Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 563

Chapter 493 : The death of the **** king! Dubian’s w

can not do this!

Just when Du Bian wanted to control the little black hole to hit the **** hole in the center of the king’s brain, he suddenly changed his mind, controlling the black little black hole to escape and rebound quickly, far away from the **** hole in the center of the king’s brain.

Because Du Bian thought of an important thing.

The collision of two black holes basically has only one result, that is, two into one!

When two black holes of the same size collide, they will first continuously release energy, and then generate gravitational attraction to each other, and finally fuse together.

When two black holes, one large and one small, collide, the small black hole will be attracted by the large black hole, then swallowed and merged!

Therefore, although the black hole impact tactic that Du Bian came up with is very cool, but… it will definitely fail!

What should I do?

Is there no way to deal with black holes?

Is this **** king destined to be invincible?

There is no time at all!

Although within this space, time is different, Du Bian controls the life of this small black hole for only a moment.

Soon this black hole is about to die, it is about to explode!

Because Dubian did not have enough power to sustain this black hole.

Du Bian’s wisdom was running frantically.

He is in the brain world of the **** king, so this is destined to be an extremely unfair war.

The **** king is much stronger than him, and Du Bian is just a free particle in the world of his brain.

But to a certain extent, the two people are almost at the same level.

At least for those believers in Dubian, he is almost a god.

There must be a way, there must be a way!


Soon, Du Bian thought of a way! I thought of an unreliable theory, an unproven theory.

How to make a black hole die?

Let it lose energy continuously, it will heat up sharply, radiate wildly, and finally explode directly!

How to make a black hole lose energy?

Because black holes are always being swallowed, especially a black hole with a long life, which is swallowed all the time, always in a balance.

Therefore, this **** king is constantly creating lives while constantly devouring and slaughtering lives. This is his powerful truth.

Any attack method is ineffective against a black hole and will be swallowed by it.

There is only one method that can make black holes lose energy.

How to make black holes lose energy?

That is negative energy!

Once the negative energy is swallowed into the black hole, the total energy of the black hole will not increase, but will decrease.

This is like 100, plus -3, the final sum will not increase, but decrease.

Any matter in the entire universe has energy, and all matter we find has energy, including antimatter, which has energy.

Energy will not disappear, nor will it decrease. This is the law of conservation of energy.

But there is another kind of energy in this universe, a kind of energy that is completely invisible and intangible.

That is negative energy, which corresponds exactly to positive energy, and the combination of the two is absolutely zero energy.

The Earth Laboratory discovered the existence of negative energy in the middle of the twentieth century, but it has never been able to clearly show it.

And negative energy is not rare, there are many, many negative energies in the universe.

In modern earth, the scientist Hawking et al. proposed the four laws of black hole mechanics.

Of course, I won’t go into details about this theory.

But this theory is very crucial to Dubian, that is, positive and negative particles will be born around the black hole.

Positive particles carry positive energy, and negative particles carry negative energy.

Of course, this is just a theory and there is no way to prove it.

But Du Bian, want to try!

The next Dubian will do a very cruel thing.

In order to keep the little black hole under his control alive, he must continue to let the black hole consume soul matter.

This is the brain world of the **** king, in which countless souls constitute the spiritual power of the **** king.

And the black hole of Dubian manipulator is constantly devouring these souls.

Devoured frantically!

Swallow thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions…

At this time, Du Bian’s approach was no longer different from that of God King.

The **** king swallows it while creating life.

But Du Bian was completely devouring it.

Some people may say that Du Bian can continue to swallow it, making this black hole bigger and bigger, eventually surpassing the central black hole of the king’s brain, and then completing the seizure.

This is impossible!

Because there is gravity between two black holes, and the gravity is mutual.

The black hole created by Dubian is very small, so the attraction between it and the king’s black hole is also very small. Once he creates a black hole to a certain extent, the gravitational force will increase countless times, which will far exceed Dubian’s control.

At that time, the black hole created by Dubian will be directly attracted and swallowed!

Because this belongs to the brain domain of the **** king, and is his plane’s home court!

Closer to home!

Du Bian manipulates the black hole, constantly devouring, devouring!

Sure enough, many antiparticles were born around his black hole, and a lot of negative energy appeared.

Du Bian could feel it clearly, but… he couldn’t control it at all.

Because what the black hole swallows is not the soul of the believer in Dubian, but the unfamiliar soul.

The negative energies of these anti-particles produced by soul matter do not fall under the rule of Dubian.

In other words, Dubian’s black hole must devour his believers, whether they are direct believers or indirect believers.

This is the cruel fact.

The **** king said, what is god? Infinite death makes God!

This sentence really applies everywhere.

Even if there is a saying in ancient China, once you are successful, countless deaths can create a **** of war.

When a general wants to kill an enemy, it is his army, an army he can control.

When a **** wants to fight, it is also his believer who rushes up, otherwise it will not be under his control.

As a result, Du Bian’s black hole began to devour his believers madly.

Strangers do not die, but believers die! Just like our country, the new China was born because of the sacrifices of countless loyal believers.

How tragic this is!

Du became a small black hole, constantly devouring souls, and they were all souls who believed in him.

Tens of thousands of demigods believe in Dubian, which means that the souls of tens of thousands of planes believe in Dubian indirectly, and these souls add up to an astronomical number.

Dubian black holes are getting bigger and bigger, producing more and more antiparticles, and more and more negative energy.

And these negative energies are completely controlled by Dubian!

Hundreds of billions, billions, tens of billions, hundreds of billions, trillions…

Countless negative energy!

Du Bian controlled these negative energies and rushed frantically to the central black hole of the **** king’s brain.

“Swish swish swish…”

Countless negative energy poured in.

In an instant, the energy of the black hole in the center of the **** king’s brain continued to decline, and continued to decline!

The entire black hole is getting smaller and smaller, the temperature is getting higher and higher, and the radiation is getting bigger and bigger.

This is very dangerous!

Once the energy of the black hole in the center of the king’s brain drops to a certain level, the entire black hole will explode.

The King of God was completely shocked!

He never expected that after Du Bian died, he would enter the world of his brain, and he would be able to find a way to defeat him.

What’s more absurd is that Du Bian is immortal, and it will never be possible to defeat him without entering the world of the **** king.

Just like an army, the most vulnerable place is the headquarters.

So is there a way for the king to save all this?


Isn’t the energy of the black hole in the center of the brain decreasing? Then keep swallowing, keep increasing.

This seems very simple, but in fact…it can’t be done!

Because the laws of the universe of his brain are formed by countless long years, any changes are fatal.

And most importantly, if a black hole wants to increase its swallowing power, it relies on its huge gravity. But its energy is constantly decreasing, and its gravitational force is constantly decreasing. Not only does it not increase, it slows down instead.

The only thing the **** king can do is to stop creating life and stop consuming energy and material.

The previous **** king, constantly swallowing, constantly making, maintaining his own powerful balance.

Now stop manufacturing, stop consumption.


The energy consumption of the black hole in the central brain area of ​​the **** king slowed down.

He delayed his destiny of destruction!

Next, what he has to do is to devour the black hole controlled by Dubian and devour all the followers of Dubian.

Du Bian is the **** of faith. Once all his believers are swallowed up, then he will be completely dead, reduced to an ordinary waste soul, and only an ordinary particle in the brain of the **** king.

The black hole of Dubian continues to devour the souls of believers.

Swallowed frantically.

Furiously create anti-particles, create negative energy.

Then manipulate these negative energies to continuously flood into the black hole in the center of the **** king’s brain.

Although the **** king stopped all life production, stopped all energy consumption.

But Du Bian’s attack was too violent and crazy.

The energy of the central black hole of the God King’s brain universe is still declining, and his central black hole is getting smaller and smaller.

Soon, it will reach the Ling Boundary Value.

This is like a company that has tens of billions of fixed assets, but the spread is too big, and it will go bankrupt as long as the capital chain is broken.

At this time, even if it is just a mere ten million, it may cause the company to go bankrupt.

The shortcomings of the King of Gods are that they are too greedy, the stalls spread out are too big, and they have to dominate countless planes and countless worlds at the same time.

Du Bian manipulated the negative energy and continued to attack and attack frantically!

The **** king lost his voice in horror.

He regretted it greatly at this time.

I regret that I shouldn’t kill Du Bian, and he shouldn’t let Du Bian enter the universe of his brain.

Because when Du Bian was dying, tens of thousands of demigods offered their faith and directly turned him into the **** of faith in these tens of thousands of planes, and Du Bian made trouble in his brain world.

But the **** king is too greedy, unwilling to give up any energy, especially Dubian.

How could he think that a low-level race in Dubian district would be so smart? Would you think of the art of slaughtering the gods?

Black holes are invincible, and any attack is ineffective.

But who knows that Du Bian would use negative energy to attack the brain of the king? The key is that Du Bian actually knows how to create negative energy?

Countdown to the destruction of the black hole in the center of the God King’s brain!

5, 4, 3, 2, 1…

Du Bian was extremely excited, extremely excited.

It’s about to succeed!

If the central black hole is destroyed, the brain of the **** king will be destroyed, and the **** king will completely die.

Of course, once the central black hole explodes, the souls of Du Bian and his wife and children may disappear forever.

However, Du Bian can no longer manage so much, there is only one belief in his mind.

Kill the **** king!

However… just when the black hole in the center of the God King’s brain was about to be destroyed.

Everything stopped!

Because Dubian’s negative energy has been used up.

The souls of all his believers were swallowed clean.

Only his wife and children are left.

Do you want to swallow the souls of your wife and children and turn them into positive particles and anti-particles?

However, the black hole in the center of the **** king’s brain was about to be destroyed immediately, just a little bit.

This is not the last straw to crush the camel, but the last feather.

It is not even necessary for Dubian to sacrifice all his wives and children, even one or two of them.

Of course, there is another way.

That is to sacrifice Du to change yourself!

Sacrifice yourself? Or sacrificing his wife and children?

There is hardly any hesitation!

Du Bian decided to sacrifice himself!

He let the black hole swallow him, turning himself into positive and negative energy particles.

Then, he manipulated the last negative energy particle, that is, himself, flying towards the central black hole of the **** king’s brain.


The last antiparticle, and the last one to change the negative energy, penetrated into the central black hole of the king’s brain!

“No no no no……”

The **** king shuddered and roared abruptly.

The central black hole in his brain completely crossed the transit boundary value.

Then, it exploded suddenly!

“Boom boom boom boom boom…”

The explosion of the black hole in the center of the **** king’s brain, earth-shattering explosion.

This seems to be no different from other black hole explosions in the universe.

Unleash countless energy frantically.

In the universe, the death and explosion of black holes often means the explosion of supernovae.

The explosion of a black hole is equal to the return of energy and life.

“Boom boom boom…”

This shocking explosion instantly tore through the entire brain space of the **** king.

It is as if the entire galaxy is instantly flooded with light.

The light at this moment is 100 billion times that of the sun.

And this time!

The King of Gods can no longer shout out the word.

His body is constantly changing.

From a pyramid to a human shape, it becomes a strange shape.

Then, it collapsed suddenly.

The pyramid from three thousand kilometers collapsed suddenly and became a black spot.

Then, burst out suddenly!

Boom boom boom boom!

The shocking explosion was transmitted from the micro world to the macro world!

The 3,000-mile protoss pyramid disappeared directly.

The shocking explosion swept all the planets and all the moons in the triad galaxy.

All the stars in the past two light years have all disappeared.

Finally… three suns!

The three stars of the triad also exploded violently.

Of course, the sun is erupting all the time.

At this time, they almost madly overdraft their energy bursts.

Three suns exploded.

The entire triple galaxy is completely dead!

The king is dead!

The chief culprit for the destruction of countless planes is dead.

The **** king who was so powerful that he was almost omnipotent was dead.

Du Bian completely avenged all the dragons and all the dragons.

The time scale is reversed!

All in all, all return to the moment before the doomsday bell echoes!

Back to the moment before everything was destroyed At this moment, everyone on the earth, such as Ren Yexiao, Du Xiao, beautiful girl Fat Xiao, etc., will be wiped out. Ning Xue and his son on the plane of the Daning Empire, and a few months old female baby, including everyone on the entire plane, will be wiped out.

But all these causes and effects have been changed!

With the echo of the doomsday clock as the time scale, everything is reversed and changed.

Hundreds of thousands of people who survived on the planet were safe and sound, including Du Bian’s wife and children.

Everyone on the Daning Empire plane was safe and sound, including Du Bian’s wife and children.

But… Du Bian seems to be missing? !

where is he? Is it gone forever?

Note: The second one is here, please ask for support, ask for monthly pass, the finale tomorrow, thank you all!

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