Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 Brent

Since Keno sensed that he was guarding him here, Ethan didn’t bother to keep hiding. After knowing Brent’s identity and general situation, he stood up and went straight outside, just so squarely blocking the way of Jinuo and others.

This time, not only his armor, swords, iron rods, and wrist guards are all neatly equipped, and the book of inheritance is inserted in the special book cover of the back waist as usual. He even brought two automatic pistols for the hot weapon he just got. They are inserted into the holsters on the outer thighs. It can be said to be armed to the teeth.

All preparations were made to ensure that Keno was killed today. Especially when I noticed that when Keno discovered him, he actually showed a smug look on purpose to show himself, as if he really didn’t dare to take him anyway.


Treating such a guy, Ethan didn’t even bother to waste his saliva, so he drew the long sword out: “Why I am standing here must be very clear in your heart, so I won’t say anything about it anymore.”

Keno saw Ethan draw his sword directly, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he noticed Ethan’s young face, and his face was stunned.

“In fact, we don’t have that much hatred…”

Ethan is too young. It is impossible for him at his age to know Brent, who was very famous in the Sea of ​​Peace, so Keno felt that he needed to continue acting to make sure that Brent would help him and Ethan.

Actually, he really didn’t expect things to develop to this stage at first.

After hiding in the sea for a while, he intercepted a few small boats deliberately. This kind of goal seldom caught his eyes, because those boats were full and there was not much oil and water to speak of. This time it was done for the sake of safety and purposely to send someone to inquire about the news.

As a result, he was very depressed. The young man kept guarding on the State Island and did not leave. Of course he wouldn’t be naive to think that Ethan stayed on the island because he earned a big vote, so he didn’t want to be aggressive and indulged in a comfortable life-if that was the case, he would be happier.

learned from the news of his men that Ethan would go to the training ground every day to exercise his swordsmanship, punctuality and training volume is gradually increasing.

A young man like this is definitely not the kind of person who is not enterprising. Then the only reason why Ethan never went to sea was that this young man was guarding himself on the island and wanted to make a complete break with himself.

There is a high probability that if you lose your ship and magic cannon on land, you will die in the hands of this young man.

I thought I would be desperate this time, but accidentally ran into Brent, the good man who was very famous in the calm sea, suddenly returned to the calm sea and came to State Island.

He didn’t know why Brent came back, he only knew that his trouble was solved.

Brent is still that good person, he just said the situation, Brent promised to help him resolve this grievance-he firmly believes that everything he did before was forced, that he really wanted We must abandon evil and do good to be a good person.

“It really touched me.”

At that moment, Keno really thought about whether he wanted to be a really good person.

Of course, this idea just flashed past. Although Keno’s previous words were true, there were still some concealments. For example, Ethan was so persistent to kill himself. In the final analysis, he showed malice first.

So he needs to do some performances to make Brent more determined to defend himself-how can he really become a good person like this?

“With the help of Captain Brent, I have determined to go back to the right path, so let’s let go of our grievances while neither of you nor me has lost anything.”

Seeing Keno’s hypocritical manner, Ethan didn’t even bother to give him a smiling face, so he raised a short arrow in his left hand and shot it.

Keno didn’t expect this young man to do it without saying a word, especially since he remembered that Ethan’s short arrow was a’magic stone equipment’ that could explode, and he hurriedly responded-the magic stone glove on his left hand showed his power. Cast a ball of flames to greet the short arrow.

In Keno, his own flame should be enough to provoke the magic stone energy contained in the short arrow, causing it to be detonated before it gets close to him.

He was right. Ethan’s short arrow was indeed detonated by the flame he cast, but unlike his guess, this short arrow was not the flame arrow he had seen, but contained the frost. Frostbolt of strength.

The sudden collision of cold and hot air produced a huge explosion, and at the same time a thick cloud of mist was cast, which obscured the sight of both parties.

This is what Ethan was waiting for. After launching the Frost Arrow, he was ready. When there was a white fog in front of him, he had rushed past with the long sword, and quickly advanced to Keno under the cover of the fog. In front of him, he didn’t want to give Brent a chance to speak.

He doesn’t have any hatred for this person, and he even has a little admiration.

In this environment of this world, people who can persist in doing good deeds are worthy of admiration. Whether this person is for fame or really is a Virgin, at least he has done a lot of good deeds, so if he can avoid direct conflict, he still Hope it can be avoided.

After all, Brent is a sea of ​​calm, and successfully broke into the next sea area, and even mixed up with not-so-named characters. Although Ethan’s movements are fast enough and concealed enough, Brent is standing next to Keno. , That Keno even took a few steps back in the first place, giving Brent the space and time to protect himself.

So, Ethan’s sword was stopped by Brent.

“Young man, can’t you talk about it? Why be so impulsive?”

Brent showed a very kind smile, and immediately took back the big sword in his hand, indicating that he did not want to do anything with Ethan.

“Kino told me about your grievances, of course, I can’t just listen to him to judge, so you are so obsessed with his hatred, is it because you have been robbed of something or lost your relatives and friends?”

Ethan was taken aback, then denied: “No.”

Brent’s brows frowned slightly, and he seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Ethan: “If not, why are you making such a cruel hand?”

‘S remarks were a bit of accusation, and Ethan only felt that this product was a bit inexplicable, and the hint of goodwill that had just risen was instantly cleared.

“If it wasn’t because he couldn’t beat me, would you still have a chance to blame me here?”

Brent froze for a moment. It seemed that he didn’t expect Ethan’s attitude to be like this. He hadn’t encountered this situation for a long time. After he made a name in the Sea of ​​Peace, everyone would be very enthusiastic when they saw him. It is his enemy who speaks politely to him.

Later, when I arrived in the new world, I only encountered this situation at the beginning. As my strength and reputation improved, the treatment I enjoyed in the calm sea gradually returned. Since then, it has been a long time since then. I met someone who talked to myself in this tone.

looked at Ethan’s appearance and found that he might not even be twenty years old, and he recovered his kind look: “You should not be so angry, and don’t always think people so bad.”

Ethan’s perception of this guy now drops points again, but this person is very strong, but he has stuck his way forward, so he has to accompany him here to talk nonsense.

“Yes? No, he showed his dirty side unabashedly at the time, and he didn’t need me to think about it.” Ethan stepped back a half step, and pulled a little away: “And I’m not interested in it. You are here to discuss whether my anger is too high, and now I just want to make sure one thing, you must protect that trash, right?”

When I heard what Ethan said before, Brent frowned first. He realized that what Keno said to him before contained a lot of moisture, or that there were some details that he didn’t tell him. When he heard it later, he felt that Ethan was a bit too stubborn and a bit more murderous. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

“Young people, I can understand the feeling of wanting revenge, but there is no need to insult others.”


Ethan had long expected that he would not be able to talk to this Brent. There is a huge difference in the three views of the two. He had never thought of being friends with this person or anything, and even connected and touched and didn’t bother to contact him, just because This person is not a bad person, he didn’t do it directly.

Now it seems that he can’t solve it without hands.

“I never insult people… It’s just that some **** is not worthy of being a human being.” Ethan shook the long sword in his hand: “I will confirm it for the last time, Captain Brent of the Brave, are you sure you want to protect the **** behind you? ”

Brent didn’t answer Ethan’s question. He was still trying to persuade Ethan, saying some “young people calm down, we can go to the next store to sit down, your grievances really don’t have to go to such a degree.” Kind of words, at the same time, he didn’t let go, keeping Keno firmly behind him.

“Understood.” Ethan set his posture again: “I heard people talk about you. You are a good person and you have done a lot of good things in this ocean. I don’t want to do it with you.”

“Thank you for your praise. Actually, what I have done is nothing. Those things should be done by everyone who comes from the calm sea.”

“But this is not the reason you can stop me from killing my enemies at will.” Ethan is not praising this guy, he is just adjusting his state, because Brent is the strongest he has encountered so far. The enemy-he can determine this only by relying on the previous sword. “Since you stand here and refuse to give in, then I can only treat you as an enemy.”

Ethan never hesitates or shows mercy to his enemies!

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