Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 523

Chapter 458 : Duel Zhao Yanping! Fatal lore!

Destiny’s Great Devil’s Palace!

Zhao Yanping is the dominant center of the Eastern Hemisphere.

This is a… a mess of buildings.

Taikang the Great Emperor Li Xiaoqiang would at least imitate, the royal palace in the Eastern United Empire was built like the Gondor in the movie, and the Taikang Empire’s palace was built like the ice cap fortress inside.

And the devil’s palace of fate in front of me is entirely the imagination of a mentally ill patient.

is completely disorganized, full of so-called post-modern style.

He studied Van Gogh, Picasso, and Monet, all to the point of being crazy.

In short, after Du Bian entered this Destiny Palace, the first thing he felt was dizziness and a feeling of vomiting.


Piano music sounded again.

The level is still very high, even much higher than Dubian.

and it’s an unfamiliar piece, maybe original.

Zhao Yanping, the demon master of fate, who was all dressed in a dress, was lying on the piano intoxicated, and there were four women performing beside him.

Ahn’Qiraj, Angel, Li Houhou, Jiang Yuhan.

But they are not performing normally, but like four beautiful puppets.

is obviously a real person, but he behaves like a puppet, and every action is full of dullness.

However, it is full of weird beauty, as if there is a line pulling behind them in every movement.

This piece of music is not long. After four minutes, the performance ends.

The dance of the four beauties stopped abruptly, and then freezed there motionless.

Zhao Yanping asked: “Du Bian, what do you think of me playing?”

“Very good, very good.” Du Bian said.

“Shit, I can’t play well at all.” Zhao Yanping said coldly: “I don’t like piano at all, but my parents forced me to learn it. I played very badly.”

No, he plays very well and his level is scary.

“I love movies, and my talent is also in movies.” Zhao Yanping said: “Originally, one of my masterpieces was about to be released soon, but it was completely destroyed by you.”

That **** movie.

Zhao Yanping said: “I really didn’t expect you to dare to come, your cultivation level is so bad for me, obviously you must die, but you will come. Only lunatics will come.”

Du changed his way: “Don’t you see that my martial arts is already much higher?”

The Demon Lord of Destiny was taken aback, then looked towards Du Bian earnestly, nodded and said, “Sure enough, much stronger.”

Then, he asked: “Is it the Nightmare Emperor?”

Du Bian nodded and said: “Yes!”

The Demon Lord Zhao Yanping said: “I was also very surprised at the time. He was so powerful, why was he killed by me so easily, and the Prince of the Nightmare Empire took everyone to surrender. It was so easy. It turned out that everything was to wait. you.”

“It’s actually not hard to guess.” The Demon Lord said: “But I am an artist, do you understand? I have a fetish of artistic cleanliness. I have defeated the Great Nightmare once, and cut off his head. You asked me to find him all over the world, and then kill him completely. I really don’t have that motivation. I don’t want to use my brain anymore except for the idea of ​​a movie.”

Du Bian can understand this feeling, all from the heart, he feels that the end is the end.

Zhao Yanping said: “It is not enough for your immediate cultivation base, and there is still a big gap with me. You are not my opponent, far from my opponent. At best, you have just broken through the Destroyer realm, and I am already Destroyed. The person is at its peak.”

Du changed his way: “I have to try it.”

Zhao Yanping said: “What do you think of my destiny big devil palace?”

“It sucks.” Du changed.

“You talk nonsense, what do you know? What do you know?” Zhao Yanping furiously said: “I am a talented artist. My destiny palace is full of post-modern style. It is a combination of dream and reality. Twisted. What do you vulgar people know?”

Du changed his way: “Zhao Yanping, don’t pretend, you have a high musical talent. But in the art and movie screens, you are completely messed up.”

Zhao Yanping’s eyes were cold, and his palm snapped, and he immediately sucked Jiang Yuhan in front of him, and said coldly: “I have no artistic talent? I have no aesthetic talent? Du Bian, you better give a sufficient reason, otherwise I will. Stripping Jiang Yuhan’s clothes in front of you, and then peeling off her whole body, I did what I said.”

This is a total lunatic, he really does.

He even pressed his nails on Jiang Yuhan’s scalp, and could tear her skin from the middle at any time.

Du Fan said indifferently: “Zhao Yanping, if this Devil’s Palace of Destiny is really as good as you said, so full of artistic beauty, why don’t you even want to live here? Most of you live in the palaces of the Nightmare Empire. Inside, because you think there is more beautiful and more comfortable. And this Devil Palace of Destiny, you live here and want to vomit!”

As soon as he said this, Zhao Yanping’s face changed drastically, and he was about to tore Jiang Yuhan’s skin abruptly.

A ray of blood flowed down from Jiang Yuhan’s forehead.

Zhao Yanping, the madman, really did it.

But he stopped after all!

Because what Du Bian said was right, it was completely in his heart.

He really hates this place, so he doesn’t want to live here at all.

“Okay, less gossip.” Zhao Yanping said: “You are here for a duel.”

Fight to the death, two live one!

Zhao Yanping said: “Du Bian, this duel is of course no suspense, even if you get the energy inheritance of the Nightmare Great, you will definitely die. But do you know what I will do after I kill you?”

“Tell me.” Du Bian said, he actually knew.

Zhao Yanping said: “I intend to seize your body and become like you, so that everyone thinks that you have won. Then I will continue to live with the life of Emperor Du Bian of Taikang Empire, raise your children, and sleep. Your wife, this kind of wife must be very interesting, and I feel very excited when I think about it.”

Du Bian did not speak.

Zhao Yanping’s words are vicious, but he has no imagination.

“I have conceived the first match of our duel.” Zhao Yanping said: “The serious fight is too stupid, too uncompelling, have you seen it?”

Of course Du Bian has seen it.

Zhao Yanping said: “Although I hate the piano, the scene in this movie where the male protagonist 900 finally fights the piano with someone is too classic and handsome!”

Then, Zhao Yanping waved.

In an instant, he and Du Bian flew out of the sea.

Two magnificent pianos float above the sea, 10,000 meters apart.

And the entire sea surface is completely as smooth as a mirror, but there is no mirror light and it looks gray.

Zhao Yanping sat in front of the white piano, and Du Bian sat in front of the black piano.

“How about we also have a fight with the piano?” Zhao Yanping said: “Infiltrate our power attack into the sound of the piano and attack the other party.”

Suddenly, Du Bian couldn’t help but think of the two blind luthiers in the movie, using the sound of the piano to turn into a flying knife to kill.

With a heartbreak, where can I find a friend!

“Okay…” Du changed.

Zhao Yanping had a little idea, and then began to play.


magnificent, tragic!

The feeling of looking for hope in despair, looking for light in the dark.

Zhao Yanping’s performance level is extremely high.

And his formidable power is completely contained in the sound of the piano, and he will kill Du Bian!

Du Variation.

Compared to strength, he is definitely not as good as Zhao Yanping, so he beats slow with speed.

Croatian Rhapsody is a very fast-paced piece.

Du Bian’s performance level is also very high, but… it is still one level behind Zhao Yanping.

Du Bian’s martial arts is also very high, but it is still one level behind Zhao Yanping.

But playing fast and slow, barely able to make a tie.

The incredibly powerful force is contained in the sound of the piano, and it is murderous towards the opponent.

Two forces meet in the air!

Then, the sea between the two of them instantly boiled.

The 10,000-meter sea surface has become the most magnificent fountain.

tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of water jets slammed into the sky hundreds of meters.

But I haven’t waited until these water jets fall, and instantly disappeared,

Soon, Zhao Yanping changed the song.

The third piece!

Du Bian changed immediately.

Zhao Yanping replaced it, this is a song of despair.

If the previous and in the darkness and despair still carry hope, it is completely dark and desperate!

In an instant, the sea between the two people was completely dark.

Countless sea water instantly turned black, like a dark wave of fury, sweeping towards Dubian madly.

Du Bian played immediately. This is a piece that is difficult to play on the piano because it is an Italian folk song sung with human voices.

But to fight against Zhao Yanping’s dark magic song, you can only use the sun to drive away.

Countless powerful, golden-yellow energy rays surging out along with Du Bian’s piano sound

Immediately, the dark frenzy played by Zhao Yanping was completely torn apart, just like using sunlight to drive out the darkness.

Zhao Yanping changed another song.

This is a piece Du Bian has never heard before, and it is Zhao Yanping’s original.

almost just started playing, the whole sky dimmed.

Then, the dark snow drifted away from the sky!

Du Bian has seen blue snow, white snow, even **** snow, but never black snow.

After a while.

The surface of the sea within a radius of tens of thousands of meters is completely frozen.

The sea is frozen in ice.

Endless darkness, endless desperate power, madness swept!

The terrifying dark ice completely surrounded Du Bian in an instant!

almost reached absolute zero, frantically devouring Dubian’s vitality.

Du Bian still plays like crazy.

not only uses the piano to play, but also sings with the soul.


In an instant, a ball of flame suddenly rose.

Du changed his whole person, and his piano was burning.

Then, the ice on the entire sea was burning.

Flame and light expelled despair and death, and Du became resurrected.

Zhao Yanping frowned.


He snapped his finger down.

Suddenly, the sound was like an extremely sharp dark arrow.

In an instant, his piano was wiped out in ashes.

At the same time, Du Bian’s piano also turned into powder.

The piano fight between the two is over.

In terms of skills and power, Zhao Yanping is higher. But when it comes to mood, Du changes the height.

So in the first duel, the two barely tied.

Without any pause, the two immediately entered the second duel!

Zhao Yanping suddenly raised his hands.

Countless sea water rushed to the sky.


Then, the sea water turned into a terrible dark fire burning.

“Swish swish swish swish…”

Countless dark fires began to fall, smashing towards Dubian.

Every group of dark fire is full of extremely powerful power.

“Swish swish swish…”

In an instant, Du Bian evolved countless clones.

Dozens, hundreds, thousands of clones.

Every avatar went to hit these dark fireballs that fell from the sky.

A few seconds later, all the dark flames were destroyed.

Then, Du Bian snapped his hands together.

The astronomical number of sea water was suddenly lifted into the air by him, which was several thousand tons.

“High-powered gravity surgery!”

In an instant, gravity kept multiplying.

Ten times, one hundred times, one thousand times, ten thousand times, one hundred thousand times!

These sea waters originally weighed several thousand tons. After the gravity was increased by a hundred thousand times, it would be an astonishing hundreds of millions of tons.

couldn’t bear such a heavy weight, the astronomical amount of sea water began to collapse.

is getting smaller and smaller.

Thousands of cubic meters have become hundreds of cubic meters, dozens of cubic meters…

Finally, it condenses into a drop of water!

Thousands of cubic meters of water, with a gravity of hundreds of millions of tons, are condensed on a drop of water the size of a thumb. How amazing is this?

This drop of water, even with Dubian’s martial arts cultivation, can’t drive it to move at all.

However, it can build a special energy structure inside it, allowing it to generate huge energy and start flying.

Very fast!

Ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times the speed of sound!

Finally, the speed of this drop reached an astonishing 300 kilometers per second.


This astonishing speed crashed into Zhao Yanping with a speed of 300 miles per second.

0.03 seconds later!

This drop hit Zhao Yanping suddenly!


Earth-shattering explosion.

The power of this moment is almost many times that of a nuclear bomb.

Zhao Yanping’s body was torn to pieces and vanished in ashes.

disappeared without a trace!

Du Bian heard Queen Mo Han’s voice, saying: “Du Bian, did you win?”

“Not yet.” Du changed.

“Papa Papa……”

There was a clap in the air.

Then, countless particles in the air once again regrouped and condensed.

Zhao Yanping, the Demon Lord of Destiny, once again recovered as before.

Then, Du Bian happened to be frozen, unable to move a finger.

I can see and hear, but I can’t move a bit.

Zhao Yanping used his extremely powerful strength and mental power to completely suppress Du Change.

“Awesome, awesome…” Zhao Yanping said with amazement: “This drop is the most gorgeous attack I have ever experienced. It’s amazing! Although it’s fast, I can still avoid it easily. But it’s so gorgeous. , I can’t help but want to take its fatal blow.”

“Sure enough, very enjoyable.” Zhao Yanping said: “Du Bian, your martial arts cultivation is very ordinary, but full of imagination, and very good at using energetics, very, very remarkable.”

“This is the most amazing decisive battle I have ever experienced!” Zhao Yanping said: “But it should be over. Du Bian, you worked very hard, and you are full of absolute imagination! But the difference in strength is not any imagination, any means can be used. Make up.”

This should be a truth, at least for now.

“Emperor Nightmare’s cultivation is not as good as mine. What’s more, you only get 90% of his strength, so the gap between your cultivation and mine is really too big.” Zhao Yanping said: “So you lose in this battle. You are already glorious enough for the sin of sin, even though defeat is glorious!”

Du Bian floated quietly on the sea, still completely unable to move, like a statue.

“Before the end of the world, a movie was shown on the earth.” Zhao Yanping said: “Of course the plot is silly, but I still watched it with gusto. Thanos snapped a finger, and half of the life in the universe died. I was so happy in an instant!”

“In all movies, I have seen a lot of killing methods, but Thanos’ snapping fingers should be the most understatement and domineering.” Zhao Yanping said: “Very advanced, and you Dubian is a very advanced person. , A person full of style, should be worthy of this advanced method of death.”

Zhao Yanping buckled his **** and thumb together, and then slowly approached Du Bian.

“I said, after killing you, I will rob you of your body, I will take care of your daughter, and I will sleep with your wife. After all, I have to fulfill my husband’s obligations, right.” Zhao Yanping said, “I am the most comfortable.” The exciting thing is that I still want to use your identity to go to the Pure Land and destroy the last dragonborn civilization. The most exciting thing is that I will marry my dream lover Ren Yexiao as you, I Will marry her, I will sleep with her every day, and then give birth to a second and third child, I actually want to live a happy life with your identity?!”

“My life is no more interesting, but if I take you away and continue to live with your unchanging identity, that should be all interesting things. My life is full of suspense again.” Zhao Yanping said: “I just came up with this idea I was so surprised that I couldn’t sleep at all.”

Zhao Yanping approached Du Bian step by step.

“Du Bian, I’m going to start snapping my fingers.” Zhao Yanping said: “Once I snap my fingers, I will kill you completely, and then I will seize your body instantly, so that I have two bodies. One is Zhao Yanping, the Demon Lord of Destiny, and the other is Human Emperor Du Bian. It’s so interesting, so interesting!”




The Demon Lord snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, Du Bian’s body shuddered suddenly, and then his pupils suddenly opened up.

Although this is just a snap.

But the Demon Lord of Destiny instantly released all the powerful powers, all the powerful mental powers, and would instantly kill the soul and life of Dubian!

Then the next moment!

Zhao Yanping, the Great Demon Lord of Destiny, turned into a light and shadow, and plunged into Du Bian’s body abruptly!

Seize the house!

Ever since his Million Demon Legion died, he has been thinking about how to live.

After thinking about it for a long time, he finally thought of this wonderful idea, to make a difference!

And at the moment when he seized Shedu and changed his body!

Du Bian’s words came in his ear: “Zhao Yanping, you have entered my battlefield, you are going to lose, you are dead!”

Then, Du Bian suddenly released the destiny lore to Zhao Yanping!


Note: The second one is sent, please ask for support, ask for monthly pass. I will get up early tomorrow to go to the airport and go back to Shanghai. I’m going to code words on the handy machine again, cry!

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