Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 1 pt. 10]

Lily and I were only able to keep our hands off of each other for so long before we eventually caved. While I would never consider myself perfect, she believed that I was. And I believed that she was perfect.

It was impossible for us to not have fun with one another’s bodies. While she sat between my legs and occasionally rubbed back against my cock, I fondled her breasts, left bite marks all over her neck and shoulders, and fingered her.

But before I could spend even more of my money on transforming…

“I see that you are already enjoying yourself, darling.”

Lily jumped from the sudden voice… and ended up headbutting my chin.

While Lily rubbed the top of her head, I rubbed my chin and turned to look at who I knew it was.

“It’s about time you show up, Thera,” I teased.

I was so lost in Lily’s body that I didn’t even notice the window pop up to warn me about an intruder entering the dungeon.

“You went easy on the goblins, right?”

“I left them webbed. I figured that you would not approve of me killing your monsters. Besides, they will soon be mine as well,” Thera answered.


Even if those goblins could respawn and weren’t really “smart” at all, I still would have felt bad if they got killed. Especially if they got killed by somebody overwhelmingly powerful in comparison to them, such as by Thera.

A max-level player equipped with almost best-in-slot gear could kill my goblins with basic attacks. In Thera’s case, she could probably just poke them and they would die. Plus, since they counted as only a single enemy, all she would have to do is poke one of them and they would all die.

“This is a rather pleasant cave you have chosen. I had no idea these hot springs were in here,” Thera said.

“The water feels great. Want to join?”

“I believe I shall. It would only make sense for me to familiarize myself with the dungeon.”

With that being said, Thera removed all of her equipment.

Those huge breasts of hers bounced free now that they were no longer held back by only a cloth wrap crafted and enchanted by herself. Despite not being nearly as perverted as Lily, as far as I knew, Thera sure did design her avatar in a way that would be irresistible to most. While she did have the whole spider half thing going on, being all spider from the hips down while leaving her ass and crotch human, her upper half was undeniably human. The only spider features that she had on her upper half were her six eyes. She had two regular eyes where a human’s eyes would normally go, and then two smaller eyes above each of those. Though, only the left set of eyes was visible as the right side was covered by her hair. Her hair was an exotic shade of red that made her look as deadly as she did beautiful.

Her sharp facial features helped in that regard. Deadly, pointed fangs could be seen whenever her seductive lips parted. They were fangs used in the slaying of many monsters and players alike, but I still wanted to feel them sink into my neck. And her chest – her chest was what would probably make most assume she was playing the game only for the erotic side of it. Lily’s breasts were huge, but Thera’s were even larger with each one being the size of her head if not bigger. Though, because of how large her body was, her breasts did not look disproportionate on her at all. They matched the rest of her body even better than Lily’s did despite being larger.

At her spider half, she had a lower half similar to the body of a black widow. Her waist connected to the front of the cephalothorax where a spider’s head would normally be, and she even kept the pedipalps and fang-tipped chelicerae. Protruding from her cephalothorax were eight legs, four on each side, that were smooth and long. Furthermore, those legs were every bit as deadly as her fangs and daggers. One of the perks of her race was that she could use her legs as stabbing weapons if she ever needed to. Against something like my goblins, her legs would be able to impale them with ease. Against stronger monsters, they would not do nearly as much damage, but they would still assist her if she needed them.

Behind her cephalothorax was her abdomen and its connected spinnerets. While her legs didn’t provide much damage against higher level enemies, the most valuable perk of her class—even more valuable than the powerful venom within her fangs—was her silk. The quality of her silk was affected by whatever the most powerful spider-type enemy she killed was. Given that she killed the strongest known spider enemy in the game, the final boss at the end of an elite dungeon, she could produce daily spider silk comparable to the strongest crafting materials in the game.

Between her business skills, auction manipulating abilities, and a valuable material that she could produce daily for free which less than one hundred others in the game could do, Thera was never left wanting for money.

Now, between all of that, her equipment, skills, and her confidence, she was truly one of the best players in the game. She easily could have gotten into even better guilds if she wanted to, but they were PvE-focused and never paid any attention to PvP. At least the current guild she was in did both.

That confidence of hers was also why she had no problem stripping down around me.

And around Lily.

While Thera approached the center of the water so that she could appropriately sink her larger body into it up to her shoulders, Lily frantically looked back and forth between Thera and myself.

“That’s Thera. She’s a friend,” I explained.

Now, I have never claimed to be perfect.

Even I made the occasional mistake. Including stupid and silly mistakes that should have been extremely obvious.

I had no idea why Lily seemed so panicked.

It was only when she parted her lips to say something that I realized how strange it would be for another woman to come into the room, strip, and enter the water, while I acted like it was no big deal just after I got caught fingering her.

“Shit. Sorry, Lily,” I apologized, moving between Lily and Thera. “Do you have a macro set up to put all your equipment back on at once? You can do it without leaving the water. It’ll dry off after about thirty seconds.”

“It – it is fine, mon maître! I – I am just… surprised! I – I was not expecting anybody, b-but if she is a friend, then—”

A relaxed sigh came from the center of the water.

It was probably the most feminine noise I ever heard come out of Thera’s lips.

“Haah. This water is wonderful. Though, I must admit that the buoyancy this game gives breasts is rather unrealistic. They are not life rafts,” she said, using two of her legs to reach up and push her breasts down.

“Wait, they don’t realistically float that much?” I asked, looking at Lily.

Lily shook her head. “N-not that much.”

“Why not ask me, darling?”

“Didn’t you say you have small boobs in real life?” I asked.

“Small, yes, but I would still know of realistic breast buoyancy. I am not flat. Moving past this topic, I have yet to introduce myself properly. My name is Therdaesi, or as darling likes to call me, Thera. You may call me such as well if you are a friend of his.”

“It – it is nice to meet you, Th-Thera! My name is – umm, my name is Lily. I – I apologize if I do not speak English that well.”

“You speak it more than well enough for us to easily understand you. Foreign speakers have an interesting habit of apologizing for not speaking English well when they tend to perform better than native speakers.”

“You’re not wrong,” I cut in. “The people who are native speakers don’t take it as seriously. They get lazy and forget the rules. When you’re not a native speaker, you have to put a lot more care into learning and maintaining that ability.”

“Yes. Stick to the basics and you will be fine, Lily. So, may I ask how you and my darling met?”

I wanted to answer for Lily, but it was clear who Thera was asking.

To my surprise, Lily honestly answered Thera’s question with just enough detail to give her an idea of what happened without getting too specific.

“I see. Congratulations on being the dungeon’s first intruder and giving darling something better to do than talking about monster sex,” Thera said.

“Trust me, we’ve been doing that, too,” I replied.

“Of course you have.”

“And dinosaur sex.”

“I will not be surprised if this dungeon has dinosaurs in it by the end of the month.”

“The end of the month? Why not the end of the week?”

“Because it will be a challenge for you to find a group to do that content with.”

She had a point. There was a zone and dungeon inside of it both full of dinosaurs and dinosaur-themed monsters. It was always one of my favorite zones, so go figure that it was also one of the least bothered zones. No updates came to it, the difficulty of the content inside of it was unbalanced and too difficult for the rewards that it offered, and there was not a single safe area anywhere in the zone to log out at or to take a break in. Even the player-owned areas there were all but abandoned with the players only occasionally visiting their land to make sure that they wouldn’t automatically lose it.

In other words, actually getting dinosaurs into my dungeon was going to be difficult.

“Your first job as my keeper will be to figure out a plan for acquiring dinosaurs,” I told Thera.

“You would be wise to assign me as your dungeon’s keeper in that case.”

She had a point. She tended to have many good points and few bad points. In fact, there was not a single bad point that I could ever think of her having.

Her intelligence was as overpowered as her combat abilities and her looks.

Opening up the dungeon management window, I went to the empty “Dungeon Keeper” slot and clicked on the “invite” option. Next, of course, I sent that invite to Thera.

A couple of seconds later and that empty slot got filled by her name. A prompt showed up asking for me to assign permissions to her role.

I trusted Thera and knew that she had no interest in screwing people over, so I gave her full permissions to everything that I could. She had permission to do everything but to relinquish the very land that the dungeon was built on.

She could change its name, summon or remove monsters, modify the layout – she was basically a second dungeon master in all but name.

“I receive boons while within the dungeon’s territory? That is simply not fair to those who wish to intrude,” she said.

Once again, she had a point. She was already one of the top player killers. With passive buffs boosting her combat capabilities for as long as she is inside of the dungeon’s territory, anybody but talented PvPers working together would be nothing against her. It was likely that not even the best PvPers in the game could defeat her one-on-one if they fought within the dungeon.

Not only was she a second dungeon master, but she was a second boss even more powerful than the dungeon’s real boss.

And that was exactly what I needed her for the most.

It would only be a matter of time before players not interested in having any fun wished to destroy and kill everything and everybody inside of my dungeon. Thera would put a quick stop to all but the greatest threats. For the greatest threats, I’d need to prepare the dungeon and its monsters for that.

“Interesting,” Thera said. “There are plenty of options for me to use here.” She must have been looking through the dungeon options. “I will have to research the meta to ensure that we do not make any mistakes.”

“There you go again about the meta.”

“You wish for a prosperous dungeon, do you not? You may not worrying about what is meta and what is not, hence why I will not advise you to research it, but I do enjoy such matters. That is why I will make sure that this dungeon is prepared to survive the worst that is thrown at it.”

“I know you’re right, but I still don’t like it.”

“A man who admits he is wrong while disliking it is much more entertaining than a man who enjoys being wrong.”

“You’ve got some weird kinks, Thera.”

“I do not want to hear that from you.”

Next to me, Lily giggled.

“You two – you are both like siblings,” Lily said.

Thera and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

Speaking of Thera’s eyebrows, she only had them above her “main” eyes. Her extra eyes did not have any additional eyebrows. That would have looked extremely silly.

Back to being like siblings, neither of us understood how.

“Truthfully, I would rather not be compared to a sibling of his,” Thera said. “Such a thought is… off-putting.”

“Come on, Thera. The family that sleeps together stays together.”

“It – it is not incest, it is wincest,” Lily joked and then laughed at her own joke.

She acted so embarrassed at first, both around me and then around Thera, but she was quick to warm up to us.

Maybe it helped that me and Thera were both so casual about everything. Even if Thera wasn’t as much of a degenerate pervert as Lily and I were, she was never judgmental, offensive, nor impolite. She was, to the surprise of many, a very kind spider for how much of a ruthless killer she was in-game.

The ruthless killer decided it was time for a change of subject.

It was safe for us to assume that incest wasn’t a kink of hers.

“Darling, a certain tank of the floor already misses you. Will you be accompanying the run tonight?”

“What time are you heading off?” I asked Lily.

“A-ah, umm… I should – I should probably go to sleep soon. An hour or two?”

“What time is the run at?” I asked Thera.

“That will be four hours from now.”

“Then yeah, I’ll attend.”

“Already making plans around her, are you? You did not waste any time bending yourself around her finger.”

“What can I say? Wrapping around girls’ fingers is my fetish.”

“I – I! I-if anything, I – I am the one wrapped around mon maître’s finger!”

Thera cocked her head and smile at Lily’s explanation. “Darling does have that effect, does he not?”

“Sounds like this is a good build up to a threesome,” I proposed.

Unfortunately, it was not meant to be.

Thera wouldn’t allow that yet.

“You know the deal, darling. Not until you are able to defeat me in a duel.”

“That’s going to be never.”

“Then I suppose that you will never taste that which you crave so.”

“Lily, I’m being bullied,” I playfully whined.

Something that always bothered me when it came to dominants was that they maintained the whole “dominant” thing at all times of every day. So many thought that being a proper “dominant” meant pretending to be a stereotypical “alpha male” who never showed emotions around girls, always being serious, and so on.

I hated that. If I wanted to be playful and act like a kid sometimes, then I would. If I wanted to open up and just be myself, then I would.

I wasn’t so insecure in my masculinity that I had to pretend to be somebody who I wasn’t at all times. While I did occasionally play up the dominance and macho masculinity thing for sex, there was no point in that outside of sex.

“Are you a boy or a man, darling?”

“He – he is mon maître.”

Thera might have continued bullying me, but at least Lily played along and comforted me by patting the top of my head as I leaned against her.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W.

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