Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 556

Chapter 488 : Du Bian was promoted to god! Protoss d

After hearing Du Bian’s words, Protoss woman Sophia sneered.

“What do you mean?” Du Bian said.

Sophia said: “We will never negotiate terms with lower races! You must either agree or watch your wife be ravaged by wild beasts.”

Then, the four ferocious males rushed towards Mo Han.

But after a while.

Du Fan and Mo Han’s bodies were once again wiped out, becoming countless energy particles and dissipating in the air.

Protoss woman Sophia’s face changed drastically.

After just a few minutes, the bodies of Du Fan and Mo Han condensed again.

Du Bian said: “Of course you can make me fall asleep and Mo Han fall asleep too, but if I am not conscious, you can’t threaten me. As long as I’m conscious, I can be wiped out countless times and reborn countless times, so Mo Han will never be ravaged by other males, and I will never cuckold.”

Yes, this is the truth.

The butcher knife has a deterrent effect only when it does not fall.

Once it really falls, the result is a foregone conclusion.

Therefore, the Protoss must be able to threaten Du Bian sober. But as long as the situation is changed, it can be wiped out countless times,

Therefore, the Protoss woman’s threat to Du Bian went bankrupt.

Sophia waved his hand, and the four males immediately disappeared.

She waved again.

Suddenly, the surrounding scene completely changed and it became a prairie.

“Du change experimenter, what is your ultimate goal?” Sophia said.

Du Bian said: “Resurrect human beings on earth, and resurrect my wife and children.”

The Protoss girl shook her head and said: “It will never be possible. They are completely dead, and it is impossible to resurrect. Of course you may think that you have been resurrected countless times, and even this Mo Han has been resurrected countless times. But the root cause It’s that you didn’t really die at all, and those people really died.”

“Life is time in a way!”

“Most of the time, time is like a quietly flowing river with a mirror-like smooth surface. But when the energy explodes and distorts violently and reaches a certain level, time will also waver. The derivative earth position of the Daning Empire The birth of the face is due to the waves of time. The normal earth time still flows forward, and the derived earth plane is like the wave of time, surging in an arc, so it is obvious that the same length is the derived earth plane of the modern Daning Empire. But it was more than three hundred years late. In the early days of the Big Bang, most of the entire time existed in a state of shocking waves, but more than 10 billion time passed, and time became calm as water.”

“Of course, after the civilization reaches a certain level, space jumps can be performed. The energy civilization of our race has reached an absolute height, so every individual can achieve space jumps. But during the time of space jumps, time still flows forward. ”

“For example, when I brought Mo Han over, I used the space to jump. For Mo Han and I, the distance of 4 light-years was covered in just an instant, but for you, it was enough. It took four years to see me.”

“During this whole process, time is still passing forward, and it flows normally. Why do I feel that four years have passed in an instant? It’s as if you slept, obviously more than ten hours have passed, but it feels Only a moment passed.”

Protoss woman Sophia said: “So, do you understand what I mean?”

Du Biandao: “The flow of time forward is eternal, and it can never go back.”

“Yes.” Sophia, a protoss woman, said.

In Einstein’s theory of relativity, this is almost affirmed, and time cannot go back.

But there is another theory that when the speed of an object exceeds the speed of light, time can flow backwards.

Protoss woman Sophia said: “Of course, to some extent, it is easy to resurrect your wife and all human beings. Because we are the Protoss, we have been able to create life. Your wife, children, and countless humans As far as we are concerned, it is just a piece of information, and we can easily bring them all back to life.”

“However, we can never do that.” Protoss woman Sophia said: “Because we never make terms with lower races!”

Du Bian said: “Then you don’t want to know the secret of my eternal life?”

Protoss girl Sophia looked at Du Bian for a while and said, “Because, you really don’t even know about it. If a person wants not to reveal the secret, the only way is to not even know about it.”

Sophia got it right!

Du Bian’s immortality is indeed a move he played before.

But after this step of the flag, he completely obliterated this secret forever, even he didn’t even know it.

He himself is very puzzled, why can he not die?

He and Mo Han were mentally entangled. The two were obviously killed at the same time. They should have died completely, but why did they never die?

Then the Protoss girl waved, Du Bian and Mo Han fell asleep once again.

Before falling asleep, Mo Han sent Du Bian a spiritual message.

“Du Bian, are you still in control of everything now?”

Du Bian said: “Even though I don’t know what will happen next, even though I don’t even know why I am not dead. But… it seems that everything is still on the planned track.”

Mo Han said: “Then can you kill this bitch?”

Du Biandao: “Maybe…”

Of course, it seems that the two people communicated in words for a minute or two, but the exchange of spiritual information is only a moment.

Soon, the two fell into a complete sleep.

The Protoss Council is caught in huge disputes and discussions!

The point of discussion is whether to do everything possible to kill Dubian.

One party believes that Du Bian is a bug in the experiment, a mistake, and will bring huge consequences, so he should be killed regardless of all consequences.

The other side believes that Dubian’s immortality is largely a testament to their misunderstandings. And it will provide a new direction for the immortality of the Protoss, so instead of killing him, he should be thoroughly studied.

The members of the entire Protoss are arguing!

In the end, Sophia stood up.

“I support the views of both of you.”

Everyone was stunned when the words came out, but they soon understood the meaning inside.

Sophia’s meaning is very clear.

Use all means to kill Du Bian. If he can kill, then the theory of his immortality doesn’t exist, and he doesn’t have much value in the direction of immortality.

If he cannot be killed, then the process of killing him by all means is to study the process of immortality.

Therefore, the Protoss Council passed a resolution.

Do everything possible to kill Du Bian, even if he pays huge amounts of energy.

They negotiated countless ways!

In the end, the Protoss Council decided to use the immature ultimate weapon to kill Dubian.

That is a black hole!

When a star is about to die, it will first become a red dwarf, then a white dwarf, and then a neutron star.

If the neutron star continues to collapse, it will become a black hole.

Of course, our sun’s mass is too small, it will only become a white dwarf, unable to collapse into a black hole.

When the radius of the black hole is smaller, its density will be extremely huge, reaching 10 billion tons per cubic centimeter. Of course, the larger the radius of the black hole, the smaller its density.

For the energy civilization of the Protoss, black holes have been studied for a long, long time, but as weapons, they have not yet matured.

Because the black hole is too small, it is meaningless.

To be used as a weapon, the radius of the black hole must be large.

But a slightly larger black hole needs astronomical amounts of matter.

For example, a black hole with a radius of 1 meter needs the mass of 1.4 suns.

All the energy of this Protoss comes from the triple star, all from these three suns, it is impossible to sacrifice a sun in order to kill Dubian.

And to be honest, the Protoss does not have the ability to create such a sky-defying black hole.

“We don’t need to make a black hole that big, just make a black hole with a diameter of 1 mm.” Protoss woman Sophia said: “Because the lives of Dubian and Mo Han can condense into energy points with extremely small diameters. When Mo Han flew from the earth to our triple star, he condensed herself into a small energy point. I calculated that the diameter of her condensed energy point is only about 0.5 mm.”

In the end, the Protoss Council decided.

A black hole with a diameter of 1 mm was created, and then Dubian and Mo Han were condensed into two energy points, which were thrown into the black hole to kill.

A black hole with a diameter of 1 millimeter is visually minimal.

But the material needed is extremely astonishing. It is probably necessary to compress a planet with a diameter of more than one thousand kilometers to only one millimeter in diameter.

How much energy does this require?

It is totally immeasurable!

This is almost the largest project of the Protoss Council in the past few hundred years!

To this end, the Protoss civilization directly used a satellite with a diameter of 1,600 kilometers.

Then, use the power of hundreds of thousands of Protoss to compress this satellite.

It took several years to compress and collapse the star with a diameter of more than one thousand kilometers to only one thousand meters in diameter.

Next, relying on the power of the Protoss itself can no longer continue to compress, and the power of the entire pyramid needs to be used.

Because the pyramid is an unparalleled energy array, it can directly absorb the energy of the three suns.

It took several years for the Protoss Council to transport this one-thousand-meter-diameter dwarf star to the core of the energy pyramid.

Then, the entire pyramid energy array released a shocking force to compress and collapse the one-kilometer-diameter dwarf star.

In this process, the entire energy pyramid violently oscillated.

Because it directly uses the unparalleled gravity of the three suns to compress.

The original celestial body that was more than a thousand kilometers away was almost compressed, becoming smaller and smaller in size.

When it collapses to a certain extent.

It became a neutron star, and its density reached an astonishing hundreds of millions of tons per cubic centimeter.

The Protoss Pyramid continues to use the gravity of the three suns to continue to crazily compress this neutron star.

It continues to collapse, collapse, collapse.

at last!

When it collapses to only one millimeter in diameter!

It has undergone a shocking change and turned into a black hole!

A satellite with a diameter of more than one thousand kilometers has become a black hole with a diameter of about one millimeter.

“Quickly, throw Du Fan and Mo Han into the black hole and kill!”

This command is a spiritual command, issued instantly!

At this time, Du Bian and Mo Han had long been condensed into two energy points.


The Pyramid Energy Array slammed the energy of Du Fan and Mo Han towards this black hole.

In an instant, the energy points of Du Fan and Mo Han disappeared without a trace!

The black hole swallows everything!

Even light cannot escape!

“The pyramid immediately ejects away!” The Protoss Council gave an order.


The 3,000-kilometer energy pyramid moved away instantly at an extremely fast speed.

The black hole that swallowed Du Fan and Mo Han floated alone in space.

The reason why the energy pyramid escaped is not to worry about being swallowed by this black hole, because it is a complete body, and its mass is far greater than this black hole.

The reason for escaping quickly is that the life of a black hole is extremely short.

Even with the civilization of the Protoss, the life of the black hole can only be maintained for a very short time, less than 0.01 second.

The death of a black hole is extremely terrifying!

It is equivalent to the miniature Big Bang.

The moment the black hole dies, it becomes a white hole, ejecting all the matter.


The black hole that swallowed Du Fan and Mo Han, just an instant later.

Burst open suddenly!

A shocking explosion!

This is an explosion that humans have never seen before, and an explosion that far exceeds the cognition of human civilization.

This is the degree of god-defying civilization of the Protoss!

In their black hole weapon conception, this is the most primitive black hole weapon!

But even this most primitive black hole weapon can easily destroy a planet and a civilization.

Black holes are almost the most powerful weapon.

Any matter that enters the black hole will be completely shredded to the extreme by the incredible gravity.

Any life entering a black hole will die!

Du Bian and Mo Han are no exception!

“Boom boom boom boom…”

In a shocking explosion!

This black hole ejected all the matter that had been swallowed before.

The whole planet, there are anything else, including the matter of Du Bian and Mo Han.

Everyone in the Protoss Council stared at this piece of space quietly.

All energy array telescopes are searching this piece of space over several million kilometers.

As long as there is any life, it will be captured by them.

Fired again and again.

Ten minutes have passed, half an hour has passed, an hour has passed!

None of the energy telescopes of the Protoss Council found it.

“Experimental subjects Mo Han and Du Bian are completely dead.”

The Protoss Observer officially announced that everyone in the Protoss Council has a complicated heart, and cannot tell whether it is joy or sadness.

At least the experimental BUG of Dubian has been completely killed.

However, the path of the Protoss’ pursuit of immortality seems to have been completely cut off.


In the shadow of countless interstellar dust.

The light and shadow of Du Bian’s body gradually condensed.

And this time he is different from before, he has been promoted to the Protoss!

He looked at the direction of the Protoss Pyramid, and said coldly: “Your doomsday is here!”

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