Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice Bowl

Chapter 49

Chapter 47: (First Update)

Panda Cub opened his mouth and made no sound for a while.

Everyone didn’t have time to think about it, so they quickly followed.

The torrential rain hit him and his face like hail, and it hurts.

But they didn’t dare to stop, the surrounding was either mountains, rocks or towering trees. Stopping in such a place on a heavy rainy day could only be courting death.

Several people walked through the rain curtain. Wang Zhang took them away from the fat territory from the other side and headed towards Wang Zhang’s village.

Almost all of them used slippery along the way, Shen Qiu is not bad, pandas are good at climbing, and crawling on all fours is faster and more stable.

But when Li Cheng and the others got to the valley, their clothes were almost invisible, they were all yellow mud.

Li Cheng roared and asked if he wanted to find a place to rest. As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a “bang” in the distance!

It was followed by the sound of rubble falling and houses being smashed.

Wang Zhang was stunned for a moment, and quickly ran away in the direction of the sound.

Shen Qiu’s first reaction was to look at Wang Zhang.

“Wang Zhang!”

“Captain, let me go, you let me go, my parents are still inside! My grandparents are still inside!”

It’s said that men don’t cry easily but they haven’t reached the sad part.

Wang Zhang stared, the rain poured on his face, but he couldn’t tell whether it was rain or tears.

Shen Qiu rushed over, the rain washed away all traces of human beings, and more of the smell of soil remained in the air.

He moved his nose, but they didn’t smell other humans.


Panda cub waved and hummed at them in the rain.

Li Cheng glanced at the empty village with half of it left, and then saw Shen Qiu sniffing, and immediately understood, and slapped Wang Zhang.

“Look! Ball is telling you that there is no one here!”

As soon as the words came out, my thoughts went smoothly.

“Your ancestors have lived here for generations, you must know how dangerous an earthquake is in this place, maybe they have already run for their lives!”

Wang Zhang was stunned for a while, then wiped his face and stood up straight.

“I’m sorry Captain! I’m the one who delayed things!”

Li Cheng patted his shoulder, “Okay, we can’t go back the same way anyway, you are familiar with this place, lead the way.”

“Captain, shall we go back to the protection center or…”

Li Cheng glanced at the buried village, and thought that there are many such scattered villages in the reserve, frowning a little embarrassed.

After a while, he looked at several staff members, “Everyone, we are soldiers, disaster relief is our responsibility, but not yours. Later, when we reach the fork in the road, I will ask Wang Zhang to give it to you. Show the way, but then you have to go on your own.”

Staff, look at me, I look at you, but don’t speak.

Of course they would like to go with the firefighters if they can. If nothing else, the orange-red clothes alone make people feel at ease.

There can be no delay in disaster relief.

I thought about it and nodded silently.

Walk a little further outside and come to a fork in the road.

Wang Zhang pointed to the left and told the staff that as long as you follow that road, you can go to the visitor center of the reserve.

Li Cheng answered, “Take Qiuqiu back with you, the road ahead is too dangerous. He is a national treasure, so don’t get hurt.”

Shen Qiu immediately protested, rushed over and hugged Li Cheng’s thigh.

What national treasure is not a national treasure! I just want to be a search and rescue bear is it so difficult? !

Now it is equivalent to a gilded iron rice bowl placed in front of him, but that bowl has long legs.

Every time he took a step closer, the gold-encrusted iron rice bowl ran away.

Shen Qiu could only keep craving the iron rice bowl and panicked.

Thinking of this, Panda Cub shook his head, shook Li Chengyi’s body of water, and hugged him tighter.

The low mood was suddenly confused by the panda cub.

“Qiu Qiu, you are so smart, I doubt if you understand us.”

Panda Cub lowered his head and hugged his thighs without letting go.

There is a rogue attitude of “I don’t listen, I don’t listen” all over.

For a moment of silence, the rescued Liu Gong suddenly stood up.

“Captain Li, you don’t need to say anything, I’ll be with you!”

He wiped the rain off his face and his voice was persistent.

“Saving people is not only your duty, but ours!”

“Although I am just an ordinary person, I am not as well-trained as you, but I have a bit of strength, and I can still help, I will go with you!”

As soon as Liu Gong finished speaking, others also stood up one after another.

The graduate student held the bag in front of him and said casually, “To tell you the truth, I have lived in the inland since I was a child, and I have never experienced any natural disaster. I would like to be able to help.”

Li Cheng was moved and a little worried, ready to persuade, but the panda cub hugging his thigh directly dragged his leg and left.

“Eh? Ball! Ball, what are you doing?!”

Shen Qiu kept dragging Li Cheng to the right.

The staff laughed when they saw it.

“It seems that Qiuqiu is addicted to being a search and rescue bear. Captain Li, let us go, we are all adults, we know that when we encounter danger, we must first protect our own lives. .”

Li Cheng couldn’t resist the persuasion of a few people, so he could only tell him again and again that in the event of danger, his life is the top priority.

I heard Chen Fang scratch the back of his head, “Captain, you have said this a dozen times along the way, and my ears are getting calluses, don’t worry! We must save our lives!”

“Hey, you brat.”

Li Cheng patted him, and the figures of several people in the rain screen seemed to be glowing.

There are various large and small villages in the reserve, some are on the top of the mountain, some are in the middle of the mountain, and some are like the village of Wang Zhang’s family, which is located beside the valley.

The mudslides and landslides caused by the earthquake are particularly dangerous for these villages.

Walking all the way out, there are falling gravel everywhere, and only half of the mountain remains.

The torrential rain flooded the river in the mountains, swept the muddy water all the way down, and submerged the wooden bridge that was usually walked on.

The river finally came over, and they reached the first village by the river.

The orange-red fire suits of Li Cheng and the three of them were washed away by the rain, making them even more dazzling in the rain.

In the collapsed house, someone saw the bright orange-red in the gray sky at a glance.

Take a look and cry with joy.

“It’s a fireman! It’s a comrade fireman! The fireman is here to save us!”

The numb faces of the people finally showed a trace of freshness. They all looked at the only bright color in the rain curtain, and some people got up from the ground and rushed over.

“Comrade firefighter! Please help my son, my son is only six years old this year, he is only six years old!”

The man almost rushed to Li Cheng’s leg without seeing the panda next to him, hugging Li Cheng’s leg and crying.

“This fellow, don’t cry yet, let us see the situation first.”

The man wiped away his tears and dragged Li Chengcheng to run.

Li Cheng can only tell Wang Zhang.

“Take Liu Gong and the others to help, remember my advice.”

Wang Zhang nodded. “Yes!”

Shen Qiu followed closely behind Li Cheng, the hair was soaked by the rain, and the plump figure of the panda cub not only did not diminish, but appeared more rounded.

I just looked at the firefighters, but I haven’t found the panda cub yet.

When the black and white group started running in the crowd, everyone realized that this was actually a baby panda!

“Mom! There are pandas!”

A child hugged the parent’s thigh and pointed at the panda cub with a surprised expression.

Li Cheng asked the village chief to understand the situation, and Shen Qiu sniffed carefully in front of the collapsed house, listening to the conversation between the two.

The house in this village collapsed a lot during the main shock, because it came so suddenly, many people were buried underneath.

Afterwards, there was an aftershock when arranging to rescue people, and many people were buried in it.

The village chief wiped away his tears, leaving only a look of exhaustion on his wrinkled face.

“Comrade firefighters, there are still some children inside, please… Please rescue them, they are only a few years old.”

The sound of the village chief’s prayer was shattered by the sound of rain, making it even more heavy.

Shen Qiu shook his head and ran to the nearest collapsed house.

He climbed onto the ruins, approached the crevices of the ruins, smelled the smell of humans after a while, raised his head in the direction of Li Cheng, “Hey!”

Li Cheng! someone, come!

Li Cheng, who was talking to the village chief, paused, looked at Shen Qiu’s movements, and thought of his sensitive nose, his eyes lit up immediately.

“Village Chief, Qiuqiu should have found someone. Is there still a strong man in the village? Do me a favor.”

The village chief quickly pointed a few young people over.

The man suddenly stopped Li Cheng just now, with a bit of a hideous look on his face.

“No! You must save my son first!” He dragged Li Cheng away.

The village chief stomped his feet angrily and wanted to be dragged away, but Li Cheng stopped him.

“Comrade, don’t worry, let’s go to see where your child was buried. We’ll see if we can save it.”

The man didn’t listen so much, he just heard that Li Cheng was going to see, and hurriedly dragged him away.

Drag the person to a half-collapsed ruin, he pointed at the ruins, “My child is inside, comrade, please save my child! I heard him screaming in pain!”

Li Cheng frowned, looked up carefully, then shook his head, “No, the beams of this house are pressed on top and can’t be moved easily, otherwise the remaining half will collapse. ”

The man shook his head violently and pointed at random with both hands, “It’s okay, I don’t want that half of the house! I don’t want that half of the house, comrade, just help me save the child!”

Li Cheng still shook his head, “Now it’s not a question of whether you want that house or not, but the following situation is unknown.”

“What’s your child’s situation? Can you easily move the beams? Will the rubble above the beams collapse? The safety of the rescuers above cannot be guaranteed. Will the wooden beams fall down on your child? With secondary injuries, none of this is understood, we need detectors.”

The man stayed where he was.

Li Cheng sighed and left.

The man suddenly wiped his face, grabbed Li Cheng and pushed him up the ruins.

“I don’t care! You must save me! You must save my child intact!”

“I don’t care what you say! You are a firefighter! You are a soldier! We pay taxes to the state to support you, not for you to talk nonsense at this time!”

“Now it’s time for you to do something!”

“Even if you die, my child’s life must be saved!”

Shen Qiu had been waiting beside him, and he was half dead when he heard this.

The village chief also scolded the man sharply.

Li Cheng’s face was a little unsightly, but he didn’t say anything. He just continued to comfort the man. As soon as the detector arrived, they would immediately save him.

The man’s face changed for a while, he suddenly snorted, and pressed his fist to Li Cheng’s face.

Shen Qiu kept watching, seeing this, the panda cub rushed over, and when his fist was about to hit Li Cheng’s face, he knocked him out with his head.

The man fell on the ruins, and Shen Qiu scolded directly.

“Boom! Boom!” What kind of **** are you! Soldiers are yours! Firefighters are yours!

Usually I do my best, but I dare to raise my fist at the soldiers, but you are so capable, go out and bring in the detector!

Your child’s life is life, isn’t the life of a soldier not life?

The panda cub looked very happy with his hands on his hips, but the man who faced the panda and scolded people was frightened, and his face immediately turned white.

“Qiuqiu, it’s okay, don’t be angry anymore, we still have to save people, don’t waste time.”

Li Cheng picked up the panda cub.

“Village Chief, I’ll take someone to search and rescue there first.”

The village chief was speechless in shame. When Li Cheng left, he immediately asked the villagers to **** the man away.

Shen Qiu’s mood was a little low, and he hung his head and didn’t say anything.

Li Cheng touched the panda’s head and comforted softly.

“Qiu Qiu, you are still a cub, why are you so sentimental, don’t you want to be a search and rescue bear? Let’s start.”

Shen Qiu glanced at him and saw that he didn’t seem to care about it at all, he just felt stuck.

There are always some people who feel that they pay a tax to be a superior person and can use these public officials at will.

Paying taxes is clearly the duty of an ordinary citizen.

The search and rescue work started gloomily.

Panda nose spirit, wherever he has been, people will be dug out under the ruins, some are still alive, some are dead.

However, at this time, people can no longer care about grief, they can only numbly separate the corpse from the injured person.

Liu Gong and others rescued some oiled paper from the rubble, built a simple tent with bamboo poles and trees, and put the injured people in.

From day to night, all those who can be rescued by manpower have been rescued, and the rest are too dangerous to move, and can only wait for people outside to come in.

The panda cub lay on the oiled paper, gasping for breath.

When the search and rescue bears are really tired, they have to walk around the ruins constantly, and they have to be careful not to collapse the ruins. After the search and rescue of human beings, they should also carefully distinguish the location of the other party. .

However, Shen Qiu is very satisfied.

Whether he is a human or a cat, he is either training or on the way to the task every day, and he has never been idle.

In the end, she was reborn as a panda and grew up under the care of the bear mother. Dangerous things are not allowed, and long distances are not allowed.

Sometimes someone runs away quietly and encounters a human being patrolling up the mountain.

The treatment of national treasures is too high, and he can’t bear it.

Now this is the day he yearns for because he is busy with tasks.

Panda Cub let out a satisfied sigh.

Immediately afterwards, her stomach grumbled in protest.

The bear paw patted the stomach, and the little tongue licked the tip of the nose.


I started to flee early in the morning because of the earthquake, and I haven’t eaten a single bamboo so far.

He looked around, hoping to find something to eat.

However, the simple villagers did not forget that today’s rescuers have a cute panda cub.

When Shen Qiu looked over, someone had already dragged Leng Jianzhu back all the way.

The bamboo is tender and juicy, Shen Qiu was hungry when he saw it, and stared at it, making everyone laugh.

Dispel some of the haze.

Shen Qiu was really hungry, hugged a tender bamboo, and slowed down when his stomach was slightly padded.

I was picking and choosing among the piles of bamboos, but before I could find a second suitable one, a timid child suddenly stood beside me.

He first glanced at Shen Qiu with curiosity, and then walked to Li Cheng with some fear.

“Uncle firefighter, can you save my mother and my brother?”

Li Cheng is eating cakes, which are dry food carried by the staff.

Li Cheng and the three were determined not to eat the food of the masses, and Liu Gong and a few stuffed them with their own dry food.

Hearing the child’s words, he quickly put down the pancake he had only eaten two bites.

“Little boy, where are your mother and brother?”

He asked the villagers next to him, “Is there anything else we haven’t searched and rescued yet?”

The villager shook his head blankly, looked at the child again, and hissed.

“Son, are you not from our village?”

The child shrank his neck and shook his head, pointing to the dark intersection.

“I came down from the mountain.”

Everyone was surprised.

Take a closer look, the child was soaking wet and shivering, Li Cheng hurriedly took off his clothes and put them on him.

“Don’t worry, kid, tell me what’s going on in your village first.” He tore up half of the cake he ate and gave most of it to the child.

The little boy took the cake with a little shyness. He was so hungry that he chewed two bites and almost choked.

Li Cheng fed him water and followed his back.

“It’s okay, you eat slowly, not enough for me to have here.”

After filling her stomach, the child talked about the situation on the mountain. Most of them in the mountain were women, children and children, and men worked outside.

A lot of houses have been collapsed by the earthquake, and some of them have been buried by mudslides.

Here, the child burst into tears.

“Uncle firefighter, please save my mother, the earthquake… She was still giving birth to a younger brother before the earthquake.”

The bamboo that Shen Qiu put in his mouth fell to the ground, and he looked at the dark mountains in shock.

In this case, if something really happened, it would be a matter of one corpse and two lives!

Li Cheng couldn’t sit still.

“Wang Zhang, Chen Fang! Bring your things and let’s go up the mountain!”

“Captain Li!”

“Captain Li, that village is halfway up the mountain. It’s too dangerous for you to go up now.”

Li Cheng frowned and shook his head very firmly.

“You don’t need to persuade the village chief. It is our duty to help the people. No matter how dangerous the place is, as long as there are injured people, we must go! The injured people are still waiting for rescue!”

He asked Liu Gong and others to wait in the village for outsiders to come in, and he also left Shen Qiu behind.

Shen Qiu refused to eat the bamboo, and held Li Cheng’s thigh again without letting go.

Li Cheng was very helpless, but this time, before he could speak, Liu Gong stood up and pulled the child to lead the way.

“Let’s go, Captain Li, you don’t need to say anything, Qiuqiu and a panda are all busy helping us. We are also individuals. I can’t be without me.”

“Gong Liu…”

The village chief also pointed to a few people.

“Comrade Captain, this brother is right. What’s more, the people on the mountain are our neighbors. I’m old and can’t move anymore, so please ask Comrade Captain to bring these young people. ”

Several men stood up immediately.

Li Cheng’s face was moved, and he finally turned his head.

“Then trouble you all.”

The child led the way, Li Cheng followed with a flashlight, and Shen Qiu was held by Chen Fang.

Of course he doesn’t want to be carried away, but Chen Fang is a young child and has a particularly stubborn personality. It is said that it is too dark for pandas to be short-sighted. If they fall, they will be embarrassed.

Then pick him up forcibly.

Shen Qiu, who is over fifty years old in three lifetimes:…

Just, sorry.

Probably worried about the fragile mind of Panda Cub, Chen Fang comforted him all the way: it is not heavy, it is much lighter than the dummy he usually trains on his back.

Shen Qiu: …If you don’t feel like you’re breathing into a bellows, I’ll believe it.

Nothing went wrong on the road, the child took them from the road to the village.

When I arrived at the scene, the flashlight lit up, and everyone was shocked.

This village is much worse than the village below.

Almost the entire mountain is on top of the house, which is halfway up the mountain, and there is no way to ask a crane to help.

How could it be possible to move that piece of mountain away with only manpower.

The child suddenly ran to a ruin.

“Mom, I’m looking for someone to save you! Mom, can you hear me!”

Children’s voices drifted away in the dark night, and everyone quickly returned to their senses.

Li Cheng trotted to the ruins where the child was squatting, frowned after only one look.

“It’s not very easy to do. There is a mountain next to it. If there is another aftershock, the whole ruin will be crushed.”

Seeing the child’s eyes full of anticipation, Li Cheng opened his mouth, not knowing how to tell him that it was too dangerous and could not be saved for the time being.

The child took him by the hand and took him to the other side.

“Look uncle, there is a gap in this place, I can get in, and I can see my brother.”

Shen Qiu immediately went over to smell it.

There are some **** smells and some strange smells in the air, which should be produced by childbirth.

But this gap is too small, among the people who come, apart from this child and Shen Qiu, only Chen Fang can enter.

He is young and his bones are thin, and he can go in and see what is inside.

Chen Fang also found this and immediately volunteered.

“Captain, let me go in and take a look. The child inside has just been born and must be rescued as soon as possible.”

Li Cheng frowned and didn’t make up his mind. He tried it himself, but he was a strong man about 1.88 meters, and he really couldn’t get in, so he could only give up.

The cry of a baby suddenly came from inside, which was particularly clear in the dark night, making my heart twitch.

“Let me go, captain! I find the child and come out immediately. Even if I can’t save the child, I can know the layout inside, and it is more convenient to save people.”

Li Cheng nodded after being silent for a while, and instructed very seriously, “If something goes wrong, come out immediately! Don’t stay too long!”

“Don’t worry, Captain, this makes my ears callous.”

“You boy.”

Chen Fang took off his clothes and only wore a short sleeve and tried to drill into the gap.

Don’t say I really got into it.

But Shen Qiu looked at it and felt a little uneasy. He looked up at the half of the mountain, and then at the ruins below, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

The speed of Chen Fang is very fast, and it has completely penetrated.

“Captain! The space inside is quite big, I saw the child!”

For a moment, and a little sad, “But mom is out of breath.”

Li Cheng frowned, “Don’t worry about it so much, if you can bring the child out, come out quickly!”

“Okay! I’ll take the baby out.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a stone slammed heavily on the ruins beside Shen Qiu and the others.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but before they recovered, the ground shook violently again.

“Aftershocks! Run!”

“Chen Fang! Come out!”

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