Excuse Me! Just a Wild Last Boss Passing Through!

Chapter 7: Mask

Hello there! I'm still here! Damn, this chapter is long. I'm sorry for not updating, real life caught up to me. This chapter is a bit like an info dump, more like laying the background, really. So I hope it's worth the wait for you!


Kobeni felt better after a good cry.

She caught the sound of their breathing in a short lull amidst their quiet sniffles. She couldn't help but grin stupidly as she sat there in a silent embrace from the older girl. Kobeni nuzzled into Sakuya-hime's bosom and took a deep breath, letting this clean and fresh scent that reminded her of baby powder filled her lungs.

Reluctantly, she pulled away from Sakuya-hime's arms. Those pearlescent white eyes were red-rimmed as they peered down at her from above. There was still a trace of tears on her face as well, but her breathing was no longer ragged.

"I'm so sorry, Hime-sama. I ruined your shirt."

"Now, now. No need to fret. I can handle all these just fine."

A wry smile twisted her lips.

Hearing that, Kobeni laughed dryly. She brought up a hand to rub at the wet splotch on her own chest. This might become a habit. She couldn't just cry along with them when somebody she cared about shedded tears. Sakuya-hime was strong, and she couldn't imagine her crying, but the way the older girl clung to her just earlier...

Crying in front of Hime was already bad enough, but—

"But, umm, my snot..."

She looked down with a flushed face.

"You are young. I don't mind. Although I do think a change of clothes is in order. It seems I have ruined your beautiful dress. 'Tis a little embarrassing, but I do have something that might fit you. Let's see, your mother also left me with something as a keepsake. I suppose you would find better use for it than I do. Wait a bit, hmm?"

Sakuya-hime stole a quick peck on her cheek before skipping away, leaving her a blushing mess. Kobeni swayed lightly before toppling down onto the couch with a muffled groan. She was a six year old little girl, she shouldn't be feeling like this.

"Really, is she an inma?"

Every place the person touched felt hot. Her cheek burned as she recalled how close they had been to each other just a minute ago. Rather than an immortal, that person felt more like a dream demon that could seduce even a celibate monk, let alone a little girl like her. Really, a little more and she might consent to anything.

Kobeni glanced at the corner Sakuya-hime had disappeared to. She remembered seeing a closet next to the door when she was ushered in. Since the layout was of a 1LDK apartment, it wasn't weird if there was no closet in the bedroom. It wasn't very private, but she couldn't really complain since the older girl lived alone...

Her heart jumped a bit when she saw Sakuya-hime walk toward the changing area with a bundle in her arm. She was just glad the older girl didn't just drop her top and change right there in the hallway. That wouldn't be good for her heart.

Kobeni sprang back up into a sitting position. Her hand reached out for a glass of barley tea on the low table. Ices clinked against the glass as she took a sip and pondered. This meeting was eye-opening. She learned about her heritage, and then more about the relationship between Shion-mama and Sakuya-hime.

She was a little confused, but at the same time...

Kobeni couldn't help but smile.

This world wasn't a game, at least not anymore. Everyone she had talked to was alive. They weren't some pre-programmed characters dancing to the tunes. She felt like an avid reader living out her life long dream in her favorite story. It was like those isekai stories that had been trending; a story in which she was the protagonist.

From her other self's words though, that might actually be it.

Kobeni sat back and relaxed. She had no desire to agonize over what Shion-mama had left with Sakuya-hime, that's why she decided to simply just wait. Besides, this half empty cup of pudding won't finish itself. She won't let it go to waste!

"Mhm, so good..."

It was when she drank the tea to cleanse her palate that Sakuya-hime walked into the living room wearing a comfy looking hoodie. She had a bundle of clothes in her hands. What drew her attention however, was the mask sitting on top of it. 

"I didn't make you wait for too long, did I?"

"No. Welcome back, Hime."

Sakuya-hime paused for a second and beamed.

"Fufu. I'm back."

It was the first time she felt like this. Those few words were filled with an emotion she was unable to explain. For her, it may be customary greetings, but for the older girl, she knew there must be something more. Kobeni shrugged to herself and snuggled close when the other party sat down beside her once more.

She turned blind eyes to that pleased smile.

"Come now, my dearest. Do I need to fall harder for you?"

That made her smile.

It was then that Sakuya-hime succeeded in getting Kobeni back on her lap. She could only blink at the older girl before pouting. Not only did she not have a plush toy to hug, she also became Hime's plush toy too. Sure, it's nice being hugged like this, but wasn't it rather unfair that she couldn't hug back?

And what's this? Nuzzling her neck like this...

Is Hime really a lolicon!?

No, wait. This person is also a loli! A loophole!?

"Hime, it tickles."

"Mm, let me recharge a bit."

Ugh, if her Hime's going to be this cute...

"Oh I'm die, thank you forever."

"Hm? Oh, right. You called me without honorifics again."

That change in tone made her pause. It didn't matter how close they had become in this short meeting, the other party was still someone older. She used polite speech with Sakuya-hime, but the atmosphere became more comfortable, she had dropped the honorifics unknowingly. However, before she could apologize, the older girl hugged her tighter and started rocking back and forth with quiet humming.

"You're tensing up. It's quite alright. I want us to be close, after all."

She could only palm her chest to console her poor heart.

Uwah, that was too much...

"Hime? Like this?"


If she's that happy, how could she stay angry at her…

Ah, wait. Yotsuba-sensei must be really really worried right now, isn't he?

"If you're worried about that Yotsuba kid, you don't have to."

"Hime, are you esper?"

"No, no, you're just easy to read!"

Kobeni brought both her hands up to her face. Just how many times was it now that her thought was read so easily? First was Yotsuba-sensei, now it's Sakuya-hime...

"Is it that easy?"

"I was really close with Shion, so..."

Sakuya-hime trailed off and hugged her tightly before finally letting go. She was then shown the outfit she was supposed to change into. It was a white collared and sleeveless dress with a big bow around the midsection. The fabric was thick but breathable enough, perfect for a walk in the sun. With a big sun hat, of course...

It looked plain and simple, but the feel of fabric told her that this little dress might be even more expensive than the one she's wearing. She's not so easily fooled now.

"I'll go and change then, the changing area..."

Kobeni looked down at the pale arms still around her waist.

"Change here. Let me see."

She actually did a double take when she heard that tone from Sakuya-hime. It might be the stunned look on her face, but the grin on the older girl's face widened into a full smile. Sakuya-hime chuckled and ruffled her hair for that, making her realize once again that she was just a kid. That it didn't really matter in the end.

Changing in front of another girl like this, it's really not a big deal, huh…

"Come now, Kobeni. Nothing I haven't seen before!"

Her face grew hot at that reminder.

"Hime, you bully."

Kobeni's foul mood disappeared with the bright smile sent her way.

Since there really was nothing Sakuya-hime hadn't seen before, she just sighed. Kobeni set her new dress down on the older girl's lap before undressing herself slowly. It may be because of Sakuya-hime's eyes, but her hands were shaking as they undid the buttons. Those pearlescent eyes were staring at her as if she was the only thing left on the earth. Now the attention was making her self-conscious.

"Um, I-If you're staring that hard, I'm going to feel embarrassed, Hime."

Sakuya-hime merely raised a brow back at her.

"If I want to sample you, just a bite, will you allow it then?"

She could only pout and look away when faced with this kind of advance. It also didn't help that her heart started pounding because of it either. She had once been a man a lifetime ago, so it wasn't weird to feel something from that. She knew the look in the older girl's eyes and could only grumble at her own flushed cheeks.

Kobeni let the dress fall to the ground. She still had a thin camisole and a pair of bear-printed panties on, but when she glanced at her only audience, she felt as if she was naked before those pearlescent eyes. All she could do was blush.

She knew that for Hime, age was just a number.

But to be staring this much...

"C-Can you please hand me the dress?"

Kobeni breathed out slowly when the older girl did just that. However, it was when she let her guard down that Sakuya-hime's hand grabbed her wrist. Since she knew there was no danger, she allowed herself to be pulled in without protest. Her smile turned a little forced when she was grabbed and squeezed all over, though.

"Hm, your muscle mass is especially dense, your magic circuit is also a bit more developed than usual as well. On the other hand, your physical development is a bit slower than any other six year old. So what Shion had done, it didn't work, huh?"

Kobeni stood still and offered no resistance at those words. It was certainly not because Sakuya-hime's cold hands felt good on her skin. If she made any weird noise when those hands went under the camisole, the older girl didn't show it. At least Sakuya-hime was kind enough to help her get dressed afterward.

"After feeling me up like that, you can't just pretend nothing happened, Hime..."

Kobeni pouted and sat down on the older girl's lap.

"I'll take responsibility then. However, when you're a little older?"

Sakuya-hime circled her arms around her waist, hugging her close once more. She didn't have time to protest when something soft pressed onto her shoulder. Her thought turned back to what was said just a few minutes earlier. For this person, when it came to 'sampling' the goods, she couldn't help but be worried.

It didn't matter how hungry you were, it still wasn't everyday a young girl would feast upon the beached corpse of a mermaid like that, survival or not. So it's highly possible that she might be gobbled up by Sakuya-hime, in many different ways.

She would be willing, but still...

"Hime, you're not going to eat me, right?"

"Mhm, I won't."

The soft lips murmuring into her shoulder pulled away. Even though it was just a light teasing, she was still afraid that the older girl might actually take a bit out of her. Her flesh and blood attracted the supernaturals, and she had no illusion that to Sakuya-hime, she might as well be a big ass A5 Wagyu beef sizzling on the grill.

"Ah, but in a decade? I think you'd be rather delectable, then."

Uwah, this person's dangerous, seriously...

"So, I'm no longer human?"

"'Twas a blatant change of subject— Hm, very well. You are correct. I don't know how you changed, but it must happen after our first meeting. I'm sure of that. Shion destroyed the last mask just before you were born. I suspected that this was the cause of your premature birth. Since you were weak, your mother brought you to me for help. Which is why I'm sure that you were a human. I checked."

Sakuya-hime sighed and rested her chin on Kobeni's head. Her tone wasn't as bitter as she had anticipated. It's still tinged with sadness, but she detected a hint of content that felt like a sweet aftertaste. So, their first meeting, huh...

"Back then, you were very small. Even if I didn't like you much, I was still worried. Just how long will this little runt be able to survive~ something like that. It was that bad. Of course, I gave Shion the Water of Life. One drop mixed with her milk for you to drink, and then another for you to bath in. Only then did she ask the question..."

"Is my child a human?"

"Yes, she is..."

"However, things have changed, Kobeni. You are clearly not human. The difference between human beings and supernatural beings is that humans cannot produce magic energy of their own. They could only take in ambient energy in the air and build their reserves that way. Beings like us on the other hand, are different."

Yotsuba-sensei told her about this before, Kobeni mused. Since she was a menreiki, she can produce magic energy on her own without relying on outside sources.

"There are many ways for humans to become youkais. I am a youkai in the way you would say a witch is a youkai, through continuous exposure to magic. However, before that, I was an immortal who partook in mermaid's flesh. I do not need to eat. I do not need to sleep. I do not age. I will still be here when this world is nothing but a speck of dust in the void. Shion's different though, and so are you."

Sakuya-hime nuzzled her cheek and brought the mask up in front of her. It was a black fox mask that would cover only the upper half of the wearer's face. There were some neat details in red and gold here and there. It was beautiful, but its value wasn't in its beauty. She had this nostalgic feeling when she looked at it.

"Mama made this mask, didn't she?"

"Mm, she carved and painted it with her two hands."

Kobeni touched the rose design on the mask with her fingers. The warmth she felt through her fingertips reminded her of the better time. Shion-mama wasn't the perfect example of healthy, but her mother still made her smile whenever possible. It didn't matter how hard things became, she still prioritized her daughter. 

Sometimes, even more than her own health...

"Can you feel it, Kobeni? Shion's magic that still lingers."

She nodded, letting the older girl guide her hand over the designs on the mask.

"It's warm..."

She pushed against Sakuya-hime's other hand, enjoying the headpat.

"Shion once asked her teacher about tsukumogami physiology and pregnancy. He made a face as if he was chewing on bugs. It was one of my fondest memories. He did come up with a theory, and the fact that you're here just proves him right. You're an exception to the rules, Kobeni. A human with youkai's blood. Menreiki's blood."

Suddenly, a lot of things made sense after that statement. It was impossible for a teenage girl to have a rap sheet a few miles long like her other self. Just by recalling the events that would happen in the future, she already felt nauseous.

However, if she wanted to make that wish come true...

She will need this power.

"In a way that the mermaid's flesh became a catalyst for me, and the masks for your mother, she wished that you would use this mask when it's time. I noticed you touching your own face a lot. If that's not a sign, I don't know what is. Harunori had predicted that as a child of menreiki, you will need a mask to feel complete."

Kobeni forced her hands back down before she could subconsciously knead her own cheeks again. She looked down at both of her hands before pursing her lips.

"This mask is special, you see. It was carved from a very special cherry wood, so its black coloring that you're seeing is completely natural. And as for the red patterns on the mask, it's actually a nine-tailed fox's blood. Of course, no foxes were harmed during the making of this mask. I made sure there's no casualty, except for, well..."

The last part was too quiet for her to pick up. However, her attention was glued to the red markings that covered the entire mask. There was only one nine-tailed fox that she knew of who would gladly part with this amount of blood.

"It's from Shinoda-san, isn't it?"

"Correct~! But wait, how did you know?"

Kobeni froze.

"I-It's only for an instant, but Shinoda-san's eyes..."

"Ah, that's right~! When that child focuses too much on something, her disguise often fails her, especially around her eyes! Hmm, but meeting a living and breathing nine-tailed fox like that and not having an overt reaction, you really are interesting. Kobeni, you're not afraid of Noa, huh? 'Nigerundayo!' Something like that?"

She had to stifle her laughter at the last part.

"Mhm, nothing like that."

Since she knew of Noa's soft side, she could only grin. One of her hands came up to rub against her lips automatically before she even noticed and put it down.

"With Shinoda-san, rather than danger, I felt safe."

"Ohh, interesting..."

Sakuya-hime hummed with a mysterious smile.

She could only hope that Noa wouldn't be bullied too much.

"What about the gold markings? If the red ones are Shinoda-san's blood..."

The older girl interrupted with a laugh.

"Just call her Noa, Kobeni. Like your mother, her surname was simply for the sake of simplicity. I'm sure that child would love you to call her by her real name. Her cold demeanor is like a defense mechanism, you see. The more prickly she appears, the more sensitive she really is inside. Ahh, she would be heartbroken if she knew..."

That's right. Noa still didn't know about Shion-mama's passing, did she?

Even so, the one whose heart is already broken...

Not being able to do anything, Kobeni leaned back into the embrace.

"Mm, it's mine."

She blinked at that change.


"The gold markings on the mask. It's my blood."

She felt her strength leaving her body as she stared at the mask. If the Water of Life they were here for was a piece of gravel, then this golden blood would be like a brick of gold. The reason isn't hard to understand at all, because in this world...

"Hime didn't— It's not only a mermaid, is it...?"

Golden blood signifies godhood...


"Mhm! At first, it was for survival. But after a while, I've become a gourmet."

She noted the way the older girl almost purred at the last word. It wasn't explicitly stated in the game that Sakuya-hime ate the flesh of a god. However, if you read between the lines, you would notice that a mermaid's flesh wasn't the only thing on the menu. Curiosity bubbled from within her chest. She wanted to know which god had succumbed and become her meal, but she was also too afraid to ask.

If your liver is bad, eat the liver of a creature with a strong one. If your eyes are bad, eat the eyes of a creature with strong vision. Then perhaps, if you eat the flesh of a god, you would acquire the same divine power that god once held. In this world that anything supernatural centers upon faith, if you believe in something hard enough...

Kobeni looked at Sakuya-hime over her shoulder.

The older girl's pearlescent white eyes glittered like a rainbow.

"I-I'm not delicious?"

Sakuya-hime sputtered out a laugh.

"I'm not going to eat you! Hm, but maybe in a decade?"

'Uwah, that's twice now. This person sure is honest to her desire.'

Kobeni brought her attention back to the mask.

"Hime, can I wear it?"

"Sure, it might be a bit big though."

"It's alright."

"Fufu, let me help then."

She let Sakuya-hime adjust the mask. The warmth she felt from before seemed to intensify when the mask touched her face. She didn't know if it was because of their proximity or that she was closing her eyes, but her heart started beating faster.

Maybe her body just likes this kind of stimulation?

Ohh, kinky~!

"Hm, it's just like that boy said..."


Kobeni blinked. However, she couldn't ask anything before she noticed something odd from the top of her head and above her butt. She closed her eyes again and tried to feel the weird sensation. She swore she could feel them move.

"Hime, what's going on?"

"Oh dear."

Kobeni pouted at that unhelpful comment and brought her hands up. She couldn't help but flinch slightly as her fingertips made contact with this fluffy thing.

"Um, I have four ears? Instead of menreiki, I'm four-eared youkai?"

"I didn't think you'd focus on your ears, my niece..."

Sakuya-hime's laugh made her smile. Kobeni gingerly touched her new ears a bit more before shifting her focus to the other one. Her small hands snatched her own fluffy tail and hugged it close. With its volume, the size was easily bigger than her torso. Aside from that, the color was glossy black, unlike Noa's white.

"Mu, I only have one tail. It's still fluffy, but..."

Sakuya-hime sighed in fondness.

"For a youko - a youkai fox - like Noa, the number of tails represents the amount of power they command. That you have one tail is already a feat in and of itself. Your power could easily rival a millennia old youko. So don't feel sad now, or perhaps, did you just forget that you shapeshifted? You're hugging your tail right now."

Kobeni petted her own tail absentmindedly, enjoying its softness.

"So it's quality over quantity, fumu..."

"Don't let Noa hear that now. That child will seriously cry."

Sakuya-hime shook with laughter, rocking her back and forth. Kobeni bit her bottom lip a little and brought her hand up only to be obstructed by the mask. Seeing that, the older girl merely chuckled and took hold of her hand, rubbing it affectionately.

"Like I said, you are an exception to the rule. You are a miracle, Kobeni. Because if you are like your mother, you wouldn't be smiling like this. If Harunori's hypotheses were all real, you would be the opposite of normal menreiki who used their masks to express emotions. You would be hiding behind your masks instead."

Kobeni shifted in the older girl's lap and reached up to loosen the rope holding the mask in place. She let it hang around her neck, letting Sakuya-hime look at her with nothing to hide behind. Her white eyes flashed in lavender's color as she grinned.

"Isn't it too soon to give me this mask? I'm only six..."

Sakuya-hime merely laughed.

"If I don't think you're ready, would I let you wear it? Listen closely, Kobeni. You are my dearest niece. Know that no harm shall befall you whilst I still exist. Besides, it would let me sleep easier knowing you could at least protect yourself. That I have yet to receive the news regarding your mother until now, I suspect foul play."

Kobeni sat still in choked silence. The possibility of everything being an elaborate attempt and not an accident shook her to the core. She already had a few names, and knowing what she knew, one was highly likely to be the mastermind.

"Your Shion-mama, no matter how weak she had become, was still the only disciple of Tsuchimikado Harunori. Last I checked, your father wasn't a slouch either."

So it wasn't an accident, but...


"I-I wouldn't go that far, but— Ugh, that's what I suspect, yes. Shion had many enemies, so it would be like finding a needle in a haystack. However, if it really was a murder... Hm, how about I set everything on fire and sift through the ashes?"

Those scary words were delivered in a soft and playful tone. Kobeni chanced a look at the older girl, and on her face was a smile that didn't reach those beautiful eyes.

"Do be careful of the needle..."

"Of course!"

She endured another bone crushing hug and sighed.

"Can you tell me more about this mask?"

"If you're asking if it's going to give me fox ears, then the answer is no. I'm afraid it doesn't work that way. I have no idea how that no-good Harunori came up with such a leap of logic, but... Kobeni, you hide behind your mask not because you're unable to show your true self to the world, but to be whoever you wish to be."

Kobeni clutched her tail tighter. It wasn't a mask to hide behind, but a mask to show the world whatever she wished to become. It made sense that she would look like a youko, the mask was decorated with the blood of a nine-tailed fox after all.

However, wasn't there an Ichor on the mask as well?

She cupped her cheek as she mulled over that little tidbit.

In fact, she was so deep in thought that she didn't notice Sakuya-hime playing with her ears. It was only when she heard an odd rumbling noise that she realized she was purring. Kobeni slapped a hand over her mouth as her cheeks heated up.

"Ngh, please don't do that..."

"Since you're so cute, I just couldn't help it~!"

Kobeni lowered her face. A few touches and she was already purring. That won't do. She could only imagine if Noa suffered the same fate. Having a master like this must have been hell and a half. But then again, she did fall in love with the teasing and fun-loving Sakuya-hime. Oh that mischievous smile that made her heart race...

"So I could purr, is there anything else I should be aware of?"

Pearlescent white eyes narrowed mirthfully.

"Hm, that's right... Youkai like us are primarily spiritual beings rather than physical ones. Hence, we're more attuned to magic than humans are. That's why the way we use magic is different from humans. It's more intent-based for us, you see." 

Sakuya-hime tapped the mask around her neck.

"Harunori believed that your abilities as menreiki would be similar to a youko, hence the reason why your first mask is a fox mask. Since you just became a fox girl, I'd say that he's spot on. If you want to try shifting, try imagining you're wearing a cute onesie made out of magic. Mhm, the design could be however you want, so—"

Kobeni's hand slowly moved to her curving lips.

A onesie made out of magic? Honestly, this person is just...

'Ahh, how cute.'


Kobeni blinked and looked down. The pearlescent white eyes that looked back up were wide and lustrous like gems. They were filled with interest rather than bewilderment. Those pale cheeks that reddened in response filled her with more hope than she could handle. She had to stop herself from outright giggling.

"Is this a preview? A sneak peek of what I should expect in a decade?"

The sixteen year old Hiiragi Kobeni hummed in answer. Her lips tugged into a languid smile as she all but draped onto the older girl like a lazy house cat. This loud heartbeat that wasn't her own told her a story of how much power she had over this person. She relished in the warmth of the older girl's hands on her bare waist— 

In the next instant, there was only a six year old sitting on her lap.

"Hime, I'm six."

The older girl could only look away.

Kobeni looked on as Sakuya-hime fanned her flushed face. She fingered the mask hanging around her neck and thought of what it represented. It was a reminder that the future was already changing. If her other self could become an evil overlord in her lonesome, then what about with the help of Yotsuba-sensei and Sakuya-hime?

A happy ending for 'Hiiragi Kobeni' may no longer be a distant dream...



Faced with the brunt of that megawatt smile, Kobeni swallowed down what she was about to say and leaned into the embrace. Honestly, she didn't want to go back. It would be much better to drown in this warmth rather than going back. There was a massive headache waiting for her in the form of the Hiiragi's Council of Elders...

She wanted to sleep and dream of a beautiful ending to this story. However, she couldn't do that. Even her wilful and selfish self wouldn't allow it. Because there was someone waiting anxiously for her. Someone with bright blue eyes and a kind smile.

Kobeni buried her face into the older girl's chest and breathed.

So just this once, she wanted to forget about the promise she made with her other self and be selfish. Nothing mattered except for this sweet fragrance that reminded her of baby powder. She smiled and nuzzled close until her cheek was squished.

"I want to come back here again. Can I come back here again?"

The Eternal Princess petted the little fox in her lap and murmured back.

"Of course, my dearest..."


How is it? Too lewd? C'mon, it's a kid changing, there's nothing lewd about it! Like I said, this chapter is more like fleshing out my interpretation of magic in this story. If you have some comment, don't hesitate!

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