Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 55 - Been sent to the police station

Chapter 55: Been sent to the police station

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

“I say, brother little 5, why do you dress so well today? You’re even wearing glasses now?” The chief gigolo with a sneer of deceit, eyes coldly staring at me, as if a poisonous snake, without hiding the resentments!

Then he looks at Nanny’s face and can’t help but be shocked.

Perhaps every man can see such a beauty as Nanny, who has such a moment of absence. Those men behind John, without exception, can’t help but fix their eyes on her too. The triviality and drooling in their eyes are not hidden at all.

If the eyes can eat people, I’m afraid Nanny has already been swallowed up with bones.

“Oh! Brother little 5! Where did you find such a high-quality woman? I heard that you are not working in nightclub now. Where are you making fortune now? Such a good woman, why don’t you introduce her to brothers here?” The chief gigolo couldn’t help licking his lips, swallowing the saliva. His eyes are even more unscrupulous, “With our old relationship, we are sure to support! Come on, what price is for this beauty to come out? We’ve got a bunch of brothers here. She can stay with us all tonight.”

As Nanny’s capacity, there’s no one ever dare to say such shameless words to her. Suddenly her face is changing greatly.

My face is sinking, I turn my head up, and I gaze at him coldly: “It’s you! I heard you have left the city. When did you return? Is the South side not fun?” Ignoring the embarrassment on his face, I say, “I heard that you have resumed your old business Recently. Ah, is it hard to work? I heard that the price of gigolos in South is pretty good. You can go back there to spend your rest life!”

“Fuck!” Suddenly he bursts into a rage. His face is full of rage, cracking, and slapping hard on the table. The simple table is shaking and almost be crushed. The roast fish on the table jumps up. He’s creaming fiercely: “Chen Yang! You think you have the right to play with me! Heh, don’t think I do not know, you have been swept away by Juan. He has also left here and sold the business too. Don’t know where he is hiding. You think you’re still the brother little 5? Do you think you still have capitals to frantic? Fuck you!”

In rage, he’s reaching out to my dress collar.

Probably this guy is too angry to forget who I am, such a junk even dares to touch me?

I reach out my hands and block his hand and sneering, “John, do you want to calculate the old account?”

“Don’t shit! I was broken one hand. I’ll cut off your both claws today!”

“Good!” I shout. One hand is lightning-like holding his wrist. How can he resist this kind of capture tactics? Under the pain, his body is softened. I push the whole arm on the table! The other hand has already grabbed a few iron sticks on the table, which used to stick with chicken wings, sticking them from the back of his hand.


He is uttering a pig-killing scream. His palm is pierced by the iron sticks. These iron sticks have pluged into the table and nailed his whole hand.

Before men behind him react, I have grasped his shoulder and have his shoulder joint off.

This time he can’t even cry, but eyes goes straight, and he has passed out.

The four men in the back are obviously fight often too. Seeing how fierce I am, they do not shrink back at all. They are shouting and rushing toward. Some of them are grabbing the beer bottles from the adjacent table, others are grabbing the faldstools.

They’re rushing toward and hitting me at the same time. I don’t have any room for evasive. I’m a pretty good fighter, but not mean I can be the kind of the Superman who wears underwear outside! Four people surround me, I am a bit unable to handle, simply grit my teeth, let a faldstool hit on the back, which makes me a shock, the back is too pain to almost lose feeling. At the same time, I plunge into the arms of the nearest man in front of me, slam his shoulder against his ribs, and lift his elbow with a sudden. I hit him on the chin, and he is horrific screaming in pain.

In general, if the jaw hits, it would make people lose the ability to respond in a short time. I take advantage of his distracted effort, push him in front of the other three people, and at the same time grab Nanny, pushing her to the door direction. I shout to her: “Run!”

She is pushed into a staggering way. Her eyes are filling with anxiety. She’s screaming: “You run, quickly!”

Damn! Stupid woman! I run? They have several people. How can I sell my back to them when I turn around to run?

There is a whirl of wind behind me. I Instinctively sideways and step back. The man behind me smashing a beer bottle into the air. I avoid his fist, catch his arm and lift it on my shoulder. I can’t stop at this time, just squeeze his arm and twist it hard.

With a click, the man’s elbow has been twisted and dislocated by me. I hpld him and rush back, and then kick him hard on the head. His scream is only half loud, then stops. He passes out too.

But I also pay the price for it. A guy next me hits on my head with a beer bottle.

I’m only feeling a “Buzz” in my ear, and pains on the top of my head.

FXXX! Hit my head again! How many times have I been beaten on head these days?!

“Damn it!” I’m roaring, turn around, twist my waist, clench my fists, and take a sudden step forward, breathing out and shouting!

With a ‘Pang’ sound, I punch him on the chest.

It’s a very powerful boxing skill.

Just hear the click sounds. don’t know how many of his ribs are broken. He opens his mouth and spewing blood! Then he is falling to the ground and flashing more blood from his mouth.

Several other guests in the shop are already stunned. Seeing me punch him lying on the ground spraying blood, suddenly a fat woman is screaming: “Killing people, help!!!”

To be honest, I’m not hurt too badly, and my head is only feeling a little pain. But the woman’s scream gives me a startle. The other guests are suddenly jumping up and running out to the door.

The last man, who is holding a faldstool on his hand, watching me take care of his three companions just with bare hands. He can’t help chilly and flustering in eyes. He is wondering whether he should continue to rush up or just retreat.

I wipe the blood on my face. Damn, that guy I just knocked down, his blood has sprayed on my face.

Suddenly the guy is shouting, raising his hand, throwing the faldstool to me. I dodge, and while I am just moving, I feel bad in my heart. Nanny is hiding behind me. My body moves and the stool is flying towards her.

Fortunately, the guy’s punctuality is really not so good. Instead, the stool does not hit her, but it knocks down a table beside. She is groaning and squatting down with a painful look on her face.

It turns out that the table has fallen apart and pressed her toes.

She is wearing a pair of exquisite open-toed high-heeled shoes tonight, the original delicate small thumb is pressed, immediately blood is flowing out. Looking at her squatting down and screaming painfully, I feel an unexplained pain in my heart, as if there is a brass names reason suddenly breaks!

I rush to the guy. He kicks me to the stomach. I look like terrible, yelling, hug his thigh, and with a swing of strength, he is flying out sideways, knocking down a table. Without waiting for him to stand up, I have grabbed him by the collar of his clothes. After lift him, I hit him on the bridge of the nose.

His nose bone breaks. Blood is flashing out. I don’t care and raise my hand and punch him again. I knock out three front teeth this time. My knuckles are cracked. The guy is as soft as a puddle of mud. I hold his chin in both hands, then slowly lower him down, lift my right knee and strike up…


This guy is hit on the face by my knee. I’m afraid he’ll need a better cosmetic surgeon after tonight. Because I feel that his nose is almost sunk in.

Then a blood line comes out of the air, and the man finally falls down.

I look at the five people, including the chief gigolo on the ground, slightly gasping.

After all, I had a broken arm at home for a month without exercising. I obviously feel a little regressive. Nanny is still crouching behind me, but she seems to forget the pain on her feet. She stares round and looks at me in horror.

I know I might look a little scary now. My face is covered with blood and my glasses are red. A handsome face is somewhat twisting with cruel. Clothes are mess up and there are bloodstains on shirt.

Without saying a word, I walk to the chief gigolo and stand beside him, looking at him carefully.

Well, last time, he was broken a leg. The left leg or the right leg? It looks like the right leg.

I kick him, flatten his left leg, lift it, take a deep breath, and stomp down the bone of it!

“Ah!!!!!!!!” Suddenly bursting out a tragic shriek, fainting John is awakened by pain. His snivel and tears are all over the face. I stamp his leg, feeling that do not break his leg, lift the stool on the ground beside him, is about to smash down…

“Chen Yang! No!”

Behind me comes a cry of alarm from Nanny. I look back and see that Nanny has barely stands up, her right hand is covering her mouth in surprise and looking at me in horror.

She must be frightened by my cold-blooded look.

I snort, throw away the stool on my hand, kick him again, and then come to Nanny. Slowly squatting down, reaching for a slight touch on the wound on her toes, ask her with a soft voice, “Do you feel pain?”

Nanny seems has never seen so much blood. She is already frightened to look pale and shaky. She could not help moaning and her legs are soft. I quickly hold her body, and whisper, “OK, it’s okay now!”

Her voice is trembling: “You… You look terrifying just now… You… ” She takes a deep breath and says with cry: “You… Are you all right? You have a lot of blood on your head… ”

I hold her hand touching my head and say, “it’s not my blood. It’s theirs.”

She does not rest assured, checking my body. I was smashed on the head by a bottle, rubbed a little skin, in addition, it seems that my head injured several times, but more and more exercise make it “stronger”.

I was also hurt by a stool behind my back. There might be some muscle injuries and nothing else.

Nanny relaxes her tone, but her face changes slightly. “You… You were terrible just now. How did you strike them so hard?”

I raise my eyebrows, smiled coldly and stared John who’s lying on the ground: “you said him… Well, this scum, I’ve long wanted to clean him up by hand. Pity it’s impossible to kill him!

I let go of her and stride behind the counter of the shop. Behind the counter there is a young waitress, too frightened to hide behind and dare not come out. She sees me walking toward her, face is pale with fear.

I smear the blood on my face and say softly to the waitress in a peaceful voice: “Little sister, do you have paper towels?”

Then I take the paper towel the waitress hands to me with trembling hands and go to Nanny. I squat down, wipe the blood off her toes carefully and gently.

Her toes are small, milky, pinky and delicate. And her ankles are round and glittering. They have no any flaw. It seems that she pays great attention to the maintenance of her details every day.

But now there’s a slight wound on the thumb. The pink muscles in the wound comes out and slowly bleeding.

I check it and realize that she wasn’t hurt so serious. But as the saying, fingers and toes are direct linking to the heart. If the toe hurts, people feel more painful.

Any of my movement is as gentle as possible. Nanny seems to be shocked, as if silly, so she just foolishly watching me squating under her skirt to wipe her wound. Then I ignore her exclamation and hold her in a transverse way.

She keeps whispering, seemingly trying to struggle. But she hesitates a little, and finally smoothly hugs my neck.

I walk out of the restaurant with her in my arms and say lightly: “No need to worry. That’s how I held you when you drunk at home this afternoon.”

We just step outside, and a patrol of policemen come. They stop before the restaurant’s door suddenly. Two policemen jump out of the car and look at me in amazement. Then a waiter, bold enough, is pointing at me and shouting: “It’s him! It’s him.”

They are stunned: “Who was calling the police just now?”

A male waiter who is standing in the middle cowardly says: “Me…”

“Stand still, do not go!” A policeman stops me. Then another one listens to the descriptions of several waiters and enters to check the five people lying on the floor.

“Man, you are tough enough!” The policeman next to me is in his thirties, and looks at me with a slightly sullen, “Come back with us.”

I know I can’t run.

Don’t know how many times I have experienced from be taken to the police station because of fighting. Besides, when I was fighting with them, I have thought about it. This thing can’t be easily finished. Since I have hit thim, it would be useless to run away. John knows me!

“My friend’s feet were hurt by them. Can you send her to the hospital?”

The policeman looks at me with a cold look, but then he sees Nanny’s face clearly. He is slightly shocked and says: “Yes, if you go with me, she will stay here with my colleagues. In a few minutes, ambulance will come to take your friends and the others to the hospital together.”

Nanny immediately objects. She does not want to let me go to the police station alone. But I convince her to go to the hospital first, and I tell her that I need her help to go back to company to get my ID.

When I went to work this morning, I have taken the ID to company and gave it to Penny to make some registrations and records. Then I left it in my drawer.

Now thinking of it, I suddenly feel a strange feeling in my heart… Fortunately, the ID is left in company, if it is at home…

I do not that want Nanny to go to my home. Because I don’t want her to see Didi and little moneygrubber there.

This mind is weird. It’s just flashing through my mind.

Nanny is convinced. She tells me that she would go to the police station to look for me later.

I follow the policeman into the police car. There is a young policeman in uniform sitting on the seat. He sees me in, just with a faint look at me. He asks that policeman pushes me in: “Song sir, how’s the situation inside?”

That Song sir curls his lips, sits down and says: “Nothing but fighting. There are a couple of men lying inside. They seem to be badly hurt. I have left Sielth here waiting for the ambulance and maintaining the scene. Let’s take this guy back first.” Then he glares at me, “You, just sit upright!”

I know the police usually have this tune. Actually, we can’t blame them. It’s a job requirement.

Police officers often deal with all kinds of people. It is difficult to shock them without a bit fierce.

I have already got used to it.

The policeman drives to the nearest police station of this district. On the way, that policeman Song’s phone is suddenly ringing. He answers the phone and whispers a few words. After hanging up the phone, he looks at me strangely.

Suddenly there is an odd smile on his face: “Man, you are tough enough. But you don’t know that you’re in trouble.”


I hum.

When we get into the police station, they take me into a room even without take notes. The policeman Song hands me over to another man. They talk in a low voice for some words. They look at me quickly from time to time, with some sympathy in their eyes.

Then I am locked in the room, and, without the chair.

The policeman who succeeds the Song sir looks much fiercer. He takes out the handcuffs and directly locks me on the radiator in the room.

Because the position is very low, I need to squat down. I’m unable to stand up or sit down. This posture is very uncomfortable.

Obviously, he’s deliberately setting me up.

I have some doubts.

Has John had some strong backgrounds?

Impossible! After all, he had worked with me for quite a long time. I know almost everything about him.

After some time, I just know that the guy who was broken the nose and knocked out the teeth, is a relative of someone in the police station.


I am alone in the room, handcuffed to the radiator, have been squatting for half an hour. I’m bending and legs are squatting. My body numbs soon. I become more and more irritating. I have shouted a few times, but unfortunately no one replies.

Finally, half an hour later, the door opens and two policemen in uniform come in. One is carrying notebooks and paper on hand, and the other one looks at me with a grim look. I feel a bit unkind from his eyes.

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