Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 1 hard way

Ethan has mentioned it more than once in his current books. When a magician absorbs energy for the first time and transforms it into magical power that he can drive, he must be cautious, especially when it comes to the choice of energy, never make casual decisions.

For example, elemental energy. Generally speaking, a wizard who is just getting started must choose a certain element. In addition to giving the wizard a better control over the element, this energy will also affect the wizard himself.

The mental power is assimilated in turn, and the attributes with some of this energy are considered light. Extreme energy such as fel energy can even affect the character and thinking of the mage. After a long time, it will even completely become another one. people.

This is why all energy can be used as magic power for the wizard, but most wizards are very taboo against some extreme energies.

Ethan initially set his goal on the energy of water element, except that the first magic he learned was water creation (however, water creation does not use the magic power of water element attributes, it is simply the application of spiritual power. Strictly speaking, Not counting water attribute magic), the most important reason is that the calm sea is a world full of water, and water attribute magic can be greatly enhanced in this environment.

At the same time, the water attribute variant ice attribute is also extremely versatile-and it is handsome enough to use!

Of course, for a real magician, it is not like the setting in the game. After choosing a certain elemental energy as his own magic power, he cannot use other magic other than that element. It is just relatively speaking. In terms of the speed of operation and the consumption of energy, it will be different according to the degree of conflict between the nature of your magic and your own magic.

Relatively speaking, pure elemental magicians who use water elemental energy as their basic magic power will be more or less effective in using fire attribute magic.

Of course, there are many mages who are proficient in the three elements like Ishandrola, but either they have completely controlled the elemental energy, and there is more than one elemental energy contained in their own magic, or they use another kind of energy as their own magic. The foundation of this energy, and this energy has strong plasticity and can be transformed at will—such as arcane energy.

“If I’m not wrong, you wanted to absorb the energy of the water element at first, and start your own mage’s path from the control of elemental attributes.”

In fact, in the world of magicians, there are far fewer miscellaneous classifications. There is no difference between elementalists, arcanists and even magic net blue strips. The real great magician will not let himself have magic knowledge at all. Shortcomings, they know almost all the relevant knowledge, and can’freely switch the method of casting and the attributes of their own magic.’

But in the pursuit of this goal, the influence of magic attributes on the mage will determine how long he walks on this road, and even determine where a mage ends.

“Yes it is.”

Ethan has lived here for two days in Merlin. During these two days, Merlin did not teach, but conducted a comprehensive assessment of Ethan’s abilities. It is only now that he is preparing to teach.

“Actually, there is nothing wrong with your choice. If I were in your situation, I might have made such a decision.” Mei Lin considered his words: “However, if I have one, it is very suitable. You, but it will be more difficult to walk, but the future achievements will be extremely great, so are you interested?”

Ethan was a little puzzled, because Merlin was too general in what he said.

“A huge achievement? How huge is it?”

Merlin thought for a while, maybe he was choosing a reference that Ethan can understand straightforwardly and clearly? Finally, I thought about making a comparison directly with myself.

“I don’t know how strong it will be in the end. It depends on you, not something else… But if you can continue this path firmly, then your ultimate achievement will at least not be lower than the current me. ”

Ethan’s heartbeat became uncontrollable a little faster, but fortunately, he was also a person who had seen the “big world face”. After a while, he had regained his composure, and he did not lose his temper in front of Merlin.

“Able to observe the endless plane, and be able to break the plane barrier, and even have the strength to completely destroy a plane?”

The first point is that Ethan is sure that Merlin can do it; the second point is also very likely! As for destroying a plane, this is hard to say, but the most conservative estimate is that it should not be difficult for Merlin to destroy a planet-Gu Yi, who protects the earth from being invaded by the multiverse, if you let go of your hands and feet, the earth estimates It’s not enough for her to toss.

This does not mean that these two wizards can smash the world with a punch or a forbidden spell, but that these two wizards have countless cards. For example, Gu Yi, if she is willing to plunge into the darkness, release Domam…

The horror of the mage lies in this, no one knows what they can do or even do? This unknown is also one of the reasons why people are jealous and fearful.

Ethan also wanted to become such a mage, so he was very interested in the path that Merlin proposed.

“You should know that wizards are based on powerful mental power, manipulate energy and achieve their own goals, whether it is fireball or higher magic, it is essentially the same.”

Ethan nodded and waited for the following.

“Therefore, mental power is the foundation of the wizards. The increase in spiritual power means the ability to control more energy, which is equivalent to being able to cast more powerful magic and achieve higher goals.”

Ethan is not qualified for his spiritual power, so he has been working hard to improve his spiritual power. In addition, since the moment the time-space indicator appeared, he has more or less exercised his spiritual power. After more than seven years of training, he has The current level-it is still a bit short of being able to get started and become a mage.

“Actually, the powerful mental power not only allows the mage to use more energy, but also has more benefits.”

Spiritual power is the foundation of the wizards, and its importance is naturally beyond doubt. The extent of the research and careful treatment of spiritual power by the wizards is beyond Ethan’s previous imagination.

Relatively, the ‘secret’ of spiritual power has also been studied by wizards a lot. As a top magician, Merlin has reached a considerable level of understanding of spiritual power.

“In addition to the control of energy, the strength of mental power also determines the primary and secondary position between you and magic.”

“What does it mean?”

Merlin explained it in detail, and Ethan then understood. The relationship between magician and magical energy is not that simple master-slave relationship.

To put it simply, the magician must be able to figure out his ‘limit’ when he improves his mental power, so as to avoid absorbing too much magic energy and being invaded by the energy.

As Ethan saw in the book before, the energy absorbed by the magician’s spirit, in turn, ‘pollution’ is the mildest symptom, and the most serious is that the personality is affected.

For example, some fire mages have become irritable after they have cultivated to a certain level, because they have ingested fire elemental energy beyond their control.

“For example, if the mental power is one, then these mental powers can perfectly control the magic power of ten units, then once this value is exceeded, there will be danger.” This is of course not absolute, the amount of mental power can be the same, but The quality is different, so Merlin’s words are just to facilitate understanding.

Ethan heard this and seemed to understand what Merlin meant: “What do you mean, let me continue to focus on cultivating mental power, instead of absorbing energy early to transform it into magic?”

Merlin smiled and shook his head directly to deny Ethan’s guess: “Actually, the path I suggest you take requires you not to take in external energy to transform it into magic.”

Ethan was stunned, completely unable to guess what path Merlin had designed for himself.

“You should know that in addition to absorbing external energy, the wizards themselves can also nurture magic.”

Shaking his head, Ethan hasn’t touched this yet, but according to the introduction in the books he read, after the wizards ingest and transform energy into magic power, and then consume their own stored magic power, in addition to absorbing energy of the same attribute from the outside world again , Can indeed recover consumption by itself.

From this point, we can know that the mages themselves can produce magic power.

“The magic power generated by the wizards is different from the energy absorbed by the outside world. It has stronger plasticity. It can even be said to be the purest magical energy, and its plasticity is the strongest.”

Merlin said this and sighed helplessly: “Unfortunately, when many wizards noticed this, UU reading’s own spiritual power has been more or less contaminated by external energy, and the magical attributes that are bred in this situation It is inevitable that he will get closer to the energy attributes he had previously absorbed. The specific amount depends on the degree of contamination of the wizard’s spirit.”

It is for this reason that the mages call the invasion of their own spiritual power by external energy as ‘pollution’. The mages also have many different ways to deal with this situation. But no matter how they respond, they will waste more time and energy before reaching the end.

When Ethan heard this, he made up a professional class. Thinking of his previous decision, with his mental power, he would almost inevitably be polluted by water attribute energy, not to mention that he wanted to learn to absorb other attribute energy in the future. Just after the mental power is contaminated, there is a risk of a decline in the control of time and space energy-no, it should definitely decline.

Ethan, who suddenly consciously avoided a difficult situation, gradually understood the path Merlin wanted to take by himself.

“The path you arranged for me is to continue to focus on cultivating spiritual power, and then rely solely on your own spiritual power to nurture magical energy?”

Merlin smiled and nodded. Ethan guessed right this time. He did suggest Ethan to go this way.

It’s just that the difficulty of this road is countless times more difficult than the road of ordinary wizards, especially in the early stage, almost being unable to use any magic makes Ethan not much better than ordinary people. Therefore, he feels that Ethan may take some time to consider carefully before deciding whether he wants to take this path.

Unexpectedly, Ethan made a decision much faster than he imagined, and gave him the answer on the spot.

“Don’t think about it, I will choose this route.”

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