Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 43 — Little vacation


Hey there, folks! Something amazing happened - we hit 100k views! 🥳 I couldn't have done it without your continued support and readership. Thank you so much for being a part of this journey with me and for all the love you've shown my work.

And by the way, this is a continuation of the previous chapter. When I wrote it it turned out to be too big, so I had to split it.😅


Outside the hot spring cave, the sun slowly moved west, its golden light filtering through the trees and bathing the forest floor with a warm glow. Insects were buzzing, birds chirping, and squirrels jumping from branch to branch, searching for nuts and berries. A gentle breeze blew through the trees, swaying the branches, and a few fluffy clouds floated lazily through the sky above.

A family of three was enjoying their little vacation inside a hot spring cave. A boy, his beautiful mother, and his lovely sister huddled together, soaking their bodies in the hot water. The two children had their heads resting against the soft bosom of their mother. Nivalis was running her fingers through their silky white hair, giving her babies some rest so they could recharge for later.

Aster rubbed his sleepy eyes and yawned as he woke up. A smile appeared on his lips as he felt his mother's soft breast pressing against his cheek. 'Best nap ever,' he thought, gently squeezing her big, warm bosom. He sighed contentedly and buried his face deeper into her soft cleavage. His nose poked her nipple, and he breathed deeply, inhaling her intoxicating scent. He felt the steady rhythm of her heartbeat and slow, even breaths.

He couldn't remember when he fell asleep or how long he was out, but he wasn't alone in drifting away. Silvia, sleeping to his right, was snoring softly and drooling a bit, pressing her body against her little brother, cuddling him like a teddy bear. Aster glanced at her, noticing her lips occasionally moving as if she was having a dream, mumbling incoherent words.

"Oh, are you finally awake, honey?" Nivalis spoke quietly in a sweet voice, making him look up. Her long silver hair cascaded down her shoulders, glistening in the sunlight streaming through the small opening above. Her skin was smooth and flawless, and her cheeks were rosy from the heat. Her eyes were shining bright, reflecting the sunlight.

— "Mhm," he nodded, smiling back. "How long have I been asleep?" he asked, glancing up at the opening in the ceiling.

"Not very long," she answered, combing her fingers through his hair, "less than an hour," she added, playing with his locks. "Did you sleep well?"

— "Yeah, I did," he mumbled, nuzzling his cheek against her breast.

"Good," she said, her soft hand rubbing his back, massaging his small body.

Aster sighed, his eyes closing once again. "This is perfect," he whispered, smiling contently. "I could stay like this forever," he added, his voice barely audible.

Nivalis giggled, her fingers tracing his spine. "I bet," she replied, smiling fondly at him. "It's nice, isn't it?"

— "Yeah," he nodded. He leaned forward, kissing her breast and licking her nipple. He took the stiff nub between his teeth and sucked gently, making her squirm a little.

"Hey," Nivalis complained jokingly, tickling his sides, causing him to laugh and pull back. "Bad boy," she said, her voice teasing. "You're supposed to ask first before drinking."

— "Sorry, Mom," he apologized, looking up at her face. "Can I drink your milk, please?" he asked politely, his cheeks reddening slightly.

"Hmmm," she hummed thoughtfully, placing a finger under her chin, pretending to be considering it.

— "Please," he pleaded, giving her his best puppy eyes, which always worked on her.

"Well..." Nivalis paused dramatically, tapping her fingers against her lips and looking into his golden eyes. "Oh, alright," Nivalis giggled, ruffling his hair. "You're too adorable to say no to, honey."

— "Thank you," he grinned, his face lighting up instantly. Aster brought his lips back to her erect nipple. He licked her areola, his tongue swirling around her pink nub, and nibbled it lightly before sucking again. Her milk soon flowed into his mouth, filling his taste buds with sweetness.

Silvia stirred and woke up, her eyes fluttering open. She lifted herself, wiping the drool from her mouth, and looked at her brother's face buried in her mother's bosom and pouted, her eyebrows furrowed. "Hey! Why didn't anyone wake me up?" she complained, glaring at her family.

"We just started, honey," Nivalis smiled, patting her daughter's head. "Sorry, I didn't mean to leave you out. Here, have some," she said, lifting her other breast towards the little girl and offering her an inviting nipple.

"Yay!" Silvia exclaimed, her mood instantly improving. She grabbed the big teat with both hands, squeezing it firmly. Milk squirted out, splattering her face and making her giggle.

"Ouch... Not so hard, honey," Nivalis said, wincing.

"Sorry, Mommy," Silvia apologized, loosening her grip and gently placing her mouth around the tip. She sucked softly, swallowing her mother's delicious milk with small gulps. Her little tongue danced around, swirling around the tip.

"That's better," Nivalis sighed, caressing her daughter's hair. She looked down at her children, a smile forming on her lips. "My two little babies," she murmured affectionately, holding them close.

Her son and daughter continued sucking on her breasts without saying a word. Their eyes were closed, their cheeks red, and their lips curled into smiles. The liquid flowed down their throats, filling their tummies with their mother's liquid. Nivalis sighed contentedly, her eyelids half-closed. She enjoyed being breastfed by her babies and loved feeling their mouths sucking her nipples, drinking her milk. It made her feel needed and loved. Seeing their faces relaxed, their cheeks bulging as they drank her milk... how could she not adore it?

After a while, the milk flow stopped, and the siblings released her teats with loud 'plops.'

"Oh, did you finish already?" Nivalis asked, looking at her children. "That was quick," she said, wiping the remaining milk off their faces.

— "Mhm, thank you, Mom," Aster said, smacking his lips and removing the droplets of milk from them with his tongue, accidentally licking his mother's finger as she brushed her thumb over his chin.

"Yeah, thanks, Mommy," Silvia said, smiling at her mother.

"You're welcome," Nivalis said, hugging her children tightly, her big breasts squishing against their tiny chests. "So, what do you want to do now? We have a few more hours left until we return home."

"Hmm," Silvia hummed thoughtfully, tapping her chin. "How about... We play tag?" she suggested, glancing between her mother and brother.

— "Sure, why not," Aster replied, smiling at her. "Sounds fun."

"Tag, huh?" Nivalis chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure you're ready for it?"

"Absolut-" Silvia tried to answer but was cut short when a wave of water splashed against her face, catching her completely off guard. "Hey!" she shouted, wiping the water from her eyes.

Aster was already gone, swimming quickly away from his sister, who was splashing her way after him, a determined look on her face. "Get back here, Asty!" she yelled, trying to grab him, but he dodged her attempt and swam farther.

Nivalis laughed loudly as she watched her children chase each other. "Be careful, kids," she warned them, giggling at their antics.

"Get back here, you little rascal," Silvia said, laughing loudly as she chased her little brother. She swam as fast as she could, closing the distance between them.

— "Oh no," Aster whispered, hearing her voice behind him. He tried to pick up the speed, but his body was too small to outswim his older sister. His arms and legs pumped furiously, kicking the water and propelling him forward. He glanced over his shoulder, and his heart skipped a beat as he saw her getting closer and closer. "Eep!" he squealed, his voice high-pitched.

"Hahaha, I'm gonna getcha!" Silvia giggled, chasing him like a predator hunting her prey. "Give up and surrender already, or I'll tickle you until you wet yourself!"

But Aster refused to surrender. "Never!" he shouted and decided to dive under the water. He held his breath and swam down, hoping to lose her, but unfortunately for him, the water was crystal clear and not very deep, making it easy for her to see his every move. 'Damn it!' he cursed inwardly, feeling her fingertips brush against his heel.

"Gotcha!" Silvia shouted victoriously, grabbing her brother's leg and pulling him towards her. "You're mine now!" she exclaimed, doing the evilest laugh this world has ever seen.

Aster emerged from the water and gasped for air. "Ahhh," Aster cried out, trying to break free. "Help me, Mom!"


Nivalis & Silvia at the hot spring (sfw).


As the sun slowly sank lower and lower, the colors of the sky began to change. First, a bright orange, then a deep crimson, and finally a deep purple, painting the sky in a beautiful array of colors. The moon began to rise, casting its silver light on the world below. The night was slowly creeping in, and the stars started to appear, twinkling in the sky.

The Silverfrost family has returned safely to their home cave after spending almost the entire day in a hot spring. They have lit a fire in the fireplace to warm up the place, and now the mother is cooking a delicious meal for her children and herself. While the kids wait patiently, snuggling up next to each other on the bed, sharing a blanket, they silently watch her cooking. Silvia leaned her head on Aster's shoulder, yawning quietly. She looked exhausted and sleepy.

"I'm tired," she let out a tired mumble as her eyes slowly started to close.

— "Here," he said, patting his thighs. "Lie down on my lap. I'll wake you up when dinner is ready," he offered.

"Mhm, thank you," she murmured gratefully, laying on her back and placing her head on his tiny legs. "That's better," she added, sighing contentedly.

— "Comfortable?" he asked, adjusting the blanket to cover her whole body.

"Very," she replied, her eyes closed, a satisfied smile on her lips. She yawned loudly once again and snuggled closer, burying her face into his stomach.

Aster smiled as he brushed his fingers through Silvia's hair. Her long silver strands were soft and smooth, and her scent was sweet and pleasant. He gently stroked her forehead, tracing imaginary circles on her skin, "You were great today, Sis," he whispered, looking down at her.

"Thanks," Silvia replied, sleepy, her lips curling slightly. "It's hard to believe I finally got an affinity and used magic... It's just so incredible," she murmured, her voice muffled by his clothes.

— "I know," he said, moving her head a bit so he could see her face, but her eyes remained closed. He started tracing her eyebrows and cute little nose with his fingertips. "But I never expected magic to be this complicated."

Silvia nodded in agreement, slowly opening her eyes, her golden orbs locking with his own. "Yeah, it's really difficult. It felt like I was fighting against myself," she confessed, a frown forming on her brow.

— "I thought you did amazing," Aster said, rubbing her cheeks with his fingers, squeezing and pulling them playfully. "It was incredible. You looked like a real mage."

Her lips twitched, moving even higher as her brother played with her face. "Really?" she asked, looking at him expectantly.

— "Really," he confirmed, nodding his head. "I guess it's normal to struggle at first. I thought it would take a few hours or even days before you cast a simple spell, and here you are, doing it in less than ten minutes. That was amazing."

"Hehe, thanks," she smiled, her face glowing with pride. "I guess I'm pretty awesome, huh?" she joked, sticking her little tongue out.

Aster reacted immediately and grabbed her wet tongue between his thumb and forefinger. "Oh, look. I caught something," he said, pulling softly her pink tongue out of her mouth. "What should I do with this?" he teased, his grin widening.

"Nuuuu, lemme go!" Silvia laughed loudly, her words muffled as her tongue was trapped. Suddenly, she opened her mouth and sucked his fingers into her wet cavern, her teeth clamping around his knuckles. The little girl bit him playfully and giggled, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

— "Hey," Aster laughed, shaking her head as he tried to pull his hand back. "Let it go," he said, but she refused, making her bite stronger. Her little tongue started to swirl around his finger, coating it with her warm saliva.

— "Eww," Aster complained, trying to pull his hand back. "Stop that," He tickled her ribs with his other hand, making her laugh and squirm.

"Bwahahaha," Silvia laughed, letting go of his fingers. She wiped her mouth with her hand, her golden eyes looking up at him, her cheeks flushed from the tickle. "Well, that was too easy. You should have known better than to challenge me; I always win," she declared proudly, puffing her chest and raising her chin.

Aster squinted his eyes at her, his lips curling into a smirk.

"Don't try it," Silvia said, seeing his expression.

— "You underestimate my power!" Aster suddenly roared, his hand shooting towards her ears. He knew way too well how sensitive those pointy things were and how much she hated when he played with them.

"Nooo!" Silvia squeaked, trying to stop him, but it was too late for her. "D-don't, Asty, nooo!" she pleaded, wriggling her body as his fingers danced around her earlobes. "Stop, that tickles," she laughed, squirming beneath his touch. "Please, no, I'm sorryyy," she giggled, desperately trying to escape his hands. "No, don't do it! I'm so-hahaha," her laughter filled the cave, and tears formed in her eyes as her little brother teased her ears mercilessly.



Nivalis watched her children having fun and couldn't help but smile. She loved seeing them laughing and playing together.

Suddenly, Silvia managed to escape her brother's grasp and bolted away, jumping up and running towards her mother. She hugged her waist and hid behind her, panting heavily, her cheeks flushed red.

"Haah, haah, you win this round, Asty," she breathed out, glaring at her brother behind her mother's back.

Aster looked satisfied and crossed his arms over his chest. "Told ya," he grinned triumphantly, puffing his chest.

"Hmph," Silvia snorted, sticking her tongue out at him. "We'll see about that."

Nivalis couldn't hold back and burst into laughter. "Okay, okay, calm down, you two," she giggled, petting her daughter's head. "The dinner is almost ready, so sit down and relax," she said, motioning towards the fire. "Honey, grab two bowls, please," she added, turning her head towards her son.

— "Alright," Aster replied, smiling. He got up and took wooden bowls for him and his sister.

"Thanks, honey," Nivalis said, taking the bowls from his hand and placing them on the ground. She served the stew and gave each of them a wooden spoon.

— "Smells great," Aster said, sniffing the air.

"It's rabbit stew," Nivalis explained, sitting beside her children. "I caught it yesterday. Hope you'll like it," she added, blowing on her spoon to cool the stew down.

The cave became quiet as they ate, except for the occasional slurping sounds from the three hungry mouths. The stew was delicious, and everyone was enjoying their meal. The fire crackled softly in the background, its flames flickering and dancing, casting shadows on the walls. Outside, the wind howled, rustling the leaves and branches, but the sound barely reached the cave, muffled by the thick stone walls.

The meal was over quickly, and the kids had their bellies filled, feeling content. Nivalis placed the empty bowls on the floor and stretched her arms, sighing happily.

"Thanks, Mommy," Silvia said, cuddling up to her. "You're the best," she murmured, kissing her cheek.

"My pleasure," Nivalis replied, affectionately caressing her daughter's head.

— 'Alright, this the perfect moment for my gift,' Aster thought, standing up. He went towards the corner where they kept all their clothes. He rummaged through his pile of clothes, searching for something.

"What are you looking for, honey?" Nivalis asked curiously, her eyebrows raised.

— "I've got something for Silvia," Aster replied as he continued his search. "Aha, there it is," he exclaimed, retrieving a piece of white bark resembling a scroll from his coat. "Found it," he said, walking back to his family.

"Found what?" Silvia inquired, tilting her head, confused.

— "Here, this is for you," Aster answered, giving the object to his sister. "Happy birthday," he added, smiling at her shyly.

"For me?" Silvia asked, staring at the rolled-up piece of thick bark in his hands.

— "Yup," Aster nodded, trying to hand her his gift. "I made it for you while you were sick."

"What is it?" Silvia asked, taking the bark and studying it carefully.

— "Unroll it and find out," Aster grinned, watching her reaction closely. "Be careful. It's fragile," he warned her, sitting beside her.

Nivalis leaned closer, curious about what her son had prepared for her daughter's birthday.

Silvia carefully unrolled the bark. To her surprise, she found a beautiful charcoal drawing underneath. It was a picture of a happy girl with a brilliant smile drawn on a piece of dried bark. The drawing was of Silvia herself, and although some of the lines were a bit shaky, the proportions were accurate, and overall, it looked pretty pleasing to the eye.

"Oh, wow," Silvia gasped, her eyes widening as she stared at the drawing. She then glanced at her mother and asked, "Did you help him with this?"

"Nope, I remember getting him this bark from that white tree I found. But other than that, he did it all by himself," Nivalis said, smiling proudly at her son. "I don't think I can draw even half as good," she admitted, smiling fondly at her son. "You have a real talent for this."

Aster looked down and kicked the ground with his feet, feeling shy. "Thanks," he said in response to his mother's compliment. "It's not that great, really," he mumbled, hoping he hadn't gone overboard with the drawing.

After all, this was his first drawing in this world. He didn't want to showcase too much of his skill, as he was supposed to be just a kid. He only desired to enjoy his second childhood and spend as much time with his family as possible. He has no intention of doing anything too ambitious or extraordinary. He doesn't want any special attention from anyone. He just wants a normal, happy life. In fact, he preferred to leave his previous life and accomplishments behind him.

But at the same time, seeing his always cheerful sister being sick and unable to do anything to help her... was hard. Harder than anything he ever had to endure. The truth is, he made this drawing to have something that would remind him of her in case... worst came to worst. So she will always be with him.

Art has always been his way of coping with stress and sadness since he can remember. It was his escape, his safe place, his comfort zone, his sanctuary. Now, this was nothing more than a silly gift. He doesn't need to think about that anymore.

Nivalis could see Aster feeling uncertain about his drawing, so she ruffled his hair lovingly and said, "You're talented, honey. I think you did amazingly." She then leaned in and kissed him on the forehead.

"Y-yeah, it's awesome," Silvia said, giving her brother a big smile. She wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. "Thanks, little bro," she said, kissing his cheek softly.

Nivalis pulled both of her children in for a hug, "Can't believe my kids are so incredibly gifted," she murmured, nuzzling her nose into their hair. "My little mage and my little artist," she added, her eyes closed as she breathed in their scents. "My sweet, lovely babies," she cooed, squeezing them gently.

"Love you, too," Silvia said, returning the hug, burying her face in her mother's bosom.

— "Love you, Mom," Aster said, wrapping his hands around her neck. "I will make you a drawing sometime later," he whispered into her ear.

"Aw, you don't have to do that," Nivalis replied, giggling softly, stroking his back. "But I would love that," she added, kissing his temple.

— "Okay," Aster mumbled, his eyes closing. He was enjoying their warmth and their scent. Their embrace was so soft and comfortable.

The three of them stayed like that for a few minutes, hugging each other tightly. They didn't move or talk, simply enjoying the moment together.



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