Ero-Game: Power and Sword

Chapter 4: Capital City

The end of the month was here. My luggage was packed and ready to go.

My mother sat across from me. "So you're leaving." She said. 

"Yeah, I'll come back to get my stuff when I settle down." First, I needed to obtain Pocket Space and a bunch of other magic skills.

"This is good. You're forging your own path like Jess." Jess was her second daughter. My oldest sister would stay with my mother and learn to manage the land. My second sister has already gone off into the world to forge her own path. I, the 3rd daughter, will not be missed. But that didn't matter to me. This part of the world will fall to the Demon Queen when the war begins if I don't do anything. I want to stop it if possible, but it'll be difficult. The best thing to do would be to evacuate.

Garth came into the room. "The carriage is here."

"Okay, load up all the luggage, and then come get me."

"Yes, master."

"I heard you slept with Cullen." Mother said.

"Yeah." I didn't deny it.

"He's good, right?" She took a sip of the tea.

I also took a sip of tea and answered: "Yeah."

"You have a lot of money, right? Don't hesitate to go to the brothels if you need to level up."

What terrible advice. "Okay." There was no point in telling her all the flaws of going to the brothel. With that kind of advice, I wonder how Jess is doing. 

I won't waste my money in brothels.

We chatted like this for a bit, with my mother giving me some bad advice and telling me about the time she went adventuring. Though I knew she'd never really gone adventuring. She'd gone to a few dungeons surrounded by knights and called it an adventure. It was the same with my oldest sister. She'd spent most of her time managing the fief, and her level was mostly from visiting the brothels. I would need to talk to my aunts if I wanted to hear about real adventuring, but that was unnecessary since I have game knowledge.

A few minutes later.

"The carriage is all set." Garth came into the room gasping for air. It looked like he'd worked hard loading the carriage with our luggage.

"Good job." I praised him. "Then, mother, I'll be leaving." So we set off to the capital.


There are 5 regions on this landmass. In the northernmost region sits the Demon Queendom. Below the Demon Queendom sit the Minkin Queendom and other smaller countries made up of humans. My mother's fief is in the northern parts of the Minkin Queendom; that's where I grew up till I left my home at 18 years old. South of the Minkin Queendom is the Beast Queendom/Lands. To the west of Minkin Queendom is the Forest of Horn, where the elves live. To the east is the Empire of Hull, ruled by a Goblin Queen, but it has many monster races under its rule. What exists beyond the sea is unknown and was never part of the game.

My destination was the capital of Minkin Queendom, which was in the middle of the queendom. So I was heading south. The scenery was quite mountainous and green. The carriage ride went on till dusk. When it got dark, the driver pulled the carriage to the side, and we rested for the day. Garth was already sleeping on my shoulder by the time we pulled over. I woke him up so we could have dinner. When dinner was over, I took out the blanket, and we cuddled together under it.

I woke up in the middle of the night because someone was fondling my breasts. It was Garth. When I looked over, he whispered into my ear, "Can we have sex?" I was wearing my pajamas, and he'd slipped his hand inside.

"No," I said. He couldn't give me any more experience points, but it seemed he'd become too clingy with me. "Never ask me again," I told him. "Now, go back to sleep, and don't wake me up in the middle of the night. And stop fondling my boobs."

"Sorry." He took his hand away.


It was 2 days journey from my mother's fief to the capital. We arrived late into the evening. The carriage dropped us off at a good inn and left.

I went up the counter and got 2 bedrooms. "2 bedrooms, please."

"Two rooms, so that's 10 copper per day." 100 copper was 1 sliver, 100 sliver was 1 gold, and 100 gold was 1 platinum.

I put 1 sliver on the counter and said, "Make it for 10 days."

"Yes!" The receptionist gladly accepted and handed me 2 keys. "The numbers are right there." He pointed at the key chain. "You can go up. We serve breakfast, but lunch and dinner you'll have to purchase separately."

"Understood." I took the keys. "Bring the luggage," I told Garth and went up to check out the rooms. The rooms were all the same, a small bedroom with a tiny bathroom attached to the side. It'll have to do. "First things first... What's taking him so long?"

I ended up helping him bring up the luggage.

I needed some of the ingredients that were in them. I got to working on the potion immediately. I set up the beakers and burners just as it was in my old study at home. I stayed up till 3 in the morning working, but I was happy to have completed it. "With this, I can get 2000 exp." I held up the clear and slightly purple liquid up to the light. As the levels increase, I'll need more experience points. With 2000 at my current level, I'll go up to 12 or 13. If my calculations are correct. Then I can specialize. With specialization, I'll gain a lot more powers. And I'll be able to create/gain spells using spellbooks. Also, since the world has become real... there are experiments I need to run...

There was a long list of quests and easter eggs I'd written down. Out of all of them, one of the easiest (thanks to my preparations) and most rewarding to do was curing a certain mother. There's a young man who's been taking care of his mother since he was a little boy by working in a cafe. He's been buying medicines and has been desperately trying to cure his mother of an unknown illness. The doctors nor the temple can do it, but I can, thanks to my game knowledge. "But how do I approach him. Well, I have to first find the cafe." It was late, so I decided to get some sleep.


The next morning.

I sat across from Garth and ate: toasted bread with jam and 2 Bull's-Eye Eggs.

"Here's my ID." I gave Garth my ID card. "Take it and go to the adventure's guild and register me as an adventurer, along with yourself."

"Are we signing up as adventurers already? Shouldn't we go see aunty Mae? And your sister... she didn't give an exact address, but maybe aunty knows-"

I cut off his babbling. "No, go register our names. As I said, I'm going to go searching for a good cafe."

"A good cafe?" Garth was confused. But I didn't care enough to explain. Maybe I should shoot some lightning at him to make him stop asking so many questions. No, forget it. It might kill him.

So with Garth heading to the Adventure's guild, I set off to explore the streets I once knew in the game. There were quite a few quests and easter eggs in the capital. 

After the capital, I should head to Port Town... No, maybe I should go to the Elf Queendom (the forest)... No, I'll still be too weak for that. The best would be Macme Town, there were a lot of quests there, and I'll be able to get research materials.

As I planned out my future, I walked down the eerily familiar streets looking for the cafe in my memory.

As I walked down the street, I came across an easter egg I wasn't even looking for. It was a time-based easter egg, and I never planned to get it. I ripped off the poster for the lost cat on the wall. This cat runs away every now and then, it's random, and you're lucky if you come across it while you're in the capital. The owner of this cat was a witch, and she gave good rewards. It wasn't exp obviously; she was a woman, after all. But some things are rarer than exp. "But how do I find the cat?"

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