Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Be cautious

With a shield in his left hand and an electric baton in his right hand, Ethan’s combat effectiveness has increased in a straight line. Although he still can’t wipe out a large group of evil creatures with a wave like Zul and Ishandra, he can barely hold back.

The two wizards no longer have to worry about Ethan’s safety, completely let go of their hands and feet, and the dark creatures in the evil cave ushered in the end of their lives.

Frost, flames, and Rasma teaches necromancy spells that exude a pale light. Accompanied by the various screams of the sinking demons, Ethan seems to be in a top-level magical blockbuster.

What kind of 3D and this comparison is fundamentally weak, this light and shadow! This special effect! This sense of presence on the scene!

waved a stick to kill a sinking demon who rushed up, then kicked a zombie close to him with his hand, rushed up to make up for a ‘war trampled’ that had been rotted and fragile head.

Looking around, most of the monsters were jointly wiped out by the two great wizards, and the remaining small part was killed by him with a knife behind him. For a while, his side became empty.

“Fortunately, we came together.”

At this time, he was very grateful for the decision he had made before. After all, he could not think of too much of the opportunity to be able to level up behind the two powerful figures.

With these two escorts, Ethan is improving his combat effectiveness at a speed that is visible to the naked eye—the sinking demons and zombies may fight in a relatively simple and rude manner, but all kinds of strange emergencies may appear, and the complex terrain in the cave There were also many sudden encounters and surprise attacks, so in just one day, Ethan looked like an experienced adventurer.

“Also, the spiritual power cultivation method that Gu Yi taught me is too important.”

All of his current combat power is based on a substantial increase in mental power, and he can think in “more” time to deal with various emergencies. This is the main reason that he has not received even a little injury since the battle. the reason.

With all kinds of explosions—Isandra’s fireball, and screams—the sinkers screamed and screamed as soon as they were attacked—gradually disappeared, and the battle between the two wizards came to an end. Only a few Sinking Demons that ran too far and a few slow-moving zombies were left.

If it was before, the two wizards would deliberately leave these monsters and let Ethan go up and solve them alone as a way of training.

But now the two people don’t do this anymore. In Zul’s words, it’s “You have passed this stage, and then you have to improve yourself in a more complex combat environment.”

Until now, Ethan is truly like their companion, a comrade-in-arms against the dark creatures together!

Ethan carefully observed the corpses of dark creatures in a place, avoiding monsters pretending to be dead and suddenly coming to him. This is the real world after all, not in the game, the monster is really dead when it falls. According to the treacherous and cunning characters of these sinkers, no one can guarantee that they will pretend to be dead if they can’t escape.

There is nothing wrong with being careful, especially when it comes to your own life. The situation at this time seemed to confirm how correct Ethan’s actions were.

Just as he was carefully inspecting the corpses with the iron rod in his hand, a sinking demon lying in the pile of corpses suddenly jumped up, yelling at a demon language that no one could understand, and holding up his hand. The long knife slashed towards Ethan.

Ethan, who had been cautious about this scene, immediately raised the iron rod in his hand, firmly held the sword of the Sinking Demon, lifted his left foot along the way, and kicked the short red demon.


The thick-soled leather boots stepped firmly on the ugly face of the Sinking Demon. The impact seemed to make the spirit of the Sinking Demon a little trance. Ethan seized the opportunity and followed him with another stick.

This time the attack he deliberately activated the lightning magic contained in the stick, and the jumping electric light illuminated the dark cave. Then, in a scream, the Sinking Demon was killed by the powerful electricity that burst out directly.

“Hoo Fortunately, you are careful enough.”

checked again and made sure that he didn’t pretend to be dead anymore, Ethan took a few steps quickly and caught up with the two wizards who were doing similar things in front.

“Good job, Ethan.”

Everything that happened before was seen by two people. Ethan’s response became more and more sophisticated, and he gradually lost his childishness as a rookie. In fact, Ethan’s growth rate surprised two people.

“I regret it a bit now, maybe I should insist on inviting you to join our Rasma Church.”

Zul said with a smile, I don’t know how true it is, but this kind of compliment always makes people happy. After getting along for a while, Ethan no longer deliberately humbled, and accepted it with a smile.

“Okay, let’s continue exploring. We have been in this cave for most of the day. I don’t know how many dark creatures are lurking in the dark. Then we have to be more cautious.”

Ishandrola was a little irritated by this dark and damp, and a bunch of caves in the fork of the road. She felt that she had been walking around for a long time, but her amazing memory clearly told her that she had not passed through the same area.

“I have roughly simulated it from the bottom of my heart, and combined with the information I received from Akara and Kasha, we have cleared most of this evil cave.”

The evil cave is actually a new name. Originally it was just a very ordinary cave in the blood wasteland. There were no mineral deposits and there was no sight worth visiting. If it weren’t for the recent skyrocketing of dark energy, many dark creatures were hidden here. An ordinary underground cave.

However, out of the grasp of all the surrounding conditions, Roger and the nuns of the Blind Eye Monastery have explored the evil caves and drawn detailed maps.

Although in the previous chaos, this map remained in the monastery occupied by demons, but Kasha, a senior priest and Commander Roger, had a detailed understanding of the situation in this cave. And before a few people agreed to come and clean up, they introduced the topography of the evil cave in detail.

“Next we will enter the deepest area in the cave. Judging from the situation we have come all the way, there should be a strong dark creature hidden here.”

They came along, and the strength of the dark creatures is getting stronger a little bit. It seems that the darker the evil caves, the more they like these evil creatures, and the most powerful naturally occupy the darkest area.

Ethan thought of the little BOSS who had the first mission in the first act when he was playing the game, an elite zombie monster called corpse anger.

But can these things be said? How did I know? Wouldn’t they be killed as an undercover agent who broke into the human coalition as a dark force?

may be able to remind them, try not to get close to that elite zombie monster? Kill him with a long-range attack?

doesn’t seem to be used at all. These two are experienced wizards. When facing completely strange monsters, they won’t rush forward rashly. Besides, melee combat is not their first choice.

“These two are full-level big tubs, so my worries seem a bit redundant?”

His worries were really unnecessary. After moving on to the deepest part of the cave, he noticed the burning appearance of the corpse, which was completely different from that of the zombies next to him, and the dark energy fluctuations that were almost visible to the naked eye. Ethan covered himself behind him.

“Stay back, Ethan! This is not an opponent you can handle now. I will leave it to I and Isandra.”

Zul did not summon the commonly used sickle, but took out a strange dagger that had not been used to clean the cave this time. At the same time, his left hand summoned a bone shield for defense.

Isandra’s movements are also not slow, she first released a magic shield to protect herself, then released a frost shield at Ethan, and then released a huge fireball against the group of zombies.

At this time, Zul’s spell has also been completed. He holds a pale bone spear in his right hand. The powerful original magic power is attached to the bone spear, and the dazzling white light shines the entire dark cave like daylight.

Coupled with the big fireball released by Ishandrola, everything in this dark space appeared in the eyes of a few people. Even the monsters hidden in the corners were clearly seen by Ethan—the densely packed zombies, almost countless. How many are there, and in that deeper corner, there are many skeleton archers hidden, they have opened their bows and arrows, and aimed at themselves and others.

The sound of breaking through the sky sounded one after another. Almost at the same time, Zul had rushed to the front and raised the shield of his left hand. The sound of ding and ding like raindrops, these skeleton archers The threat is much greater than seen.

“Kill these archers first!”

Isandra did not need Zul’s reminder to adjust his attack direction. The huge fireball drew a beautiful parabola in the cave, and crossed the dense zombies and plunged into the group of skeleton archers.


The huge explosion sound accompanied by the dazzling firelight, the archer engulfed by the flame no longer moved, the biggest threat was removed, and the next thing was much simpler.

First use the range of offensive magic to bombard indiscriminately, and when the monsters are no longer densely packed, but scattered scattered in all directions, Ishandra and Zul unanimously stop unleashing that powerful range attack. Spells, but chose to use less expensive, but also more accurate magic to attack.

By this time, Ethan was already able to join the battle. He walked on the edge of the cave to avoid being too deep and be besieged by several monsters.

Use the terrain to ensure that you only need to face the enemy head-on, and try to stay away from the elite monster that is angry with the corpse—maybe this guy is just a magic thing for Zul and others, and similarly, that thing may only need one to deal with yourself. hit.

“Don’t buy porcelain without diamonds! This is quite reasonable.”

Ethan, who knows how to do what he can, stopped his movements and waited for the two mages to show off his power after seeing only the corpses left in the cave and a few zombies around him.

It’s a pity that a dark creature of this level can’t make the two of them use their true strength at all.

A big ball of fire seemed to be no different from the ordinary zombies around it. The corpse fell in flames just like that.

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