for a person to fight hard. The pain and tiredness of this one is only known to Su Qingbai himself.

Slowly, the heat of selling vegetables has passed. Every day, he is working harder and tired. Every time he sees people waiting for him at home, Su Qingbai will think that he is worth all. .

When he got home on this day, Su Qingbai rushed to the raft. He had to make up for a while, and in the afternoon he went to the ground to grow vegetables.

It’s another tired day.

In the evening, Su Qingbai returned home and found that the family did not sleep, Su dishes were held by his mother to feed rice soup reads;

Su Caicai is now the age at which food can be eaten. The sheep in the family is not long in milk production. Therefore, Su Qingbai and his parents decided to let the Su Cai dishes slowly adapt to other foods. When the sheep did not produce milk, it would not suddenly After weaning, the Su vegetable can not adapt.

“Right.” Su Lingchuan looked at the tired and ugly Su Qingbai, and gave him a stool with distressedness, and then asked him, “What happened to sell vegetables in the past few days?”

In front of his parents, Su Qingbai did not hide and squatted. He planned to return the money to Jiang Wei. He poured all the copper plates on the table.

Su Qingbai has not given up to pay back Jiang’s money. He divided the money into two halves and half of it was hidden.

Su’s father looked at the copper plate in front of him. In fact, it’s not less than the income of ordinary people in the village. However, Su Qingbai spent a lot of energy on it. Everyone who came back from the town was tired every day. In the afternoon, he still had to plant vegetables.

So hard, earning such money, Su Lingchuan feels worthless, he frowned and thought, said: “This is too tired, tomorrow I will go to your grandfather’s house to see what light work he has, introduce you to It’s okay to do less work. Don’t sell vegetables tomorrow, although you earn a lot, but if you are tired of money, it’s too worthless.”

Wen Yan, Su Qingbai’s standing up, he pulled out a smile, “Hey, not tired, not tired, I can do.” If you do not sell vegetables, you can not go to the county.

Su Lingchuan looked at him with a look of persistence, and some did not adapt. When was Su Qingbai so embarrassed, so advanced?

Seeing that Su Qingbai could not be persuaded, Su Lingchuan had to compromise. “Go can, just don’t be too tired, don’t plant more in the future, sell less every day.”

You know, Su Ni is also selling food with him, but the little girl is not as embarrassed as Su Qingbai. She only sells a little every day. She returns home early. When she is free, she often spends a little time with the girls in the village. Play.

Su Qingbai nodded and promised to go down. He only waited until the next day. When he left, Suningchuan was still asleep. No matter how many dishes he took, Su Lingchuan would not know.

After selling the dishes, Su Qingbai was not in a hurry to go back. He bought a biscuit on the street.

He has been working for a long time, he has not relaxed for a long time, Su Qingbai is itchy.

After thinking about it, he asked the uncle who was familiar with him to sell him to help him look back.

Uncle is a very enthusiastic person. Su Qingbai has a stall here for a while. He can see that Su Qingbai is really fighting, and insists on noon every day. I was very impressed with Su Qingbo, and I didn’t want to agree.

Su Qingbai touched the thirty-two money earned in his pocket today, and then went to the casino.

What he didn’t notice was that someone who was rushing to find him not far away saw him leave and chased him up.

Before going to the casino, Su Qingbai looked at the plaque and told himself that he only played once. He just worked for a long time and occasionally relaxed.

Su Qingbai had a lot of money on his body, only thirty-two yuan, so he didn’t dare to play too much. When he went in, he went straight to those clothes that were more sloppy.

Su Qingbai was a refreshing person. He quickly made a note and then stared nervously.

Suddenly, his shoulder was photographed.

Su Qingbai was too invested, and he didn’t take it seriously. Only when this place was too confusing, who accidentally touched him.

I don’t want to, his shoulders were taken again. Su Qingbai looked back impatiently. When he saw the other side, the incompetence on his face suddenly turned into a surprise. “Jiang Si, how come you? You didn’t leave?”

Jiang Yan sneered at him. “You haven’t seen it for a few days. You are very capable.”

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