Ersia: Raven Dawn

Imperial Order

[Capital City of Aramia, Aramain]

In the royal retreat chamber of the royal residence of Caela Crima, the emperor of Aramia, Ethelar Aramid sits on his cushion. His gaze is focused on the giant map that is laid out before him. The inks naughtily kissed the edge of his fingers as he struck his quill bold and precise. Not a single unnecessary noise is made by his personal attendants as they tend to his needs with tea and massages. They know better than anyone else not to let anything disrupt the mind of the infamous tyrant, especially when he is busy solving the problems of his realms.

"Your Imperial Majesty! The First Secretary has arrived."

Only with a gesture of the emperor's hand, the herald nodded and proceeded to bring the honored guest inside.

When the first secretary entered the room, everyone couldn't bear to turn their attention to the young man standing by the great door. The dashing, unmarried young man is one - if not the most - famous character who always draws the attention of others anywhere he walks. The emperor's younger attendants gasped for air as they were taken aback by such stunning beauty, and they averted their gaze, admiring him in silent blushes.

The first secretary bowed solemnly with his red and black attire decorated with an extraordinary number of badges of honor. The monocle in his left eye gives the air of extravagance and dignity that only the highest ones can withstand. Verily, his appearance is that of an unparalleled intellect.

"Your Imperial Majesty."

"How many times do I need to tell you to skip the formalities and stop wasting my time, Nicholas? Come."

Nicholas gets back on his feet and removes his famed headwear of a feathered cap. He walks gracefully until he is on the opposite side of the map and takes his time to comprehend about things that have disturbed the mind of the most venerated being in the empire.

Meanwhile, the attendants immediately prepared another cushion for the first secretary and took off his coat.

"I take that you are concerned about the Varnarians on the southeast border?"

"I am, but that pales in comparison to my concern for Randia."

The emperor took off his glasses and stared at Nicholas. Then, he takes a sip of tea before relaxing the back of his head on the bosom of his mistress. He stared at Nicholas who was writing on the map. It's the first secretary's way of salutation by sharing the most updated information by noting some points of concern directly on Ethelar's map.

"Tell me, kid . . . What is he to you, Geovatus, and Mirabelle?"

Ethelar stands up and walks around circling Nicholas. He spots some sawdust on the edge of Nicholas's shoulder and cleans it for him.

"We consider Asmar and Randia as our dearest older brothers. A family."

"Then, have you heard of the rumors?"

The First Secretary nodded solemnly.

"What is your standing point on this matter?"

". . . Honestly, it consumes me. I longed to see him to the extent that it has become quite exhausting to focus on any other matter."

The emperor smiled a little and went to take a chalice on the table beside him. From the inside of the chalice, he takes out a topaz gemstone and throws it on the map. The gemstone stopped at a certain point on the giant paper.

"Two days ago, we received information of a sighting of him from Londerstead," the emperor sits back on the wool carpet, resting his body on the bosom of his attendant.

Nicholas is puzzled. There is nothing special in Londerstead. The small town is hardly noticeable for anything. It does not produce the best agricultural products nor the finest warriors. Even merchants often skip the town for somewhere more profitable.

"Why Londerstead?"

"The 'Why', is not important, Nicholas, at least for now. There are better questions to be asked."

In search of inspiration, the two then walk to the balcony. From there, the vast and colourful scenery of the Capital City of Aramain breathes its beauty through the fragrance of the spring flowers. The sweat sweats of the hardworking people manifest themselves into magnificent canals, and their yelling into vigorous melody.

"Our realm is vast and strong, but not impregnable. Especially after I sent our best men to Tivaria."

"You want me to predict his move."

"More than that. I want you to pin him down and bring him to me. I demand answers."

The emperor asked not of his spymaster, but to Nicholas himself. The First Secretary knows why he was chosen. Also, he knows even better that the emperor doesn't take a no for an answer. Once an order has been issued, it must be done.

"How many men?"

"Your only aids are the locals and the spymaster's network. However, if you are willing to form a special party of your own, my empire will cover any incurred expenses."

The emperor's decision is a just one. Aramia realistically cannot afford to spread their men too thin. The Republic of Varnaria is its strongest rival, and they are currently making suspicious moves in their borders.

"What about the one who will look after my desk?"

"You don't need to exhaust yourself over such trivialities."

Ethelar Aramid stood with his back to the view of the balcony. The vestige of the morning rays is enveloping him, making him look like a divine being radiating his eminence.

"I am Ethelar Aramid. It takes no more than one of my fingers to handle your dull work. Whether you are present or absent, it will change naught but only a little. You think you are an irreplaceable stateman, kid?"

"No sane man will have such a thought. Especially when dozens of old bones are eagerly waiting for my demise every single day to the point that they have every page of this morning's newspaper poisoned," Nicholas shook his head in weariness.

"Talk to me again when they are starting to hide a mummified pixa inside your pillow."

The two laugh it off before returning inside the chamber. One of the servants had already bowed down in anticipation of the emperor. In her hands, is a scroll containing the royal decree to momentarily relieve Nicholas of his position.

After a quick read, the emperor stamps the paper with his ring, the only object in the entire world that contains the imperial seal. The moment Ethelar Aramid casts his magic into the seal, no one will and can question the authority and the duty he had given to Nicholas.

"I know you don't need any motivation, but do your absolute best, Nicholas."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After Nicholas donned his coat, he left the royal retreat chamber to immediately work on his new task. He contacted a lot of people, including the ones in faraway lands. He reached out to every name that came to his mind, the ones who shared even the tiniest fraction of his past.


The sun is high and it's time for Nicholas to fill his belly. He had told to the attendants of his mansion that he would have his lunch on the balcony to enjoy the fine weather. They obeyed and prepared a twelve-course meal to celebrate Nicholas's momentary discharge.

Everything is perfect, and Nicholas is about to have a spoonful of his creamy meat stew when suddenly there is a commotion coming from the lower floor. The noise continues, if not even louder - until Nicholas is finally ticked off and losing both his patience and appetite.

"I will make sure the most severe of punishment to whoever fools dare to disturb my golden time."

The gentleman takes his staff and walks down the stairs with his bodyguards. When they saw the knights scattered around and grunting in pain, his bodyguards unsheathed their swords and ready their spells.

"Behind us, Lord Nicholas!"

They never had such a frontal assault since Nicholas's knights are highly capable. Any attempt of assassination and sabotation has always been put down right before the culprits even had the chance. Thinking that they might be under attack by a group of hitmen sent by Nicholas's political adversaries, his personal guards are on all alert.

"Gardia! Nullificus!" Nadia casts protection magic on Nicholas.

"Damn it . . . Was it Erod's dogs? Be careful, Nadia, Gerard."

"Yes, my lord!"

Since the sound of commotion is coming from the central hall of the mansion, Gerard suggests that Nicholas should take the secret escape path that goes all the way to the plaza. However, the nobleman insisted that he had to see for himself what kind of people managed to get inside his safe haven. Thus, the three of them approached the hall carefully.

The moment they saw the one who was responsible for all the commotion, they let out a long breath and sheathed back their weapons.

"Oh, it's him," Nadia turns to her usual flat face.

In the hall, they see a man of tall and heavily muscular figure with knives as eyes and bushes as sideburns. He is shirtless and only wears a pair of bracers, tassets, and greaves as he walks through a heavily guarded place without a single care in the world.

Few tried to stop the man, but they were sent flying like flies.

"In the name of the His Excellency Nicholas Belsvan! Lay down your arms, intruder!"

A female knight unsheathed her blade and pointed it towards the man.

"A woman?! As a guard?! Let me cut your legs so that you can never leave the kitchen!"

The man unsheathed the hatchet in his belt. Since fighting amongst knights is a punishable act, everyone is on edge. Just in time when the tension is about to reach its peak and explode, Nicholas throws a jug of milk at the troublemaker's head.

"Ten years and still couldn't manage to learn the simplest manner, huh? Geovatus? Or should I call you Commander Geovatus?"

"Nico! There you are!"

In a flash of a step, Geovatus is already in front of Nicholas, making him skip a beat out of surprise. Then, the huge man gives Nicholas a big hug. The hug is so tight and suffocating to the point that it's almost life-threatening.

"Y-You! Beast! Let go! And don't call me that in front of my subordinates!" said Nicholas as he pushed Geovatus's face with every bit of his muscles.

The guards are taken aback, some even have their steels clattering in fear. They never thought that the one who was charging into the first secretary's residence was none other than the infamous commander of The Red Walker. Now they understand why their resistance is futile.


"This is the man who repelled the siege of Marnameth with only two hundred men?"

"So what?! He is trespassing our security!"

"No! You don't understand! That man is no human, you will get yourself killed!"

While most of the knights are arguing amongst themselves, the female knight who had been waiting for an opening, casts her spell. Chains spring forth from the magic circles in the air and wrap Geovatus's arm like a snake would do to its dinner, a common method of arrest amongst the knights.

"Let go of His Excellency and stand down!" said the female knight as she pulled the chain with a twist of her magic.

Unexpectedly, Geovatus turned around and swung his fist toward the knightess.



The female knight crashed into the wall far on the opposite sides of the hall. She managed to block the devastating blow with her shield. Although, it doesn't make the damage done by the impact any less painful.

"Did he just?!"

"Breaking through magic with sheer physical power?!"

The female knight tries her best to get up as quickly as she can. However, when she sets her sight back to Geovatus, the man is already right in front of her. He grabbed her helmet and slammed her head to the ground.

"Ack . . ."

Before she was able to react properly, Geovatus already stepped on her shield. With his arms crossed, the commander of The Red Walker puts more and more pressure with every passing second. The knightess can barely hold her breath, let alone talk back to him.

"Weak. You cannot keep your duty to your lord. He will never be safe with the likes of you."

"Geo! That's enough!"

Nicholas was a few seconds too late to ask for his mercy. Some of the female knight's ribs were already broken. Nonetheless, Geovatus released her.

"Disgusting! How could you make a woman take up arms!? You disappointed me!"

"A lot of things change when you are busy running around the frontlines, fool."

"I will not let this be! Women should have stayed home and cook our food! Have our men become so weak that they need to cry for their sister's help?!"

Geovatus glared from the corner of his eyes to the bunch of knights behind him. The men of steel turn eel when they meet his eyes, the powerful glare is a synonym for a death sentence for those who are thinking about talking back without anything to back up their words.

"Listen here, bird brain! Everyone has the right to serve Aramia in long as they are up for the task! And don't use yourself as the standard!"

"Well, they don't really look like they're up for the task, do they?"

The second Geovatus speaks his words, a dagger goes deep into the back of his right calf.

"D-Don't . . . look down . . . on us!"

The beaten-up knightess coughed up a lot of blood and collapsed soon after. Her fellow guards quickly picked her up and immediately left.

"Considering how challenging it is to even put a scratch on you, I'd say she's up for the task," Nicholas smirked.

In denial and annoyance, Geovatus tightens and shakes his wounded calf a little. The muscle shock is enough to catapult the dagger out of his calf as it bolts to the wall next to a knight's head.

"I refuse! Whether you agree or not, I will train your men after this!"

Nicholas sighed and shook his head. Then, he went back to the balcony to continue his lunch. Geovatus tailed behind and finally, uninvitedly joined him for a feast. Though his wild guest ended up eating much more than him, Nicholas did not despise the company.

"So, care to explain why you are here?"

"No fucking clue. One day, a messenger just suddenly arrived in my tent and told me that the emperor decided to pull my men from the western front."

"I thought the situation was still intense with Sindris. What are those mages planning to do?"

Geovatus keeps chewing and chugging on the meat and juice. Only when he is half-done with his business does he speak more.

"What about you, Nico? I heard you were sealing some deals with those squint-eyed snakes. What was it again? A trade access to Paradisia?"

"Wow, I thought you were only interested in bash and brawn. Time does really fly, it seems."

The burly man shrugged his shoulders as he chomped down a whole roasted turkey in the blink of an eye, crushing all the bones with his powerful teeth and jaw.

"So that's why that old wolf called you here, Nico? That doesn't sit right in my ears."

"No . . . In fact, I'm no longer the first secretary."

Geovatus slammed the table and stood up, disbelieving what he had just heard.


"No, for goodness sakes! It's not about him, and his name is Erod, not Brod."

Nicholas sighed and put down his monocle. Sadness and longing surfaced in his face, and despite its subtleness, Geovatus noticed it.

"It's because of Randia."

Geovatus calmed down and sat back on the chair when he heard the name. The old days when he was smacked often by Randia due to discipline flashed back, and he unconsciously wears the same face as Nicholas.

"The rumor is true?"

"That is what Ethelar wants me to find out."

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