Evil Abyss Mage

Chapter 2: Arrival At The Academy

High in the clouds, a massive and armored blimp was gliding through the air at a speed faster than any horse. Occasionally, runes could be seen appearing out of thin air for a split second on the surface, before vanishing as if never there. On the sides of the blimp were state of the art M-Tech Heavy Ballista, which were being operated by stone-faced Knights. Their eyes were constantly patrolling the skies, on the look out for any enemies who dared to get too close.

From below, those that spotted the Family Crest on the side were filled with all sorts of emotions. Envy, worship, fear, hatred. But something they shared in common, whether they be a noblemen or a peasant, was respect.

Within the blimp, two people sat at a small table across from one another. Directly next to them was a large window, allowing them to peer down upon The Great Empire from their lofty seats in the sky. In front of them on the table was a board game similar to chess. However, the pieces on the board constantly moved in place as if alive. One side had the Human Camp while the other was the Monster Camp. It was a very popular board game called Battlefield.

"D-5 to E-4." Kaido said, a bored look on his face. At his words, a tiny but adorable Troll moved according to his order and smashed it's club towards the little knight.

The knight put his shield up, but it broke upon contact and directly killed him by being crushed. His blood and guts went all over the place as the light faded from his eyes. Victorious, the happy Troll picked up the dead corpse and lifted it up high. It roared out with a cute voice before eating the dead knight whole.

The old butler across from Kaido sighed. He looked at his own dwindling Human Camp and tried to think of a move that would get him out of the pickle he found himself in. But the situation wasn't looking good. As he agonized over what to do, he heard his fierce opponent speak up.

"Caris, you were in the Academy when you were younger, yes? Before you became the Head Butler?" The old man stared at the board as he answered, already expecting this question.

"Yes Young Master. Would you like to hear about it?" Kaido hummed as he gazed out the window.

Arrogance and disdain were in his eyes looking at the ones below. They were nothing to him. Nothing but toys to play with and use up. Then throw away like trash when broken. Not just them, but everything. Including the very World itself. And if they did not know their place and dared to challenge him, he would not care. Everything in his life had come easily to him, they would be no different. 

"Me personally, I wasn't anything special. Sure, to my backwater hometown I was a great genius never seen before. But in there, I was as common as wheat. Your father however, he was one of the best." Nostalgia was in his voice when remembering the last part of his sentence. 

"Despite my common origins, we became great friends. He didn't look down on me for my lack of wealth or subpar talent. A good man, through and through. When we were about to graduate, he even offered me a high paying job as his assistant and butler. But-" He sighed, shaking his head.

"I had signed a Contract. There was no refusing that. Even the Patriarch, and the previous one, couldn't do anything about it." That word piqued Kaido's interest.

"Contract? I've read about them. A way for two parties to make a magical deal by using their souls, lives, and many other things as collateral. Tell me about yours."

"Of course. You see, there are different ways for commoners and nobles to enter the Academy. First is the easiest. Have a lot of money and pay for the tuition. Second, which was what happened with you Young Master, have sufficient enough talent that the Academy offers you a scholarship and pays for your time there."

"And the third is what you did?" Caris sighed once more, nodding his head.

"Yes. The only other way, which is what most commoners do, is to sign a Contract with their government. When signed, they promise to pay for a full ride at the Academy along with enough allowance to put food in your belly. In exchange, the other party must serve in the military for however many years they want. Usually though, it's around a hundred and up." Caris thought for a second before continuing.

"In fact, it's the reason why the Patriarch did not send you to the Academy in the Empire. No matter what family you come from, if you want to enter, you must sign a Contract that says you will serve in the military for four hundred years." Hearing that, Kaido shook his head. His pride would never allow him to to do such a thing like selling himself.

"Why would anyone do such a thing?" 

"Some people are desperate to make something of their life, and the Academy in the Empire promises that. Besides, the conditions aren't too bad except for a few shady governments. It's not as if they are slaves forced to serve their Masters. The Empire in particular allows them to become nobles if their rank in the military is high enough. This in turn usually makes them very loyal to The Empire, which is a win-win for all." Kaido hummed before moving on.

"Do you regret signing it?" A slight smile was on his face, one that contained fondness.

"Not at all. I would do it again and suffer whatever came my way for the opportunity to meet your father. It was only because of him I had a smooth time there. Commoners… aren't treated too well despite the Academy Rules. Anyway, after my time was up, I immediately made my way through dangerous lands and treacherous waters until finally reaching Radiva."

He waved his hand at the window, motioning towards the Capital City of The Great Empire below them. Afterwards, he continued on after moving a piece.

"G-1 to G-4." A lightly armored Spearman rushed forward towards a group of vicious looking goblins. They tried to attack him with their rusty daggers, but he was faster. With a single masterful and horizontal stroke, he sliced the 4 little green bastards in half. They wailed as their bodies disappeared into little lights.

Suddenly, the lights converged towards the Spearman who was caught off guard. They shoved themselves into his mouth before he could react. His body expanded comically, similar to a balloon, before exploding into a blood mist with his organs falling to the ground. It painted a very gory and nauseating scene.

All that remained were the now bloody lights, floating in mid-air and snickering. If one looked closer, they would see naked fairies inside the lights, their forms demonized. They had black wings and an imp tail, their mouths full of razor sharp teeth as they cackled wildly. A few even licked the blood off their bodies, a face of ecstasy to them.

"A trap?" Caris sighed depressingly before continuing with his tale. 

"My friendship with your father was the greatest and most important part of my life. As soon as I arrived at the estate, I bent the knee and swore fealty on the spot. Such a man like him deserved it. Is there anything you'd like to know?" Kaido took his eyes off the window and glanced at the board before looking up at Caris. He could end the game now, but had one last question.

"Why didn't we just take the Warp Station and arrive there immediately?" Warp Stations were one of the most technologically advanced creations in the last few millennium.

Their use was fairly simple, go from Point A to Point B in a few seconds, which should usually take a far longer amount of time. Instead of a trip taking several months, it could be cut down to only a few seconds.

Through the use of the rare Space Stones, or utilizing Space Mages to power it, a person can travel hundreds and thousands of miles in an instant. However, the Warp Stations must be connected to each other in order to function. Another downside was the cost. Only those rich enough like noblemen, merchants, or Alchemists could use them. Though, there are rare times when they are open to all for free. Usually during festivals and whatnot.

"Hm, a good question. Unfortunately, all Warp Stations in The Empire are currently locked down for military use only. Transporting Armies, supplies, and other such things. The reason for this, is because we are currently at war with the C'Akin Clan. That is also where Eldest Young Master currently is, who is serving under the Second Prince."

At the mention of his older brother, Perci, Kaido fell into thought. He was the next heir to the House of Vairathul and a Lieutenant in the Second Imperial Army. A steadfast supporter of justice and hope, things that he despised. However, he was not envious of his brother's position. What kind of masochist would want to do all that paperwork?

Suddenly, back at home, Jaxith sneezed and looked around curiously.

"Which bastard is talking about me..." He grumbled lowly like a wild beast, his eyes bloodshot. Looking down, he saw the object of his current nightmare. Paper, nothing but paper for miles. It was as if his entire world was full, of paper. 

"Why am I here? Just to suffer? No wonder father was so ready to pass on the crown. I should have been more suspicious! Wait-!" A realization came to him as he smiled with joy.

"Perci! Hurry up and grow my boy, so you can take the reins of this hellish- I mean, incredible position!" Filled with happiness, he got to work once more, his speed doubled. Perhaps this was how his father, grandfather, and other such Patriarchs felt?

Back to Kaido, controlling a family as strong as the Vairathuls would be amazing for him, but he knew their alignment was to the forces of light. Besides a few unimportant ones who were able to be corrupted, they would never follow him if he revealed his intentions.

As for why Perci was serving under the Second Prince, that was obvious to him. The Prince was notorious for being a good person. Recently, he was under fire for publicly speaking out about the Slavery Laws. Such a thing garnered support not only from Perci, but was starting to gather traction within the Vairathul Family. They had always been against Slavery, but the common people had been indoctrinated. Thus, they only set out to provide slaves with their appropriate rights.

For obvious reasons, Kaido was not a fan of the Second Prince. He loved the Slavery Laws because it allowed him to blow off some steam in any way he wanted. As for their rights? Nothing more than worthless nonsense.

"C'Akin Clan huh? Do you think they can resist us long?" Caris shook his head immediately, finding the notion ridiculous.

"Of course not Young Master. They have proven slightly troublesome in their harsh lands because it is their home turf, but they will fall in due time. No one besides The Demon Kingdom is a match, for The Great Empire! And even they are only barely a match for us." Pride was in his voice as he said so.

"They have been lucky so far because most of our forces are watching the border and preparing for the next war. Otherwise, they would have fallen swiftly! We have a total of six Imperial Armies and they can't even contend with one, losing more and more ground everyday." He shook his head and scoffed.

It wasn't difficult to understand his allegiance to The Great Empire because of their overwhelming power. None in the world could stand against their full might besides the strongest like the Dragon Race and a few others.

"I see. H-4 to E-2. Checkmate." Caris was dumbfounded and watched slackjawed as Kaido's Manticore rushed across the board. It slaughtered his defending Paladin by using it's tail to puncture their head. Then, using it's claws, it cut his King directly in two halves.

He sighed as he watched the dying King try to crawl away with his intestines trailing behind him, only to be eaten by the Manticore. The monsters on Kaido's side cheered at their victory before reseting themselves on their starting positions. His own human camp did the same, even the fallen pieces coming back to life.

"Splendid work as usual Young Master. And it is my lost, again." His mood seemed down in the dumps as Kaido stood up and walked away. His talk with Caris had given him much to think about.

'Commoners treated poorly by nobles, C'Akin Clan, and the Demon Kingdom. Oh yes, wasn't there a genius barbarian princess in the Clan? Only a few years older than myself if I recall. Same age as my sister.'

He remembered two years ago when that same princess declared that any person her age or younger that could defeat her in combat, would earn the right to marry her. A dangerous smile appeared on Kaido's lips.

'If I gain her, wouldn't that clan fall into my hands? One that respects strength above all else would be easy to control. At the same time, that would boost my reputation in The Empire massively. Hm, I'll need to hurry then before they are crushed by the Second Imperial Army.'


At the Grand Varix Academy, located in the neutral Nirvava Kingdom and right outside their Capital City, there was a large and wide open courtyard with thousands of people standing around. Most were teenagers, all aged at 16 years old. Some were with their parents, others alone, while a few had guards surrounding them, signifying their high status.

Outside the stunning pure white gates, dozens of self-driving carriages could be found. As they were not allowed inside the Academy, nobles and commoners had to leave them outside once they arrived. 

All of the teenagers were excited, joyous smiles on their faces at the opportunity to study at one of the greatest Academies on the planet. However, although equally excited, many nobles had blank faces, looking regal as they had a superior air surrounding them. They could not act the same as them as it would lower their status to act in such a barbarian manner.

Suddenly, a commotion could be heard amongst the crowd which spread like wildfire. Numerous fingers pointed up at the sky as a massive blimp landed outside the Academy in a special area designed for flying craft. Although it wasn't the only one there, the reason for such a commotion was because of the sheer size and Family Crest on the side.

A single circle that had an equal amount of flames and ice, with a tree in the middle. The Vairathul Family. One of the strongest families in the world, with branches spread throughout nearly every Continent, and just below the Imperial Royal Family. Though, some rumors claim that the Vairathuls are above them in power. The evidence for such rumors was because of a previous Emperor who tried to harm them.

However, a Demi-God of the Imperial Family came out of nowhere and directly killed him in one fell swoop. Ever since then, the Emperors of The Great Empire never tried to mess with them again.

As for the Circle of Life, it came into being when the first ancestor, Moroth Vairathul, visited the High Elven King of that time and obtained his blessing to use The World Tree in his Family Crest after slaying a rampaging Poison Elder Dragon. To this day however, no one knows why he suddenly disappeared after reaching Demi-God at the fastest known speed. Luckily, he had left descendants to continue his legacy. Though, even after tens of thousands of years later, none have overtaken his spot as the most talented person to ever exist.

The spectators were infinitely curious as to who was arriving, but weren't able to see from their position. Within a few minutes, multiple powerful auras flooded the square as stern Knights and Mages surrounded a devilishly handsome and tall young man. There was a slight enchanting but dangerous smile on his face, charming the young ladies and making their heart beat irregularly.

In a corner of the square, one average looking teenager with no defining features looked at Kaido with envy.

"I can't believe such a handsome bastard exists. Why couldn't I look like that? Am I not a transmigrater? Blessed by the heavens to be a main character?"

"Though, why does he look so... bad. Evil almost. Aren't stereotypical villains suppose to be handsome like him? Well, this is the real world and not a story."

His mumbling was interrupted by an older woman who excitedly tapped him on the shoulder multiple times, causing him to stumble a bit.

"You see him Dyson?! That's Lord Kaido! Apparently, rumors say he is a kind and gentle soul! And by the Gods is he handsome!" His mother had stars in her eyes as she looked at the dashing nobleman, fantasies running through her head about being swept off her feet.

"He ain't that good looking, tell you that much." A gruff voice sounded out behind the two of them. His rugged and tanned father made himself known.

Dyson's parents argued lightly, soon divulging to other unrelated topics. He had a smile on his face as he shook his head at their antics. Just as he wanted to join in, something appeared in his vision shocking him.

[ Sensing the Host has encountered a Protagonist and the Ultimate Antagonist.

System starting:






100% ]

Dyson's eyes were wide open, but the blue screen wasn't finished just yet.

[ Installation complete. Congratulations for awakening The Quest System! Would you like to begin the Tutorial? ]

Seeing the floating 'Yes' and 'No', Dyson rubbed his eyes. When that didn't work, he looked towards his parents.

"Can you see this?" They stopped their nonsense and looked where he was pointing. Which just so happened to be in Kaido's direction.

"You see?! Even Dyson is infatuated with his Lordship! You just have bad eyes!" He was stunned when his father turned to him enraged and smacked him upside the head.

"Damned bastard! Dare to take her side?! I thought us brothers in arms!" While they got back to bickering, Dyson was convinced nobody could see this.

Suddenly, his breath became heavy as excitement glowed throughout his very being. His eyes lit up in joy as he pressed the 'Yes' button.

'My golden finger has finally arrived!'

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