Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 46

Chapter 46 Red Queen again

“Found it?” Ethan asked Kaplan carefully again: “Are you sure you have gained control?”

“I can be sure.” Kaplan nodded: “And the Red Queen is already closed?”

Since    was closed after the red, lost the artificial intelligence as the opponent, and only some mechanical defense procedures are left, Kaplan thinks that this thing is not difficult for him at all, and I don’t understand why Ethan has repeatedly emphasized it?

Of course he doesn’t know. There should be a red queen host at the place where the elevator connects. What Ethan is worried about is the body that is most likely the red queen. What tricks does he do when he goes down?

Fortunately, Kaplan did gain control. After everyone gathered near the console, Kaplan typed the last command on the computer. Then the console vibrated for a while and began to descend towards the bottom.

The mercenaries didn’t even care about the zombies that were still falling from the higher and higher gates, and looked at Ethan in surprise.

At this time, Alice, who had gradually recovered part of her memory, no longer seemed harmless as before, and suddenly became more aggressive.

“Who on earth are you?”

This is the question in everyone’s mind. Why does Ethan know the hive so much? Who is he? It seems that his actions are undermining Umbrella’s plan, so he was sent by Umbrella’s competitors? Or is it an agent belonging to an official organization?

But… will the agent dress up like a medieval knight?

This is the most incomprehensible thing for everyone present. If Ethan and Arthur’s clothes were normal, even if Arthur looked like a teenager, he could be treated as a specially trained young agent, but what the **** is that armor…that long sword?

“Me?” Ethan took out a cloth and wiped the sword. He wondered if the sword should be disinfected properly? Otherwise, if you just take it back, will it spread the T virus to the calm sea?

When I heard Alice’s question, my reaction was slow for a while, and he casually dealt with what I had said to Jill before: “It should be the savior of this world.”

Everyone was speechless to Ethan’s answer, but Alice did not laugh, but continued to ask questions.

“Do you think this virus will harm the whole world?”

At this time, Ethan completely recovered. He remembered that there was a tube of ultimate detoxification at the bottom. As long as it spreads out, it will slowly spread to the entire world as the air spreads, and then all the T viruses and their derivatives that exist in this world will be spread. All variants are wiped out. I am definitely going to use that thing, so there seems to be no need to worry.


He finally had the mind to answer Alice’s question. The speed of this elevator is really slow enough. As the descent gets deeper and deeper, there are no more zombies crackling down, and everyone can breathe a sigh of relief.

The mercenaries took the time to refill the empty magazines, check their equipment, and check for any wounds on their bodies.

is also paying attention to the conversation between Ethan and Alice.

“No, it’s not just as simple as harm.” In a calm tone, Ethan casually told what would happen afterwards.

After hearing the spread of biochemical viruses, not only most humans were infected with zombies, but even plants were not spared. They all withered and died. Almost all of the earth became a desert. Everyone was scared. Taken.

“The end of the world… shouldn’t it be the end?”

“If we completely close the hive, maybe we will avoid the end of the world?”

After seeing the zombies with their own eyes, they believed in Ethan’s words very high, and almost no one thought that the future described by Ethan was too bizarre and exaggerated.

Jill didn’t speak much anymore at this time. She originally followed Ethan with a mentality of “see what tricks you can play”. She didn’t expect to witness such a big thing. Now her mind is a bit confused. Time didn’t even know what kind of response should be made.

Only Alice remained calm, thinking about how to avoid that terrible apocalyptic future.

Ethan told them directly: “All of this is in Umbrella’s plan, so you think that if the hive is closed, there will be nothing, that’s just wishful thinking.”

“The Hive Research Institute belongs to Umbrella. Do you think they can’t open their research base? What’s more, the hive is not completely isolated from the outside world. There are not many facilities such as ventilation ducts. You can guarantee that the virus does not leak from these places. ?”

Actually, there is a single shot in the film of Resident Evil, that the ventilation ducts have been broken, implying that rats can enter and exit the hive through the broken ducts, and the rats can carry the virus to the outside world.

Therefore, even if Umbrella does nothing, the outbreak of the virus is difficult to avoid, as if it is the established destiny of the world.

This is the fundamental reason why Ethan must come here: If you don’t find the ‘antidote’, the biochemical viruses in this world are almost insoluble.

Maybe if Ethan stays in this world for a few years, he can solve this problem with the mysterious knowledge and ability, but let’s not say whether he can stay in this world for so long, even if he can stay for a few years, the research is The solution, how many people will be left on the earth in the past few years?

This is from the big point of view, from the personal point of view, Ethan also needs this potion, to understand the principle of it, to avoid accidentally playing a big game and killing himself.

He wants to use the T virus to increase his mental strength, but the premise is not to pit himself to death.

Mages often put themselves in danger in order to do some kind of experiment, so every mage has a wealth of life-saving methods.

If Ethan is an orthodox mage, he will also prepare a lot of life-saving methods for himself, before starting such a dangerous experiment. It is a pity that his mage path is different from others, so more detailed and thorough prevention work is needed.

Then he gave a general description of Umbrella’s plan to clean up humans. Everyone present felt that their worldview had been impacted.

They were shocked by a business tycoon like Umbrella secretly studying the virus before. But this is still within an understandable range, after all, this medicine is indeed powerful.

Even if it was because they couldn’t abandon such a powerful virus, even if they opened the hive again at great risk, they couldn’t understand it. Merchants, for the sake of business opportunities a little danger.

But what the **** is human cleaning?

“What does Umbrella think she is? God?”

As one of the human beings about to be cleansed, no one in the room is not angry. This kind of situation where other people casually decide life and death, but they don’t even have a choice, is most infuriating.

When Ethan said that Umbrella’s management was hiding in the frozen sleep cabin below, quietly waiting for the end of the day to pass, and then coming out to rebuild the earth as a leader of mankind, almost everyone Started gearing up to give the group of lofty guys a good look.

“I will drag them out of that tin can, and then give them a hard hit, until they wake up.”

After a handful of spoiler addiction, Ethan has no consciousness of spoiling a dog, how should he find the antidote for a headache now. That thing seems to be in the final BOSS in this movie world, being kept close by that doctor.

“Besides, this guy doesn’t know if he is in a deep sleep?” He only watched the final chapter of the movie version at first, and the film was not particularly good, and there were a lot of slots. He didn’t leave a deep impression at all. Now only vaguely think of some general content.

This is because his mental power has improved, and he has consolidated the memory of his previous life. Otherwise, after so many years, you may not even remember the content, you can only think of a brief summary.

As I was reminiscing about it, the elevator finally descended to the lowest level, and everyone moved forward cautiously. What surprised everyone was that there was no security equipment or personnel. UU reading caught the eye. Rows of iron cans look like things.

“These are those guys who are aloof, who think they can decide whether human beings in the world are life or death?”

Ethan glanced left and right, and nodded: “It should be. How to deal with these guys is up to you.” He continued to move forward. He remembered that this was the final battle of the movie.

Here is the most central console of the entire hive, and the real body of the Red Queen is also hidden in this body. And through this console, you can wake up the real big boss in this world…

“What’s that guy’s name?”

I had no impression or even remembered the name, Ethan stood in front of the huge screen and tapped on the console: “If you don’t want me to blow this place to ruins, you’d better come out by yourself!”

Seeing that there was no response, Ethan continued to speak to himself: “I think you must know what happened above. If you don’t want to end up like your subroutine, do as I said.”

This time the Red Queen no longer pretended to be dead, and the image of a little girl was projected to appear in front of Ethan.

After seeing the sudden appearance of red, the mercenaries almost instinctively raised the weapon in their hands, and then realized that it was just a projection.

“Why haven’t this thing been turned off yet.”

Kaplan also deliberately looked at the red back motherboard he was holding. Could it be that his partner pulled out the wrong one? Wrongly removed the memory module as the motherboard?

Ethan looked at this little girl who was slightly different from the red queen above: “So, if you can control all the facilities of this base, then you can also call Alice’s “self” out?

“Yes! Actually, I awakened Alicia when you got down.”

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