Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 4: Chapter 7: Cold Revenge.

This novel is available to purchase digitally on Amazon. Vol. 1: Here Vol. 2: Here Vol. 3: Here Vol. 4: Here 

Chapter 7: Cold Revenge.

*Erika’s POV*

Due to our little, how should I say it? Fun… at the casino, we decided to stay at the spa for the next few days. Not even bothering to go outside of our rooms the entire time.

According to Liuka, we should technically be fine to go out. Everyone who witnessed what happened at the casino would be bought off. So we wouldn’t be wanted or hated at all.

It’s just that, there really wasn’t anything for us to do in this city. I ended up playing a co-op game on my handheld game console with Liuka and Ria. Luckily, I had multiple of the game, and the console stored within my inventory.

Yes. I am that type of rich person. The kind that has 100 backup phones, that would switch to a new one if they broke their current one. Sue me. I can easily afford any kind of lawsuit.

Ria: “You know, I’ve never played video games before. Erika, I think that you have made me addicted to them.” Ria said with a laugh.

Erika: “Oops?” I say with a head tilt.

Liuka: “Could you two, like, not flirt when I am in the room? It’s very annoying.” She said with a sigh.

Erika: “You only find it annoying because you don’t have a wife yourself.” I say with a smug tone.

Liuka: “Yeah? Good job figuring that out, fucking Sherlock.” Liuka replied with an annoyed tone.

Erika: “Aw, are you upset? I’ll give you a legendary item ingame, so you’ll be happy again.” I reply with a giggle.

Liuka: “I’ll take you up on that offer!” Liuka replied with an excited tone.

Yes. My stupidly high Luck Stat even helps me while playing games. I remember that there were multiple MMOs that accused me of cheating. Since I would get drops that had a once-in-a-billion chance to drop.

They were never able to prove anything, and I even got free shit for being falsely accused of cheating. Sure, I am technically cheating, but I never sold the items that dropped for me. So the economy of the game wasn’t affected at all. Nor did I use them for PVP.

Yeah. I know. I am weird. I always solo MMOs. So player to/with player content is something I never bother to engage with. One would say that playing MMOs solo is the wrong way to play. I say that you should play a game in any way you want.

We ended up playing the game all morning. I think that it’s about time that we go and deal with Liuka’s plan to get revenge. That’s funny… play video games all morning, and then go kill someone just to get revenge…

Erika: “Liuka, hasn’t it been long enough? Surely, we can go get that last crystal.” I ask.

Liuka: “The rumors should have spread by now. So, yeah, we should head off now.” Liuka replied after thinking for a bit.

Ria: “Would you two prefer to walk, or should I just teleport us there?” Ria proposed.

Liuka: “I’ll opt for teleporting.” Liuka said with a raised hand.

Erika: “Me as well. Though, Ria, could you take us back to my home dimension? You did say that you can come and go as you please.” I ask with a curious tone.

Ria: “I can enter your dimension, even though it is currently locked off. But if I tried to take you two with me, you’d be ripped to shreds. That goes for your bodies and your souls.” Ria replied with a nonchalant tone.

Liuka: “I vote for NOT getting torn to shreds.” Liuka said with a nervous tone.

What? Did she think that I would opt for getting torn to shreds? Silly girl. Though, silly girls are cute as well.

Ria didn’t have to hold on to us for the teleportation. She just snapped her fingers, and then the next millisecond, we were standing in front of a dungeon.

Liuka: “Yup. This is the place. Good job, Ria!” Liuka said with a thumbs up.

Ria: “As my wife has said before, your respect and praise does feel quite nice.” Ria said with a giggle.

Erika: “Liuka, are you sure about this?” I ask with a serious tone.

Liuka: “About what? Revenge? Yes. I am absolutely sure.” Liuka replied with a serious tone.

She said that without even batting an eye. This wasn’t something that I could convince her not to do. Not like I would.

Erika: “I won’t stop you from getting revenge. Just remember that getting revenge, won’t make you feel any better. It may even make you feel worse.” I say with a warm tone.

Liuka: “I know. But even so, that won’t stop me from killing him.” She said with an assured tone.

Erika: “Alright. What is our plan?” I ask.

Liuka: “Plan? Just kill everyone.” Liuka answered with a nonchalant tone.

Ria: “I don’t mind that plan.” Ria replied with a thumbs up.

Erika: “Wait… kill them all? Surely they can’t all be bad people, right?” I ask with a nervous tone.

Liuka: “All bad. Bandits, slavers, rapists, you name it. That group you killed before, was a group that split off from this dungeon city. Trust me, people will thank you for killing them. Even better for you, Erika, the blatant misandrist, there are only men living in this dungeon.” Liuka explained with a cheeky tone.

Ouch! That one stung… Surely I am not a complete misandrist, right? I mean, I have spared men before… and it’s not like I hate men without any reason. I’ll only admit to slightly being a misandrist. I say with a pout in my own head.

Erika: “It was the same at the one dungeon that I went to… why is that?” I ask with a curious tone.

Liuka: “No one knows why, but in this dimension, women are seldom born. Which started when this world froze. As such, females are extremely valuable and are treated with great respect. This isn’t a completely female-dominated world, but some men are left without any way to live. Because of that, they turn to banditry. Women are always in positions of comfort. So they have no reason to turn to such a shitty way of living.” Liuka explained quickly.

Ria: “Erika, she is completely right. And do not worry, I’ve glanced at all of the souls in this dungeon, none are worth your mercy or pity.” Ria said with a serious tone.

Erika: “Justifiable slaughter? Oh boy, my favorite!” I say with a joking tone.

Entering the dungeon, it took us walking for twenty minutes to find the entrance to the city. The guards, if you could call them that, since they looked rugged as all hell, didn’t even get a chance to scream before we ended their lives.

And then my second… I guess, my third slaughter, of this dimension, finally began. Though I did give Liuka a ton of benefits, I was still worried about her getting hurt.

So I asked Ria to protect her. At first, she was reluctant. Saying that she would only protect my wives and me, and my daughters. But she agreed to protect Liuka when I told her that I already considered Liuka my daughter. Of course, I didn’t let Liuka hear that.

Though she pouted about it, she was clearly happy that Ria was protecting her. Ria didn’t even let blood make its way onto Liuka. I underestimated Ria, though she wasn’t protecting me, she somehow prevented any blood or gore from reaching me as well.

Honestly, we got kinda bored. None of these people could be considered even decent fighters. A lot of them tried to run away. Which we let them. There was an extreme blizzard raging outside. Even if we didn’t kill them, nature would.

After the slaughter went on for two hours, those still left alive, either fled, or were just wordlessly kneeling on the ground. Probably hoping for a swift death. Which we gave them.

The leader of the group finally came out. Liuka, having served in the military, had no need for a final discussion with her brother’s killer. She just killed him, without even giving him a chance to speak.

He came out of a rugged building with the crystal in hand. Probably to bargain for his safety with it. Well, that clearly failed. With the last crystal in hand, Ria took out the rest of them from her inventory, and Liuka took out hers. Then they all combined in a very pretty light show.

Ria: “Okay. Now, unfortunately, I cannot teleport us to our last destination.” Ria said.

Erika: “Why not?” I ask.

Ria: “There was a barrier that goes on for miles. The only way to enter the barrier was to have the full combined crystal. I can teleport us only to the edge of it. Ah, don’t get me wrong, I can teleport into it myself, but you two would end up dying from it.” Ria replied with a slightly remorseful tone.

Liuka: “That’s fine. A few miles walk isn’t that bad. Especially considering how much walking you have already saved us. By the way you two, thanks for helping me get revenge.” Liuka said with a smile.

Erika: “No problem. Now, Ria, please teleport us.” I ask with a smile.

Ria: “Right away, dear.” Ria replied with a smile of her own.

The next second, we were standing in front of a huge red barrier. Ria took the crystal and pushed it to the barrier, then the barrier disappeared completely.

The blizzard was still going strong, so walking would be a major ordeal. Or it would have. But, too bad for nature, we were stupidly overpowered. Ria, in some way I have no idea how, she just made an odd barrier around us. Which completely shielded us from the elements without any gap at all. It also seemingly had its own air conditioning, so I didn’t have to make a fireball to keep us warm at all.

As you would expect from a snowy wasteland, there really wasn’t much to see or talk about. After walking for an hour, Liuka said that she was tired. Which I understood, we did kill like, a few thousand people after all. That would tire out just about everyone.

I picked her up into a princess carry. And then I told her that she could just sleep until we make it to our final destination. She did cutely struggle with embarrassment at first. But she quickly realized that my intentions were to help and pamper her like a parent would with their daughter.

Then after pouting for ten minutes, and with the warmth from Ria’s barrier, Liuka cutely fell asleep in my arms. She is similar to Petra. With the main difference being that she has lived for a very long time.

I slightly doubt that she would accept or admit to being my daughter. It won’t stop me from treating her like it, though. So far, she hasn’t shown any hate or dislike for how I treat her.

I’ll stop treating her like my daughter the very second that she does. Though, I also highly doubt that she ever will. I did not know her in my first life but considering that she threw away her life completely, and spent it wasting away in a black ops unit like me, I can only assume that she didn’t have a good life starting out.

At least until she says otherwise, I will try to give her the life that she deserves. Regardless of what kind of life it is, I will do my best to give it to her.

Ria: “Seeing how well you treat someone you just accepted as your daughter, I am very grateful to now know that you most likely treat your other daughters the same, or even better than this. I’m glad that my decision to leave Eri with you wasn’t one I ended up regretting.” Ria said with a warm tone.

Erika: “I am grateful to you as well.” I say with a big smile.

Ria: “Oh? And why is that?” Ria asked with a curious tone.

Erika: “Because you gave me Eri, and as a byproduct, gave me Petra as well. I never realized how happy being a mother would make me. And I have you to thank for that. It’s something that I can never repay you for. Though, that won’t stop me from trying to do so.” I reply with a warm laugh.

I kept on walking but soon stopped. I realized that Ria had stopped walking with us. I looked back at her, and there were tears flowing down her cute face. I wanted to run up to her and give her a hug, but my arms were currently being used to hold up Liuka.

I am not that shitty of a person to drop my own sleeping daughter…

Instead, I walked up to her and gave her a kiss on her lips. Our kiss was long and sweet. I wanted to do more for her, but this was the only way that I could console her at the moment. After the kiss, she leaned her head into my shoulder for a few minutes before she calmed down.

Ria: “I am sorry for acting like that. I didn’t realize how happy hearing you say those words would make me. So I ended up being overwhelmed by happiness.” Ria said with a slightly embarrassed tone.

Erika: “It’s fine. I found your reaction to be quite cute if I am being honest.” I say with a small laugh.

Yeah, the fact that I could get an all-powerful and beautiful Outer Goddess to cry from just my words, it’s truly something special. I will remember this moment forever!

During the time we were flirting, Liuka was still sleeping like a baby. After walking for a few more hours, we arrived at a giant frozen tree. In front of it, was an entrance to the inside of the tree. Since this was clearly the end of the road, I woke Liuka up from her peaceful slumber.

Liuka: “Five… five more minutes, mom.” Liuka said with a yawn before I put her down.

Erika: “Mom? Is it me, or Ria that is your mother?” I ask with a smug tone.

Liuka: “The number of things that you have to keep secret for me, just keeps piling up, and up…” Liuka said with an embarrassed sigh.

Ria: “So it seems. Now, we are at the end of our little trip in this dimension.” Ria said while pointing out the giant tree to Liuka.

Liuka: “Good lord, that tree is massive! Are we really going inside of it?” Liuka asked with a nervous tone.

Erika: “You do want to leave this dimension, right?” I ask.

Liuka: “I do… but this tree gives off really bad vibes.” Liuka replied.

Ria: “It does, but do you really think that there will be any problem when Erika and I will be going with you?” Ria asked with a giggle.

Liuka: “Ah, that’s right. It slipped my mind that you two are stupidly powerful. Forget that I said anything, let’s just finish Erika’s task.” Liuka said with another sigh.

Erika: “I expect that there will be some resistance. This dimension seems to want to fight us from unfreezing it.” I say with a serious tone.

Ria: “It’s fine, I already know who is responsible for it.” Ria replied.

Liuka: “Huh? Who?” Liuka asked with a curious tone.

Ria: “A fallen God. One who went against me once, and paid the price for it. I thought that he had died. Instead, it seems that he managed to hide in this dimension. And he has been slowly regaining his strength. He is an ice God, which is why this dimension was frozen.” Ria explained with a serious tone.

Erika: “Will he be a problem to kill?” I ask.

Ria: “No. Even if I don’t help you out, Erika, you would be easily able to deal with him. Without Liuka’s help as well, of course.” Ria replied with an assured tone.

With Ria reassuring us, we made our way into the giant tree. Once inside, it was oddly fleshy… Walking for a few minutes, we came to the heart of the tree.

Where the heart of the tree would be, was instead a man. I guess that this crystal that we repaired was the real heart, and this God had switched places with it. Which would explain why he tried to stop us at every turn. Without Ria’s help getting the rest of the crystals, it might have taken us a decent while to obtain them all.

Ah, I am so thankful for my wonderful wife!

???: “Endyria… so you followed me all the way here. I must be quite the eyesore, for you to come all the way here, just to kill me.” The man said with a smug tone.

Ria: “Oh? That is not the case at all. I have only come here on behalf of my wife. You being one of the obstacles that she must destroy, is merely a coincidence. Do you truly think that you are worthy of my attention? What foolishness!” Ria replied with a tone of mockery.

???: “…”

Liuka: “What she said!” Liuka said with a smug tone.

Erika: “Right. Can we just skip to the part where we kill you?” I ask with a bored tone.

???: “Foolish girl. I do not know where your confidence comes from. If it comes from Endyria being by your side, I would understand. But know this, you aren’t important enough to her for her to bother to protect you. Now, you two can die!” He said with an arrogant tone after detaching himself from the tree.

He began to walk toward us, and he made a sword appear out of nowhere. I was excited, I have never fought a God before. My excitement was short-lived. Why? Because the very next second after he got his weapon out, he disappeared completely.

I was worried that he had some type of invisibility magic, but then I looked at Ria, and then I knew the reason for the God’s disappearance.

Erika: “Can I ask why you killed him? I was sure that I could easily kill him. Ria, weren’t you also sure of that?” I ask with a confused tone.

Ria: “I…” Ria said, not being able to look me in the eye.

Liuka: “Wait! Did she kill him? I was prepared for a fight and everything…” She said with a defeated tone.

Ria: “Look… Erika, when he said that I didn’t care about you, the world went red, and I killed him before I even realized what I had done.” Ria said with a remorseful tone.

Oh? Did I accidentally wife another yandere? Oh well, she is cute, so she is forgiven. As all cute girls should be. Have I said this before?… Oh well, it’s the truth after all.

Erika: “Really? Oh well, let’s just put this crystal back where it belongs.” I say with a shrug.

Liuka: “Man… I was hoping for a fight.” Liuka said with a sigh.

Erika: “Would you rather fight, or go to a modern dimension where you can have air conditioning?” I ask with a cheeky tone.

Liuka: “Modern dimension all the way! Plug that crystal into the tree already!” Liuka demanded with an excited tone.

And I did just that. Once the crystal was placed back into the tree, there was a flash of light. And the dead flesh of the tree turned a healthy red, and it started pulsating. Which was kinda creepy, if I am being honest. We wanted nothing more than to get out of this tree.

As such, we booked it out of the tree with gusto. Once outside, the frozen world had quickly turned lush and green. And it was now in a new flourishing era. Ah, truly this world is in for a rude awakening. Not that we care.

Look, we’re going to leave, so whatever wars and whatnot, that happens after we leave, isn’t our problem. We solved the stupid frost, the rest is up to them. If they wanted more help, they should have paid me for it. And I actually won’t even give them the chance to do so.

I got a notification that I had completed the task, and I was rewarded with 100 XXX+ Grade Monster Cores. Taking one out of my inventory, I took a bite out of it. And damn… these taste fucking amazing!

The one I ate was red and it tasted like a watermelon. So good! Ah… I might not even use these Monster Cores to increase my Stats, and just eat them all instead…

Liuka: “Did you just eat a fucking Monster Core!? Why am I even surprised?…” Liuka said while rubbing her head.

Erika: “Yeah, you should have given up on understanding me by this point. Now then, shall we head back?” I ask.

Ria: “I am ready when you two are.” Ria replied.

Liuka: “Ah, I can finally get out of this backwater bullshit fantasy dimension. I’m excited!” Liuka said with a happy tone.

I took both of them by their hands and accepted the prompt to return. When we arrived back in Mika and Rie’s dimension, the two love birds were intensely kissing each other on the couch. Mika was the first to notice us. She tried to get Rie to stop, but it seems like the more she tried to get her to end the kiss, the more intensely Rie kissed her.

Rie had lipstick on and there were kiss marks all over Mika. Their clothes were also disheveled. Ah, I do this with my wives sometimes as well. Putting lipstick on just to be able to leave marks on their bodies…

I’ll be honest, this was quite an arousing scene. One that I was tempted to just sit and watch with a smile on my face, but unfortunately, I have my wife and newly adopted daughter watching this NSFW scene play out.

Ria didn’t seem to mind this scene, while Liuka had long since looked away from the two love birds going at it with gusto.

Ria: “…”

Liuka: “…”

Erika: “Rie, I have returned. Please, I beg of you to release your mouth from your wives, before this gets even more awkward…” I say after faking a cough.

Rie: “Huh?…” Rie replied with a shocked tone after separating her mouth from Mika’s lips.

Her reaction caused me to laugh. It was even funnier since a trail of saliva followed her lips as she parted from her wife. A fact that made both Mika and Rie quite embarrassed.

Rie: “Um… could you not have knocked?” She asked with a sigh.

Erika: “Huh? No. We teleported back here. We didn’t really have a chance to knock. Usually, I reappear where I last left. Why we ended up in the living room, I honestly have no idea.” I reply with a remorseful tone.

I actually did have an idea of why this happened. Ria didn’t speak, but she was all smiles the entire time. I’m guessing that she was the one who changed our location to the living room, instead of the guest bedroom. She did it probably to get me in the mood…

I can’t have sex in someone else’s house, though… Maybe she did it just to tease me then? How the mind of an Outer Goddess works, is beyond me. A cute mind it is regardless.

Mika: “Anyway, how was your trip? And who might these two be?” Mika asked after putting her clothes back in order, and trying to wipe away the lipstick marks from her body.

I felt pity for the two, so I used cleaning magic on them.

Erika: “This is Ria, one of my wives. And the fox girl is one of my daughters. Her name is Liuka.” I answer with a smile.

Ria: “Yes. I am happily married to Erika.” Ria said with a smile.

Liuka: “Daughter? I guess that’s true.” Liuka said after thinking for a bit.

I was glad that she didn’t resist being called my daughter. In fact, it made me quite happy. I wonder if Eri and Petra will be excited that I will be giving them a new sister, and a new mother? Ah, I can’t wait to tell them the good news!

Rie: “You came back with a wife and a daughter? Mika, I would say that her trip was pretty successful.” Rie said with a laugh.

Mika: “So it would seem. Erika, will you be staying here, or will you be leaving once again?” Mika asked.

Erika: “Could I please ask you two to take care of Liuka while I am gone? Sitting around without my wives around me would drive me insane. So I plan to go to a different dimension right away. Liuka is an adult, so I doubt that you would have to do much for her.” I ask with a serious tone.

Rie: “We can house her, don’t worry. But what about her ears and tail? It would be hard for her to go out while looking like an anime character…” Rie replied.

Mika: “I think that it should be fine. If anything, she just looks like a cosplayer.” Mika said with a giggle.

Liuka: “That’s true. I doubt that anyone would actually think that I was a real fox girl. Besides, even if someone tried to give me any trouble, I am pretty strong.” Liuka said with a confident tone.

With that, I gave Liuka “some” spending money, and went off to my room with Ria. I mean, even the ultra-rich wouldn’t give their children a few hundred million USD for spending money. I knew that she was most likely going to blow a huge chunk of it on gambling as well… I am an all-new class of wealthy, it seems.

Ria: “Did you have any dimension that you wish to do tasks in?” Ria asked.

Erika: “No. I was thinking that we could go on some dates in different dimensions.” I reply while holding her hand.

Currently, Ria and I were lying down on the bed. Just cuddling. You know, normal lover stuff. I didn’t really want to work anymore. I feel like I have done really everything that I could do at this point. Though I couldn’t see my other wives at the moment, I could still spend time with Ria.

As a new wife, she is obligated to get more of my time. At least, that is the excuse that I will be giving my other wives. It should work… hopefully.

Ria: “That sounds amazing! Though, why don’t we just go to my home dimension to have dates instead?” Ria asked.

Erika: “Oh? Your home? What’s it like?” I ask with a curious tone.

Ria: “Hmm… it’s best described as a dimension that is maintained by other Outer Goddesses. Basically, I want to go brag to them about you.” Ria said with an embarrassed tone.

Erika: “I don’t mind but, only Outer Goddesses? Are there no Outer Gods living in your dimension?” I ask.

Ria: “That is correct. You see, I do not like males, and that dimension was of my creation. As such, only powerful beings that happen to be female are allowed in it. Though, males still exist in it.” Ria explained.

Erika: “I see. Alright then, let’s go!” I reply with an excited tone.

Though she didn’t need physical contact to teleport with someone, Ria still softly grabbed my hand, and we were teleported to her dimension. I’ll admit, the sight that welcomed me was extremely surprising. It wasn’t at all what I expected her dimension to look like…

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