Escape From Konoha

Chapter 70: 68: Future Plans

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Perhaps because he had come to an understanding, Shiraishi found himself in a significantly improved mood upon returning. His enthusiasm for research had been rekindled, and he had no qualms about staying in the lab throughout the night.

Setting personal matters aside, the research had seen substantial advancements over the past few days. The unexpected discovery had resulted in mice surviving with their chakra replaced by medicine infused with natural energy, effectively serving as life energy.

These surviving subjects were larger than the average mice and displayed more vigor. Most importantly, there had been no instances of sudden death. Instrument readings indicated that this state of benign growth could accompany these mice for their entire lives. They wouldn't experience any sudden demise until their natural lifespans came to an end.

The processed natural energy could take over the role of chakra as the life energy, enabling the creatures to carry out regular activities.

This marked the prelude to a new phase of human experimentation.


Shiraishi's ultimate objective was not to transform the experimental subjects, but to apply the final stage of the experiment to the human body. His aim was to assist Ayane in freeing herself from the confines of her circumstances, so she could escape rom konoha without being pursued by the Hyuga clan.

While the mouse experiments had proven fruitful, a crucial phase remained incomplete: replacing chakra with original natural energy. With the core issue identified, Shiraishi brimmed with confidence and foresaw a swift realization of this stage.

The upcoming phase would involve initiating a fresh round of human experiments. Unlike the merging of natural energy, this experiment was filled wirh dangers. The slightest lapse could result in death.

Minimizing the risk was of paramount importance. In essence, Shiraishi's bottom line was to ensure the experimental subjects survived in the event of failure. This served as the initial challenge to overcome.

Shiraishi found it perplexing. When it came to killing with his hands, he felt a certain detachment; however, when it came to human experiments, he hesitated.

Perhaps this ambivalence stemmed from the sense of manipulating life, something he loathed profoundly. Yet, Shiraishi knew that this was the only path to true scientific advancement. Medical science and other disciplines frequently ventured into inhumane human experimentation, and it was through such means that these fields progressed.

The same applied to medical ninjutsu in the ninja world, which had garnered recognition by making numerous sacrifices. The guidelines for human experimentation were merely there to assuage the mental well-being of the practitioners to some extent.

Regardless, it was a game with others' lives. A wholly different psychological engagement compared to directly taking lives.

"What's on your mind, Shiroishi-sama?" one of the experimental assistants inquired, noticing Shiraishi standing beside the experimental platform in contemplation.

"It's nothing, just pondering some mundane matters," Shiraishi replied, shaking his head.

Having considered matters extensively, he couldn't bring himself to abandon his current pursuit. Thus, the most meaningful and valuable course lay in minimizing the risk of the imminent round of human experiments.

Suddenly recalling something, Shiraishi turned to the five experimental assistants working with him in the lab. He addressed them in a serious tone, "By the way, do any of you have an interest in becoming ninjas?"

A hushed atmosphere settled over the lab.

After a prolonged silence, one of the assistants stammered, "What do you mean by 'ninja'? Does it mean..."

"To learn ninja skills, such as ninjutsu," Shiraishi explained casually.

"Can we?" The assistant's voice trembled with a mixture of fear and uncertainty.

"Absolutely. Your current physical condition surpasses that of many active ninjas. If you specialize in physical techniques, you could attain the rank of Chunin within a few years, or even exceed it."

The natural energy absorption techniques Shiraishi had devised were constructed on the premise of their compatibility with human development.

He had formulated an alternative system that, despite being in its early stages and containing imperfections, held the potential to provide substantial benefits.

"Are you truly willing to work on my behalf? I can offer you a degree of freedom, and even the means to lead better lives in this world. Even if you were once ruthless thieves, you still yearn to safeguard your parents, your spouses, and your children, right?"

This statement, akin to a cutting blade, sliced through the hearts of the five individuals.

One among them displayed a complex expression, as if recalling a less-than-pleasant past.

"The five of us actually hail from a village—our homeland lies in the Land of Rain."

"The one that was a major land during the previous war?"

Shiraishi was familiar with it—the region where it rained incessantly. An area often referred to as the 'Crying Nation'.

Caught between the warring powers of Fire, Wind, and Earth, the grim realities of life in that land weren't lost on Shiraishi.

"It is. A few years back, the ninjas who visited our village didn't slaughter us, but they stripped us of our livelihood—food, winter blankets, even requisitioning our homes at times..."

Yet, they endured and eked out a modest existence.

In a world bereft of warmth, everyone fought to stay alive. When outsiders plundered your possessions, the natural response was to rob the weaker in return.

All in the pursuit of survival.

"In the beginning, we were over twenty in number, but as our endeavors grew riskier, many of our comrades perished... We hold no resentment; each of us was striving for survival. We don't deem our actions as righteous—it's just a matter of fighting to stay alive..."

The speaker bore a sorrowful expression, the look in their eyes tinged with detachment.

For those who lacked even the basics—those whose very country and families had been violated and despoiled—survival was the singular goal. There was no room for judgment. Oppressed by the strong and averse to death, they resorted to trampling the weaker to secure sustenance.

Dying was a matter of unfortunate luck, a reality to accept rather than bemoan. So long as misfortune didn't strike, they lived on.

"The current state of the ninja world, it seems the book I shared earlier still holds some truth," Shiraishi remarked.

Hearing his words, the five exchanged glances and offered a wry smile.

Contrasting their initial fear, they now held more reverence for Shiraishi than fear.

"What's your decision? I have tasks that may not be easy for you," Shiraishi queried.

"We are willing to serve you," the five declared in unison, bowing to Shiraishi.

Their choice was understandable. Struggling to survive, aspiring to live better lives, and with their thoughts fixated on the agony faced in the Land of Rain, aligning with Shiraishi was their best bet. If they didn't join his cause, they would continue to serve as experimental subjects.

"Yes," Shiraishi affirmed, "I will remain in Konoha for another month. During this time, I'll assist you in establishing some groundwork and subsequently arrange for your relocation. There's a crucial task I need you to undertake."

—Collecting information from the outside.

Especially from the Land of Ghosts and the Land of Iron.

At present, Shiraishi required comprehensive future plans.

In the ninja world, these two countries remained unaffected by the wars and stood as permanent neutral territories.

The Land of Ghosts was particularly intriguing due to its distinct status, offering more security and discretion compared to the Land of Iron, while evading excessive attention.

Before leaving Konoha, it was imperative to establish a steady base. In the ninja world, going solo often led to setbacks.

With the natural energy system at his disposal, with enough time, he could easily cultivate a significant number of Chunin-level ninjas, if not Jonin-level.

And he was fortunate enough to have a very wealthy friend.

In this world, monetary resources could address the majority of problems.


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