Eternity Starts From His Seed

Chapter 76: Scouting

In contrast to the inner sect, where districts were delineated by the four cardinal directions, the outer sect adopted a numerical classification system, comprising a total of fourteen districts.

These districts fanned out around the outer rim of the inner sect, forming an outer ring.

From the inner sect’s east district, the outer districts with the closest proximity were the sixth, seventh, and eighth districts.

Now, Bubai was entering the seventh district.

The first thing his senses immediately picked up was the reeking smell.

In stark contrast to the inner district's clean, fresh atmosphere, the outer sect's air carried a somewhat stale scent, subtly infused with the aroma of sand.

Adding to the sensory shift was the elevated temperature, a noticeable increase from the lukewarm conditions of the inner sect. The warmth left an unpleasant, icky sensation on his skin after only a short walk.

The surface beneath his feet certainly didn’t make his journey any easier.

While sandstone paths still existed in the outer sect, they were narrower and more worn than their counterparts in the inner sect.

These pathways, unlike the clean ones inside, were left unswept, bearing the sand from countless disciples' passage.

Not only that, many sand particles clung to the path, glued to the road by peculiar, dried stains, where flies occasionally buzzed around…

Moving forward, Bubai felt the abrasive texture of sand particles grinding against his shoes with every step.

His dynamic vision worked overtime, half devoted to assessing which fresh stains to avoid while the other half devoted to vigilantly paying attention to his surroundings.

Casting his gaze around, Bubai took in the sight of the weathered sandstone houses that surrounded him in the outer sect.

Many of these tightly-packed buildings exhibited cracks on their walls, and mysterious dark stains marred their exteriors.

Broken windows and doors further exposed the interiors, allowing him to eavesdrop, even providing glimpses into the questionable activities transpiring within.

Between the less tightly-packed structures were dark alleys, where the familiar sounds of night crickets already echoed even in the daytime. Some of these hidden alleys even seemed to be hosting a carnival...

“Come again anytime~”

Passing by another dilapidated house, a scantily dressed woman had just sent away a man with a charming smile. Upon noticing Bubai, she immediately waved towards him, “Handsome brother, want to have a taste of my cow’s fresh milk?”

Bubai merely cast a glance at her small residence, obviously incapable of fitting a real cow, before walking past her without a word.

Undeterred by his cold treatment, the woman still maintained her charming smile, but as Bubai distanced himself, her faint curses of her discontent reached his sensitive ears, “Arrogant jerk, who is he looking down on!”

Every profession is just as respectable as others. He harbored no disdain for these hard workers, especially since he was willing to accept Xiao Lan and even WeiWei.

However, every mask required a personality… and he wasn’t here to have fun.

As he walked forward, Bubai couldn't shake the occasional sensation of unseen eyes observing him from the shadows and within the buildings.

Further along, there was a group of men engaging in hushed discussions ahead, but they hushed up when he approached, their silent stares trailing him as he walked past them.

However, he sensed their main focus seemed to be on his identity token.

Once he had moved well beyond their immediate vicinity, the distant hum of their conversation reached his ears.

“An inner disciple? Haven’t they all gone to the secret realm?”

“Heh, he’s one of those cowards that avoided going to the battlefield!”

“Shh, don’t let him hear. Even if he’s a coward, he’s not someone we can mess with…”

So, that’s how they see him now…

But perhaps soon, they would know the truth and he would be a living target instead of just being at the receiving end of their cowardly gossip.

After all, most of these outer disciples were not good people.

In the distance, he discerned soft discussions emanating from other groups of men squatting at the ends of the street...

“Did you hear about Old Kai’s sister? Word is, she got snatched right from under his nose.”

“I overheard they're planning to use her as leverage. Smart move, if you ask me.”

“Why not sell her to Master Feng? I've heard he's been desperate to get his hands on some rare cultivation tools.”

“Master Feng? No way. I heard he's been busy dealing with his own troubles lately. Got on the bad side of that new big shot. So, they're looking at someone higher up the ranks.”

“I'm telling you, the real money is in Hei Hua Lou in the ninth district.”

“Remember when we visited? Best experience of my life. Too bad those dolls can’t compare to the real deal. Those inner sect members really know how to live.”

As Bubai trekked through the streets, the conversations swirling around him echoed a consistent theme.

Topics ranged from the kidnapping of a particular outer disciple's cultivation tool to identifying “good” targets for external tasks. Discussions also veered towards deciding which inner sect member to sell wares to and exchanging experiences of visits to Hei Hua Lou...

The conditions here were markedly different. It seemed as though the watchful eye of the Law Enforcement Hall, which vigilantly oversaw the inner sect, was noticeably absent in the outer sect.

Makes sense though. Information gleaned from other inner disciples confirmed this discrepancy.

The inner sect, due to the importance the sect placed on its facilities and inner disciples, operated under strict surveillance and monitoring.

Thus, despite the craziness and crimes towards the lower class, the upper class still had scruples thanks to the full-time monitoring of the Law Enforcement Hall.

Consequently, this led to a lack of personnel being being sent to regulate the outer sect.

Instead, the Law Enforcement Hall only intervened in cases of disciple murder, riots, or destruction of official establishments.

Lacking the same level of oversight, while these outer disciples conducted themselves in a more civilized manner during their daily forays into the inner sect, they would return to the darkness by nightfall…

Honestly, if he stripped out all the questionable activities and didn’t consider the differences in the established rules, the conditions in the Sun Furnace’s outer sect almost mirrored the treatment of the handyman disciple's in the Cloud Sword Sect. The disparity was real.

This was not too surprising though. This was a sect built on the barren desert, and it still had to consume a substantial sum to maintain its barrier. This meant they were definitely not rich…

Yet, the lavishness of the Central Palace District and even the prosperity within the inner sect defied Bubai’s expectations. Where did all the funds to support these sect members come from?

A harsh reality lurked beneath this prosperity: a sect that exploited its own members.

It was apparent that the outer sect bore the brunt of this exploitation.

However, at least the members of the outer sect still retained certain freedoms, such as entry into the inner sect.

Daily access to the inner sect for tasks or "work" allowed them glimpses of the inner sect's prosperity.

This contrast will serve as a whip for their growth and also give them the slim hope of soaring by hugging a thigh.

Not only that, this relative freedom also provided an avenue for outer disciples to sell their wares acquired through conventional or crooked means. The desperate could even go to the Public Commons to cultivate…

Compared to the restrictions imposed on lower-class disciples in the Cloud Sword Sect, where even visiting the outer disciple market was limited to specific days of a month, the outer sect members of the Sun Furnace Sect certainly enjoyed a comparatively broader range of freedoms.

However, there was still a particular freedom that Sun Furnace Sect disciples could never have…

Bubai reached the edge of the seventh district, where the paved road abruptly gave way to pure sand, bearing many undisturbed traces of footsteps.

Striding through the sand, his steps blending with the myriad others, Bubai eventually came to a stop, fixing his gaze on the sandy dunes stretching out into the desert beyond.

“I’ve read and heard about it, but…” Maintaining a flat expression, he raised his hand and delivered a few solid knocks into the empty air in front of him.

As expected, he felt the familiar feedback of rapping against a hard surface. It was the same feeling as the barrier on the ship.

There seemed to be nothing here. But as he continued to rap against the unseen barrier, his enhanced senses occasionally caught glimpses of his own vague, distorted reflection in the seemingly vacant space...

Lowering his hand, Bubai observed the faint bruises on his knuckles, watching as the translucent barrier seamlessly returned to its invisible state.

It’s confirmed. He can’t escape so easily.

Honestly, it wasn’t too surprising. The absence of physical walls guarding the borders of the sect already hinted at this situation.

The barrier was meant to protect the sect, but it was also the wall.

Unfortunately, in the history since this barrier’s establishment, no one had ever successfully escaped through it…

Bubai would like to claim he will be the first, and that it was inevitable… but he didn’t want to set this death flag.

Unless a miracle occurred, such as the barrier breaking down on its own or succumbing to other influences, this escape route was effectively crossed off his checklist.

He should have accepted this reality when he first learned the facts, but he was just unwilling before and had to witness it with his own eyes.

Bubai’s gaze then fell upon the sand below him, squatting down to quickly pile some into his storage pouch.

Getting up, he gave one last glance at the barrier before he turned away. “Go back.”

The outer district was really a place where he shouldn’t linger in plain sight for long, lest he attracted too much attention.

Though murdering an inner disciple would invite heavy investigation and had drastic consequences, the gathering of enough outer disciples, coupled with the revelation of his true strength, might really stir these daredevils to take the risk, especially during times like this.

Unfortunately, he only dared to come during times like this.

In normal times, there would be inner disciples on guard duty in the outer sect, heightening the risk of his actions being observed.

If his behavior, such as knocking on the barrier or what he intended to do, were discovered and reported, even WeiWei might not be able to protect him.

After all, his situation was different from other disciples. He had never forgotten: he was a prisoner.

Retracing his steps over the sand and back towards the paved road of the outer sect, Bubai hadn’t walked far when a female voice echoed in his ear, “Meow? Ben Meow didn’t expect to really find a good fish in the outer sea!”

He was discovered?!

Immediately, his danger senses tingled. Where?! Behind? No, above!

Swiftly looking up, he saw...

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