Evolution: Start AS A Raft

326. Battle for the 14th Battleship

In the main ship of the God Race, the man slammed his hand on the table in fury!

"We've lost so many ships and they're still not defeated!"

One of the God Race workers seated before the monitor spoke up, "Sir Moshin, there is a strange thing about their battleships. They possess a potent self-repairing ability. When we heavily damage their ships, they can quickly return to battle. We have yet to ascertain the cause."

Their main ship also possessed self-repairing capabilities, but nothing as extreme as the opponents.

As long as the ship was critically injured, it would promptly cloak, then within ten minutes, it would reemerge in the fray with a renewed vigor.

At present, only the insectoid tactic seemed to be somewhat effective. Though many insects were sacrificed, Shirelle could hatch hundreds of thousands of Xenomorph Warriors at once. The deaths of such low-level creatures were inconsequential.

The insects' strategy was heavily reliant on the temporary atmosphere of the insect nest. They were about to destroy those five battleships, yet the enemy managed to discover their secret and quickly dispatched warriors to intercept them.

Moshin, his hand massaging his forehead, heaved a sigh, "Summon those fellows here."

In no time, the projections of several individuals appeared beside Moshin.

The Insect Queen Shirelle, Beast King Hock, Eternal Undead Bone King Ridisco, Dragonmen King Ekzykes, Titan King Bandi, Demon King Budigar, and Elemental Dark Elf Fargate.

Moshin, his back towards these individuals, stated, "You've seen the current situation. This is the fiercest resistance we've encountered in our history. We've lost many battleships."

"Mostly mine!" Shirelle chipped in, she had deployed 75 nest battleships this time!

"Enough!" Moshin coldly retorted, "Once we've conquered Earth, you can build as many nest battleships as you wish!"

"Lord Moshin, how shall we proceed?" Hock inquired, "Their battleships are as tenacious as old bones, undying!"

"We can't continue this attrition," Moshin declared.

"No more fighting?"

"Of course not!" Moshin assured, "The technology on their battleships is remarkably advanced. If we could seize it, it would greatly aid our technological progression!"

"The problem now is, their battleships are too cunning. As soon as they're heavily damaged, they cloak. Meanwhile, most of our main weapons are currently cooling down. Their battleships have not only an electromagnetic field shield but also four layers of peculiar shields, making it difficult for us to concentrate fire and destroy. The dark matter cannon on my ship could at most destroy one, and I don't wish to use it unless it's the last resort."

"What should we do then?"

"Their weakness lies in their crew!" Moshin identified, "Shirelle's low-level insects have already caused significant crew casualties."

"I just checked; on each of their battleships, there are only one or two individuals of any real strength, approximately equivalent to our second-class warriors. The strength on all eighteen battleships should be similar!"

"Judging from the human information we've intercepted, their evolutionary limit within a mere four hundred years seems to have reached this level. Once we seize one enemy ship, I can quickly figure out their cloaking and self-repair systems, making their annihilation a simple task!"

"Each of you sends out five first-class warriors and twenty second-class warriors, forming a strike team of 200. Board their battleships and seize control of one at all costs!"

Hock seemed skeptical, "Lord Moshin, aren't you exaggerating? Didn't you say that the strongest on their battleships are only equivalent to our second-class warriors? Do we need to send such a formidable force?"

Moshin responded coldly, "Do you think that, with the judgment of their commanders, they won't see our intention? As soon as our strike team boards, they'll certainly organize a defense. Right now, I can only infer the strongest individuals on their five battleships, possibly their captains, but that's only an inference. They may have stronger individuals. Our operation must succeed. Following the configuration I just described, we can't fail!"

Shirelle interjected, "Alright, alright. Since you're the boss, let's all get to work quickly. Finish the fight fast. I still have to go to the third planet to hatch my babies... Ah, I suffered the most this time, losing 75 nest battleships and so many children. I'm so upset..."


Raine was urgently repairing four Virgo carriers when he suddenly noticed that the enemy's firepower seemed to have weakened.

Just as he found this puzzling, those semi-transparent battleships with no combat capability but elusive movement suddenly appeared above the 14th battleship. Then, the cargo bay at the bottom of this ship opened, and a transport aircraft decorated with an "exoskeleton" flew out.

The transport quickly landed on the outer deck of the 14th carrier. The cabin door opened, and 200 people quickly emerged!

This time the one's boarding weren't insects! They seemed to come from various races.

One of the crewmen saw these individuals but didn't have time to react before a skinny, tall man with nothing but bones left on his body gripped his throat. With a flick of his fingers, he crushed the crewman's throat!

Raine was infuriated. The mass sacrifice of the crew was already heartbreaking, but he knew this Apocalypse was different from the past, casualties were unavoidable.

However, watching the enemy brutally murder his comrades set Raine's fury ablaze. He wished he could go out and kill that skeleton man right now!

But, when he saw that the damaged battleships had not yet been repaired, he finally held back.

Raine could not leave now. If he did, he couldn't repair the damaged battleships, and even if the crewmen won, the front line would collapse. Then the casualties wouldn't just be as simple as a few thousand.

After many years of experience, Raine was no longer impulsive. Compared to slaying enemies, Raine's more crucial duty was to see through the enemy's new tactics.

"Damn it! This is..." Raine suppressed his anger, his eyebrows furrowed. "An elite squad! They've only chosen to board one battleship, their goal is..." Raine put himself in their shoes, guessing the enemy commander's intention.

If it were him, after encountering this kind of bounty group, the most troublesome aspect would undoubtedly be the fleet's recovery ability.

His recovery ability relied on two elements: one was the system's rapid construction capability, which the enemy couldn't anticipate. However, there was also the system's cloaking technology.

Although the system's technology was revolutionary, far exceeding human technology, the enemy's tech was also advanced. If they seized control of the 14th battleship, they might figure out the principle of the cloaking technology, subsequently preventing damaged battleships from cloaking and leaving Raine without enough time to repair them!

"Not good, they're trying to seize the 14th battleship! All battleships and captains lead your elite crew to quickly reinforce the 14th battleship! Deputy captains stay behind! Everyone be careful, the enemy is very strong!"

The captains, along with the strongest crew members, boarded the transport to the 14th battleship.

The battle between the two sides was still intensively underway, but the focus of their contention had shifted to the decisive battle of the elite crews.

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