Escape From Konoha

Chapter 191: 187: Miroku and Shion

Shiraishi arrived home in the evening. He had met with Yagura in the morning, discussed their future plans, had lunch with him as well, and then saw him off from the Land of Demons.

After all, Yagura's identity was sensitive, and even though he came to the Land Of Demons as an official visiting envoy this time, staying too long might raise suspicions.

When dealing with the five great powers, Shiraishi always remained a cautious approach, not daring to be careless.

He worked for what seemed like half a day in the afternoon, but, in reality, he had finished his tasks by three o'clock.

Three years ago, when Shiraishi first arrived in the Land of Demons, he was swamped with government affairs. Now, with his subordinates handling their responsibilities efficiently, he had more free time.

In their villa, Raimei lazed in the pet house in the courtyard, Ameyu tended to house chores, and Soryu shrunk his size swimming comfortably in the pool.. The three clones constantly guarding the house provided Shiraishi with peace of mind.

Upon entering the room, he didn't find Ruri, only Ayane in the living room, while Ameyu prepared dinner in the kitchen.

"Welcome back, Shiraishi-kun. You've been returning earlier these days." Ayane said with a smile.

"Because my subordinates can handle things well over there. I didn't raise incompetent subordinates who only know how to eat and can't work."

This was Shiraishi's view. Subordinates had varying levels of ability and dedication, but having a sense of participation was crucial. It instilled a sense of identity among the team.

"Isn't Ruri at home?"

"Ruri went to Aunt Miyoko's and won't be back tonight. Asuka and Kazuhime also went with her."

Asuka and Kazuhime were the names of Shiraishi and Ruri children. Following the idea that sons take their mother's surname and daughters take their father's surname, their names were Uchiha Asuka and Chiba Kazuhime.

Different from an alien like Kazuhime, Asuka was no different from ordinary Uchiha babies. While Asuka was a typical Uchiha, Kazuhime's unique abilities made her stand out even among the Uchiha clan.

Shiraishi nodded in understanding but didn't press further.

"So, it's just the two of us tonight... Shiraishi-kun, you can take advantage of me as you wish." Ayane said with a mischievous smile, seemingly trying to seduce him.

After Ruri's departure, Ayane found it challenging to restrain her agitated heart and body.

"Let's save that for later tonight. My stomach is a bit empty now."

Shiraishi replied with a wry smile, knowing that tonight was another evening of official duties, and he hoped Ayane wouldn't keep him up too late.

"Ameyu has already prepared dinner. By the way, things have been calmer outside recently. Konoha seems to be sailing smoothly. I would really like to go and fan the flames to make Konoha's new leaves burn even brighter."

Ayane said expressing her concern about Konoha's affairs.

With Suna withdrawing from the Konoha battlefield and Iwa signing an armistice agreement, only Kumo and Konoha remained in war.

Considering Konoha's recent successes, Kumo may not secure any advantages in its dealings with Konoha.

"Don't stir trouble at this time; I have more important things for you to do. Konoha has already suffered significant casualties in the ongoing war. Even they defeat Kumo, they won't have the freedom to engage with us for the next few years."

This was because Konoha was currently on the brink of complex internal political strife, rendering their ability to achieve internal unity, let alone external deterrence, highly questionable.

Based on the information relayed by Kakashi, Shiraishi was already aware that the leader of the Root, Shimura Danzo, was secretly preparing to take action.

The post-war challenges involving the Uchiha and Hyuga clans were sufficient to give the Hokage a considerable headache for the foreseeable future.

"What about the Land of Water?"

Ayane had no choice but to suppress her heart itching for action.

"Yagura discussed it with me this morning, and he needs more time to prepare. For now, we should proceed with our plans here step by step. We should avoid unnecessary complications before taking any official action."

"If I recall correctly, the next step should be dealing with the Land of Wind. Is it truly necessary to take action against that country filled with sand?" Ayane lacked a favorable impression of the Land of Wind, seeing it as a desolate wasteland covered in sand.

"I've already dispatched secretly people to gather information. There are important resources there that we urgently need. However, before we make a move against the Land of Wind, we need to clear some obstacles along the way, and I'll arrange for that soon."

Ayane believed Shiraishi could handle these tasks competently. The man had never disappointed, except in one aspect. Hence, she no longer had any concerns. Today was a rare moment for just the two of them, and Ayane refrained from discussing these unpleasant matters related to work.

After enjoying the sumptuous dinner prepared by Ameyu, Shiraishi and Ayane spent some time reading in the study before heading to the bedroom to enjoy a wonderful night together.

In terms of Ayane's body, Shiraishi had become intimately familiar with it over time, yet everytime it gave him a unique and thrilling experience.

The way her body could envelop a man's, almost drowning him, was an experience that Ruri couldn't match.

Well... to sum it up, it was nothing short of majestic.


May quickly arrived.

The clash between Konoha and Kumo had escalated dramatically.

Kumo's strength proved more difficult than Iwa's, and they possessed ninja skilled in advanced space-time ninjutsu, allowing them to move supplies within their camp effortlessly. It was rumored that Konoha's Yellow Flash, Namikaze Minato, had launched several attacks on Kumo's camp but failed to disrupt their supplies.

Kumo's actions undoubtedly proved a crucial point – Konoha's tactics against other ninja villages were ineffective against them. It was likely that other ninja villages were hesitant to assist Konoha due to Kumo's powerful force.

Before engaging Kumo, Konoha had battled Suna and Iwa for a long time, leaving them exhausted. Repelling Suna and Iwa's ninja had also taken a significant toll on their forces. Under these circumstances, Konoha's overall strength was in decline, and even the Yellow Flash's involvement in the Kumo battlefield couldn't change this reality.

The battle between Kumo and Konoha had no immediate impact on the Land of Demons, where Shiraishi was situated. His current focus lay not in the conflict between Kumo and Konoha but in the Land of Demons' strategic expansion.

After years of reforms in the Land of Demons, all sectors were thriving and experiencing rapid growth, particularly in economics and military strength. However, due to limited territory and population, it was still far from becoming a major nation.

Shiraishi recognized the importance of both population and territory in strengthening their position.

In Shiraishi's view, the Land of Demons' next strategic move was to acquire more population and territory, which could only be achieved through external expansion and war.

However as Yagura said, as a neutral country, the Land Of Demons pursuing war outside would jeopardize their neutral status. Being neutral served as both a protection and a restriction, particularly for the Land of Demons.

Shiraishi had already foreseen how the future international situation in the ninja world would unfold. His plan involved weakening the Land of Fire, with Kirigakure transforming into a dark alliance that wouldn't obstruct the Land of Demons.

Kumo's confrontation with Konoha had already helped reduce Konoha's power, and it would diminish Kumo's strength as well.

The Third Tsuchikage, Onoki was depressed and he had lost his aggressiveness. If the need arose to form an alliance against the Land of Demons, he was likely to remain passive.

As for Suna.... it was the easiest amongst the five major countries, with their strength being the weakest of the five nations,

At the same time, they were in close enough to the Land of Demons, with a large and sparsely populated land, and held a wealth of resources in its desert, particularly a resource Shiraishi desired which other countries overlooked - Oil.

Yet, if they wanted to attack the Land of Wind, they needed a legitimate reason. And if a reason was identified, there lays another challenge.

This challenge lies in the fact that the Land of Demons, despite its proximity to the Land of Wind, lacked a direct border with them.

Only by dealing withthe issues involving the two intermediary countries can the Land of Demons establish a shared border with the Land of Wind. These two countries were - The Land of Bears and The Land of Honey,

The Land of Bears and the Land of Honey presented other opportunities.

The Land of Honey had a strong cultural connection with the Land of Demons and had benefited economically from its development. This country could serve as a launching point for Shiraishi's ambitions against the Land of Wind.

Dealing with the Land of Bears would be more complicated due to its own ninja village. While Shiraishi wasn't afraid of them, he found it a bit troublesome to deal with.

Additionally, the Land of Snow in the north was another target for Shiraishi. By incorporating these small nations into one and claiming a portion of the Land of Wind's territory, they could rival the five major nations in size.

In the end, the foundation for all these ambitions lay in their own power.

After annexing these regions, hiding the fact will prove challenging for the Land of Demons.... In fact, it is estimated that there will be no way to hide it during the planning process, and will likely draw the attention of the five major powers.

However, as Shiraishi had thought previously, this was a time when the five major nations were relatively weak. It was too late for them to recover from their vulnerabilities, and even if they sought to exert control over the Land of Demons, their efforts would be futile.

The strongest Konoha was separated from the Land of Demons by several other countries. At most, they could offer verbal warnings and threats, but such actions didn't trouble Shiraishi.

The Land of Demons' next development plan focused on nurturing its domestic economy and military power. And at the same, they would extend the unique culture of the Land of Demons to neighboring nations and ultimately expand their territory and population.

Shiraishi coined this strategy the "Ten-year plan" with the goal of achieving it within the next ten years.

As for how to share their culture and annexing new territories without arousing opposition or panic among the local populace while also letting the people recognize the rule of the Land Of Demons. These all required careful planning.

Resorting to violence was not a viable option, it demanded a long-term approach grounded in ideological guidance.

The obstacle in the Land of Demons' change was its status as a neutral nation.

Shiraishi believed that Priestess Miroku had recognized this dilemma. Therefore, after formulating this strategies, Shiraishi had to communicate with her to seek her assistance and approval in sharing the culture of the priestess to the neighboring countries.

Following the path to the shrine and going up the circular path, Shiraishi arrived at the familiar yet deserted main hall. To his surprise, there was no guard or maid present in the shrine today. The complete absence of personnel was unusual, and an eerie atmosphere permeated the palace, sending shivers down Shiraishi's spine.

Behind the curtain, he found the Priestess, seated as usual, and directly addressed her, "Miroku-sama, I require a large number of priestesses."

Shiraishi put away his thoughts once he got here, and put forward his own request to her in a concise manner.

"A large number of tje priestesses? May I ask what Shiraishi-san intends for them to do?"

The priestess neither agreed nor refused, but wanted to know whyShiraishi asked for a large number of the priestesses.

"Miroku-sama, I've learned from the history of the Land of Demons that in the past, many miko from this country traveled the world and helped people in need. Do you have any information on this?"

"Indeed, such events did occur but it was in the ancient period and the time before then. However, after the dominance of ninjas, we retreated from that stage of history. I don't know much about these things as they happened a long time ago."

"I intend to use these miko. Their operations won't spread to a wide range and they will only focus on several neighboring countries. I need their assistance in carrying out some propaganda. I guarantee their safety and payment as well for their services."

Shiraishi also planned to dress some female military members in the miko clothing, starting the cultural invasion of neighboring countries to ease the conquest of the surrounding small nations.

"If you can guarantee their payment and safety, then i can provide some miko you, Shiraishi-san."

After all, the miko also need to live. Most of them lived in poverty. If Shiraishi could give them some extra money, she was also happy about it.

"Thank you."

"Also.. I have an important matter to speak to you about Shiraishi-san."

"Important matter?"

This marked the first time of the miko having a cautious tone. Although her words didn't convey this, Shiraishi sensed the gravity of what she was about to share. However, he couldn't anticipate what the her crucial revelation would be about.

Shiraishi's expression turned serious, and he asked, "Please, Miroku-sama, go ahead and tell me."

"I am pregnant."


Shiraishi's reaction was a mix of confusion and shock. The unexpected news left him momentarily stunned. "Preg- Pregnant?"He stammered,

After his initial surprise, he managed to regain his composure and resisted the urge to complain. He asked, "Well ...Miroku-sama, may I ask about the identity of the child's father?"

To his knowledge, the Miko had maintained her purity and had never had any intimate relations with any man so far. The sudden revelation of her pregnancy left him confused about the child's origins.

"I have no husband, and there has been no one special."

Shiraishi remained silent, and a chill crept down his spine.

"The child will be a girl and her name will be Shion.. She will be born nineteen months from."

The Miko's statement left Shiraishi completely shocked. His eyes widened in disbelief. 'Nineteen months from now? Birth?'

A Human woman gestation typically lasts about ten months, so nineteen months... How could the timing be so precise? Even the gender confirmed?

'This Miko... were they truly human?' Shiraishi couldn't jelp but question the true nature of these priestesses. From long ago, he had a vague suspicion she might not be entirely human, but it had always been just a feeling, without any concrete evidence. Now, with the Miko making such claims, if there was nothing wrong with her brain, it suggested that she might not be human, at least not in the general sense.

"It iss entirely normal for Shiraishi-san to be surprised, and this is the reaction one would expect from a regular human."

"...Miroku-sama... could you simplify your words a bit?"

"I am not human... including my mother and all the previous Miko. In terms that Shiraishi-san can understand, we're asexual." The priestess carefully revealed these secrets to Shiraishi, who Miko himself lost in thought.

The revelation of inhuman brings serving as the Miko in this shrine was initially shocking, but considering the toad on Mount Myobuku, who sought to select a child of prophecy from amongst humans to save the world and establish a peaceful and prosperous era, the idea of inhuman Miko didn't seem unacceptable.

"Miroku-sama, after sharing this information, what is it that you seek from me?" Shiraishi took a deep breath, aware that she had revealed these secrets for a reason.

"I hope Shiraishi-san will accept Shion as his goddaughter. She holds great importance for humanity."

"I see...." Shiraishi lowered his head in thought for a moment, then met the Priestess's gaze and nodded in agreement.

While he didn't fully understand her motivations, her words "holds great importance for humanity" interested Shiraishi. It made him wonder if the uniqueness of the Miko had a broader significance for all of humanity. Moreover, she had provided him with a huge assistance, and requesting him to acknowledge her daughter was a small favor in return.

"As a token of gratitude for agreeing to this, Shiraishi-san need not consult me for decisions concerning the Land of Demons in the future. You are free to make your own choices."

Her words essentially granted Shiraishi the leadership of the Land of Demons, superseding the supreme status of the priestess.

"Is it acceptable to make such an offer?"

Overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events, Shiraishi struggled to adapt, but he couldn't discern the Priestess's underlying intentions. Giving all their power to someone else felt like surrendering their destiny.

"No issue, as the Land of Demons is essentially a country without a true owner."

"An unowned country?"

Shiraishi had never heard such a statement before, but the Priestess avoided his questions, evidently avoiding something that might be connected to the founding of the Land of Demons and the origin of the Priestess.

"Is there anything else, Shiraishi-san?"

"No.... it's fine. Let's call it a day. I'll take my leave, Miroku-sama."

Shiraishi rose from his sit, preparing to leave.

"By the way, there's one more thing I almost forgot to mention. Before my child is born, that is, over the next nineteen months, Shiraishi-san should avoid approaching the shrine. I can't guarantee your safety if you do."

The way she mentioned the danger made it seem trivial, but it was a clear warning. The shrine would become dangerous during this period.


Inwardly, Shiraishi sighed. It seemed that the empty palace today indicated that others had already been expelled by the priestess.

Having her child must be a significant threat. Could this truly pose such a danger?

For the next nineteen months, he would be unable to visit Miko. Then, after that time, he could ask about the truth. As he walked away from the palace, he planned to descend the mountain, but something made him glance back at the shrine.

A strange purple mist, exuding unprecedented evil, had enshrouded the entire palace. He could hear the monstrous howls within the palace, filled with rage directed at the Priestess. The voices emanated all sorts of evil thoughts, unsettling him and making him feel instinctively feel danger and uncomfortable.

Although it was daytime, the sacred shrine now appeared eerie in the sunlight, evoking images of ghosts and monsters. Pausing to look at the shrine for a while, the evil cries of the voices grew louder. He snapped out of his momentary confusion and quickened his pace down the mountain.

Just a moment ago, a twisted desire to ruthlessly kill people and wreak havoc had surfaced in his mind. Clearly, his will had been unconsciously influenced by some unknown presence. If he continued staying here any longer, he feared he would be further ensnared by these evil thoughts.

"Could that be the demon from the ancient legends?"

He had previously come across tales of the demon in the Land of Demons and had amassed some information to support his conjectures. However, when it came to this demon, data and information were fragmented, and many details remained unverifiable.

All he knew was, an undead monster only the Miko could confront. The demon had a mysterious power and could command armies of warriors. Stories of large-scale invasions into the world, with the terracotta warriors laying waste to various lands.

The furious and tumultuous presence of the demon in the palace, which Shiraishi had just experienced, seemed like a evil thoughts borne from humanity. If this was indeed the true form of the demon, it promised to be an interesting discovery.The thought of dissecting it on a table genuinely piqued his curiosity.


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