Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 355 Black Bear Musk Selling for Money

After bringing Lai Fu back from Hongfeng Mountain, he lived in Xiongba's doghouse.

Xiongba's doghouse was the most luxurious and largest in the yard. It looked like a small house specially built by Lin Heng. It was spacious enough to accommodate two big dogs, so Lai Fu used it as a delivery room.

Anyway, it was also for Xiongba to give birth to puppies, and it wouldn't freeze if it lived outside for a few days.

All the dogs in the family had a place to live, and they went to the toilet in the vegetable garden. They were not allowed to poop on the stone slabs. Lin Heng trained them since they were young.

When Lin Heng found it, he saw a little puppy wrapped in a placenta with white and warm gray hair. Lai Fu had already bitten off its umbilical cord and was licking it off.

Lin Heng took a look and quickly turned back to the house, put down his things, took out some fishy meat that he had removed from the roe deer head yesterday, and added some milk to heat it.

Xiulan looked at his actions and asked curiously: "Did Lai Fu give birth?"

"Yes, one has been born, and the second one is being produced." Lin Heng nodded.

When Xiaoxia heard this, she stopped playing with her toys and stood up and cheered: "Laifu has given birth to a puppy. I want to go and see it!"

Xiulan immediately stopped her seriously: "You are not allowed to go. Laifu can't be frightened when he gives birth to a puppy. You can go and see it after he gives birth."


Xiaoxia saw her mother's stern expression and could only agree weakly. She sat down and looked at Lin Heng.

"Listen to your mother." Lin Heng said, and took a small bowl of milk to replenish Laifu's energy.

At this time, it gave birth to the second puppy. The hair was mostly white, with a blue-black hair on the back and head, which looked a bit like the hair color of wolves and huskies.

It was also a bit like Xiongba, but Xiongba had yellow hair and black hair on his back and part of his head.

Then he took Xiaoxia and Xiulan to watch from a distance, and then they went back to the house, and he went to send some braised meat to his parents and eldest brother.

We were supposed to have hot pot today, but we have to cancel it and find a suitable day to eat it next time.

"Brother, you have to leave me one of the dogs you gave birth to this time." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"No problem, I'm not going to give the dogs away this time, I'll keep them all myself."

Lin Heng nodded.

There is no farm work on Hongfeng Mountain recently, so both Lin's father and mother are idle. Lin's father is doing carpentry work, and Lin's mother is chatting with him next to him.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Lin Heng looked at his father and asked.

Lin's father looked up and said, "Making a cradle. Xiulan needs a cradle when she gives birth to twins. I'm trying to make one."

"Thank you, Dad. You can also make a pushchair. I'll buy two wheels when the time comes." Lin Heng took out the braised meat and said.

He was going to buy these things directly. It's also good for Lin's father to make them by hand. Solid wood and bamboo are safer, and there is no risk of excessive harmful substances such as formaldehyde.

Mother Lin took the braised meat, and Father Lin asked curiously: "What does a push-able baby carriage look like?"

"I'll draw you a rough drawing." Lin Heng went to the side to find a piece of paper, drew a rough sketch, and explained it to his father.

Father Lin said: "I understand, isn't this just a push-able cradle, it just has an extra handle and wheels."

"Almost." Lin Heng nodded.

"Then I'll try to make one." Father Lin nodded.

Lin Heng nodded and chatted with his mother again, telling her about braised dishes and Lai Fu's birth.

When Mother Lin heard that he was going to keep all the dogs born this time, she didn't agree, thinking that two dogs would be enough, and more would be troublesome and waste food.

If someone was bitten by accident, they would have to be treated.

Lin Heng naturally didn't listen to his mother. Having too many dogs is harmful, but it is also a kind of guarantee.

Especially since he was not at ease with the current environment, it would be safer to have more dogs at home.

As long as the control and training are good, all those worries of his mother will not be a problem.

After delivering the braised meat, Lin Heng hurried back home. It was too cold outside in winter and his hands and feet were cold after walking for a while.

The sky has been particularly dark and gloomy these two days, and the ground has been dry for a long time. Lin Heng estimated that the first snow of this year is coming soon.

Back in the yard, Lai Fu gave birth to two more puppies, and it is still continuing.

One of the two puppies is pure white, and the other has yellow hair and a black hair on its back. It is the most like Xiongba so far.

There are many genes controlling the hair of dogs. Even the offspring born by two black dogs may be of multiple colors.

"It will probably take until tomorrow morning to finish. Dogs give birth very slowly. You can take the meat cooked with milk and eat it."

Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said.

"That's what I thought too." Lin Heng nodded, and took the minced meat of roe deer head cooked with milk and fed it to Lai Fu, causing Xiongba to lick his tongue with envy.

After feeding Lai Fu, Lin Heng also blocked the door of the dog house with wooden boards, so that the wind would not blow in and the insulation effect would be better.

Lin Heng walked into the house and looked at Xiulan and said, "Wife, why don't we go to the city in the next two days? I'm afraid it will snow in a few days and we won't be able to go."

He didn't like the city either, but having a baby is a big deal, so it's safer to go to the city.

Xiulan thought for a while and said, "I can do it, it depends on you."

"Then let's pack up tomorrow and go down the day after tomorrow." Lin Heng decided.

"Okay, I'll pack the clothes later." Xiulan nodded.

When Caiyun came back in the evening, Lin Heng called her over and made some braised pork to eat, and some noodles as the staple food.

The braised pork is rich in flavor, and it tastes even better when dipped in a little vinegar soup. This kind of dish is usually only made by wealthy people during the Chinese New Year because the marinade is not cheap.

We could only eat it once in a few years, but now we can eat braised vegetables freely, and we feel happy from the bottom of our hearts. Every time we eat, we will savor it carefully and feel the hard-won deliciousness.

In the blink of an eye, it was early the next morning. The first thing Lin Heng did when he got up early was to check on Laifu. As soon as he got close, he heard a squealing sound.

When he opened the wooden board at the door of the dog house, he saw Laifu sticking out his tongue at him. Under his belly, six puppies were neatly arranged to grab milk. They closed their eyes tightly and let out a squealing sound.

There are six puppies, only one is pure white, two have yellow and black hair, two have white and gray hair, and one has white and black hair.

The one with yellow and black hair looks like a bull, the white and gray one and the white and black one are also good, they look like little wolf cubs, but this white puppy is surprising.

None of these puppies have opened their eyes yet, and all that can be seen is that the one with white and black hair is the largest and the most mobile. The other ones are all about the same size, so no difference can be seen.

"As long as it's safe." Lin Heng touched Laifu and returned to the house with the door of the dog house ajar.

Xiulan had just finished getting dressed when she saw Lin Heng coming in and asked out of curiosity: "How many puppies have been laid in Laifu?"

"Six..." Lin Heng gave the approximate colors.

Xiulan smiled and said: "That's not bad."

After helping Xiulan get up, Lin Heng called Xiaoxia again. She originally wanted to stay in bed, but when she heard Lin Heng said that Laifu had given birth to six dogs, she immediately became energetic: "I want to see the puppies. ”

After she got dressed, she was about to run over, but Lin Heng held her and washed her face and hands before she went over. Lin Heng allowed her to look, but was not allowed to touch her now.

In this way, she kept her eyes on the puppy even when she was exercising, and she especially liked the distinctive little white dog.

For breakfast, they made some stewed vegetables, including roe deer liver and roe deer intestines. They also boiled a yam to make yam puree and drank milk.

Nowadays, the young cows have been completely weaned, and the milk produced by the cows is endless. Not only is it often used to make milk powder, yogurt and cheese, it is also used to feed dogs.

From time to time I would give some away.

After breakfast, Lin Heng packed up things under Xiulan's guidance, bringing only a few clothes, as well as clothes and diapers that Xiulan had made for the baby in her belly.

Finally, I plan to take some roe deer meat and braised vegetables with me, but not the rest.

After packing his things, Lin Heng went to discuss it with his parents first. After they left, he left it to his parents to take care of. Xiongba took him with him while Laifu stayed here.

"We are definitely fine. You just need to discuss it." Lin's father nodded and said, Lin Heng and his wife should just feel good about these things.

Lin Heng said: "Okay, I'll pack my things today, get up and have breakfast and set off tomorrow morning."

After returning home, Lin Heng called his eldest brother to talk about the matter again. After finishing it, he called his parents and his eldest brother's family over for a meal of roe deer meat hot pot in the evening.

The frozen roe deer meat is cut into thin slices and cooked in a hot pot. It is served with dipping sauces made of sesame sauce, garlic vinegar and other spices. You can feel the sublimation of your soul as soon as you eat it.

The flavor of roe deer meat hot pot is richer than that of mutton and beef. This is different from animals that often move in the wild and those raised by people. So much so that everyone stopped talking while eating and just engrossed themselves in eating. The two nephews and Xiaoxia were all like this.

After the prosperous hot pot meal was over, Lin Heng cleaned the inside and outside of the house, tidying up what should be cleaned and storing what should be stored.

After finishing it, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and the two of them briefly checked things.

"We can't make dried meat. We have to wait until the time comes to make it." Xiulan said sadly.

Lin Heng said with a smile: "This is okay, let's take some of it and do it down there. We can buy some small tools down there and we can do it as well, but it's not as convenient as above."

"Well, let's take a rest quickly." Xiulan looked at him and said.

Early the next morning, their parents came over just after they finished breakfast. Lin Heng told them what they needed to pay attention to in the house, especially emphasizing that they should feed Laifu better and not always feed leftovers.

After he finished, he agreed to take the goods to the city to sell. He might have to make two trips today, and then his elder brother would come to help with the goods.

After the discussion, Xiulan Xiaoxia was put on thick clothes and got on the tricycle. Xiulan sat in the carriage on the left side, with luggage tied behind her and Xiongba lying at her feet.

Xiaoxia was sandwiched between Lin Heng and her eldest brother to prevent the strong wind from catching her cold.

"Be safe when you go down, and don't argue with others when you go out." Lin's father looked at Lin Heng and said.

Mother Lin said: "You must bring my two grandsons or granddaughters back safely, and nothing happens to Xiulan, otherwise you will have something to eat."

Lin Heng waved his hand: "I know."

Finally, the two warned Xiulan worriedly before letting them leave.

Because he was carrying a pregnant woman who was about to give birth, Lin Heng did not dare to drive so fast that the car would bump. He set off at eight in the morning and it was already half past noon when he got off. He stopped and stopped along the way and did not dare to rush past any small holes.

Bian Sanlun finally stopped in front of the staff compound of a hospital. Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and wondered, "Didn't you say you were going to the factory? Why are you here?"

Lin Heng explained: "That place is too far from the central hospital. This place is only about 500 meters away. It is convenient for shopping and safer. I rented it specially."

He spent a lot of effort to rent the vacant house in this place.

"Okay then." Xiulan nodded and agreed.

"It's okay if you want to go there. I'll take you there in two days." Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said.

The house is a 100-square-meter house with two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. It has all the basic furniture. Lin Heng took Xiulan, Xiaoxia and Xiongba in, and then went with his eldest brother to move some of the things he brought down.

After moving the things, he went to buy some basic daily necessities and food and vegetables.

It took two hours to completely clean up the house, and then Lin Heng took his eldest brother to the restaurants he had established relationships with before to ask them if they wanted bear meat and bear paws.

The bear paws were quickly booked out, and Lin Heng sold them all at 100 yuan each. The price of bear meat is 3 yuan per catty. Bear heart and bear whip are more expensive, but Lin Heng did not choose to sell them.

There is no need to find someone to sell bear bile and bear skin, just sell them directly in the state-owned store.

Originally, we planned to make another trip, but because we didn't have enough time, we had to let our eldest brother stay here for one night.

The next morning, Lin Heng and his eldest brother got up early and drove back. Xiaoxia was reluctant to leave in the unfamiliar environment, so she played alone with the tied Xiongba after he left.

After returning to the village, Lin Heng and his eldest brother packed the things they were going to sell and transported them to the city for sale.

The first place they went to was the state-owned store, where they sold bear skin, bear bile and musk. The bear skin was sold for a full 600 yuan, which was equivalent to the price of a cow.

The bear bile weighed 52 grams, and it was sold for a full 2,080 yuan at 40 yuan per gram.

The musk was taken from the two male musk deer in his family by Lin Heng. He took it when they were in heat in December and never sold it.

Now the female musk deer is pregnant with the baby of the lame male musk deer, and it will be born in May or June next year.

Musk was sold for a total of 1,800 yuan. Because it is a live musk deer, it is not as clean as a dead musk deer, so only so much was sold. The advantage is that it can be sold every year.

The four bear paws were sold for another 400 yuan. Lin Heng sold 100 kilograms of bear meat for 300 yuan, and kept more than 80 kilograms for himself.

Among them, the bear gall, bear skin, and bear paws were shared. The eldest brother Lin Yue took a quarter, and the rest were all Lin Heng's private property.

These shared ones were sold for 3,080 yuan, Lin Heng took 2,300 yuan, and the eldest brother took 770 yuan. After getting the money, Lin Heng gave the eldest brother a share of the money on the spot.

This is what he deserves. If the eldest brother hadn't tracked the yellow muntjac to that strange place, they wouldn't have been able to kill the black bear.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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