Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice Bowl

Chapter 57

Chapter 55: (Two In One)

The jungle at night carries his unique mystery, and rustling sounds from time to time in his ears.

There is always a breeze behind you.

Li Cheng followed closely behind Shen Qiu and did not look back.

He was accompanied by Wang Zhang and another young firefighter. Pan Wen and his students followed behind with cameras on their shoulders.

Mother Bear was walking one meter away from Shen Qiu.

It was the first time that the young team members came to this kind of jungle for a mission, and looked back in fear from time to time.

Li Cheng told him, “Look ahead, follow us closely, it’s no joke to get lost in the jungle.”

The young team members shrank their necks, “Captain, are those people really going to run in here? Aren’t they afraid?”

Li Cheng’s tone became colder when he mentioned those people.

“They dare to attack the national treasure, it’s just a jungle, what can they dare?”

Shen Qiu didn’t listen to their conversation, sniffed the ground carefully, the smell left by those people.

There should be two people walking on this road, one of them smells of smoke, one of them smells of cosmetics, a man and a woman.

Fat Fat has been clinging to Shen Qiu, and bumped him with his fat **** from time to time.

Seeing his brother sniffing the ground with a serious face, he tilted his head and blinked his black bean eyes in confusion and followed suit.

After walking for about ten minutes, Shen Qiu smelled a very strong smell of fireworks, mixed with some very strange smells.

He stopped and took a whiff of the wind, “Mother Bear, do you smell it? There seems to be a fire somewhere?”

As a wild animal that grew up in the forest, the panda is most sensitive to the smell of fire, and immediately stood up and made two loud noises in one direction.

“Over there! It’s dangerous!”

A forest fire is not dangerous!

I haven’t seen any sparks in the forest yet, maybe it hasn’t ignited yet, so I have to put it out before the fire ignites, otherwise it’s unimaginable!

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu ran wildly in the direction of the smell of fireworks.

Li Cheng quickly followed.

Soon passed through waist-high grass, dense woods, and came to a clearing.

Several bright red tents are placed on the open space, which is particularly eye-catching in the night.

Wang Zhang said a word of national scolding, and hurried forward to step on the fire, and pryed some soil to cover it.

“These little bastards! They’re too bold to use fire in the forest!” Pan Wen also had a look of fear.

If this fire ignites, the entire reserve will suffer, and I don’t know how many wild animals will die.

Everyone was very angry, Li Cheng began to inspect the humble camp.

Shen Qiu sniffed the smell in the air but walked to the side.

“Captain, Qiuqiu seems to have found something again.”

The young team member shouted, and Li Cheng waved his hand for him to follow.

This group of people should have rushed back with important things after being frightened. There were also several backpacks scattered around, and the bags were full of food.

Shen Qiu rolled his eyes and continued to walk into the grass.

When he was close to the grass, he also saw a few white things that looked like balloons. The strange smell he smelled before came from here.

He couldn’t see clearly with myopic eyes, so he wanted to look closer.

The young team members saw it, and pressed Shen Qiu’s head.

“Ball **** are unpopular.”

Shen Qiu: ?

The next second I heard the young teammates scold.

“This group of people is not too embarrassed to panic! Run this place to fight in the field!”

Shen Qiu:…

He knew what it was.


Shen Qiuqi’s ears were smoking at the thought of almost fighting with that thing just now.

I don’t know how fat I am, so I saw my brother’s angry appearance and walked over to hug him.

“Don’t be angry, I’ll give you a hug.”

The panda cub is so caring, Shen Qiu slapped the panda to relieve her anger.

I followed the taste for a while, and finally found what I was looking for in a pile of overwhelmed grass.

It was a bunch of wild birds with extremely flamboyant feathers tied with vines.

Even if Shen Qiu did not study these, he recognized that the one with the most gorgeous feathers was the golden pheasant, which was once identified as the prototype of the phoenix.

National second-level protected animals.

The young teammate once again spit out an angry scolding, and opened his mouth to call Li Cheng over.

Because these wild birds were **** for a long time, they couldn’t move, and when they saw humans approaching, they only made weak noises to drive them away.

Pan Wen asked the students to use the camera to record this scene, and he kept muttering sins.

Everyone was so angry, especially Pan Wen, who was engaged in animal research, when he saw protected animals being treated like this, he didn’t stop talking on the road.

Use the walkie-talkie to inform the colleague of the situation here, Li Cheng asked Shen Qiu to continue the search.

When the two of them left, they panicked and went straight into the deep forest. Shen Qiu sniffed all the way, and finally, when dawn broke, in a crevice of a mountain stream, they found a shivering man hugging each other inside. two people.

Probably heard voices, the two directly shouted for help, and they were startled when they saw Shen Qiu probe.

Fortunately, seeing Li Chengcai was not frightened and fainted.

The two of them froze and did not dare to move, and wept with joy, “Comrade firefighters! Help us, there are snakes below!”

Li Cheng sneered, and while reassuring them not to be nervous, he put on the tools and prepared to go on.

Mother Bear took a step forward, and the breath of the panda made Wang Jinshe swim quickly into the distance.

A man and a woman were quickly rescued by Li Cheng and others from below.

At the same time, the forest police also informed them, and others caught it.

A total of seven people, four males and three females, each with the look of a spiritual boy, with colorful hair, were brought to the scene by the firefighters to capture and protect the animals, and the thieves cried loudly.

They just came to the reserve to relax.

In the end, Li Cheng led them directly to the injured wild bird, and the young players showed them the bi·yun·tao in the transparent bag with a blank expression.

“Whether you admit it or not, the fingerprints on the vines, the genetic samples in these bags will always tell you the truth!”

The seven people changed their expressions very wonderfully, and whispered something.

The voice was so small that no one could hear it, Li Cheng scolded.

The white-haired brow furrowed, “Did you go to the fourth child’s tent yesterday? You are a female cousin! Didn’t you mean I was the only man?!”

The girl with dyed pink hair next to her started fluttering around her eyes when she heard this, and finally stuck her neck, “Did you have a haircut with another woman, you thought I didn’t know Let’s not talk about the second brother, we are all about the same!”

Shen Qiu and Li Cheng:…

Are all young people playing so messily now?

The key is that they **** and don’t feel ashamed at all! Shen Qiu only felt that his eyes had opened.

In the end, they honestly explained that the reason why they came to the reserve was to shoot a video.

They are a group of short video creations, but uninnovative videos can’t be popular at all, so they think of ideas everywhere and find ways to become popular.

The reason why I came to the reserve is because someone photographed a wild tiger before and it has become a hot search, which has gained a lot of fans.

They wanted to follow suit.

The police successively found the videos that had been taken from the mobile phones they brought.

How to set up traps to catch wild birds and how to set up pandas are all clearly photographed.

Old Zhang almost beat someone in front of the police after reading these, but Pan Wen pulled his clothes to shreds before stopping him.

The gang was taken away by the police after the explanation, and will soon be sentenced for illegal hunting of protected animals and intentional harm to wild animals.

After the police led the people away, Li Cheng thanked Lao Zhang.

“If it weren’t for Qiuqiu today, we wouldn’t have found someone so quickly.”

He gave the panda dumpling a thumbs up in the distance.

Shen Qiu’s panda face immediately burst into laughter, and the corners of her mouth rose up on her round face.

Panwen was instantly amused.

“Ballball is really smart.”

After a pause, he suddenly asked Li Cheng.

“Captain Li, if you don’t see what kind of animal Qiuqiu is, what are the chances of doing search and rescue work with his cleverness?”

Old Zhang frowned and was about to speak, when Li Chengcheng took over.

“Ninety percent chance.”

“Qiuqiu is very smart, understands the password, obeys, and has a stable temperament. If it is a dog, it is definitely the best choice for a search and rescue dog.”

Shen Qiu stood not far or near, heard these words clearly, and immediately stood up excitedly.

Is the iron rice bowl coming? Are you coming? !

Pan Wen was also very excited, “I originally thought of a possibility, but if I had to say that, wouldn’t the ball be…”

“No if! Impossible! Professor Pan, let me tell you, it’s best not to say those thoughts in your mind, and I won’t agree with them!”

Old Zhang’s tone was very serious, “Pandas are national treasures, let the national treasures participate in the search and rescue, in case something happens, can you and I afford it?”

“Even if we file an application report and the top agrees, which unit would like to? Does he go to the police dog squadron? Or is he stationed at the fire brigade or forest police station?”

Pan Wen got stuck and was speechless.

Li Cheng couldn’t refute, after all what Lao Zhang said was the truth.

Seeing that the two of them were speechless, the opportunity to be a search and rescue bear disappeared again, and the panda dumpling sighed.

I bumped into the bear mother, dragged the fat, and walked towards the bear father’s cave.

Mother Bear sensed the low mood of the cub and licked his head.

“Why are you sad?”

Shen Qiu rubbed the bear mother’s head and sighed, “Because the work I want to do is difficult for pandas.”

Mother Bear does not know what work is or why it is difficult for pandas, but she knows the character of her cubs.

Not the kind of bear that can stay safe in its territory.

Hearing the words, the voice is extraordinarily gentle so that he should not worry.

“Do what you want, Mama supports you!”

Shen Qiu was a little moved, so she heard Mama Xiong say, “But I will wait until you are two years old. When you are two years old, I will let you go out by yourself and I will never care about you again.”

“I’ll add a younger brother and sister to you at that time. It doesn’t matter if you don’t come back for a few years.”

Shen Qiu:…

Forget it with the bear claw, he is almost ten months now, and he is at least a year away from the age of two. Suddenly, his eyes darkened and he began to discuss with the bear mother.

“Is one year old enough?”

Mother Bear ignored it and went back to the cave to squeeze Father Bear out to sleep by herself.

Daddy Xiong didn’t dare to say anything, he chose a fairly dry place to lie down.

Shen Qiu insisted, “I can’t be one year old, what about one and a half years old? One and a half years old can always be.”

“Mother Bear, the child can’t be controlled at home when he’s older, how about one and a half years old, and let me go out for one and a half years?”

Mother Bear turned over, took the fat and pressed it on her stomach to sleep, pretending not to hear.

Shen Qiu sighed.

Save people, save animals, etc., many times, is the official iron rice bowl still within reach?

You can only go out at the age of two…

The black bean eyes of the glutinous rice dumplings began to spin in circles.

The bad guy in the forest caught, and the bear mother returned to her territory early the next morning with two cubs.

The smell left by Mother Bear in the territory after not returning for a few days has faded a lot.

Push the cubs into the cave, go to patrol the territory, and leave a scent.

Shen Qiubai rubbed his fat head in a daze, when he heard a commotion outside.

The barking of a panda.

Listen carefully, who are not the bear father and bear mother?

Why did Daddy Bear come here? His eyes widened, and he rushed out with Feifei.

When they reached the edge of the territory, they saw the bear father and bear mother who were about to fight.

“Beeeeeeeeee?” Mama Bear, what are you doing?

Panda dumpling tilted his head and looked at the two parents in confusion.

Daddy Bear’s eyes lit up, and he immediately looked like he had found a life-saving straw. At the moment when Mother Bear was relaxed because of the arrival of the cubs, he rushed behind Shen Qiu for protection.

“You dead panda! Get out of here!”

Mother Bear pounded the ground with her bear paw, looking angry.

Daddy Xiong shook his body and stuck his neck: “I don’t!”

Mother Bear gasped.

“Come out! Let’s fight!”

The fat head buried behind Shen Qiu’s back and said nothing.

Shen Qiu’s ears hurt from the noise of the two bears, so she raised her hand to stop.

“What’s wrong with Mother Bear?”

Mother Bear widened her eyes, “Ask him! He suddenly ran over early in the morning and said he wanted to live with us in the future, what a joke!”

Shen Qiu snorted and turned to look at Daddy Bear.

Daddy Bear’s soft and round face showed an emotion called grievance.

“The nest just wants to stay with you, what’s the point.”

Shen Qiu did not understand and was shocked.

Pandas are solitary creatures, even if a female panda brings a cub, at most they will be driven out of the territory by the age of two.

He has never heard of a panda who volunteered to live with his wife and children.

He licked his nose curiously.

“Daddy Bear, can you tell me why? If you live with us, there will be no girls.”

Daddy Bear twisted and hummed, and finally spit out a very small syllable.



Daddy Xiong didn’t say anything, but he just didn’t want to go, he was slaughtered, and he wouldn’t leave no matter how much Mother Bear beat him.

And began to take a bite at Shen Qiu and Feifei, the eldest son and the youngest son.

There is a male panda in the territory, although this panda is the father of the child and has a dewy marriage with her.

But mother bear still feels very uneasy, and she has to fight with father bear every day.

As soon as this time comes, Daddy Bear is lying, rolling on the ground, and saying nothing.

Shen Qiu didn’t care at first, but seeing the bear mother getting more and more anxious, he was also a little impatient.

He wants to have a good talk with Daddy Bear and let him return to his territory.

But before talking to Father Xiong, Pan Wen came up again, this time he still came with a long wooden warehouse and a short cannon, and once again took root in the familiar woods.

Shen Qiu didn’t know what he was going to study.

On the first day she took root, Pan Wen came to chat with Mother Bear while she was eating.

And stated that they were studying the relationship of their family of four this time.

“The social relationship of your family should be unprecedented in the bear family.”

Shen Qiu thought about it, it was true.

After all, I have never heard of an underage male panda bringing its own cubs, and I have never heard of an older male panda who insists on living with his wife and children.

Pan Wen rambled on for a while, probably because he was really confident in Qiuqiu’s IQ, and finally mentioned Daddy Bear’s weird behavior.

“After discovering Chubby’s abnormal behavior, I immediately contacted a well-known professor of panda research in the industry.”

“After the discussion, we all felt that Chubby was frightened because he was frightened of death, so he tried to live with you.”

Shen Qiu paused and thought about it carefully. Daddy Xiong did say the word ‘I’m afraid’ that day, but at that time he didn’t understand what the other party was afraid of and didn’t care.

Is it the fear of death?

Daddy Bear is almost nineteen. For wild pandas, the age of twenty is a watershed.

According to the lifespan of human beings, the current bear father is already an old man, and it seems very normal to be afraid of death.

Pan Wen saw that the panda dumplings seemed to be lost in thought, and couldn’t help but licked the panda’s head and said, “We won’t intervene, it’s up to you whether you want to accept Chubby or not.”

Shen Qiu felt that Pan Wen was a bit of a chicken thief. He believed so much that he had a high IQ, and he told himself these words, not just betting that he would have a high IQ to show pity and sympathy for Father Xiong Wait for the emotions, so that Daddy Bear will stay.

Shen Qiu rolled his eyes at him with those black bean eyes, patted his fat ass, turned his head and left.

He began to accept the presence of Daddy Bear in the territory, but did not persuade Mother Bear.

Mother Bear is different from herself, she has always been a pure panda, and living alone is her habit.

He can’t ask the other person with human thoughts.

What Shen Qiu didn’t expect was that on the second day after he accepted Daddy Bear, Mother Bear opened one eye and closed one eye and accepted Daddy Bear to divide the territory next to him.

This is undoubtedly a breakthrough research for Pan Wen.

At this time, a small video suddenly spread quickly on the Internet.

The publisher of the video is the official account of Wolong Nature Reserve.

The content of the video is an eight-month-old panda holding another slightly smaller panda cub to breastfeed.

The names are next to each other: Qiuqiu, Feifei.

The fed fat fell into a deep sleep in Goal’s arms, and the mother bear Yuanyuan quickly appeared behind the video, staring at the camera.

The entire video is four minutes long, without human words, but allows viewers to see the magical family relationship of the Yuanyuan family.

At the end of the video, the staff typed a line.

“Feifei Yu lost his mother a month after the earthquake and was adopted by Qiuqiu. And Qiuqiu is just a cub who is less than a year old now.”

After the video ended, the screen was full of question marks.

Comments are increasing by dozens per minute.

“You told me it was a panda?”

“Stop making trouble! The staff will take off your panda costume!”

“Am I the only one who noticed how pressing the bear mother’s eyes were at the end? ‘It’s like saying, I’m staring at you and dare to touch my cub’.”

“Can a panda really be this smart? No! So let’s find out who is playing the cub!”

“Ah ah ah, two cubs, two glutinous rice dumplings, really cute!”

“You guys are official accounts anyway, is it necessary to fake it?”

This video jumped into the hot search at a fast speed, overwhelming the male star who cheated on the day, and the actress divorced to the top of the hot search.

It has attracted countless people’s sighs, it is worthy of being a national treasure, and its popularity is amazing.

However, under the heat, all kinds of questions and abuses followed.

Some people scold them for using national treasures to attract popularity, and some people question the authenticity of this video.

In just one morning, the official Weibo of Wolong Reserve was occupied by indignant “national treasure fans”.

They scolded the government for using national treasures to attract traffic, and scolded the reserve for unscrupulous use of all kinds of monsters and monsters to scold people.

Instead, a group of real fans were inexplicably watching this scolding battle that somehow rose.

Just when the popularity reached its peak, an account named Pan Wen Studio suddenly released a forty-minute documentary.

Documentary titled “Ballball, The Smartest Panda”

The cover of the video is the panda cub with a feeding bottle.

Everyone thinks this is just to rub off on the popularity, and some people start scolding below without opening the video.

Until someone clicked on the video, watched forty minutes, and wrote two words in the comment area.


The documentary records the complete process of Qiuqiu’s search and rescue in the earthquake, jungle search and rescue, and feeding fat.

At the end of the documentary, it also ends with a paragraph.

“Now, Qiuqiu and Xiong Ma Yuanyuan have accepted Daddy Xiong’s stay, and the family of four lived together for a short time. Professor Pan Wen is studying the family of four in the Wolong Reserve. The trajectory of life, see you in the next documentary.”

Unsurprisingly, this documentary has been on the hot search again, and everyone has seen this smart panda named Qiuqiu.

The Qiuqiu Ben Xiong stayed in the territory and continued to take the bear mother’s survival knowledge class.

This is half a year.

Qiuqiu is one and a half years old, and it is time to walk freely without her mother.

In the past six months, he almost went around the forest when he was free, and successively rescued many injured protected animals and lost farmers.

Fatty still likes to stick to his brother very much, and he will follow him wherever he goes.

Pan Wen’s documentary about Qiuqiu has come out in the third part, which has accumulated many fans online for him.

On this day, Shen Qiu left home again with Feifei.

But this time he said hello to Mother Bear in advance, and will not go home for at least half a month.

The mother bear is already showing signs of coming into heat. No accident, she will have **** with father bear or another male panda in the next six months, and give birth to Shen Qiu’s younger brother or sister.

At that time, Shen Qiu will be completely independent.

With an action camera hanging around her neck, Shen Qiu took her younger brother to start the journey of serving an iron rice bowl.

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