Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 61 — Slipping inside



The morning was amazing, truly wonderful. And it wasn't due to the singing cicadas or the trees moving with the wind, nor was it because of the shimmering stars in the dark sky, barely being seen through the hole in the ceiling. Oh, no. None of this mattered. No amount of bird songs could make such a morning. The reason why Aster thought it was perfect was quite different.

He was finally free from the discomfort of his erection. He couldn't help but smile. Brightly so. The pain was gone, and so was the gigantic size that had tormented him for weeks. Now, he could feel his small, soft penis pressed against his mom's warm skin, just as it had been before. It felt wonderful, liberating.

This entire night, he slept right on top of his mother, with his head on her big, soft breasts. Like in the good old days before she got wounded. Her gentle breathing filled his ears, her calm heartbeat thumping against his cheek, her chest rising and falling slowly. The warmth of her body, the softness of her breasts... It was perfect. Perfect.

With a soft "Mmm," Aster buried his face deeper into her warm, soft chest. His tiny hands instinctively cupped her large breasts, feeling their familiar weight and silky texture. His fingers started circling around her soft nipples, slowly but surely causing them to harden. His mother responded with a soft sigh.

Aster continued to slowly stimulate his mother's nipples until they were fully erect, and her breathing became shallow and uneven. "Aster, sweetie..." she whispered, her eyes still closed.

— "Good morning, Mom," Aster mumbled, pulling her erect nipples up with his thumbs and forefingers.

"Hngh," Nivalis whimpered, still half-asleep, her fingers digging into her son's naked butt. "Good... Morning, honey," she sighed, her voice hoarse.

— "It worked, Mom," Aster mumbled as he rolled the pink, hard nipples between his fingertips.

"Huh? Wh-what? W-what worked, honey?" Nivalis groaned, slowly opening her blue eyes. Her blurry vision gradually focused on her son's smiling, happy face.

— "What you did with my... thing... you know..." Aster said, looking at her from between her breasts. "Your idea of making my body think it's making a baby worked. It's back to normal and doesn't hurt anymore," he added, leaning forward and gently kissing her lips. "Thank you," he whispered against her lips.

"Ugh," Nivalis groaned as memories of the previous night came rushing back. She quickly averted her gaze, her cheeks turning bright red. "You're... welcome, honey," she muttered, not daring to look him in the eyes. "Oh, gods," she whispered, covering her face with her palms.

— "Mom?" Aster asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

It took her a moment to respond. "I'm so sorry, baby. It shouldn't have happened," Nivalis muttered, shaking her head.

— "Sorry? For what?" Aster chuckled, removing her hands away and cupping her flushed cheeks with his small palms. He turned her face to make her look at him, though she did so reluctantly. "It felt amazing! Incredible! I didn't know that... I didn't know that something like this was possible!" he beamed, his golden eyes shining, full of joy and happiness. "We should do it more often!"

"No, no. Honey... We shouldn't have done that," Nivalis whispered, her sad, blue eyes looking down, avoiding his. "It's not what a mother and a son are supposed to do. I shouldn't have... I shouldn't have touched you like that," she explained.

— "Oh... Are you sure? I didn't mind it at all," Aster admitted, moving his thumbs on her cheeks. "Is it so wrong?"

"It is..." Nivalis sighed, shaking her head. "You have no idea how wrong," she whispered, glancing at his confused face. "Only husbands and wives should be doing these things together... not a mother and a son. Never a mother and a son. Never," she explained, tears welling in her eyes.

Aster silently looked at her guilty expression, unsure what to say. 'Ah... I guess it was a bit too intimate,' he realized, remembering how she stroked his throbbing member and how incredibly good it made him feel. Her blushing face, the awkward expression. 'Make sense that it only happens between couples...'

Nivalis continued, sniffling between words, her eyes brimming with tears. "Please forgive me. I just couldn't stand the thought of you hurting. I couldn't bear to see you like this. You looked so sad, and... and... I don't know... I didn't want you to be in pain, sweetie. Please forgive me. I'm a terrible, horrible mother."

— "But... it worked!" Aster smiled, trying to reassure his mother. "So what it was a bit... um, inappropriate, I guess... It's not that big of a deal! Besides, isn't sleeping naked together also kinda wrong, and only married couples do it?" he added, giving her his most adorable smile.

"Sweetie, you don't get it..." Nivalis whispered, shaking her head. "We've slept like this since you were a baby, but this... What I did was wrong. Extremely wrong. So very wrong," she said, tears streaming down her face.

— "Hey... Mom..." Aster mumbled; seeing his mother crying made him feel awful. He never meant to make her cry. Trying to think of a way to make her feel better, he quickly came up with an idea. It's a silly one, but it might work. "How about this? Is this also wrong?" he asked, leaning forward and gently capturing her pink nipple with his mouth. It's been a while.

He knew his mother enjoyed it just as much as he did, and hopefully, it would cheer her up a little, proving that it wasn't as wrong as she thought. The familiar taste of her aroused, hard nub made his eyelids flutter, and a quiet moan escaped his lips. Every little detail of her nipple, from its sweet flavor, texture, shape, and size, was something he could never forget. Better than any candy or fruit he had ever tasted.

"Hngh!" Nivalis moaned, feeling her son's tongue swirling around her swollen nub, his teeth gently pulled and tugged on it. "Aster!" she gasped, grabbing his head with both hands, trying to pull him away.

But he refused to let go; instead, his hungry mouth pulled her nipple along, refusing to give up the treasure it held. "Aster, please... Don't..." she whimpered, her fingers entangling in his silver hair. "It is... It is different as well... Please stop, sweetie," she pleaded, her eyes shut tight, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I-I... I just liked how closer it made us when you and Silvia did this... before... and..." her voice trailed off, unable to find the right words.

Aster reluctantly pulled away, releasing her breast with a wet, sucking sound, letting it fall back down with a bounce. "Sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to upset you," he apologized, wiping his mouth. His golden eyes stared at his mother's tear-stained face. "I get it... I also really liked how close it made all three of us. I miss those times when you had milk," he confessed, giving her a warm, tender smile.

"Mhm," Nivalis sobbed, not saying anything.

Aster took a minute to find the right words, then continued, "My point was, it's just three of us here, Mom. Who cares about other people? We might never meet any," Aster smiled warmly, his finger gently circling around her areola. "As long as we are happy, that's all that matters. Don't you agree?"

Nivalis didn't respond, staring into his beautiful, golden eyes as tears ran down her cheeks. "Oh," she mumbled, looking up at the ceiling, unable to say anything else.

'Alright... it looks like a much more serious problem than I thought. Trying to normalize what happened was a wrong move,' Aster realized, staring at his mother's crying face, trying to come up with something else to make her feel better. But only one thing came to his mind. No matter how good it felt for him, her well-being was always his priority. And always will be.

— "Come on, don't cry, Mom," he whispered, cupping her cheeks and wiping her tears away with his little thumbs. "How... how about we pretend it never happened? Just like how we agreed not to remember when you washed me down there, and things happened," he asked, looking into her blue eyes and smiling awkwardly. "All you did was help me with my pain, and that's all. How does that sound?"

Nivalis sniffled, looking into her son's kind, loving eyes. She nodded weakly, whispering, "I'd love that, honey... Let's try..."

— "Try what? I don't remember what you're talking about, Mom," Aster chuckled, leaning forward and kissing her wet nose. "See? It's easy. We just forget about it. Nothing has ever happened," he whispered, smiling reassuringly. "We just had a weird dream we will soon forget, that's all."

"Yeah... Nothing has ever happened," Nivalis nodded, wiping her tears. "Just a weird dream," she muttered, smiling a bit.

— "Right. And if you suddenly feel bad about that really, really strange dream, remember that you're the most wonderful, loving, beautiful, caring mom in the whole wide world, and I love you more than anyone," he whispered against her lips, before giving her a gentle kiss. "Don't tell that to Silvia, though."

Nivalis giggled softly against her son's soft lips, nodding her head. "Got it. I love you too, my pumpkin," she whispered, caressing his shoulders. "And sorry again... for everything," she hugged him tightly, closing her eyes.

— "Don't worry, Mom," Aster whispered, nuzzling his face into her neck. "Nothing to be sorry about. Nothing happened," he muttered, inhaling her sweet, natural scent.

Nivalis didn't respond. She gently ran her fingers through his silver hair, down to his pale butt, listening to his calm breathing. They lay there together for a while, quietly snuggling, enjoying the warmth of their embrace. A good, warm cuddle was what she needed the most right now, and that's exactly what Aster gave her.



Ten minutes later, Aster suddenly mumbled against her neck, breaking the silence, "Oh, right... I forgot to do my spell on Silvia yesterday," his eyes fluttered open. He looked at his sister, who was sleeping beside them, covered with a blanket. "Can I do it now?" he asked, softly touching Silvia's pale face. She was still so cold.

"Sure, go ahead, honey," Nivalis answered, her fingers tracing the lines of her son's skinny back. "Just be careful, and don't use up all your mana. You've got the whole day ahead."

Aster nodded, placing his hand on his sister's flat chest, feeling it rise and fall with each breath she took. 'Alright, let's try this again,' he thought, closing his eyes. 'Let's try a bit more this time... Should be around the half.'

Aster felt how the warmth slowly filled his chest, raising his body temperature; beads of sweat formed on his forehead. The process of raw mana being ignited inside his heart. His mother's soft hand gently patted his bare buttocks, helping him stay calm and focused.

When Aster first started trying to help his sister, he began with the smallest amount possible, just a tiny droplet of mana, similar to the one he used on himself when he first discovered this body-enhancing spell. He wanted to be completely safe when dealing with something as risky as forcing his warmth into his sister's unconscious body, so he had to start slow.

But unfortunately, it wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. Silvia's icy mana froze his own the moment it touched her skin. Drop by drop, Aster slowly increased the amount he was using, emptying his reserves every day before going to bed on these numerous attempts to warm her.

When he started using bigger amounts, he discovered something interesting. For some reason, the fire and ice start to fight against each other, almost as if they were two living beings struggling for survival. It made him realize this had also happened in his previous attempts. Silvia's mana simply won over his in mere moments, making it hard even to notice the fight had happened.

Then, he began trying to break through her icy defenses, slowly increasing the mana even more. But getting inside his sister is not an easy task, to say the least. The more mana Aster used, the harder it became to control the whole process.

The concentration needed to make sure he wouldn't accidentally burn her as he tried to get inside her was intense. Her body doesn't want to be penetrated by her brother, apparently.

And now, he was using half his daily mana reserve for yet another attempt, the most he had ever done.

The process lasted over ten minutes, slowly igniting half of his mana reserves. The pain in his chest was almost unbearable, but he gritted his teeth and held on. When his lungs began to burn, and he couldn't breathe anymore, he decided it was enough and finally opened his eyes. His golden irises glowed brightly, his entire body trembling from such an extreme effort.

"Calm down, relax, you're okay. You can do it, honey," Nivalis whispered, massaging his back.

With his mana ignited and ready, he took a deep, shaky breath and guided it towards his palm. Aster imagined pushing it through her pale skin, into her fragile body, visualizing how it should not hurt her but warm her instead... Just lick her insides gently, carefully.

Following his command, the warm mana began to breach the thick, cold barrier. Silvia's mana resisted immediately, sending freezing waves against the intruder, attempting to freeze it before it could do any harm. Aster's mana fought back, burning hotter against hers, desperately trying to push the cold away and gain ground.

The next ten minutes were a grueling, exhausting battle.

Silvia's ice mana pushed back against the flames, forcing the invader to retreat and regroup. Then, the heat would charge again, pushing the ice back and gaining ground. Back and forth, the fire and the ice clashed against each other, fighting for dominance.

— "Ugh," Aster groaned, realizing he was losing their mana battle, making so much effort and not even getting through the skin. 'Come on... just a bit more,' he thought, forcing his warmth to fight and push through her barrier. The ice was strong, very strong, and its resistance was fierce. Trying to improve his situation, Aster started twirling his mana, focusing it all on a single point as if trying to drill through.

The last time he tried it, it was too hard for him to do something as complex. To twirl his mana, keeping everything safe and under control while shielding from constant attack from Silvia's icy mana? Unbelievable. Impossible. Not to mention, he tried it only with a small amount of mana, so the control was supposed to be much simpler. And yet he failed back then.

But today was somehow different. Something had changed, and Aster couldn't put his finger on it. It was as if a heavy weight had been lifted off his shoulders, making it much easier to control his mana. Whatever it was, he could tell the difference and was grateful for it.

Slowly, the fire burned through the wall of ice, and his mana entered his sister's body. It didn't go unnoticed; soon enough, her icy mana also focused on a single point, trying to push the foreign, warm force out. The fire and ice pushed each other in and out, struggling for control. Aster pounded his sister's tight hole with everything he had, trying to slip deep enough into her. And he succeeded.

This brief moment of being inside his sister was more than enough to get the job done, to release his warmth deep inside her. Using the opportunity, he imagined how just ten droplets of his mana slipped through, quickly spreading around her chest to try to warm her.

However, the moment those ten droplets left his palm, the main battle was lost, and the tiny entrance he made in her mana was sealed completely. He wasn't even sure if he managed to slip through... But considering how fast it all closed, most likely not. It all happened just too fast.

Aster sighed, opening his golden eyes and looking at his sister's face. She looked the same. Pale, cold, and unconscious. "Ugh... It didn't work. Again," he mumbled, removing his hand from her chest. He hugged his mother, burying his face into her soft breasts.

"It's okay, sweetie," Nivalis smiled, caressing his back. "Give it time. You'll figure it out," she assured him.

"Yeah," Aster replied, taking a deep breath and inhaling his mother's scent. He glanced at his sister again, sighing. "Well, at least I made some progress. I think I'm close. It's just too hard to control everything at once," he muttered. "I need more practice, that's for sure..."

Nivalis silently nodded, hugging his sweaty body and running her fingers through his hair.

"Alright, no time to waste! Let's get ready for the day," Aster suddenly exclaimed, straddling his mother's waist before standing up. "Today will be great! I'll bring us so much food that our bellies will hurt from eating too much!" he beamed, looking around for his tunic.

"Sounds like a plan," Nivalis smiled softly, watching her son search around. "It's near the fire. I washed your clothes after you fell asleep," she added, watching her boy run towards the kitchen corner, his bare feet shuffling against the rocky ground. His cute little bottom bounced with each step, catching her eye.

Picking up his tunic, Aster noticed a few holes in the fabric. "By the way, we need to start thinking about how to make new clothes," he mumbled, grabbing the hem and pulling it on. "All we have left is one set of clothes for each of us. And with our sack gone, we don't even have any spare fabric to fix what we have," he added, looking around for his pants.

"Yeah, I agree. I guess we can make the crochet hook from wood. I know how to knit with it," Nivalis mumbled, taking her tunic from beside the bed. Her stiffened nipples brushed against the fabric as she put it on, making her sigh softly. "But we still need materials," she added, taking her pants next.

— "Hmm... Yeah, this is a problem," Aster frowned, putting on his boots.

"Mhm. Well, we could use our blankets from the bed. But I'm not sure if that's a good idea," Nivalis said as she put on her boots and walked over to her son. With his hand still healing, he struggled to tie his shoes. "Here, let me help you, sweetie," Nivalis offered, crouching down and doing it for him.

— "Thanks, Mom. But yeah, unweaving the blankets is a bad idea... Oh, I know! What about the rope I found in the goblin's cave? Remember?" he asked, watching her fingers working. "I wonder how they made it."

"Oh, yeah... I completely forgot about the rope. It's probably made from some dried plant," Nivalis replied, finishing the knot and looking up at him. "It's over there, behind the woodpile. Can you grab it?"

— "Yeah, sure," Aster nodded, walking over to where the rope was and picking it up. Despite being quite thin, the rope was surprisingly strong and durable. He carried it back to his mother, handing it to her.

"Hmm," Nivalis hummed, holding the rope and examining it carefully. "Yeah... It's definitely some plant, but I have no idea what kind..." she muttered, rubbing the rope's surface. "Take it with you today. Maybe you'll find something similar in the forest," she said, standing up and handing the rope back to him.

"Alright. I'll keep my eyes open," Aster nodded, taking the rope and walking over to the backpack to put it inside. "Ready?" he whispered, grabbing the spear and glancing back at his mom. Going outside to relieve themselves is something they do first thing in the morning, and today was no exception. She nodded and followed him through the dark, narrow tunnel that led outside.


Stepping outside, the mother and son found themselves in a forest shrouded in mist. The sun had yet to rise, but the faintest hints of purple marked the beginning of a new day. Stars still sparkled overhead, and the air was cool, causing them both to shiver. They could see their breath, white puffs of steam rising into the sky. They moved towards a nearby tree, about twenty steps from the entrance.

Aster spoke, barely above a whisper, "You go first, Mom."

Nivalis nodded, her voice equally soft, "Alright, I'll be quick." The grass was tall enough to hide her as she squatted down.

Aster stood nearby, leaning against the same tree, eyes scanning the misty forest. The sound of his mother's soft splashes of urine filled his ears, making the boy look down at her. Her long, silver hair cascaded down her back and shoulders, reaching down to her naked hips.

Just like Silvia, she made a funny facial expression while peeing. The way she furrows her brows, the cute scrunching up of her little nose, and the tight pressing of her lips... Only his mom and Silvia were capable of such hilarious expressions. Aster had to suppress a giggle. 'It never gets old,' he thought, smiling fondly.

His gaze shifted lower, and he saw her beautiful, pink, completely hairless pussy. The way she had to use her fingers to spread her puffy lips apart... Just so the hot, steamy liquid could flow out. The memory of her tight hole twitching appeared in his mind... how her finger disappeared inside, only to appear again covered in some transparent liquid. The memory alone made his heart skip a beat. He wanted to peek at it again but couldn't see it from this angle.

Like a bolt of lightning, his penis twitched — the awakening of the sleeping 2-inch giant. The only thing missed was the sound of thunder. 'Oh no. Not again,' Aster panicked, tearing his eyes away from his mother's peeing pussy. He took a deep, calming breath and looked around the foggy forest, focusing on the cold breeze against his skin. Not on the splashing sounds or the smell of her urine. Just on the wind.

It didn't work.

Aster's heart was pounding so loud, making his erection grow faster and faster. 'So this is what mom meant yesterday about getting excited... Ugh...' Aster thought, frustrated, adjusting his pants. 'Alright, she said it should go down on its own. I just need to wait,' he sighed, staring blankly at the distant trees. 'Come on, I am not excited anymore...'

"All done," Nivalis whispered, breaking concentration. When the boy turned to face her, she wiped her wet pussy with a leaf and pulled up her pants. "Your turn," she said, taking his spear, her long, silver hair swaying gently in the wind.

— "Oh, um, sure," Aster stuttered, nervously moving towards the same spot his mother used. He slowly pulled down his pants, his penis throbbing and twitching uncontrollably. A minute turned into two as he stood there, struggling to relieve himself, his bladder simply refusing to cooperate.

"Everything okay, honey?" Nivalis whispered, glancing at him. "What's taking so long?"

— "N-no, nothing. I can't... start. You know how it is," Aster mumbled, trying to force his urine out, feeling the uncomfortable pressure in his pelvis. "Just... give me a few minutes. I'll be quick."

"Okay, sweetie..." Nivalis murmured, turning her head away to give her son some privacy. She grew worried as it took him quite a while to start, but she soon relaxed when she heard the familiar splashing sound of pee hitting the ground.

— "Uh..." Aster sighed in relief, finally able to pee. He used one hand to lean against the tree and the other to hold his member. It was like a dam had broken; a long stream of clear, steaming hot liquid flowed out of him, seemingly endlessly. "Ugh, this feels good," he whispered, the muscles in his lower abdomen finally relaxing. Since he woke up his magic, peeing had become a real challenge.

Nivalis chuckled, hearing his relieved sighs. Half a minute later, she noticed his pee had stopped and approached the boy from behind, asking, "Are you done?"

"Yep," Aster nodded, quickly pulling up his pants before she saw his erection. "Let's go. I'm hungry," he smiled, taking the spear from her hands, and energetically started walking back to the cave.

"Me too. Let's make something nice for breakfast," Nivalis whispered, following him.



[Nivalis Silverfrost]

As breakfast ended and her son went into the forest to gather food, Nivalis found herself alone in the dark cave, alone with her thoughts. She sat next to her unconscious daughter, stroking her long, silver hair.

'Ugh... I can't believe I did that to him... Why did I think it was a good idea?' Nivalis sighed, remembering the previous night. How she used her hand to bring her son pleasure, making him moan and tremble. How she gently massaged his soft, delicate testicles to calm him. And how she squeezed his hard, little penis as he climaxed, all while he sucked on her nipple. 'I'm such a terrible, horrible mother,' she thought, feeling tears fill her eyes.

'He's going to hate me when he gets older... When he realizes what I've done. Oh, gods, what have I done?' she cried, covering her face with her hands. 'But... What other choice did I have? I couldn't let him suffer in pain, could I? Leaving him always aroused? Put his health at risk? Is that what a good mother is supposed to do?' she asked herself, staring at the fire in the far corner.

"Hng," Nivalis whimpered, remembering the sensation of his pulsating member in her hand, his hardness throbbing between her soft fingers, the way he shivered and moaned when he orgasmed...

It took her a while to compose herself, taking deep breaths and frequently wiping away the tears. 'I need to forget about it, just as we agreed. Act like nothing ever happened. And when Aster needs my help again, I'll make sure he learns to do it himself...' Nivalis decided, nervously nibbling on her fingernail.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan," Nivalis whispered, nodding. "I just have to find a way for him to—" she abruptly stopped as she looked down at her daughter, noticing her golden eyes were open. Nivalis didn't move, too surprised to react. Only when the little girl blinked did she realize what was going on. "S-Silvia?" Nivalis gasped, quickly leaning closer and cupping her slightly rosy cheeks. Her hands trembled as she held her daughter's face.

— "Silvia? It's me, Mom," Nivalis sniffled, smiling broadly. Tears of joy replaced the old ones. "Sweetheart, are you alright? Can you say something?" she asked, touching her forehead.

Her trembling, cracked lips moved slowly, struggling to form a single word. But only a quiet, hoarse moan came from her throat, as she was too weak even for something so simple. The little girl closed her eyes, a tear rolling down her cheek.

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