Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice Bowl

Chapter 139

Chapter 137:

The police on the shore were stunned for a moment, and then they didn’t know who shouted “Fuck.”

“He, he, he won’t push us the body again!”

Lin Li stared at it and said, “99.9 percent.”

Then asked Zhang Min’an, captain of the criminal police, “Captain Zhang, shall I get it?”

Zhang Min’an nodded, “You’ve been in contact before, go ahead.”

Shen Qiu pushed the bag down as usual, stopped and stepped back, waiting for Lin Li to take it away.

It is also a coincidence that this black plastic bag was found when he was about to leave that sea area and go back.

Because it is close to the shore, the bottom is full of reefs and not deep. Dolphins rely on sonar to determine whether they are other creatures or the same species, and whether they are edible or not.

Just after swimming about 100 meters, the sound waves returned by the sonar told him that there was something nearby that he could not judge.

If it were any other time, Shen Qiu would at most suspect it was garbage.

But just picked up a bag of corpses today, and the alarm bell in Shen Qiu’s mind started to call the police. He looked for it according to the sound wave positioning, and took a closer look.

Good man, the third bag of bodies has been found.

The thick black plastic bag was tied to a large rock and sank firmly to the bottom of the sea. There were many fish that were attracted by the smell and liked to eat carrion.

The little dolphin bit the hemp rope with its teeth before continuing to walk with its sharp snout against the bag.

Having experienced the fox’s life, his ability to accept things is getting higher and higher now.

Shen Qiu looked at Lin Li and dragged the bag up.

As soon as he lifted the bag to his hand, Lin Li’s expression changed.

The heavy feeling in my hand is exactly the same as the bag just now. Taking a complicated look at the white dolphin, Lin Li said thank you, and returned directly without opening the bag.

The bag was sent to the forensic doctor, and the other party first glanced at the obviously bitten hemp rope, then raised his head and glanced in the direction of the white dolphin.

White dolphins swim happily in circles in the water, from time to time the jets of “chi~chi~” come out of the water, those small black bean eyes staring at this direction, like is expecting results.

The forensic doctor retracted his gaze and untied the bag. As expected, it was still a corpse. Like the first bag, there was a head in it, and then a severed limb.

The forensic doctor checked with gloves, “One belongs to the child’s head, one belongs to the child’s thigh, and the rest belong to the adult woman.”

“But this head is the same as the previous adult woman. The face has been beaten by heavy objects, and it is so tattered that it is impossible to see its appearance. Only biological genes can be extracted to determine the identity.”

After checking the tissue in the bag, he sighed and said, “It’s still incomplete. According to the capacity of the bag, I estimate that there are about two body throwing bags left, and I still have to find it.”

The detectives on the side frowned, and those who had a bad temper immediately cursed.

Especially with a kid inside!

Zhang Min’an rubbed his eyebrows and asked people to send the found broken limbs back to the bureau, and then arranged for people to continue looking around.

“Go and contact the Coast Guard and Diving Brigade for a bottom salvage search.”

“In addition, Lao Bai, take someone to a few piers to get the monitoring and check the records of going to sea.”


The policemen who took over the task all left, and the policemen who were waiting on the spot were not idle, and searched around again.

Shen Qiu quietly stayed on the sea and waited. About ten minutes later, the coast guard finally drove over.

There was a bright flag on the white boat, and the little dolphin immediately turned a few times in the water excitedly.

The diving team also arrived at the same time, and Zhang Min’an was talking about the situation of this case.

There was a whistle on the sea.

The “xiu—” sound was long and loud, immediately attracting everyone’s attention.

The white dolphin jumped up from the sea, and then fell heavily, smashing on the water, causing countless splashes.

“chi~” The white-pink head popped out of the white dolphin and shot in the direction of the police.

“xiu~” The little dolphin called out again, then adjusted its body and swam a few meters in the direction from which it came before turning back.

The police on the beach were stunned.

Zhang Min’an stared at the dolphin for a while, then looked back at Lin Li, “What does Xiaolin mean…”

Lin Li stared blankly at Lao Zhang, then at the adult dolphin, and thought for a while, “Let’s follow?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the colleague next to him slapped his hand violently, “They all say that dolphins are very smart! Could it be that he wants to take us to find the corpse!”

The big guys who said this are all agitated.


“Can you really take us?”

The colleague shrank his neck, and bravely said in the face of everyone’s eyes, “I don’t know if it’s true or not, that’s what I said, but he looks like he really wants to bring where are we going.”

Everyone looked at the sea again.

In the blue water, the young dolphins repeat the same action back and forth.

Turn around and jet back, swim forward, swim ten meters, look back at them, and then swim back.

The SWAT police from the diving brigade who just arrived were happy, “This is really like the police dogs of the police dog brigade.”

These words made Zhang Min’an’s eyes flash, and he thought for a moment, took off his jacket and put on a life jacket.

“Is it true?”

Now the police have nothing to gain, but the white dolphin was not only the first to discover the body bag, but also sent two bags of bodies in a row, maybe they really knew where the body was thrown where.

The captain of the diving team and Zhang Min’an have known each other for a long time. Hearing this, he immediately said with some doubts, “Old Zhang, are you serious? That is a wild dolphin, not a well-trained police dog!”

Zhang Min’an didn’t look back, “As long as it’s a clue, try it out, just in case.”

Shen Qiu had been listening to their conversation, and she was relieved when Zhang Minan got on the boat.

Dolphins are not like other animals, they can’t do more without limbs, and they can express with limbs and facial expressions like cats and foxes.

Dolphins… Forget it.

Fortunately, the police are highly alert and will not let go of even the slightest abnormality. As long as it can arouse the police’s vigilance is enough.

The white dolphin swam in front of the police boat and started to lead the way.

His actions further confirm the possibility of taking the police to find the body.

The whole journey along the coastline, without the slightest pause, not even running away to hunt for food.

The Marine Police were amazed.

About ten minutes, the white dolphin who led the way finally stopped. He popped his head out of his head and used the breathing hole to breathe, then jumped high and made a loud whistle.

Zhang Min’an’s eyes moved with the body of the white dolphin, and the pupils tightened in the next second.

He saw the black plastic bag hanging on the cliff, his expression changed immediately, and he quickly pressed the intercom.

“The third bag of corpses may have been found, and there are people coming from the wild viewing platform.”

The viewing platform was quickly blocked, and the special police hung ropes up, and it took 20 minutes to finally take off the plastic bag.

Shen Qiu leaned against the police boat and listened to the movement above.

Zhang Minan put on gloves to open the plastic bag, and a rotten smell came out. Zhang Min’an frowned and shifted the bag to check the organization inside.

After a while, her face suddenly changed, “No! This corpse does not belong to the two dead!”

These words made Shen Qiu’s heart skip a beat, and there was no sound at the top. He really wanted to jump on the boat.

It took about two minutes for Zhang Min’an to call the phone with a dark face, “There are more than two people who died, and in the plastic bag we found on the cliff, there was the body of a child who looked about four or five years old. ”

The body was also dismembered, and the face was also hit by heavy objects, unable to identify the identity from the appearance.

The only difference is that the body in this bag is intact.

From a boy under the age of six.

After hearing Zhang Min’an’s words, Shen Qiu’s heart skipped a beat.

From various circumstances, it can be determined that the murderer is the same.

But why the other two deceased were thrown separately and mixed in the same bag, but this deceased can be in a single bag?

What does this mean?

Zhang Min’an was also thinking about the meaning of it. He thought about asking the Coast Guard to turn the boat back and dial the forensic doctor at the same time.

“The two deceased, in addition to the adult female, is the other child female?”

Although the head of the other deceased was also found, but the short hair does not tell the gender, and the organization that can determine the gender has not yet been found.

But after seeing the boy’s corpse, countless cases of all kinds have been solved. Zhang Min’an, who has been an old criminal policeman for decades, suddenly flashed a guess in his mind.

The forensic doctor was quiet for a while, probably looking at the body, and said after a while, “From the perspective of the thigh bone, the second deceased is most likely a girl, but the specifics still need to be We won’t be sure until all the bodies are found or the test results come out.”

Zhang Min’an squinted his eyes, “Okay, please do the inspection as soon as possible, we will speed up the speed to find the remaining bodies.”

Hang up the phone Zhang Min’an took a deep look at the corpse and closed the bag.

“I have to trouble you to dispatch a few more boats. If the viewing platform is the place where the bodies were thrown, the rest of the bodies should be nearby.”

The wide sea was soon covered with white coast guard boats with dark blue police badges on the hull and a bright flag on the top.

From time to time, police officers in special police diving suits leap into the sea and swim deep.

Beside them, there was a white-pink dolphin hovering constantly, diving in sync with the actions of the special police, and then jumping out of the sea.

The search lasted for two hours, the sky had darkened, the winds and waves increased, and the temperature plummeted.

Zhang Min’an frowned as he looked at the special police officer on the water.

How much time can happen in one night, in case the wind and waves take away the body…

Before Zhang Minan could sort out his thoughts, the familiar whistle sounded again.

It was almost a conditioned reflex, he subconsciously looked towards the source of the whistle, the dolphin was like a night elves in the night.

Jumps, falls, and gives him a terrific smile.

“xiu~” found~

Zhang Min’an was about to pass by when a SWAT shouted from the coastline on the other side, “Found it!”

The police crew split into two groups and salvaged all the two black plastic bags.

As soon as Zhang Minan opened the bag, there was a very feminine part directly opposite.

He guessed right.

One adult woman and one girl.

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