Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 10 - The sworn revenge

Chapter 10: The sworn revenge

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

He claps my shoulder and uses the most sincerely voice to speak. “Please have a try, Mr. Chen. I won’t lie to you. This thing is real working!”

I shake my head just like shake a rattle-drum.

He is flushing with distress. “I’m completely disappointed with the market here. I just want to sell it as early as possible and go back to headquarter.”

“How much is it?” There must be something wrong with my head which makes me ask.

The number he tells is really shocked me.

Look at my face he shows the ‘I know’ looking expression. He smiles. “We know you are not able to afford the price now. But we don’t expect this product could be accepted by market at the moment. So our strategy is promoting it to the prospects who can not affordable the price in a leasing way.”


“I’ve told you that it’s still on trial period. We must follow and gather the feedbacks for the first batch of products to find the problems and have them solved. It needs to be kept improving. So about the rent, you don’t have to pay any money to us. What you need to do is give us a feedback report as our requests every month.”

Is there such a good thing on earth? But I am vigilant again.

Why? Because when a cheater tells you he don’t want your money, what you need to do is watch out your wallet carefully.

“That good?”

That man is smiling with sly. “I’ve told you already that we would not refuse the rich clients to pay the huge amount to us. But the customer like you who haven’t so much, you should have had something to give us at least.”

This sounds reasonable either.

He raises his head see the color of the sky, stands up and just shoves the ring into my hand. “Time is late now. This ring belongs to you now, temperately. Do remember, the 1st day of the month, just fill the questionnaire carefully and send it to us.” He takes out some pieces of paper to me. “Here are the user manual and questionnaires with address.”

He grabs me to the elevator. When I walk into the cabin, he bows to me. “Thank you, Mr. Chen. I finish my sales target just because of you. I can go back to headquarter now. Such a product is really too hard to sell, I should suggest company to think whether need to go on R&D it. There must be something better.”

I can’t help asking: “But what about the house?”

His sly smile comes again. “Mr. Chen. I told you that only the clients who have bought the product, they become our members. The membership profits are including house, gifts, travel free of charge etc. But pity, you only rent it, you are not able to enjoy the membership profits. ”

Maybe he is afraid of I will upset about it, sighs, takes a deep look at me. “Out of gratitude, I give you an advice free of charge.”


He pushes the glasses on the nose bridge, speaks quickly to me with professional. “As a senior people. I see your face is red and black and ophryon (The top of the nose bridge connecting the eye-brows) shiny. You have good lucks recently. What you need to do is be aware of the despicable men. You just keep doing good things. Everything will be fine finally. But you might be have a small sworn revenge these days. But it won’t be a big problem. Take it easy! I sent you some words finally: work hard for years, fortune money is nothing, once in the right way, just aware the flattery words.”

What? The sworn revenge? The fucking cheater is a fortune teller too? He is really really really weird.

But I have no chance to speak with him anymore. Door is closed. Lift take me back to the 1st floor.

I’m still a bit dazed when I have walked out of the building. What is that guy on earth? If he is a cheater, why he wanted from me for nothing but of gave me a ring?

Strange things happens all the time but this one is really the most special.

“Said I will have a sworn revenge? Bullshit!” I can’t help looking to the roof again.

Suddenly, I see a thing is falling down. It is becoming bigger and bigger, clearer and clearer.

“A flowerpot?!” It’s my last awareness.

“Bang!” With a crisp sound, bloods are shooting from my head.

FXXX! The sworn revenge!

“Hurt! So hurt!”

When I wake up, I’m lying on the bed of the hospital. A doctor is suturing the wonder for me. Although I have been taken some anesthetic, I was still sweating with pain.

It’s the hospital which I’ve been here last night. The doctor is also the same.

“I say, your young boys why always like fighting?” The doctor has a mask on his face, but I can still recognize him. His head is an obviously Mediterranean type.

He apparently recognizes me too: ‘You were so lucky to have broken your head last night and today twice.”

My head is a little dull. I open my mouth and reluctantly say: “Doctor, how did I get here?”

“You were lucky enough to be sent. Otherwise, you will lie on the side of the road and die.”

After dealing with the wound, he helps me sit up and laugh: “You’re lucky. It’s just a little traumatic, but if you get a hard blow to the head, you’ll feel dizzy. It’ll be all right in a day or two.”

When I look in the mirror, I can’t help screaming.

“My head!”

The head in the mirror, with the middle of the top completely shaved, leaving only the hair around it, forming a standard Mediterranean…

“Stop screaming!” The doctor is displeasing, “You hit twice on the head. I need to cut your hair off for sure while I am dealing with the wound.”

Then he stands up and adjusts his cloth a little bit. “You can take a break. Oh, by the way, someone outside wants to see you, the one who sent you to here.”

No sooner, a person enters the ward from outside. He is more than 40 years old, has a big head, small eyes, shrewd eyes, and wears a dark suit. As soon as he comes in, I feel the man’s eyes turn around, as if he is dodging something.

“Hello.” I nod and smile. “I heard you sent me to the hospital. Thank you very much indeed. You must have paid the treatment for me. I will return it to you right away. ”

When I just about to take out my wallet, this man is suddenly waving his hands to stop me. He smiles with embarrassment: “You are Mr. Chen Yang, right? Money is not urgent. I would like to ask you first… This is… Well… How did you get hurt?”

Hearing this, my heart is bursting into flames and angry: “A flowerpot fell down from that building, and it just hit me in the head! FXXX! I will not forgive this matter. I will go to the property company of that building tomorrow. ”

Suddenly I find that this guy’s face is even more unnatural. He squeezes for a while then sighs, with a little embarrassment on his face: “Mr. Chen… You see, can this matter be counted out? ”

“Count out?”

“Yes.” He takes out a business card and hands it to me. I glance at it and frown, looking up at him. “Are you working for the property company of that building?”

There’s an awkward smile on his face: “this is our mismanagement. We were decorating the 2nd floor this afternoon. Our staff broke the rules, and accidentally dropped a flowerpot from upstairs. This is really wrong. In this way, we will be fully responsible for your medical expenses. But it’s really not necessary to publicize it, please!”

I look at him with some doubts, and I wonder the reason why he is performing like that.

He is looking at me and probably has prodicted I wouldn’t agree, hesitates for a moment, he speaks again. “Well, Mr. Chen, we’re not only paying all your medical expenses, but we’re also going to bear the cost of losing time. Also, if you have any other conditions, you can also mention. Every demand not excessive, we can all negotiate it together.”

It’s my turn to be surprised.

Is there such a good thing? Looking at the situation, this guy is sticking his head out for me to kill.

Indeed, I should be responsible for my injury, but he doesn’t have to be so weak.

My face is silent and my mind is spinning swiftly.

“Ten thousand!” When the guy sees me keeping quiet, he stamps his foot and bites his teeth and gives a number, “Besides your medical expenses, we are willing to compensate you for 10,000 of the loss of work, what do you think?”

Not the bottom price yet!

Suddenly an idea comes into my mind, clearing my throat, and in a calm and unhurried tone, I say: “Talking about this, look at my head please… I’ve been shaved off the top of the head! Don’t you think I’m old before my time when I go out? How do you make me look like this? Come on, I’m going to look for girl friend too. Now, most people think I’m premature hair loss. No girl would be willing to be with a hair loss man!”

The guy takes out a towel and wipes the sweat. He inhales. “Twenty thousand! The extra ten thousand is for the image loss.”

“And in the future, my brain doesn’t know if there will be any sequelae of cerebral concussion. If there’s a headache or a concussion or something in the future, I still have to come to the hospital for further consultation. Well, as you know, the structure of human brain is very complicated… ”

“… Thirty thousand! Our addition of ten thousand will be an extension of your future medical expenses. Is that all right? ”

I sigh: “And my clothes… As you can see, my clothes are stained with blood. My clothes are the world famous brand, the texture and fabric are first-class. They can’t be washed clean when they are stained with blood…”

With hate, this guy glances at the “world famous brand” on my body. He grins: “But… I think your suit looks more like a work clothes…”

After speaking this, he just sees my face is sinking suddenly. He dares not hesitate any more, shouts: “OK! I add five more thousand for your clothes.”

I sigh again. His face is green. He is begging with wry smile.

“Don’t sigh anymore, Mr. Chen. If you sigh again, I will cry. Be smashed on the head, you get thirty-five thousand. I’m willing to suffer the same every day.”

It’s almost. I know there would be no oil to be squeezed out.

Suddenly, a thing comes to my mind, I show him a warm smile on face: “By the way, I think your property company is responsible for not only that building, right? The thing is, I recently want to rent a house…”

After half an hour, this guy walks out of my ward with a bad face. And I lay on the bed with a pleasant sigh of relief.

Finally, on the terms I offer, he has promised to help me find a flat near their company for rent, the price will not be more than two-thirds of the market average price. At the same time, he also promises to cancel my property management fees, parking fees, cleaning fees and so on.

Finally, I have signed a simple agreement with him on this matter.

In fact, I still do not understand why this guy sent himself to be exploited to me. In my impression, all the property companies are all arrogant.

Later I know that the property I went to was completed soon, and they are making every effort to attract business and investment. If there’s news that someone has been hurt at the gate and seeing the blood, the investment in this property will be very unfavorable.

Many businessmen are superstitious. If such a thing is exposed, I am afraid they would no longer consider rent office there.

Touching the still in the aching head, I suddenly remember the ring that the mad man gave me.

When I was smashed, I bleed, a small sum of money has been made inexplicably. I have solved my housing problem.

Is it a good luck or bad luck?

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