Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 84

Chapter 84 Preparation for treatment

Analyze the situation, disassemble the treatment plan into steps, and then discuss the difficulties and risks one by one.

Ethan finished all his steps in detail, and after all the risks and solutions were explained, Tony Stark let him go and sorted out the content alone.

Ethan looked at the time, it was already around seven o’clock in the evening.

He came here in the morning, and went back to get something at noon, and then he was dragged in the laboratory by Tony, discussing his treatment plan.

He hasn’t eaten a bite of food during this time, and the only water he drank was the big glass he made before.

“Should we eat something first? Otherwise, we will starve to death if you are not poisoned.”

Tony regained his senses and looked at the time: “You are right. These things cannot be solved in a short time. There is no need to rush for success. Let’s eat together first. By the way, we can discuss how you can travel back and forth between Los Angeles and Los Angeles in an instant. The magic of New York, what principle was used to accomplish that trick? Wormhole?”

Ethan rolled his eyes. This guy was still thinking about the teleportation spell. It seemed that this magic really left a deep impression on him.

As a rich man, Tony Stark doesn’t need to worry about what to eat, he doesn’t even need to speak in person. Jarvis has already ordered a sumptuous dinner for him, and a special chef will come to him with the materials. It’s cooking here, and Ethan is responsible for eating.

“Aren’t you going to tell your friends?”


Tony, who got out of the research state, was also a bit hungry. After one end of the food came up, he didn’t say anything. After eating almost, Ethan reminded Tony that he should notify his girlfriend.

“You haven’t told anyone about your state, right?”

“No.” Tony understood what Ethan meant: “I haven’t told anyone. Anyone who knows will guess it. If you don’t know, it won’t help me solve this problem… I don’t want them to worry about me.”

Tony doesn’t have many friends. The current assistant and his girlfriend Pepper are counted as one, James Rhodes counts as one, and the other is Harpy, a bodyguard and driver. The rest is either a competitor or a pure business relationship, with no emotion at all.

“It’s better to inform, anyway, it’s not hopeless now.”

Ethan cut the steak below. It was tender, juicy and delicious. It was indeed made by a top chef with top-quality materials. He didn’t have much chance to enjoy this kind of food in the calm sea.

“And even if the treatment is successful, you still need some time to recover. You can’t hide from people, right? Who will help you take care of your company?”

Tony was stunned. He did not think too much about the company’s problems before. As soon as Ethan reminded him, he remembered that he had a lot of things to be arranged in advance before the treatment. Before, he felt that his vitality was slim, so he was a little bit self-defeating and didn’t want to manage the company at all. Anyway, he was going to die and still care about those? If you save it, then consider the mess.

Now it’s different. After discussing with Ethan for a long time, he has thoroughly understood the treatment plan Ethan arranged for him. In fact, many of the contents are very clear. It is just that the fact that he can guarantee his life can prove that there will be no mistakes. He can do it himself even without magic.

He has seen the magic of magic today, and the hope of living is rekindled, so he can no longer mess around like this.

“You are right, these things really have to be arranged properly.”

After eating, Tony arranged a guest room for Ethan, and he kept muttering something in his mouth: “You should feel honored. You are the first man who can stay in my house. Even Roddy does not receive such treatment. .”

“I’m not really interested in such an award. Maybe I can go out and find a hotel?”

“No no! You can’t just walk around now, otherwise the ghost knows what’s going to happen.”

Tony Stark, a super rich man and great inventor, doesn’t know how many eyeliners he has around him. He also knows this. Ethan suddenly appeared and had been in contact with him for a long time. He must have been known by many caring people, and it was hard to judge what those people would do.

Although Tony doesn’t want Ethan to feel that he is under house arrest, the best situation for the moment is that he doesn’t go anywhere. After the treatment is completed and Tony is restored to health, he is even less likely to threaten his lifesaver. At that time, if anyone is really asking for trouble, he will naturally help Ethan solve it.

“For things like the package magnetizing device you mentioned before, I don’t think you need to worry about it. I will take care of these things. You only need to make sure to set up the kind you said can provide me with life protection. Environment, just fine!”

This is something Tony made after reading the whole plan. Compared with unfamiliar magic, he still trusts the science and technology that he is more familiar with.

“You first isolate the laboratory in a separate room, and I will start to arrange it tomorrow.”

“These are very simple!”

“In addition, I need you to purchase some more pure gems.” Since Tony thinks it is simple, Ethan will give him some trouble.


“Yes, artificial is also possible. The structure of the gem is very suitable for storing magic power, and it is more convenient to use magic.”

Tony looked dumbfounded, but he still wrote it down: “What else is needed?”

“If you can provide a sufficient amount of gems, it will be very difficult for you to die.” Ethan did not consider using gems to assist in the casting of spells before. It was temporary. To increase the success rate to ensure Tony’s safety, the best way is to increase the output of magic power.

According to the original design, using the magic circle to build an environment full of life energy does not require too much magic. Ethan only needs to arrange a few different space nodes on the magic circle to slowly extract energy, which is enough to accomplish this goal. .

Now it is necessary to increase the recovery effect. Such a low magic output is not enough. It is necessary to expand the opening of this space node to increase the energy output. Correspondingly, stronger magic power is needed to maintain this magic circle.

Under normal circumstances, this part of the energy consumption should be taken care of by the mage who presides over the magic circle. But who makes Ethan’s situation special?

He has no magic power generation himself, so he needs to think of some other methods, such as using some magic power-stored props to provide energy for the magic circle to maintain stability. Naturally, I thought of the natural magic reservoir of gems.

Anyway, Tony is a super local tyrant, so there is no need to save money for him.

“Are there any requirements for colors?”

“No, it doesn’t matter the size, but the purity must be guaranteed.”

Tony nodded his head to show that he understood, and then asked Ethan what else he wanted. After getting a negative answer, he exclaimed: “It seems that no one can be a mage.”

Mage has always been a money-consuming profession. If you want to become a mage, you will consume countless money and props in the early stage. Becoming a super mage will also waste a lot of rare materials for some experiments.

Even Ethan, a poor young mage, is now wasting a lot of things on experiments.

A good rest night, after a simple breakfast the next day, Ethan was dragged to the underground laboratory by Tony, and then pointed to a room that had been isolated: “Is this okay?”

Looking at Tony with bloodshot eyes, it was obvious that Tony hadn’t slept all night, Ethan knew that this guy was busy all night. After checking inside and out, Ethan nodded.

“There is no problem, I will start to decorate next.”

After Tony confirmed, he told Ethan that the gems he needed would be delivered at the latest tomorrow morning, and the fastest one would be delivered before noon today. Let Ethan pick the ones that can be used first. If not, he will let him. People continue to acquire.

“If there is no problem, I’m going to discuss with Pepper about the company’s work in the recent period. I won’t be at home today. If you have any needs, just ask Jarvis to help you www. . com Jarvis is an excellent auxiliary intelligent program. If Ethan doesn’t understand or can’t find it in Stark’s house, you can ask Jarvis.

If you are hungry, you can ask Jarvis to order food for yourself, and you can also ask Jarvis to scan his body size and buy clothes for himself. Of course, Tony will pay for all these.

Of course Ethan was not so boring. After Tony left, he entered the cabin and built the magic circle he had designed before.

This magic circle is the largest and most complex magic circle built by Ethan. Its main function is to extract energy from the locked space, and then convert this energy into the previous positive energy similar to the holy light. This energy is full of vitality, so it can recover the injured body. At present, Ethan has not discovered any side effects of this converted energy.

In order to avoid discrepancies, he also specially asked Gu Yi to appraise, and learned that this kind of energy does have a decent effect in the treatment, and there are no side effects. The only shortcoming may be the slow recovery effect, and he wants to restore Tony’s chest Such a big wound takes a long time and consumes a lot of energy.

This positive attribute energy reversed by death energy is not the real holy light after all. If it is the real holy light energy, the energy used by the Ethan plan can be used to restore the wound on Tony’s chest in a short period of time. Even the chest device does not need to be removed, and he can be squeezed out of the body as he recovers from the wound.

Fortunately, in addition to the magic circle, Ethan still has many healing drugs in his hands. Several methods are used together. Even if Tony Stark cannot be resurrected with full blood in an instant, he can be guaranteed to be resurrected within a week. He recovered as if he had never been injured.

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