Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 558

Chapter 490 : Extinction of 10,000 gods! My wife and

Protoss woman Sophia couldn’t resist Du Bian’s power, and gradually knelt down in front of him.

Du Bian sneered, “Do you want to live?”

Sophia said: “Yes.”

Du Bian said: “Then how about we play a role-playing game, you play as a prostitute.”

Protoss woman Sophia showed an expression of incomparable shame on her face.

Although Du Bian had gained god-level power, in her mind she was still a low-level race like a monkey.

Before she was lucky enough to change Dubian, it can also be said to be curious. If you serve Dubian like a prostitute, that would be a huge shame.

However, nothing is more important than life, especially for the Protoss, life surpasses everything.

Then, Protoss woman Sophia showed a charming smile on her face, and gently unlocked Du Bian’s energy armor.

How Du Bian served him and her back then, how she is going to serve Du Bian now.

The expression on her face became more and more flattering, and her movements became more and more humble.

However… suddenly!

An incomparably huge force instantly suppressed Du Bian’s whole body.

Protoss woman Sophia flashed and avoided like light and shadow.

Gravitational weapons!

But it was not released by one protoss, nor was it released by hundreds of protoss.

It is a gravitational weapon released by the energy pyramid.

Moreover, these gravitational forces are indirectly derived from the three suns and are guided and utilized by the pyramid.

This is a shocking force.

It is countless times the gravitational attack released before Dubian!

Previously, this energy pyramid used this power to compress and collapse a planet into a black hole.

Then, a small figure walked out, followed by dozens of high-level Protoss councils.

Then, thousands of protoss warriors poured in.

It was the green-skinned protoss, only about 90 centimeters high, she seemed to be a leader of the protoss council.

After Du Bian almost killed the Protoss who came forward in the venue, the leader of the council chose to activate the gravitational weapon of the energy pyramid.

The astronomical gravitational force is constantly compressing towards Dubian.

This force has far exceeded the range that Du Bian can bear.

His body was constantly compressed and collapsed.

The body is getting smaller and smaller!

From a height of nearly two meters to one meter, one decimeter, one centimeter, one millimeter…

And it keeps getting smaller!

It’s so small that it can’t be seen by the naked eye!

Of course, Du Bian stopped when his body collapsed to a certain extent, because he couldn’t continue.

It is impossible to compress Du Bian into a black hole, or even crush him to pieces, and he would die. Once he dies, he will be completely reborn.

To maintain an absolute balance, not to let Du become crushed, but not to let him escape.

To make Dubian imprisoned permanently in this gravitational prison.

Protoss woman Sophia, desperately drank water and sulked desperately.

Then looking at Du Bian, he sneered: “The lower races are the lower races. Even if you get the power of the gods, they are still stupid lower races. After you get the power of the gods, you should run away immediately, the farther you can escape. The better. In the end, you were blinded by ignorant hatred and came to get revenge.”

“Vengeance is very enjoyable? But you will lose your freedom forever.” Sophia said: “This gravitational prison will always be in a balance. You can’t break free, and you don’t even have the power to commit suicide. But you will never kill. You will not be reborn if you die, so you will always lose your freedom and be imprisoned forever!”

“You will be imprisoned for a thousand years, ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years! Even if you get the power of the Protoss, even if you kill thousands of the Protoss, what about it? Your power can never be compared with the entire energy pyramid. There are millions of protoss in the pyramid, can you finish it?”

“You just forced me to do the most humiliating thing. You made me kneel in front of you to serve you like a whore. You dare to trample on the dignity of a protoss.” Sophia’s eyes were filled with deep hatred, and she said coldly: ” How do you think I should retaliate against you? I am helpless to you. I can’t kill you or even hurt you. But don’t forget, I have the energy data of your wife and children, I can copy them out, and then over and over again Kill, I will let you watch all this! I will make you regret it countless times, and once offended me!”

“Of course, after copying your wives, I will not only kill them over and over again. Just now I served you like a whore, and I will let them serve other males just like you!”

Then, Protoss woman Sophia waved her hand.

Suddenly a huge screen appeared in front of her, and several people appeared.

There are Ren Yexiao, Nishang, Ning Xue, Du Xiao, etc…

As long as Sophia is willing, she can use energy to create them.

Seeing all this, Du Bian roared in his heart.

Absolutely not!

His wife and children must be resurrected, must be the original life.

It absolutely cannot be copied, it is an absolute blasphemy.

Even if the copied wife and children look exactly the same, even their memories and emotions are exactly the same, but they are no longer the original wife and children.

Each of his wife and children must be unique.

So Du Bian never thought about copying them, but about bringing them back to life.

But now Sophia actually wants to copy them.


Du Bian tried his best to get rid of this gravitational prison.

But it’s really hard to do.

This gravitational prison is completely in absolute balance, which happens to suppress all the resistance of Dubian. When Dubian itself is in an absolute zero state, it cannot release even a little bit of power.

You can’t even commit suicide.

Protoss woman Sophia laughed and said, “Du Bian, which one of your wife and children should I choose to copy? Who should I copy first? Is it Du Xiao or Ren Yexiao? Or is it your second daughter, Fat Xiao What? These should be the three of your favorites.”

“Ren Yexiao, this is your favorite woman, and the woman who owes the most.” Sophia said: “Moreover, when the doomsday bell rang, she was pregnant in her belly. I’ll copy her. , And then put on a big show on her.”

Protoss woman Sophia chose Ren Yexiao to copy, because she can bring the greatest excitement and revenge to Du Bian.

For Du Bian, not to mention that the copied Ren Yexiao was tortured and tortured, even if the moment Ren Yexiao was copied, he would lose, even if he was defeated.

He is not in a hurry!

Sophia has a saying that makes sense.

Du Bian’s strength alone is definitely not equal to the entire Protoss Pyramid, so why did he break in?

There are millions of Protoss in the entire pyramid, which is a whole millions! Relying on Du to change a person, can you kill it? Of course you can’t finish it!

Didn’t he know that there is a gravitational prison?

Of course, Du Bian knew that there was a gravitational prison. After all, he saw this energy pyramid compressing a satellite with a diameter of more than one thousand kilometers into a black hole.

Of course he knew he couldn’t escape the prison of gravity.

Then why does he still come in? Is he stupid?

of course not!

This is a triple star with three suns in an unstable state at all times.

Their operation is almost without track.

And this gravitational prison is constructed by the energy pyramid directly using the gravitational forces of the three suns.


When the three suns move to a unique orbit, when the Protoss pyramid is in the absolute center of gravity of the three suns.

Then, the gravitational force it receives will instantly equal zero.

Because the gravitational forces of the three suns on it will instantly cancel each other out!

And at this time, the gravitational prison on Dubian’s body will instantly expire!

And the most terrifying thing is!

Although the entire energy pyramid can still receive the sun’s energy, it will instantly lose gravitational energy.

This means that it will lose its strength and its protection!

At that time, Dubian… will be able to exterminate the entire Protoss civilization!

So, when will this Protoss pyramid enter the absolute gravitational center of the three suns?

After 19 seconds!

Why did Du Bian know?

Because he saw it!

He just saw the future!

Du Bian didn’t know anything when he entered the black hole, because he died in an instant.

However, when the local black hole dies, it becomes a white hole, erupting everything, including Dubian.

The eruption speed at that moment reached the extreme.

Du Bian has entered a very surreal and bizarre state.

He saw a lot of things that he hadn’t seen, even things that were difficult to understand, far surpassing his wisdom, and even things surpassing the wisdom of the Protoss.

Among them, he saw the picture of the future, saw the trajectory of the three suns, and saw that the Protoss pyramid was in the absolute gravitational center of the three suns for a moment, and instantly lost all the gravitational energy.

The entire pyramid is located at the absolute gravitational center of the three suns. It has appeared twice in the previous history, and it has been more than 30,000 years since the nearest one.

This is the most dangerous moment of the Protoss, because at this moment the pyramid loses its gravitational protection and loses its protective power.

But only for a moment, because the three suns will quickly change their trajectories, so there is basically no danger.

At this point, there are still 15 seconds left before this critical time point!

Protoss woman Sophia said towards Du Bian: “Humble monkey, are you looking forward to seeing your mother monkey appear? Even if it’s just a duplicated mother monkey?”

“Start copying Ren Yexiao…” Sophia ordered.

Du Bian counted down.

“Nine, eight, seven…”

He would never let Ren Yexiao’s copy come out, because in that case, Ren Yexiao would not be unique.

“It’s coming out, and it’s still not in the distance. Many male members of the Protoss Council around me will see her body!” Sophia said, “Although I don’t know, what is the naked body of this female monkey? good-looking.”

“Come out!” Protoss woman Sophia suddenly pressed toward the screen.

At the same time!

The three suns moved to absolute trajectories.

The entire Protoss Pyramid is at the absolute center of gravity of the three suns, and the gravitational force obtained instantly is zero, and all the protective power is instantly lost.

The gravitational prison that trapped Dubian was also invalidated instantly!


Du Bian recovered all his power in an instant!

Then, he exhausted all his strength and bombarded the Protoss Pyramid!

Amazing power!

Blast a crack in the Protoss Pyramid alive!

It’s just a crack!

Even if the pyramid loses all its protective power, Du Bian can only make a crack in it.

However, it is enough!

This pyramid was originally flawless, as long as there is a crack, it means destruction.

This is like an astronaut in outer space, even if there is a tiny crack in his hood, it is basically finished.

Just a moment!

The three suns continued to run chaotically, and the Protoss Pyramid left the center of absolute gravity, gaining gravity once again.

But this is already a huge disaster.

Because it is not complete anymore, it is not perfect anymore, so the huge gravitational force will not only fail to protect it, but will tear it desperately.

Even the smallest crack in this pyramid will lose its balance.

The more powerful and perfect things are, the more vulnerable they are.

“No, no, no…”

The green-skinned protoss, Sophia, and other leaders of the protoss council saw this crack in the pyramid, and they were immediately plunged into complete horror.

As if the end is coming!

Everyone screamed desperately.

“no no no……”

One of the protoss suddenly turned into a burst of energy and penetrated into the crack, and he tried to fill the crack.

However, this is of no avail.

The three suns continued to move chaotically, and the gravitational force released was also chaotic, pulling the entire pyramid.

The cracks in this protoss pyramid are getting bigger and bigger!

“You are crazy, you are crazy…”

The green-skinned protoss roared towards Dubian: “Are you crazy? You will destroy the entire pyramid, you will kill millions of protoss you will exterminate the entire protoss civilization.”

“Rumble rumbling…”

The whole world is trembling.

The disaster happened.

The end of the Protoss has come.

The huge and chaotic gravitational forces of the three suns madly tore the Protoss pyramid.

The cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and the entire pyramid will soon be torn apart.

Du Bian suddenly rushed to the Protoss woman Sophia, and sneered with disdain: “You are just a relatively advanced civilized race. You call yourself a Protoss, and your planes are too high. You treat me as a monkey. I am considered a low-level race? But… With my own wisdom, you can wipe out all of your millions of Protoss!”

“Before I came to this pyramid, I took an oath to declare war on those who manipulate fate, even if they are the Protoss. I am now declaring that if I change one person, I will kill all of your Protoss!”

“I want to avenge all the dragons, all the demons, and all the human beings destroyed by you!”

Then, Du Bian raised his huge fist and slammed violently at the Protoss woman Sophia.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

This is not an ordinary fist, this is a fist with astronomical power.

Furiously crit!

Like countless nuclear bombs.

Crushing crazily, trampling crazily.

In just a few minutes!

Protoss woman Sophia was killed by Du Bian alive!

And it’s ashes, to pieces, and there is no place to die!

“Father, mother, all the dragons, all the gods, I want to avenge you, I want to kill all the gods!” Du Bian roared.

A loud noise!

The entire Protoss pyramid was torn in half by the gravity of the three suns!

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